Building on Windows
This page will collect useful information to develop GnuCash on Windows. If you were looking for tips regarding using GnuCash on Windows, you should read the Windows page instead.
A bit of history
This page used to collect random notes from the time when we manually tried to install each and every part of the requirements. They have been moved to Windows/Old Notes.
Instructions for an (almost) automated build
These instructions explain how you can compile and run GnuCash on MS Windows by yourself. This is achieved by using the mingw32/gcc compiler environment. (If you want to use the Visual Studio compiler, see the sub-project Cutecash, but the instructions below must be followed first as well.)
We've created a shell script that will download, compile, and install all requirements of GnuCash on Windows and eventually GnuCash itself. Running this script will probably download ~200MB of data (but all downloaded data will be cached) and will take anything between 0.5 through 5 hours of time. That shell script is located in packaging/win32/ of the gnucash Git sources.
- Warning
- Windows XP or more recent is required for building Gnucash using (see below). Windows 2000 support was dropped starting from GnuCash 2.3.10, older versions of Windows are not supported.
Some notes upfront
- In the following discussion, the c:\soft root folder should be replaced by whatever base folder you wish to work in. Avoid pathnames with spaces in them (so c:\Program Files is not good). Some parts of the build system don't cope well with that. If you choose a path other than c:\soft, be sure to set the GLOBAL_DIR parameter to this path in later on (see below).
- When installing packages in the script, it is strongly recommended that the expected locations are specified. Example: msys in c:\soft\msys.
Before you can execute this shell script (which will do everything else automatically), you have to complete these steps manually:
- Download and install git for Windows. The preferred location to install it is $GLOBAL_DIR\git-1.7.10. If you install in another location, you will have to set GIT_DIR in later on. The installer will add some git related items in the Windows Explorer context menus (you can access them via right-click in any directory)
- Choose a spot where you want to store a copy of the GnuCash repository. The default path is $GLOBAL_DIR\gnucash\repos.
- Create all directories in the path except the last one. For the example, make sure $GLOBAL_DIR\gnucash exists
- Open a Windows explorer and go to $GLOBAL_DIR\gnucash (or your chosen location)
- Right-click. In the popup select git bash. This will open a command prompt.
- Enter:
git clone git:// repos
The last part should be what you chose the call the directory to store the copy of the GnuCash repository.
- Go into the directory c:\soft\gnucash\packaging\win32.
- Take a look at the comments at the top of and optionally create a file to specify directories according to your preferences; the defaults would install everything in subdirectories below c:\soft. (Note that due to shell syntax, every windows-style backslash has to be specified as two backslashes.) Do not modify; make a
- In here you may also specify GLOBAL_DIR, REPOS_DIR, GIT_DIR,... if you installed any of these in a non-standard directory.
- Download the "MSYS" package from -> MSYS -> Base -> msys-core -> msys-1.0.11 -> MSYS-1.0.11.exe Direct Download link
- Execute this downloaded package to install it into the chosen directory, say, C:\soft\msys (which is the $MSYS_DIR variable in, and is strongly recommended; be sure to override $MSYS_DIR in if you put it somewhere else.) NB: That's not C:\soft\msys\1.0, just C: \soft\msys!
- Download the "wget" package from -> MSYS -> Extension -> wget -> wget-1.12-1 -> wget-1.12-1-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma Direct download link and place the downloaded file in the $DOWNLOAD_DIR in
- Start the MSYS commandline shell by double-clicking the "MSYS" icon on the desktop which should have been created when you installed the MSYS package.
- Let the automated build begin by typing:
$INSTALLER_DIR/ (the complete path to the (e.g. /c/soft/packaging/win32/, or to save the log, /c/soft/packaging/win32/ 2>&1 | tee /c/soft/Build.txt)
- If you get an error about the "tools" directory not existing, just make it (i.e. $GLOBAL_DIR\tools)
- If you get an error about unzip not found, re-run This is also usually the case about packages not found, after they have been installed.
- Some of the downloaded packages are installed through graphical installer dialogs where you can choose an installation directory. In those cases, the script will tell you in the MSYS window the installation directory that you should choose, according to your settings in Please enter only those installation directory in the installer dialog because otherwise the script cannot find the newly installed software.
