[GNC] Gnucash 5.5 crashes on CSV import

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Mon Nov 4 18:41:46 EST 2024

You commented on https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799444 and I just confirmed that your stacktraces matches that supplied by the original poster. You don't need to do anything more.

John Ralls

> On Nov 4, 2024, at 12:09 PM, Ed Greenberg <edg at greenberg.org> wrote:
> I'm running the Gnucash 5.5 that comes with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Specifically, Version: 5.5 Build ID: 5.5+(2023-12-16) Finance::Quote: 1.59
> I imported a CSV a while back, (first few lines shown below) but now I'm getting an unexpected program crash.  I'll show the first few lines of the log under the first few lines of the import file.
> 04/01/2024,UNION PACIFIC CORP DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend Reinvestment,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade:Equities:UNP,0.023,-5.45,244.82079,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> 04/01/2024,14.880000 ALLSPRING MMKT PREMIER REINVEST PRICE $ 1 As of 03/28/2024,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend Reinvestment,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade:Funds:WMPXX,14.88,-14.88,1,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> 04/01/2024,UNION PACIFIC CORP REC 04/01/2024 PAY 04/01/2024 RATE 0.00000000 QTY 0.00000000,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend,400-Income:Dividend Income:UNP,5.45,5.45,,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> 04/01/2024,ALLSPRING MMKT PREMIER DIV PAYMENT,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend,400-Income:Dividend Income:WMPXX,14.88,14.88,,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> ...plus additional lines (36 of them)
> Log file shows nothing of value:
> mod    trans_guid    split_guid    time_now    date_entered    date_posted    acc_guid    acc_name    num    description    notes    memo    action    reconciled    amount    value    date_reconciled
> -----------------
> ===== START
> ===== END
> ...plus additional lines of START and END
> My columns were set as:
> Date,Description,Commodity,Number,Full Account Name,Amount,Value,Price,Reconcile,Transfer Account
> Notes:
> I set the date, properly, for m-d-y and I set Character Separated and Comma.
> I get as far as the "Import Preview" screen, and then the "Match Import and Gnucash accounts"  but never get to the "Match Transactions" page.
> The program just "Goes Away"  It leaves it's lock file behind.
> If the Import settings were freshly created, even if the green save icon was hit, those settings are not available when restarted.
> That's about all the observations I have.
> Does anybody have any ideas? Should I open a formal bug? Uninstall and install 5.9 from a flatpack? Anything else?
> Thanks,
> Ed Greenberg
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