[GNC] Importing Data

Murugan Mariappan m.muruganandam at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 21 21:27:08 EDT 2024

Please refer the following link for the steps to import transactions


Saludos Cordiales


From: Chris Miller <cjm at tryx.org>
Sent: 21 September 2024 22:21
To: Murugan Mariappan <m.muruganandam at hotmail.com>
Cc: gnucash-user <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: Importing Data

Hi Folks,

There are couple of steps and queries

Create the account structure in GNC.  you can import your existing structure if you have a file for the same

I was very much hoping that "File ==> Import ==> Accounts from CSV" would do that.

On the column mapping it is straight forward, the import window will allow you to map the columns in GNU.
Apparently not. I am not seeing the opportunity when I go to "File ==> Import ==> Accounts from CSV"

Thanks for the help,

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