[GNC] Cannot delete an empty transaction

SFR mahon.finbar at neuf.fr
Mon Nov 11 11:02:49 EST 2024

Maybe, but I don't know. Earlier today I was trying to rectify why the
a/c would not reconcile, without success so far, I need to review where 
I am in the a/c. I put it off until 'later' an then this happened.
So, maybe I did 'blank split' whatever the hell that is or was.

I'd try sort it if I could get in to the a/c, but all I get when I open 
it is this 'transaction' which is blank and nothing else.

So, what now?? Do I set up a 'fake' transaction and then delete it??

Thank you so much for the indicative info.


On 11/11/2024 16:00, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Are you trying to delete the "blank split"?
> You can't do that -- it's your point-of-entry for new data.  It doesn't
> actually exists, it's there for you to create new entries.  Therefore, you
> cannot delete it.
> Did you change the settings to not have the blank split at the end of the
> register?
> -derek
> On Mon, November 11, 2024 9:52 am, SFR via gnucash-user wrote:
>> In one of my accounts, which I have saved, closed, etc. Whenever I open
>> it again there is a "transaction" in there with nothing in it. I've
>> tried all the obvious things, delete the transation, etc., which seems
>> to work since  I can close the account, but it is there when I open the
>> account again.
>> Needless to say it is frustrating, I'd welcome any advice.
>> Finbar
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