[GNC] How to handle the renaming of stocks
Megan Tilley
megan.tilley at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 21:31:26 EDT 2024
Well, I do not know how I did it, but I think it was creating a new
I know that when I started this thread yesterday, I was unable to add the
number of shares, but after reading both David's and Richard's responses, I
went back into GC, and lo and behold, I was able to add the shares to the
newer KLS account.
I was not absolutely clear on David's comment on "zero cost conversion of
shares" but logic dictates that the cost is Zero, which is what I have -
once I acquire more shares, the value will show up...
KLS now shows with a number of shares, and the Dividends are also being
recorded against KLS, which is what I needed.
Thanks to David and Richard!
Megan in Sydney
On Sun, 13 Oct 2024 at 03:39, R Losey <rlosey at gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that the account name (under the brokerage account) is a separate
> name from the securities listing, but as you noted, the account has a link
> to the stock.
> I tend to give the account name something that ties it to the account; for
> example, if Harry & Sally each have a 401K with ASX stock, I might call the
> account under Harry H-ASX, or H401K-ASX, and Sally's account might be S-ASX
> or S401K-ASX.
> If the stock is renamed, there are probably a couple of ways to handle it
> -- you could try just renaming the stock in the Security list - it might be
> that the brokerage account will pick up on the rename and point to the new
> name. Alternatively, you could create a new Security entry, and just change
> the brokerage account to point to the new entry. That way, you'd have all
> of the data under the old name. You'd probably want to turn off price
> updates for the old name, but just leave alone.
> Just a few ideas.
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 11:47 PM Megan Tilley <megan.tilley at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone - another Investment question - probably procedural rather
>> than
>> specifically a GnuCash 'problem'.
>> I have a number of stocks/shares that have produced dividends for
>> many years.
>> I have entered those stocks into GC as per the manual and from reading
>> other threads in this mailing list.
>> When I set them up:
>> #1 - I used Security Editor - to create a new Security, using the name,
>> stockcode/ symbol for the ASX, namespace STOCKS, ticked ONLINE QUOTES,
>> selected MULTIPLE - ASX.
>> #2 - I then set up the stock under the Brokerage Account in the Investment
>> Parent making sure that the Select security/currency was STOCK and the
>> security (ASX) code
>> #3 - I THINK I set up the stock account under the Trading Parent
>> Now the over-arching company group has decided to change the name of the
>> stock (specifically from SLK Sea Link to KLS Kelsian on the ASX) in 2021.
>> In my other programs, I could just edit the name entry as there is no
>> change to the holdings (amount and price remained the same) .
>> However, I can not seem to get GC to allow me to edit the Security name
>> (Security Editor) or the Trading name - which reflects all the purchases
>> during the "SLK era" which remains relevant to the new "now-KLS era".
>> Does this mean I have to re-enter all the data for the new KLS rather than
>> just change a name or field?
>> Thanks!
>> Megan in Sydney
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