How to Recover Lost Account

Josh Sled jsled at
Mon Jul 16 14:02:58 EDT 2007

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Jerry <jerry.coover at> writes:
> Yes, I'm sure I'm confusing the nomenclature. Background: My monitor went 
> south on me a couple of months ago so I was without GnuCash access.  I've 
> been trying to catch up and I'm not familiar with the workings of gnucash. I 
> did refer to an account tree popping up at the point I lost my check 
> register. I see a folder on my desktop for GnuCash files. It seems to hold 
> the check register file with a last access date the day/time I was posting to 
> the register when I lost it on my screen. As I mentioned, I started over on 

It's unclear from your earlier messages what you're doing specifically, what
you expect to see, and what you're actually seeing, and thus what's
"missing".  Maybe it'd help to start a new thread if you're still having a
problem, along those lines... what action you took, what you expected to see,
and what you actually saw.

From what I've surmised: the datafile is there and looks fine.  For a while,
you didn't have an Account Tree tab, but using File > New > New Account Tree
fixed that.  But you're still missing the "checking account".  Right?

So, when you open the file, you get an Account Tree.  It (should) contain a
whole list of accounts.  Under the "Assets" sub-tree should maybe be a
Current Assets, then under that a Checking account.  When you double-click on
that account, do you get a Register page for your checking account?

> the check register. If I remember correctly, when I used GnuCash for a short 
> time a couple of years ago, the program has a security/password on it. I 
> don't see that on my current program (unless I skipped it on my initial set 
> up).

I don't believe we've ever had a password/security feature built into the
application.  Most of us believe that we should not, and have for a long

> Also, I'm using an older version (1.8.12). I've downloaded the latest stable 
> version 2.04, but have not installed it. I've been hesitant wondering whether 
> I will lose my current data in the process. Can install it with confidence 
> that my data will be preserved?

(It's 2.0.4.)  Yes; the 1.8 -> 2.0 migration is (at this point, a year later)
well tested.  In fact, it will *fix* any mis-encoded data in your data file
after prompting you, if such data exists.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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