- If there haven't been any errors, you should be able (after several hours of compiling and installing) to start gnucash from the MSYS command line by typing
or even without MSYS directly by "Start"-> "Run"-> "c:\soft\gnucash\inst\bin\gnucash.bat"
On Windows Vista Home Premium, open a windows command prompt, "cd \soft\gnucash\inst\bin" and then type "gnucash-launcher.cmd"
- If you want to make a distribution executable, execute the following commands in MSYS, after executing described above.
rm -rf /c/soft/gnucash/dist /c/soft/packaging/
- To start fresh with new package installs and cleaned out environment variables, after messing up the package installs, execute in MSYS, as for above, then restart your computer to eliminate environment variable problems such as with ACLOCAL:
- To make modifications to your own source that is in
- If there HAVE been errors, then please report them in the Section Problems, issues, comments.
- When compiled from source, GnuCash will display in the default GTK Raleigh theme. The GnuCash binary installer defaults to the GTK-Wimp theme, which defers rendering of widgets to Windows for a native look-and-feel. Copy gtkrc from C:\soft\gnome\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0 to C:\soft\gnome\etc\gtk-2.0 to change themes.
Please spread the word and report back any problems you encounter. It is probably not too difficult anymore to create a full self-contained
package of GnuCash on Windows as well! Some more information is also
collected here on this wiki page.
Working on Gnucash
Once you've successfully built Gnucash and all of its dependencies, it's a bit of a pain to re-run after every edit. To use make from the command prompt as usual, you need to set the following environment:
export OLDPATH=$PATH PATH=/c/soft/autotools/bin:$PATH PATH=/c/soft/swig:$PATH PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/active-perl/ActivePerl/perl/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/aqbanking/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/gwenhywfar/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/autotools/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/enchant/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/gmp/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/gnome/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/gnutls/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/goffice/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/guile/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/libdbi/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/libgsf/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/libofx/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/libsoup/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/libxslt/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/mysql/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/mysql/lib PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/opensp/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/pcre/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/pgsql/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/pgsql/lib PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/regex/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/sqlite3/bin PATH=$PATH:/c/soft/webkit/bin export PATH export LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH=/c/soft/gnucash/inst/lib export GNOME2_PATH=/c/soft/gnome export INTLTOOL_PERL=/c/soft/active-perl/ActivePerl/perl/bin/perl export GIT_CMD=/c/soft/git/git export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I/c/soft/guile/share/aclocal -I/c/soft/gwenhywfar/share/aclocal -I/c/soft/aqbanking/share/aclocal -I/c/soft/autotools/share/aclocal -I/c/soft/gnome/share/aclocal -I/c/soft/gnutls/share/aclocal"
I put all of those commands into a file called devrc and then source it into my shell:
. devrc
$OLDPATH is there so that you can reset the path easily:
The other piece of the puzzle is that you need to specify some environment to configure. Paste the following into a file (in your top-level source directory) -- I call mine .configure:
./configure \ --prefix=/c/soft/gnucash-inst \ --enable-aqbanking \ --enable-ofx \ --enable-debug \ --enable-schemas-install=no \ --enable-dbi \ --with-dbi-dbd-dir=/c/soft/libdbi-drivers/lib/dbd \ --enable-binreloc \ --enable-locale-specific-tax \ CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/c/soft/autotools/include -I/c/soft/regex/include -I/c/soft/gnome/include -I/c/soft/guile/include -I/c/soft/libdbi/include -I/c/soft/gmp/include -I/c/soft/gwenhywfar/include -I/c/soft/libsoup/include -D_WIN32 -ggdb3 -Wall -Werror -fno-builtin-dgettext -fno-builtin-towupper -fno-builtin-iswlower" \ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/c/soft/autotools/lib -L/c/soft/regex/lib -L/c/soft/gnome/lib -L/c/soft/guile/lib -L/c/soft/libdbi/lib -L/c/soft/gmp/lib -L/c/soft/gwenhywfar/lib -L/c/soft/libsoup/lib -L/c/soft/enchant/lib -L/c/soft/libxslt/lib -L/c/soft/sqlite3/lib" \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/c/soft/autotools/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/regex/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/gnome/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/guile/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libdbi/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/gmp/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/gwenhywfar/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libsoup/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/aqbanking/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libofx/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/isocodes/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libonoboui/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libgsf/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/libxslt/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/webkit/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/enchant/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/gnutls/lib/pkgconfig:/c/soft/goffice/lib/pkgconfig
Then you call .configure instead of configure before you run make
Alternative way to develop on a Windows machine
You may also prefer to work on GnuCash in its native environment. An alternative approach to developing GnuCash on Windows could be to
- download a Linux Distribution of your choice and
- use Multi Boot to switch between Windows and Linux or
- run Linux in a Virtual Machine and
- develop under Linux.
