Stocks/get prices
From GnuCash
This document explains how to import historic stock quotes into gnucash
Some knowledge of perl and python is required, adding a sample stock to Gnucash is explained here Add stock to portfolio. The first thing is to get historic stock prices. This is done with the perl module QuoteHist. A sample perl script to get quotes is e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Finance::QuoteHist; print "Will get stock quotes of $ARGV[0] and save it into the file $ARGV[0]\n"; $fname = $ARGV[0]; open (MYFILE, ">$fname"); $q = Finance::QuoteHist->new ( symbols => [($ARGV[0])], start_date => '01/01/2000', end_date => 'today', ); print "name,date, open, high, low, close, volume\n"; foreach $row ($q->quotes()) { ($name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row; print MYFILE "$name,$date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume\n"; } close(MYFILE);
On Unix/Linux save the text into a file (e.g. get_quotes) , do a chmod +x and execute it with the argument INTC to get the Intel prices saved into the file INTC
chmod a+x get_quotes ./get_quotes INTC