2014-10-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:05:18 *** wol has joined #gnucash
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03:00:59 <Hinnerk> Hi
03:01:06 <Hinnerk> any news on 2.6.4 for windows?
03:01:25 <Hinnerk> I'm stuck with a loan problem until it is fixed :(
03:36:26 <gjanssens> Hinnerk: well last night a new release was pushed but it appears to have yet another issue (unreadable fonts)
03:36:38 <Hinnerk> ohoh...
03:36:49 <Hinnerk> sounds like a small issue...?
03:37:59 <gjanssens> Probably, I'm investigating currently
03:38:04 <Hinnerk> oh, thx!
03:38:15 <Hinnerk> i meant: Ok, thk,
03:38:24 <Hinnerk> damn it. i can't type today.
03:38:28 <Hinnerk> Ok, thx!
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05:52:27 <fell> Mechtilde: Ich sah gerade deine Korrektur in wiki:De/Installation. Dabei fiel mir auf daß der ganze Debian-Abschnitt anscheinend auf dem Stand von Anfang 2008 ist. Wenn du Lust hast, kannst du den gerne mal aktualisieren.
05:52:46 <fell> (just a note about german wiki pages)
05:53:25 <MechtiIde> fell query?
05:53:51 <fell> ???
05:54:18 <MechtiIde> do someone know how to configure HBCI for DKB (German)
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07:40:30 <warlord> gjanssens: FYI, I think the www issue is the port knocker.. I didnt update it when www changed IP address.
07:40:47 <gjanssens> hey warlord: I think as well
07:40:55 <gjanssens> I was waiting for your to appear on irc
07:42:46 <warlord> Just checked that... I use the hostname so an IP change wouldn't affect it.
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07:42:55 <warlord> So it's gotta be on Linas' end
07:42:58 <warlord> linas_: you here?
07:43:50 <lwells> warlord: Hi
07:44:03 <lwells> What is a URI?
07:45:06 <warlord> Universal Resource Identifier
07:45:21 <lwells> Like an attachment?
07:46:44 <warlord> No, it's a pointer to an attachment
07:46:55 <lwells> ok cool
07:47:11 <warlord> examples of URIs are: http://www.gnucash.org or file:///home/lwells/document
07:47:18 <lwells> So to get rid of the pointer, you said to clear it?
07:47:27 <warlord> yep
07:47:35 <warlord> AFAIK it can only hold 1
07:47:39 <lwells> How do you do that?
07:47:50 <warlord> Go and assign a new one
07:47:55 <warlord> but assign an empty string
07:48:30 <lwells> Confused, how would I assign an empty string
07:49:28 <warlord> lwells: I dont know. I've never used that feature and have never looked at it.
07:50:11 <lwells> warlord: Sorry to bother you about this, I just do not see any documentation about this
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07:54:20 <gjanssens> lwells: it looks like there is no way to remove an association...
07:54:43 <gjanssens> Just tried it myself and assigning an ampty string will just do nothing...
07:56:19 <lwells> gjanssens: Well, I could just assign another document right, to replace the other one
07:56:30 <gjanssens> Yes, that you can
07:57:34 <lwells> gjanssens: what happens if I change location of the file or change the file name?
07:59:06 <gjanssens> No idea. Try it (after saving your data)
07:59:39 <lwells> Ok
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08:09:31 <lwells> gjanssens: Well you cannot move or rename a file once it has been assigned to a transaction
08:10:28 <gjanssens> What happens if you do ?
08:10:58 <lwells> Says it cannot locate file at that location
08:11:22 <lwells> So I guess the pointer is still there, but it is missing the file at that location
08:11:50 <lwells> I just reassigned the pointer to the file again, and it is fine
08:11:51 <kimmo2> they are absolute paths
08:11:51 <gjanssens> Ok, that's a reasonable response from gnucash
08:12:16 <gjanssens> I doesn't manage the files itself, it only keeps a reference
08:12:25 <gjanssens> So if the file is moved, the reference is invalid
08:12:54 <gjanssens> Better even would be if gnucash would ask you what to do with the obsolete link though
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08:13:08 <lwells> I put a (A) in the action field to indicate that a transaction has an attachment
08:13:09 <kimmo2> I kinda wish they were relative pointers, so that I could burn my ledger and receipts on a CD and not have to worry about educating the auditors why the audit trail is not found
08:13:09 <gjanssens> An opportunity for improvement :D
08:13:45 <gjanssens> kimmo2: roger that
08:14:05 <lwells> kimmo2: I wish it kept a seperate file of the attachment
08:14:28 <kimmo2> lewlls, what do you mean?