Error messages, Trace file
When running into problems when running GnuCash, the trace file is usually your first stop to look for errors. You will find more details on this file here (Windows specific) and here (More generic).
Debugging with gdb
In addition to Stack Trace, here are a few instructions on how to run gnucash under gdb on Windows:
- Install "gdb" from [1]
- GnuCash 2.2.9 and older
- Modify the installed "bin\gnucash.cmd" script by inserting one and changing one line. It should end like
set PATH=C:\Program Files\gdb\bin;%PATH% start gdb --args gnucash-bin %*
- Be careful to use the actual paths in which you have installed gdb.exe
- Then start gnucash as usual
- GnuCash 2.4.0 and more recent
- Open a Windows command prompt and type:
set PATH=C:\Program Files\gdb\bin;%PATH% gdb "C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin\gnucash"
- Be careful to use the actual paths in which you have installed gdb and gnucash respectively.
- For all versions: this will open a gdb prompt
- Type run at the gdb prompt.
- Then provoke the crash and type backtrace or shorthand bt at the gdb prompt to obtain the backtrace, as explained on Stack Trace as well.
(2.2.9 and older only)If you are working in a MinGW shell, you may want to change and call the bin\gnucash script instead and use exec start gdb --args gnucash-bin "$@" to make Ctrl-C actually work.
If you build gnucash with the help of, make sure you export DISABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS=yes in packaging/win32/ to include debugging symbols and avoid optimizations that complicate debugging.
You can provide even better stack traces if you tell gdb where in memory dynamically loaded modules got mapped to, because otherwise function calls into those are only written as '??'. See here and here for a way to do this.
To enter [ and ], use set editing off.
- To debug, change set -e to set -ex at the top of it.
Console output and exetype
All executables and DLLs on Windows operate in one of a few different subsystems, most of them either in Console or GUI (also called Windows). Basically, executables in Console always start up in a new console window and print output for stdout und stderr to it, whereas ones in GUI do not open windows and are pretty quiet, even in console windows. If you want to change that subsystem type, because you want to see debugging output or hide unnecessary console windows, [2] lists a few possible ways.
The easiest option if you don't have any further build tools available is probably the third one from that mail: Install the MSYS program (needed for building GnuCash) from the pointer at the top section of this page, fetch and type gnucash-bin.exe console
If you are building gnucash with, you might want to automate this step. To do so, just add the following lines to the function make_install in your local (after "make install"):
qpushd $_INSTALL_UDIR/bin exetype gnucash-bin.exe console qpopd
Problems, issues, comments
DLL install error
I get an error like that:
'' 'c:/soft/gnucash/lib/' /bin/install -c .libs/libgncmodule.dll.a c:/soft/gnucash/lib/libgncmodule.dll.a base_file=`basename ${file}` dlpath=`/bin/sh 2>&1 -c '. .libs/'${base_file}'i;echo $dlname'` make[5]: *** [install-libLTLIBRARIES] Error 1 make[5]: Leaving directory `/c/soft/repos/src/gnc-module' make[4]: *** [install-am] Error 2
This seems to be only an installation problem. Fine compiling it seems.
