[GNC] questions about the python bindings and pricdb add_price()

pudgier_fruit.0v at icloud.com pudgier_fruit.0v at icloud.com
Mon Nov 25 10:20:10 EST 2024


     I've made some progress to insert commodity price history into my
GnuCash security price database using the python API.  I have a few
questions to finish off my goal.

I worked from two examples: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Stocks/get_prices

I'm wondering if I need to be thinking about hour of the day or time zones
on the datetime object set on GncPrice.set_time64() ?    For the moment,
I'm only setting the date associated with the price.      Does the pricedb
accept multiple prices in one day (say, for a market-traded security).  My
intention is only to record the close-price for such securities anyway.

I observe that on dates where my pricedb already had a price from an
existing source (transaction, occasional Finance::Quote update, etc. that a
new price was not added on that day).  Is there a limit of one price per

How do I populate the "Source" and "Type" columns that display in the GUI
Price Database?  Currently, my new prices have Source "invalid" and an
empty Type column.

p = GncPrice(book)
p.set_time64(price_date )  #price_date is a datetime.datetime object

[image: Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 07.07.55.png]

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