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== This document explains how to import historic stock quotes into gnucash ==
[[Category:Investment Management]]
Some knowledge of perl and python is required, adding a sample stock to Gnucash is explained here [[stocks/add_stock|Add stock to portfolio]].
This document presents one way to '''import historic stock quotes''' into GnuCash. This example uses GnuCash's [[Python Bindings]] which may need to be installed separately.  
The first thing is to get historic stock prices. This is done with the perl module [http://www.mojotoad.com/sisk/projects/Finance-QuoteHist/ QuoteHist]. A sample perl script to get quotes is e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
;Prerequisite: Some knowledge of Perl and Python is required.
use Finance::QuoteHist;
:Ensure that both '''Perl''' and '''Python''' are available.
print "Will get stock quotes of $ARGV[0] and save it into the file $ARGV[0]\n";
:You will also need to install the special Perl module '''Finance::QuoteHist''': [[https://metacpan.org/pod/Finance::QuoteHist metacpan.org] or [https://github.com/mojotoad/Finance-QuoteHist github]] and its dependencies.
$fname = $ARGV[0];
    open (MYFILE, ">$fname");
    $q = Finance::QuoteHist->new
        symbols    => [($ARGV[0])],
        start_date => '01/01/2000',
        end_date  => 'today',
print "name,date, open, high, low, close, volume\n";
foreach $row ($q->quotes()) {
        ($name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row;
        print MYFILE "$name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume\n";
To run the scripts below you need a GnuCash xml file named <tt>test.gnucash</tt>. For illustration, we show how to get prices for an account named <tt>Intel</tt> that contains shares of the INTC stock.  The method for adding the INTC stock to your GnuCash file is explained in [[stocks/add_stock|Add stock to portfolio]]. In addition, you have to add one price of INTC into the database by hand.
On Unix/Linux save the text into a file (e.g. get_quotes) , do a chmod a+x and execute it with the argument INTC to get the Intel prices saved into the file INTC
== Get the data ==
chmod a+x get_quotes
./get_quotes INTC
We will get the data with Finance::QuoteHist and store it in a text file. The Perl script to get the quotes is as follows: <syntaxhighlight lang="py">
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Finance::QuoteHist;
print "Will get stock quotes of $ARGV[0] and save it into the file $ARGV[0]\n";
$fname = $ARGV[0];
  open (MYFILE, ">$fname");
  $q = Finance::QuoteHist->new
      symbols    => [($ARGV[0])],
      start_date => '01/01/2000',
      end_date  => 'today',
print "name,date, open, high, low, close, volume\n";
foreach $row ($q->quotes()) {
      ($name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row;
      print MYFILE "$name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume\n";
On Unix/Linux, save the program text (above) into a file (e.g., get_quotes), make the script executable by running: <syntaxhighlight lang="sh">
chmod a+x get_quotes
;Example: Execute it with the argument INTC to get the Intel prices saved into the file <tt>INTC</tt>: <syntaxhighlight lang="console">
% chmod a+x get_quotes
% ./get_quotes INTC
:The <tt>INTC</tt> file should look similar to this: <syntaxhighlight lang="text">
INTC,2000/01/03, 83.2700, 87.3700, 83.2500, 87.0000, 57710200
INTC,2000/01/04, 85.4400, 87.8700, 82.2500, 82.9400, 51019600
INTC,2000/01/05, 83.0000, 85.8700, 80.5000, 83.6200, 52389000
== Import the data into GnuCash ==
The following python script will read the text file <tt>INTC</tt> and add the prices to the GnuCash file <tt>test.gnucash</tt>. <syntaxhighlight lang="py">
from gnucash import Session, Account, Split
from gnucash import Session, Account, Split
Line 38: Line 58:
from fractions import Fraction
from fractions import Fraction
# Function definition from Christoph Holtermann
FILE = "./test.gnucash"
def FindAccount(account,name,account_list=None):
url = "xml://"+FILE
  """Searches full names of account and descendents
  returns a list of accounts which contain name."""
# Read data from file
f = open('INTC')
data = []
while 1:
    tmp = f.readline()
  if not account_list:
  for child in account.get_children():
stock_date = []
stock_price = []
for i in range(1,len(data)):
    year = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[0])
    month = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[1])
  if name in Account_name:
    day = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[2])
  return account_list
# Initialize Gnucash session
session = Session(url, False, False, False)
root = session.book.get_root_account()
book = session.book
account = book.get_root_account()
pdb = book.get_price_db()
commod_table = book.get_table()
stock = commod_table.lookup('NASDAQ', 'INTC')
cur = commod_table.lookup('CURRENCY', 'USD')
# Add the prices
pdb = book.get_price_db()
# Get stock data
pl = pdb.get_prices(stock,cur)
if len(pl)<1:
  print ('Need at least one database entry to clone ...')
pl0 = pl[0]
for i in range(1,len(pl)):
for i in range(0,len(stock_date)):
  p_new = pl0.clone(book)
  p_new = gnucash.GncPrice(instance=p_new)
  print 'Adding',i,stock_date[i],stock_price[i]
  v = p_new.get_value()
  v.num = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).numerator)
  v.denom = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).denominator)
FILE = "./test.gnucash"
# Clean up
url = "xml://"+FILE
# Read data from file
f = open('INTC')
data = []
while 1:
    tmp = f.readline()
stock_date = []
stock_price = []
for i in range(1,len(data)):
    year = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[0])
    month = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[1])
    day = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[2])
# Initialize Gnucash session
session = Session(url, True, False, False)
root = session.book.get_root_account()
book = session.book
account = book.get_root_account()
pdb = book.get_price_db()
comm_table = book.get_table()
ac = FindAccount(account,'Intel')[0]
stock = ac.GetCommodity()
# Add the prices
pdb = book.get_price_db()
if len(ac.GetSplitList())<1:
  print 'Need at least one Split to get currency info ... '
cur = Split(instance=ac.GetSplitList()[0]).GetParent().GetCurrency()
# Get stock data
pl = pdb.get_prices(stock,cur)
if len(pl)<1:
  print 'Need at least one database entry to clone ...'
pl0 = pl[0]
for i in range(1,len(pl)):
for i in range(0,len(stock_date)):
  p_new = pl0.clone(book)
  p_new = gnucash.GncPrice(instance=p_new)
  print 'Adding',i,stock_date[i],stock_price[i]
  v = p_new.get_value()
  v.num = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).numerator)
  v.denom = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).denominator)
# Clean up
You have now a nice stock quotes from Intel in your Gnucash file!
You now have the stock quotes from Intel in <tt>test.gnucash</tt>.