- I saw this at "make install" when I stopped and restarted the preceding compiling several times. So to me this looks like an artifact of DLLs that somehow "don't fit" to each other. The solution was always to run "make clean" in the source directory so that all DLLs are being deleted, and then starting the compiling again. --Cstim 05:55, 4 December 2006 (EST)
I still see this error frequently, even when I completely remove the build/ directory and let it be created from scratch. (?!?) As an alternative, I've now tried a newer libtool version by installing the cvs snapshot libtool-1.5.23a from . Maybe the newer version has this bug fixed. --Cstim 10:27, 22 January 2007 (EST)
- Seems like using libtool-1.5.23a didn't change a thing. I've written a script that should track down potential errors:
#!/bin/sh ALL_LIBDIR=` find . -name '*.la' | grep '\.libs' ` RM_THESE="" for LIB in $ALL_LIBDIR ; do DIR=`dirname ${LIB}` FNAME=`basename ${LIB}` LIBBASE=`basename ${LIB} .la` if test ! -f "${LIB}i" -a -f "${DIR}/${LIBBASE}.dll.a" ; then echo "File ${LIB}i missing" PDIR=`dirname ${DIR}` #echo "Do this: rm ${PDIR}/${FNAME}" RM_THESE="${RM_THESE} ${PDIR}/${FNAME}" fi done if test "x${RM_THESE}" != "x"; then echo "Do this:" echo "rm ${RM_THESE}" fi
So how is someone supposed to use the above script? It says it is supposed to track down potential errors, since it is doing some erasing (rm) does that mean it is fixing the problems as well? Or at least fixing it such that running again should work?
I have now run make clean && make all install in a particular directory 3 times but still get the same error.
Missing file after extracting Open SSL on Windows XP Pro
Note I have never run into this issue since I started to work with the Windows build (somewhere in the 2.3.x period). So it may no longer be relevant. There is however no date or version information in the message, so I'll keep it around for now. It may move to the History section at some point. --GJanssens 18 October 2013
This is the error that I got:
3200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 145.77 KB/s 3250K .......... ... 100% 834.05 KB/s
20:36:43 (145.65 KB/s) - `c:/soft/tmp/openssl-0.9.8e.tar.gz' saved [3341665/3341665]
Extracting openssl-0.9.8e.tar.gz ... done The system cannot find the path specified.
This is the first error that I got. Everything was fine up to this point.
When I turn on set -ex, I get the following:
++ cp e_os.h e_os2.h include/openssl +++ unix_path 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe' +++ echo 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe' +++ sed 's,^\([A-Za-z]\):,/\1,;s,\\,/,g' ++ _COMSPEC_U=/C/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe ++ PATH=/c/soft/active-perl/ActivePerl/Perl/bin:/c/soft/mingw/bin ++ /C/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe //c 'ms\mingw32' The system cannot find the path specified.
- Does that mean that your system lacks C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe, $TMP_DIR\openssl-0.9.8e\ms\mingw32.bat or what do you think?
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe is definitely there.
So is C:\soft\tmp\openssl-0.9.8e\ms\mingw32.bat.
If I hardcode the full path to mingw32 in like this:
PATH=$_ACTIVE_PERL_UDIR/ActivePerl/Perl/bin:$_MINGW_UDIR/bin $_COMSPEC_U //c c:\\soft\\tmp\\openssl-0.9.8e\\ms\\mingw32
ming32.bat starts to execute but it generates its own set of errors:
> perl Configure mingw Can't open perl script "Configure": No such file or directory Generating x86 for GNU assember Bignum The system cannot find the path specified. Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory DES . . .
So to get beyond that problem, I modified mingw32.bat to start out with a cd command, since it was starting in the C:\ directory:
cd C:\soft\tmp\openssl-0.9.8e perl Configure mingw %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 @echo off
which allowed it to run a bit further and generated this error:
Generating x86 for GNU assember Bignum DES crypt Blowfish CAST5 RC4 MD5 SHA1 RIPEMD160 RC5\32 CPUID Generating makefile Generating DLL definition files Building the libraries Building OpenSSL mingw32-make: *** [banner] Error 1
I don't think I should keep making these minor adjustments to and mingw32.bat. There must be something I've done wrong that is causing this problem to appear in the first place.
