[GNC] How to import MT940 and/or online banking missing in 5.5

Martin Preuss martin at aqbanking.de
Thu Mar 21 09:50:27 EDT 2024


Am 19.03.24 um 23:49 schrieb An Ku:
> Installing 5.5.1 I do see those now. However, when I go to
> File>Import>Import using AQBanking and select swift>SWIFT-MT940 followed by
> the file, nothing happens. The window closes and that's it. I have not done
> any kind of AQBanking installation or similar or any Online Banking setup.
> Is there anything I should set up first before using the Import option? If
> there's a howto I have not been able to find I would appreciate a link.

BTW: I always prefer camt over swift, because camt is a well documented and well understood file format.
Swift mt940 OTOH is a pain in the neck, with all those extensions and specialties.

It took us about 20 years to get the swift parser work well enough for all those different document types we encountered so far in Germany. It might not work that well with MT940 docs from other countries :-/ I imagine your banks have their own ideas about what to put in the MT940 fields...


"Things are only impossible until they're not."

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