Latest revision as of 19:08, 12 October 2022

This document presents one way to import historic stock quotes into GnuCash. This example uses GnuCash's Python Bindings which may need to be installed separately.

Some knowledge of Perl and Python is required.
Ensure that both Perl and Python are available.
You will also need to install the special Perl module Finance::QuoteHist: [metacpan.org or github] and its dependencies.

To run the scripts below you need a GnuCash xml file named test.gnucash. For illustration, we show how to get prices for an account named Intel that contains shares of the INTC stock. The method for adding the INTC stock to your GnuCash file is explained in Add stock to portfolio. In addition, you have to add one price of INTC into the database by hand.

Get the data

We will get the data with Finance::QuoteHist and store it in a text file. The Perl script to get the quotes is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Finance::QuoteHist;
print "Will get stock quotes of $ARGV[0] and save it into the file $ARGV[0]\n";
$fname = $ARGV[0];
   open (MYFILE, ">$fname");
   $q = Finance::QuoteHist->new
       symbols    => [($ARGV[0])],
       start_date => '01/01/2000',
       end_date   => 'today',

print "name,date, open, high, low, close, volume\n";
foreach $row ($q->quotes()) {
       ($name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row;
       print MYFILE "$name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume\n";

On Unix/Linux, save the program text (above) into a file (e.g., get_quotes), make the script executable by running:
chmod a+x get_quotes
Execute it with the argument INTC to get the Intel prices saved into the file INTC:
% chmod a+x get_quotes
% ./get_quotes INTC
The INTC file should look similar to this:
INTC,2000/01/03, 83.2700, 87.3700, 83.2500, 87.0000, 57710200
INTC,2000/01/04, 85.4400, 87.8700, 82.2500, 82.9400, 51019600
INTC,2000/01/05, 83.0000, 85.8700, 80.5000, 83.6200, 52389000

Import the data into GnuCash

The following python script will read the text file INTC and add the prices to the GnuCash file test.gnucash.

from gnucash import Session, Account, Split
import gnucash
import datetime
from fractions import Fraction

FILE = "./test.gnucash"
url = "xml://"+FILE

# Read data from file
f = open('INTC')
data = []
while 1:
    tmp = f.readline()


stock_date = []
stock_price = []
for i in range(1,len(data)):
    year = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[0])
    month = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[1])
    day = int(data[i].rsplit(',')[1].rsplit('/')[2])

# Initialize Gnucash session
session = Session(url, False, False, False)
root = session.book.get_root_account()
book = session.book
account = book.get_root_account()
pdb = book.get_price_db()
commod_table = book.get_table()
stock = commod_table.lookup('NASDAQ', 'INTC')
cur = commod_table.lookup('CURRENCY', 'USD')
# Add the prices
pdb = book.get_price_db()
# Get stock data
pl = pdb.get_prices(stock,cur)
if len(pl)<1:
  print ('Need at least one database entry to clone ...')

pl0 = pl[0]
for i in range(1,len(pl)):

for i in range(0,len(stock_date)):
  p_new = pl0.clone(book)
  p_new = gnucash.GncPrice(instance=p_new)
  print 'Adding',i,stock_date[i],stock_price[i]
  v = p_new.get_value()
  v.num = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).numerator)
  v.denom = int(Fraction.from_float(stock_price[i]).limit_denominator(100000).denominator)

# Clean up

You now have the stock quotes from Intel in test.gnucash.