Release Schedule
[hide]Draft Release Schedule for 1.9.x
This is a draft release schedule for unstable 1.9.x releases of gnucash, which will eventually lead to the stable 2.0.0 release of gnome2-based gnucash.
Goal for 2.0.0: For the first 2.0.0 release the plan is to finish porting those parts of gnucash that have already been started (i.e. new windowing system, account tree, commodities tree, etc.), but not to port any additional features unless absolutely required.
Purpose of all 1.9.x releases: Any 1.9.x is not yet stable, but is meant to provide easier access to the current source code for wider testing. Also, at some point in time the 1.9.x series should go into a string freeze so that translators can fully concentrate on their translation work.
Requirements of 1.9.x releases
- Any 1.9.x has to offer full backward-compatibility of the data file. It should always be possible to use a 1.9.x-saved XML datafile again with any 1.8.x version. (Note: Actually we restrict this backward compatibility to >= 1.8.5 because we are using the correct XML namespace definitions in the file; capabilities for reading those were added in 1.8.5, 17 Aug 2003)
- Bugzilla queries for the list of bugs assigned to those milestones:
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.0 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.1 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.2 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.3 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.4 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.5 milestone including resolved
- All Bugzilla items with 1.9.6 milestone including resolved
- Open Bugzilla items with 2.0.0 milestone (including resolved)
Caveats for testers:
- Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit "Save" after ever non-trivial workstep.
- Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import.
- Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-enable them for a later release branch.
- The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see Development on how to get involved.
Actual release dates:
- 1.9.0 February 8th; Announcement 1.9.0, Initial announcement and call for adventurous testers
- 1.9.1 February 19th; Announcement 1.9.1; bugfixes
- 1.9.2 March 5th; Announcement 1.9.2; bugfixes
- 1.9.3 March 19th; Announcement 1.9.3; bugfixes
- 1.9.4 April 5th; Announcement 1.9.4; "soft" string freeze; bugfixes; call for translations; call for more testers
- 1.9.5 April 16th; Announcement 1.9.5; bugfixes; start of String Freeze.
- 1.9.6 May 14th; Announcement 1.9.6; bugfixes; still String Freeze; first "beta" release
Proposed future schedule. All dates are the Sunday of a weekend. It is proposed to have a release every other week or in three week intervals.
- 1.9.7 May 21th? last bugfixes
- 1.9.8 May 28st? release candidate?
- maybe? 2.0.0 June 4th?; draft Announcement 2.0.0
This is only a DRAFT and subject to change at all times. --Cstim 05:55, 16 January 2006 (EST)
Updated --Warlord on 1 March 2006.
String freeze cannot be met with 1.9.4 - the "1.8.x data file importing" feature is still missing and will require addition of new strings. String freeze has to be moved to 1.9.5. Two weeks of String Freeze in total until 2.0.0 is way too short for translators; need to move 2.0.0 to mid-May for that reason. --Cstim 07:23, 29 March 2006 (EST)
Updated --Hampton on 6 May 2006.
1.9.6 is delayed due to failing "make check". We need more releases before 2.0.0. See [1] and discussion. --Cstim 07:01, 10 May 2006 (EDT)
Any other issues that cannot be added to Bugzilla are collected here.
- The tarball is prepared ("make dist") and copied on the ftp server by Chris Lyttle.
(Feel free to add more issues here.)