Announcement 2.1.1

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This is a draft!

The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 2.1.1 aka "...", the second of several unstable 2.1.x releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.2.0. With this new release series, GnuCash is available on Microsoft Windows for the first time, and it also runs on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris and Mac OSX. This release is intended for developers and testers who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there.

WARNING: Make sure you make backups of any files used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 2.1.x series. Although the developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.


(EDITORIAL NOTE: Please keep the download links here at the top because people are annoyed when having to scroll down multiple pages until they see the download link. They can be duplicated at the end, though.)

What's New in GnuCash 2.1.1?

This is a draft!

Compared to the 2.0.x series, there are only very few user-visible new features, except for the completed port to the Microsoft Windows operating system. Minor new features compared to the 2.0.x series are

  • Improved Scheduled Transaction editor and management dialogs (FIXME: make this more precise and make this sound more exciting)
  • Internally, the programming language wrappers are no longer being generated by the not-so-well-maintained package "g-wrap" but instead by the well-established wrapper generator "SWIG". In effect, gnucash does no longer depend on g-wrap anymore but uses SWIG now.
  • New printing formats for check printing
  • FIXME: Add some more here

Bugfixes since the last version 2.1.0 include:

2.1.x-targeted bugs

  • FIXME: add list here

Caveats for testers:

  • Any 2.1.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 2.1.x release, make sure you hit "Save" after ever non-trivial workstep.
  • The documentation has had screenshots updated, however, many help texts usually only refers to the 1.8.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see on how to get involved.

How can you help?

  • We would like to encourage people to test this and any further releases as much as possible and submit bug reports in order that we can polish GnuCash to be as stable as possible for the 2.2.0 release in a few weeks. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla
  • If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at We especially need people to help with updating the documentation. Please see on how to get involved.
  • Translating: The new release comes with some new translation strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this release already. A string freeze will be announced in one of the later 2.1.x releases. Please check for updates on this.

Getting GnuCash

GnuCash 2.1.1 can be downloaded from or It is available as source code. For the Microsoft Windows operating system, a self-installing setup program is available which includes all necessary additional libraries.

To install GnuCash, users will need Gnome 2, guile, and slib. (EDITORIAL NOTE: swig is *not* when compiling from tarball or when installing a binary!)

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX, and Microsoft Windows. It is collaboratively developed by 12 people from over 5 countries.

Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first stable release was in 1998.