[GNC] Simple report(s) wanted

David Cousens davidcousens49 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 15:06:38 EST 2025


You need two reports  and the standard  report versions will likely do
what you require:

Balance Sheet
Income Statement

Once you have them open Edit->Report Options from the menu will allow
you to set thes pecific  accounts you desire to include and the level
of nesting of sub-accounts and set the other options. The defaults are
usually OK unless you have some specific needs.  The report needs to be
open to set the Options for it

The default dates are usually those for the start and end of the
current accounting period which are set in the first tab of the Edit
Preferences dialogue. If you want the report for another accounting
period set them specifically in the Edit->Report Options->General tab
with the required report open and selected in the  main window.

When you have the Options set so you are getting the information you
need in  each report, then save them using the Reports->Save Report
Configuration menu item giving the a different name.

Next time you need the same reports use the Reports->Saved Report
Configurations select your saved report names. You may then need to
change the start and end period dates to the current year in the Edit-
>Report Options->General tab.

You can either print the report from GnuCash (File->Print Report) or
import the reports into a spreadsheet (Excel, LibreOffice work) and
then massage them into the desired final form for presentation and then
export the results as a pdf.

On Tue, 2025-01-21 at 15:27 +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 10:06:54AM -0500, Jediator wrote:
> > I guess the most appropriate report in your case would be the
> > standard 
> > Profit and Loss (P&L) report, which is predefined in GNC and
> > available 
> > from the Reports pull-down menu (Reports->Income & Expense->Profit
> > & 
> > Loss).  This report is a common standard format to show your work
> > as a 
> > community treasurer.  However, this report only shows the balance
> > of 
> > each account.  If you want to show the details of where money comes
> > and 
> > goes, you probably will need the transaction report 
> Yes, the P&L report is nearest to what I want.  It does show the
> amount of money spent on each type of expense (e.g. Vicar's expenses,
> maintenance and so on) for the year so far and the income from
> various
> sources.  However it doesn't have the all importamt (to most people)
> balance in the bank account at the start and end of the period.
> If I remember right in previous years I have manually edited the
> report to add the bank balances.
> > (Reports->Transaction Report) of relevant income and expense
> > accounts.
> > 
> > The default one doesn't contain any accounts so you have to select 
> > relevant income (not asset) and expense accounts for the report.
> > After 
> > you select the start and end date (reporting period) and the
> > accounts, 
> > you can save the report configuration by clicking on the Save
> > Config or 
> > Save Config As button on the report menu bar.   Next time you can 
> > retrieve the report by selecting Report->Saved Report 
> > Configurations->your_saved_report without reentering the report
> > options...
> > 
> I'll try this (again?) but I seem to remember it doesn't really work
> for me (or, more to the point, the way the CofE expects).  Where does
> GnuCash save these report configurations? 

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