[GNC] Export Transactions to CSV - Exclude Assets entry

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Sat May 4 09:14:43 EDT 2024

Hi all,

I'd like to apologize for my silly question from yesterday.

The problem was that the option to export with the "simple layout" was
unchecked without me realizing. I won't make that mistake again :)


Wesley Werner

On Fri, 3 May 2024 at 18:58, Wesley Werner <wesley.werner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I recently upgraded to GnuCash 5.6, when I export all transactions to CSV
> it writes both sides to the file, where before it only wrote the side of
> the account I chose within the export dialog.
> To demonstrate,
> 1. File -> Export -> Transactions to CSV
> 2. Pick *only* Assets:Savings Account
> The CSV contain two rows for each transaction, one from "Assets:Savings
> Account" (-$13) and a second to "Expenses:Groceries" ($13). Prior to 5.6 it
> would only export the "Expenses:Groceries" row.
> I import this CSV into other programs for budgeting purposes, and since
> the two rows balance each other out it is causing unexpected totals.
> I tried only selecting the Expense sub-accounts in the export dialog. The
> outcome is the same. I also could not find any relevant preference setting
> to affect this.
> I don't really want to revert to 5.5, as I found it's process did not shut
> down on Windows 11, causing lots of orphaned exe processes to hang around
> and I got tired of mopping these up manually. Ideally I'd like to get
> exporting to CSV to only honor the account I chose in the export dialog.
> Hoping this is just something silly I missed?
> Windows 11 Pro
> Version 23H2
> GnuCash 5.6 for Windows 64bit, Build ID: 5.6+(2024-03-30)
> --
> Regards
> Wesley Werner
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