[GNC] Strange display of share price

Boniforti Flavio boniforti.f at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 11:24:28 EST 2024

Hi Inma, John.
I think I fixed it:
[image: image.png]
I've decided to create IBKR placeholders for each currency I'm trading with
on IBKR. Now I had to move all VT purchase transactions manually into my
"VT2", which led me to empty "VT" and delete it (thus allowing me to rename
VT2 into VT).
Now everything adds up.

Thanks everyone involved in helping me get this to work!


Am Mo., 11. Nov. 2024 um 17:15 Uhr schrieb Maria Inmaculada de la Torre <
learning at 9999ways.com>:

> Hello Flavio,
> If you still have the other transactions in CHF in the VT account it is
> quite likely that that could be the reason. Create a VT1 account with
> the new structure and make a dummy transaction to see if that works. Also
> check that you have no transactions in CHF in the IBKR account.
> I hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Inma de la Torre
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2024 at 16:08, Boniforti Flavio <boniforti.f at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi again, John.
>> I've now moved the "CHF Cash" account away from the "IBKR" placeholder
>> and put it under "Assets:Current Assets:IBKR CHF Cash" (I also renamed it).
>> Then I proceeded to change the "IBKR" placeholder to be using the USD
>> currency (I didn't change the account type, which remained "bank").
>> So now I do have following account structure:
>> [image: image.png]
>> I simulated buying 1 VT stock and taking the money from the "USD Cash"
>> account, but the transaction still wouldn't reduce the total amount of
>> money in the "USD Cash" account.
>> If it's true that a non-currency account like my "VT" is taking the
>> currency from the *first* parent account which has a currency set (which
>> in my case is "IBKR"), why is it still not working? I noticed that by
>> creating another VT account (let's call it "VT2") under "IBKR" and adding
>> transactions there, the "USD Cash" account shows the decrease. Is there a
>> way to have GnuCash "re-evaluate" the entered transactions, so that it
>> might catch up and reduce the money for each VT purchase in the "USD Cash"
>> account? Or do I have to manually copy everything over into "VT2" and then
>> get rid of VT?
>> TIA,
>> F.
>> https://www.instagram.com/boniforti_music
>> https://soundcloud.com/boniforti_music
>> https://bonny-j.bandcamp.com
>> Am Mo., 11. Nov. 2024 um 10:28 Uhr schrieb Boniforti Flavio <
>> boniforti.f at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi John.
>>> Thanks - you finally identified the cause of my issue.
>>> I'll try to set up my accounts differently, so that I will have both the
>>> "USD Cash" and the "VT" account under a placeholder account which is
>>> denominated in USD.
>>> Thanks,
>>> F.
>>> https://www.instagram.com/boniforti_music
>>> https://soundcloud.com/boniforti_music
>>> https://bonny-j.bandcamp.com
>>> Am So., 10. Nov. 2024 um 20:05 Uhr schrieb John Ralls <
>>> jralls at ceridwen.us>:
>>>> Flavio,
>>>> Your problem is that VT’s parent is IBKR and that’s denominated in CHF.
>>>> GnuCash sets the currency for non-currency accounts using the first parent
>>>> account that’s denominated in a currency. That has a couple of
>>>> consequences, the most significant being that if you start a transaction in
>>>> the VT register it will use CHF as the transaction currency that GnuCash
>>>> will use to balance the transaction, so when you buy in USD you’ll have to
>>>> price both the USD and VT into CHF, but if you start in the USD Cash
>>>> account the transaction currency will be in USD and so VT will be priced in
>>>> USD. Those prices will be reflected in the pricedb  If you use
>>>> Finance::Quote GnuCash will ask it for VT prices in CHF.
>>>> That’s not a situation GnuCash handles well. For an excruciatingly long
>>>> discussion see https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797796. One of
>>>> the commenters on that bug is CDB-Man, a licensed accountant in Canada. He
>>>> explains the formally correct way to account for investments denominated in
>>>> currencies other than the “book” currency.
>>>> You’ll have less trouble if you put your non-CHF securities in sub
>>>> accounts denominated in the currencies they trade in, for example a
>>>> USD-Securities account denominated in USD for VT and recreating all of the
>>>> trading transactions so that they’re only in that currency. Make sure to
>>>> get a price for the security’s currency in CHF for the same day so you can
>>>> use the nearest-in-time price source to give reports the best chance of
>>>>  converting things to CHF correctly—note that that doesn’t mean that they
>>>> will. The rollup of values on the Accounts page will always be at the
>>>> latest prices.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls
>>>> On Nov 10, 2024, at 08:46, Boniforti Flavio <boniforti.f at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Inma, thanks for your reply.
>>>> Indeed I see now where you got the "VT bought in CHF"! I now tried to
>>>> buy
>>>> again 1 VT stock and looking at the price database, the new entry is
>>>> also
>>>> in CHF. What does this depend on? I think this is the first thing I
>>>> should
>>>> solve. Probably the fact that my VT purchases are registered in CHF, but
>>>> taken from an USD bank account, leads to them not appearing in the "USD
>>>> Cash" account in terms of numbers.
>>>> Regarding the screenshot you shared with 4 entries: what accounts are
>>>> "USD"
>>>> and "VT" there? I don't have these - I do have
>>>> "Assets:Investments:IBKR:USD
>>>> Cash" and "Assets:Investments:IBKR:VT".
>>>> Thanks again for your help,
>>>> F.
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