Applying Scheduled Payment Kills Program

Roland Roberts roland at
Wed Jan 25 13:40:16 EST 2006

>>>>> "da" == Derrick Hudson <dman at> writes:

    da> On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 08:08:41PM -0600, Gregg Fowler wrote:
    gf> I set up a payment schedule for all of my bills in the
    gf> Scheduler. It came time to pay a bill and I can click on the
    gf> particular bill and go next and it shows the amount. When I go
    gf> forward again however, the action kills the program immediately
    gf> and it dissappears from the screen.

    da> I experienced consistent crashes with GnuCash when applying a
    da> scheduled transaction.  In my case I added a split to my salary
    da> transaction to record the automatic 401k deposit.  The XA
    da> editor, however, doesn't handle the quantity and unit price
    da> aspects of a stock account.  I avoid this issue by leaving the
    da> XA unbalanced and manually adding the split for the 401k
    da> contribution after creating the transaction.

Hmmm, this sounds possibly related to my problem with an SX not being
entered.  In my case, it is not a split from my paycheck (I actually do
those into a "savings" account which I later reconcile from my
statements since 401k purchases are out-of-sync with payroll
deductions).  Instead, it is a straight withdrawal from my checking
account into a fund account.

With the "notify me" button checked, GnuCash crashes every time; with it
unchecked, it doesn't crash, but it doesn't enter the transaction either.


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland at                            6818 Madeline Court
roland at                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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