
From GnuCash
Revision as of 21:15, 30 April 2007 by RolfLeggewie (talk | contribs) (Dapper Flight 7)
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general instructions

Get the latest sources from Subversion and examine the README.dependencies file for the list of build dependencies for your distribution, the README.svn file for notes on compiling gnucash, and the HACKING file for notes on hacking the code.

Here are the basic steps one might end up taking:

1. change to gnucash directory

 cd gnucash

2. generate the configure script


3. look at configure options

 ./configure --help

4. run configure

 ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash \
    --enable-debug --enable-doxygen \
    --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings \
    [--enable-ofx [...]]

5. compile and install

 make install

6. run


distro-specific information

See the README.dependencies file for library dependency notes.


On Debian, the packages you'll probably need are (among many others):

libgtkhtml3.2-dev (3.6 or 3.8 will also do)

For the 2.0-branch of GnuCash you need additionally:

libgwrapguile-dev OR

If you see the error "<unnamed port>: no code for module (g-wrap gw standard)" at runtime, see this particular FAQ.


If you are on an older version of ubuntu (or debian for that matter) such as dapper with long-term support and need certain packages that are not available from the dapper-backports do not fret. You can easily compile them yourself (essentially backporting them). Make sure you have a line of the form

deb-src edgy main restricted universe

in your /etc/apt/sources.list. You want the version (edgy in above example) to be at least one release higher than what you have installed. Then you can use the following lines to compile and install any software version that you need but is missing from the official repositories for the release you run.

cd /usr/src
sudo apt-get build-dep $packageyouwant
apt-get --compile source $packageyouwant
dpkg -i $packageyouwant.deb

Easy as 1-2-3!

Breezy Badger

Please see the BreezyBadgerInstallation page for more information on installing a beta snapshot of GnuCash on Breezy Badger.

Dapper Flight 7

get necessary packages

On a fresh install of Ubuntu/Dapper, do the following to be able to compile trunk gnucash:

sudo apt-get install libguile-dev libgwrapguile-dev guile-www

There are possibly other dependencies (that I already had installed), but this should get you started.

The below was ok for Flight 5

sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-dev libofx-dev libgsf-1-dev \
libgtkhtml3.8-dev guile-g-wrap libltdl3-dev g-wrap doxygen \
libgsf-gnome-1-dev automake1.9 texinfo build-essential intltool \
libtool subversion libfinance-quote-perl

For straight Dapper, I needed:

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev intltool automake1.9 autoconf libtool libgconf2-dev swig slib libxml2

Create development tree

mkdir -p $HOME/development/gnucash
mkdir -p $HOME/unstable/gnucash

Check out gnucash trunk

cd $HOME/development/gnucash
svn checkout gnucash

Compile gnucash

cd gnucash
./configure --prefix=$HOME/unstable/gnucash \
   --enable-debug --enable-doxygen \
   --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings
make all install

Start newly compiled gnucash

cd $HOME/unstable/gnucash/bin


Gentoo instructions can be found on Gnucash-svn installation on Gentoo.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X instructions can be found on gnucash installation from source on Mac OS X.

Fedora Core 5

At least the following packages are required to build GnuCash from source on FC5:


Suggested way to satify all requirements:

# yum install libtool-ltdl-devel guile-devel g-wrap-devel libgnomeprint22-devel \
  libgnomeprintui22-devel gtkhtml3-devel

Please note that while the configure script only checks for GtkHTML up to 3.8, recent versions of GtkHTML ship with "libgtkhtml-3.8.pc" so yes, you CAN use gtkhtml3-3.10 on FC5.