[GNC] Backup Solution - Linux Desktop to Synology NAS

Dennis West dcwest01 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 22:59:35 EDT 2024

Hopefully this info will help someone that has been struggling with this 

I recently abandoned Windows (after 40 years) and moved to Linux as my 
"Daily Driver".  I had used Synology's Active Backup for Business to 
backup my desktop PC's to my Synology NAS and was happy as a lark.  
Trying to install the desktop client for that program on a Linux PC was 
problematic at best.  I finally gave up.

After using other solutions for several weeks I stumbled on the fact 
that Synology had another program called Synology Drive that you could 
download from their website.  Lo and behold the desktop client came in a 
Linux version that downloaded and installed simply & flawlessly.  The 
client provides all the bells & whistles including scheduled automatic 
backup to your NAS. Obviously you could continue to use Hyper Backup to 
backup your NAS to the cloud and complete the 3-2-1 backup strategy that 
I had been using.

If everyone else here already knew all this, I'm sorry to have wasted 
your time.

One Happy Camper

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