08:15:44 <lwells> kimmo2: Well I am coming from Quicken and I assign an attachment and then I delete the file that I attached. I think Quicken does something similiar to email attachments. It will save the attachment
08:17:02 <kimmo2> sure, that could and probably should be an option
08:18:11 <lwells> kimmo2: Maybe that way too, the attachment can stay with the gnucash file, so if you move to another computer, the attachments come along too
08:19:02 <kimmo2> yeah
08:19:14 <lwells> kimmo2: I really love gnucash, but with it had one thing, Live Filtering
08:19:21 <lwells> wish*
08:19:22 <fell> Did someone try to assign e.g. "file://./attachments/document"?
08:19:26 <kimmo2> what do you mean live filtering?
08:20:17 <kimmo2> fell, I haven't even used 2.6 yet, just verified my compile works... Maybe I should give it a go
08:20:28 <lwells> kimmo2: the only real thing I like about Quicken. On the register you can filter down the transactions with a few entries in a box and it does it real time
08:20:58 <kimmo2> but like, accounting, if one attaches a memo, file, receipt, whatnot to a transaction, I can't really think of a situation where they'd wish it was temporary
08:21:38 <kimmo2> usually it's a pretty integral part of the package
08:21:58 <kimmo2> my ledger without the paper trail is worthless if I'm audited
08:22:18 <lwells> kimmo2: similar to find, but do not have to do a formal search, just filter the transactions for like maybe a particular payee
08:22:48 <kimmo2> hmm
08:23:17 <kimmo2> I don't find myself longing for the feature... Maybe I don't have enough transactions, or have too many registers
08:24:07 <lwells> kimmo2: Well I don't really long for it either, just think it is a nifty feature of Quicken, probably the only one
08:32:56 <lwells> Is there a PPA for gnuCash? Ubuntu does not seem to push the updates through, I am still just on 2.6.1
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08:51:18 <gjanssens> lwells: I read several people using one so there must be one
08:51:35 <gjanssens> As I'm not on Ubuntu/Debian, I can't help more than that though...
08:51:47 <lwells> gjanssens: that is fine
08:51:59 <MechtiIde> lwells, which version of Ubuntu do you use?
08:52:11 <lwells> MechtiIde: I am on 14.04
08:53:34 <MechtiIde> I looked into the ubuntu repo
08:53:47 <MechtiIde> I see that gnucash there is in universe
08:54:15 <MechtiIde> so I thin under 14.04 you don't get a newer version
08:54:35 <lwells> MechtiIde: Not sure what Universe means
08:55:51 <MechtiIde> one thing I know is that packages in universe don't get security updates
08:56:04 <lwells> Well that sucks
08:57:17 <MechtiIde> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu
08:57:36 <lwells> And actually I do not like to use PPA's in Ubuntu , because the PPA may mess up the OS upgrades
08:57:51 <MechtiIde> i.e. not officially supported software. (from ubuntu, I add)
08:58:54 <lwells> Yes, saw that, funny how gnuCash is not officially supported
08:59:12 <MechtiIde> not from ubuntu
08:59:20 <MechtiIde> but e.g from Debian
08:59:37 <lwells> Supported by Debian?
09:00:06 <MechtiIde> it is an fully supported package in Debian
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09:00:26 <MechtiIde> Wheezy backports has version 2,6,3
09:00:40 <lwells> So when something is supported by Ubuntu, that means they are active in review?
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09:01:09 <lwells> Sorry for being such a noob
09:01:21 <MechtiIde> no matter
09:01:27 <MechtiIde> you can learn ir
09:01:30 <MechtiIde> it
09:02:26 <lwells> So something to be officially supported by Ubuntu, they have to be active in code review?
