user interface question...

Mark jb2dsgfqs5 at
Tue May 6 12:04:53 EDT 2014

I have been using gnucash for a long, long time....  I recently moved from Linux Mint 13 -> Mint 16 and the look and feel for the Accounts List tab has changed.  I'm currently running 2.4.13 (from the Mint repositories).

I am pretty sure "it's not you, it's me" -- but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out what to tweak to get it back the way I'm used to.

I am used to an Accounts list that looks similar to this (with alternating light/dark lines):

What I am seeing is an accounts list that looks like this:

It's just an annoyance... and a preference... but I can't find the right tweak to get it back like I prefer.

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