[GNC] Reconciliation Roll Back

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Tue May 28 05:38:49 EDT 2024

On Tue, 28 May 2024 09:49:05 +0100 (BST)
Peter Cuthbert via gnucash-user <gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:

> Dear GNU Cash Users
> A year ago I re-started an account from 6th April in GNU Cash as my 
> previous imports from Quicken were not working as I would have
> wished. It was a lot of work to re enter 3 months of transactions but
> the clean start has been excellent and every month the bank
> reconciiation has been perfect.  This month it is out by more than
> £20K.  The reason I suspect is that the opening balance that it
> picked up seemed way too high but I know of no way to make sure that
> the opening balance is the correct one. Additionally I noticed that a
> good handful of transactions that were reconciled in last months task
> now showed up as unreconciled. 
> I am at a loss as to how to rescure this problem.  What would be nice 
> would be to be able to 'roll back' the erroneous reconciliation and 
> probably the previous one and then begin again.  Unless, of course
> you know a better way to get out of this hole.
> Regards
> Pete C

1. make a copy of your data file.
2. Play with the copy.
3. Ensure you are not working with a backup file.

4. Try reconciling the account as it is. Mark as reconciled all the
things you know were reconciled in the past and see if that improves
the situation.

5. Wait for more advice


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