09:03:15 <MechtiIde> ask the ubuntu maintainer, why gnucash isn't in main but in universe
09:03:27 <lwells> ok
09:05:22 <MechtiIde> http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/g/gnucash/gnucash_2.6.3-1build1/changelog
09:05:40 <MechtiIde> last entry is from Ubuntu-Maintainer
09:05:51 <MechtiIde> s/last/first
09:07:21 <jralls> gjanssens: Good detective work on the Pango modules. But it looks like you did a complete rebuild. If the installer is going to run pango-querymodules then it just needs a new run of dist.sh, which won't take all day.
09:07:52 <lwells> MechtiIde: thanks
09:08:10 <jralls> gjanssens: Unfortunately I don't have any dev time today. I've got a meeting in Oakland this afternoon and a dinner party tonight.
09:08:40 <gjanssens> jralls: well I figured to be on the safe side and start a clean build
09:08:55 <gjanssens> You're right that only dist.sh would have been sufficient
09:09:22 <gjanssens> I guess I'll have to wait for it now :(
09:10:11 <gjanssens> Anyway, before uploading to sf again, it may be useful to ask a few users to test it
09:10:26 <gjanssens> Like the ones that reported on the issue today
09:10:53 <gjanssens> If the build finishes at a reasonable time, I'll ask on the user mailing list
09:11:11 <gjanssens> And then tomorrow me or you can upload the new release to sf
09:11:21 <jralls> That seems a good idea. *They* can watch for it on code, test it, and report on the user-list.
09:11:39 <gjanssens> Yep
09:11:57 <jralls> Gives Derek and Linas time to sort out what's wrong with the webserver.
09:12:39 <gjanssens> Indeed. Hopefully linas_ will be around somewhere in the next few hours
09:14:27 <gjanssens> Anyway, enjoy the dinner party tonight
09:14:35 <fell> jralls: Have a nice day!
09:14:48 <jralls> Thanks, Frank.
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10:00:37 <kimmo2> hmm, in 2.4, is there a report for income statement or a cash flow breakdown for a single asset account?
10:03:05 <kimmo2> ah, nevermind, I was too stupid to read the manual on cash flow report
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11:44:27 <linas> ola
11:45:58 <linas> gjanssens what's wrong with the webserver?
11:46:13 <linas> I'm looking at the chatlogs and don't see an issue ..
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12:23:17 <linas> fell, what is this webserv problem gjanssens is talking about?
12:23:45 * fell is searching
12:23:46 <linas> err I mean jralls
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12:25:30 <fell> linas, in the gnucash anouncments of today "windows ..." he had a problem pushing something to the website.
12:26:02 <fell> (jralls is out of the house today)
12:26:06 <linas> mm maybe I should scan my email, then
12:26:19 <linas> didn't think of doing that
12:26:56 <linas> gnucash is on a brand-new high-speed line so I was panicking about that
12:27:00 <fell> http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2014/10/2014-10-11.html#T07:40:30
12:29:53 <linas> ah
12:29:57 <fell> linas: Geerts mail from 10:10
12:30:08 <linas> i see
12:30:11 <linas> ok, investigating
12:43:49 <gjanssens> linas: the ncat command times out when triggering the website updates
12:44:05 <linas> can you try it now?
12:44:08 <gjanssens> see http://paste.kde.org/ph2hdavie
12:47:28 <gjanssens> linas: still no go
12:47:31 <gjanssens> remote: *** Update main website...
12:47:33 <gjanssens> remote: Ncat: Connection timed out.
12:48:15 <linas> oh, right its the fw
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12:55:46 <linas> ok, now it should work.
12:56:00 <linas> sorry, routine maintenance, and I completely forgot about that
12:56:29 <linas> gjanssens if it doesn't work now I'm stumped
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13:02:32 <gjanssens> linas: yep that did it. The push was successful
13:02:35 <gjanssens> Thanks !
13:02:45 <gjanssens> Got to go to bed now...
13:03:00 <linas> welcome
13:03:03 <linas> good night
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13:15:52 <kimmo2> how do I make cash flow report outline to the prodigal party why their spending habits are unacceptable?
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13:57:52 <linas> btw warlord -- would you want to use a dns dsig key for zone transfers?
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