gnucash 2.6.2 XP installation crashes on startup

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Mon Mar 31 14:53:24 EDT 2014

On 3/31/2014 1:07 PM, Ian Holliday wrote:
> Hi all,
> My main windows 2007 PC is in for repair and I have tried to install  the
> current windows gnucash version 2.6.2 on my laptop running windows XP
> professional 2000 SP3 without success. Installation completes OK but startup
> gets as far as starting to open the tips screen then crashes, producing a
> windows debug message.
> I have tried installing to c:/gnucash with the same results, but I am now
> stuck for ideas. Any help welcome.
> Ian
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I have not tried installing release 2.6.2 or upgrading past 2.4.13 in my
XP computer or more recently, an XP VM, but when I did let GnuCash
install using it's default settings and locations, I had no problems. 
It might help to describe the windows error message, as it may give a
clue about a permissions issue, for example.  You may need to run the
installer as an administrator, for example.  In my case I was able to
just accept the install when prompted.

It is sad that Microsoft is ending support for what is arguably one of
their better products.  Some of the GnuCash developers would probably
suggest switching to Linux.  There is a learning curve there, however,
and I personally am still in the early part of that.

David C

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