- I am sorry, I do not really know how to help you other than "delete c:\soft\tmp\openssl-*, c:\soft\openssl and retry with -ex". -- andi5
- I had a similar problem compiling OpenSSL. It was fixed by uninstalling mingw from its custom location, then allowing the script to reinstall it. -- cedayiv
Logitech QuickCam conflicts
Some Logitech QuickCam software is incompatible with MSYS, and causes the script to randomly crash and create sh.exe.stackdump files. If you experience this problem, see the MSYS FAQ page or the MinGW mailing list for help.
Older information, mainly for reference
Guile 1.8
The following is obsolete: The build scripts for 2.4 and trunk correctly build Guile 1.8. The notes are retained for historical interest.
GnuCash/Windows currently uses guile 1.6.x. Guile's development continues and the use of this old, no longer supported version of guile is blocking some improvements. Recent examples of this were:
- Guile 1.8.7 removed some deprecated functions. However, the replacement functions were not available in 1.6.x. Because of this, GnuCash has to carry a compatibility header. We were lucky to get away with that.
- Andy Wingo provided patches to make GnuCash work with the upcoming guile 2.0 and to remove our dependency on slib. These patches are incompatible with guile 1.6.x (and likely will always be), so they couldn't all be applied.
I have been attempting for some time to build a more recent version of guile but this turns out to be rather difficult. At the time of this writing, I have a working guile, save it won't load slib. There were many small things I had to do to get to this point. In order not to forget them, I've chosen to document them here.
Getting it to build
The 1.8.7 tarball you can download from guile's homepage won't build in our GnuCash mingw/MSYS environment.
- First error is that our version of automake is too old. Guile requires 1.11, GnuCash still builds with 1.10 at the time of this writing. Luckily, this can easily be fixed by updating the version in and rebuilding the autotools/libtool packages.
- Guile 1.8.7 no longer contains its own libltdl implementation. This is provided with libtool though. All it required to fix this was to add the proper paths to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
- Also new is that guile now requires gmp. Another addition to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS solves this.
- Next is libintl. GnuCash builds this as part of the Gnome packages. However, we pull in the gnome libraries after we build guile. This doesn't work. So the build script has to be modified to first do the gnome install and then build guile.
- Guile 1.8.7 still recognizes the configure time option --disable-networking, yet it won't build on Windows if this option is set. So this option should be removed from the build script.
- Next, all kinds of unresolved symbol errors pop up. To fix most of them, I looked at the source package of MSYS-guile-1.8.7. They apparently managed to build guile, so it provided a good starting point. I can't use their patches verbatim, because that would result in a guile package that depends on the MSYS environment. Their patch for was very useful though. To build build with this patch, the configure script has to be rebuilt, using autoreconf. This in itself was a bit of a quest. It wouldn't work unless I redefined ACLOCAL and passed autoreconf a number of library paths.
- I also learned from the MSYS-guile project that guile should be built with "-Wl,enable-auto-import" to avoid a number of linker warnings (which are treated as errors in our build process).
ERROR: In procedure scm_i_lreadparen: #<unknown port>:1:7: end of file.
It took me quite a while to grasp this one. I found several threads on different mailing lists about the error, which where more or less helpful:
-, which at some point links to, which in turn refers to The solution mentioned here, didn't apply in my case, but I got to understand the problem a little better.
- Then I was lucky enough to stumble upon two thread in the mingw-devel list: Again on windows support and Again on windows support (2). These are two long threads on building guile on windows and the issues in it. I learned here that the build process uses a wrapper program around the guile executable. Confusingly, this wrapper is called guile.exe as well, yet it has issues on windows, that the actual guile.exe doesn't have. So I wrote a small patch to use that actual guile.exe instead of the wrapper during the build process.
Result: the guile build process completes, and the guile binary works - provided it can find all of its library dependencies of course.
guile -c '(use-modules (srfi srfi-39))'runs with no problems.
This is still problematic at this point.
guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'printf)"results in this error:
ERROR: In procedure open-file: ERROR: No such file or directory: "C:/GCDevel/guile/share/guile/1.8/slib/C:/GCDevel/guile/share/guile/1.8/slib/require" ABORT: (system error)</pre>
Obviously there's something wrong with the path guile uses to find the file require.scm.
I'm still investigating what happens here.