[GNC] Accounts page error

Graham graham.balin at gmail.com
Fri May 17 12:34:32 EDT 2024

Pardon my ignorance if this is something ultra basic, but at the bottom 
of the accounts tab, i get a line in the grey area like this:

£, Grand Total:              Net Assets £27,014,432 Profits -£86043

Now the profits side may be accurate, although I hope not; I can only 
dream of the net assets being even a tenth of the above figure! Most of 
the crazy numbers seem to be in the investment accounts for shares, but 
I can't see why it should be so inflated. Can it be just totalling up 
every transaction made in the account? [I do record purchases and sales 
in subaccounts of each nominee account]

Any suggestions most welcome.




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