[GNC] what is best procedure to 'split off' to a new set of books?

arthur brogard abrogard at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 18 15:48:43 EST 2025

I have a personal set of books which includes credit card, debit card and business account.
Now I want to create a new set of books just for the business.  which is very small, no trades at all as yet.
But monies have been paid into it and out of it:  owner's equity,  fees, charges.
So I believe I could export the business account and transactions and import it all into this new set of books, right?
So would that  mean I also need the credit card and debit card accounts to exist in the business books?
Otherwise they would become orphan transactions..
So few I can do it all manually, one at a time.  But I'm seeking to have an understanding of the 'proper' procedure.
gpt and deepseek are not helping.  :)

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