Files | |
file | assistant-ab-initial.h |
AqBanking setup functionality. | |
file | dialog-ab-select-imexporter.h |
Dialog to select AQBanking importer/exporter and format profile. | |
file | dialog-ab-trans.h |
Dialog for AqBanking transaction data. | |
file | gnc-ab-getbalance.h |
AqBanking getbalance functions. | |
file | gnc-ab-getbalance.h |
AqBanking getbalance functions. | |
file | gnc-ab-kvp.h |
AqBanking KVP handling. | |
file | gnc-ab-transfer.h |
Dialog for AqBanking transaction data. | |
file | gnc-ab-utils.h |
AqBanking utility functions. | |
file | gnc-flicker-gui.h |
GUI callbacks for Flicker and ChipTAN(optisch) | |
file | gnc-gwen-gui.h |
GUI callbacks for AqBanking. | |
file | gnc-plugin-aqbanking.h |
Plugin registration of the AqBanking module. | |
Data Structures | |
struct | AB_Node_Pair |
struct | GncFlickerGui |
Macros | |
A define that combines the aqbanking version number into one single integer number. More... | |
A define that combines the gwenhywfar version number into one single integer number. More... | |
#define | GNC_PREFS_GROUP_AQBANKING "dialogs.import.hbci" |
#define | GNC_PREF_FORMAT_SWIFT940 "format-swift-mt940" |
#define | GNC_PREF_FORMAT_SWIFT942 "format-swift-mt942" |
#define | GNC_PREF_FORMAT_DTAUS "format-dtaus" |
#define | GNC_PREF_USE_TRANSACTION_TXT "use-ns-transaction-text" |
#define | GNC_PREF_VERBOSE_DEBUG "verbose-debug" |
#define | AWAIT_BALANCES 1 << 1 |
#define | FOUND_BALANCES 1 << 2 |
#define | IGNORE_BALANCES 1 << 3 |
#define | AWAIT_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 4 |
#define | FOUND_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 5 |
#define | IGNORE_TRANSACTIONS 1 << 6 |
#define | GNC_TYPE_PLUGIN_AQBANKING (gnc_plugin_aqbanking_get_type()) |
#define | GNC_PLUGIN_AQBANKING_NAME "gnc-plugin-aqbanking" |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct _GncABSelectImExDlg | GncABSelectImExDlg |
typedef enum _GncABTransType | GncABTransType |
typedef typedefG_BEGIN_DECLS struct _GncGWENGui | GncGWENGui |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
GncABTransTempl * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_new (void) |
Create a template with unset contents. More... | |
GncABTransTempl * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_new_full (const gchar *name, const gchar *recp_name, const gchar *recp_account, const gchar *recp_bankcode, gnc_numeric amount, const gchar *purpose, const gchar *purpose_cont) |
Create a template with given contents. More... | |
GList * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_new_from_book (QofBook *b) |
Obtain the list of QofTemplates saved in a Book. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_set_book_template_list (QofBook *b, GList *template_list) |
Set the GList of kvp_frames of template transactions in the Book b to template_list. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_free (GncABTransTempl *t) |
Free the memory used by a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_free (GList *l) |
Free the memory used by a list of templates, including the list itself. More... | |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_name (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_name (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_account (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_bankcode (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
gnc_numeric | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_amount (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose_cont (const GncABTransTempl *t) |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_name (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *name) |
Set the name of a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_name (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *recp_name) |
Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_account (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *recp_account) |
Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_bankcode (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *recp_bankcode) |
Replace the Bank Code of the recipient stored in a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_amount (GncABTransTempl *t, gnc_numeric amount) |
Replace the amount stored in a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *purpose) |
Replace the first purpose line stored in a template. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose_cont (GncABTransTempl *t, const gchar *purpose_cont) |
Replace the second purpose line stored in a template. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS void | gnc_ab_initial_assistant (void) |
Create and show an assistant for the aqbanking setup. | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS gboolean | gnc_ab_enter_daterange (GtkWidget *parent, const char *heading, time64 *from_date, gboolean *last_retv_date, gboolean *first_possible_date, time64 *to_date, gboolean *to_now) |
Show a dialog to pick a time frame using a sensible set of default options. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS GncABSelectImExDlg * | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_new (GtkWidget *parent, AB_BANKING *abi) |
Create an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_destroy (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd) |
Destroy an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog. More... | |
int | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_run (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd) |
Run an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog. More... | |
char * | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_get_imexporter_name (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd) |
Get the selected importer/exporter name. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_set_imexporter_name (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd, const char *name) |
Get the selected importer/exporter name. More... | |
char * | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_get_profile_name (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd) |
Get the selected file format profile name. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_set_profile_name (GncABSelectImExDlg *imexd, const char *name) |
Get the selected file format profile name. More... | |
gboolean | gnc_ab_trans_isSEPA (GncABTransType t) |
Returns true if the given GncABTransType is an European (SEPA) transaction (transfer or debit note), otherwise false. | |
GncABTransDialog * | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_new (GtkWidget *parent, GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *ab_acc, gint commodity_scu, GncABTransType trans_type, GList *templates) |
Create a new AqBanking transfer dialog. More... | |
gint | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_run_until_ok (GncABTransDialog *td) |
Run the Aqbanking transfer dialog until correct values where entered or the user cancelled the dialog. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_free (GncABTransDialog *td) |
Free a Aqbanking transfer dialog. More... | |
GtkWidget * | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_parent (const GncABTransDialog *td) |
Retrieve the widget used as parent. More... | |
const AB_TRANSACTION * | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_ab_trans (const GncABTransDialog *td) |
Receive the Aqbanking Transaction filled by the dialog. More... | |
GNC_AB_JOB * | gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_job (const GncABTransDialog *td) |
Receive the Aqbanking job filled by the dialog. More... | |
GNC_AB_JOB * | gnc_ab_get_trans_job (GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *ab_acc, const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, GncABTransType trans_type) |
Return the AqBanking job associated with the transaction. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS void | gnc_ab_getbalance (GtkWidget *parent, Account *gnc_acc) |
Execute a GetBalance job, show the resulting balance and offer to reconcile the GnuCash account. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS void | gnc_ab_gettrans (GtkWidget *parent, Account *gnc_acc) |
Execute a GetTransactions job. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS void | gnc_ab_maketrans (GtkWidget *parent, Account *gnc_acc, GncABTransType trans_type) |
Create SEPA transfers. More... | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Init (void) |
Initialize the gwenhywfar library by calling GWEN_Init() and setting up gwenhywfar logging. | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Fini (void) |
Finalize the gwenhywfar library. | |
AB_BANKING * | gnc_AB_BANKING_new (void) |
If there is a cached AB_BANKING object, return it initialized. More... | |
void | gnc_AB_BANKING_delete (AB_BANKING *api) |
Delete the AB_BANKING api. More... | |
gint | gnc_AB_BANKING_fini (AB_BANKING *api) |
Finish the AB_BANKING api. More... | |
GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC * | gnc_ab_get_ab_account (const AB_BANKING *api, Account *gnc_acc) |
Get the corresponding AqBanking account to the GnuCash account gnc_acc. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_AB_VALUE_to_readable_string (const AB_VALUE *value) |
Print the value of value with two decimal places and value's currency appended, or 0.0 otherwise. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_AB_JOB_to_readable_string (const GNC_AB_JOB *job) |
Return the job as string. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_AB_JOB_ID_to_string (gulong job_id) |
Return the job_id as string. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_ab_get_remote_name (const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans) |
Retrieve the merged "remote name" fields from a transaction. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_ab_get_purpose (const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, gboolean is_ofx) |
Retrieve the merged purpose fields from a transaction. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_ab_description_to_gnc (const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, gboolean is_ofx) |
Create the appropriate description field for a GnuCash Transaction by the information given in the AB_TRANSACTION ab_trans. More... | |
gchar * | gnc_ab_memo_to_gnc (const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans) |
Create the appropriate memo field for a GnuCash Split by the information given in the AB_TRANSACTION ab_trans. More... | |
Transaction * | gnc_ab_trans_to_gnc (const AB_TRANSACTION *ab_trans, Account *gnc_acc) |
Create an unbalanced and dirty GnuCash transaction with a split to gnc_acc from the information available in the AqBanking transaction ab_trans. More... | |
GncABImExContextImport * | gnc_ab_import_context (AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *context, guint awaiting, gboolean execute_txns, AB_BANKING *api, GtkWidget *parent) |
Import balances and transactions found in a AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT into GnuCash. More... | |
guint | gnc_ab_ieci_get_found (GncABImExContextImport *ieci) |
Extract awaiting from data. More... | |
GNC_AB_JOB_LIST2 * | gnc_ab_ieci_get_job_list (GncABImExContextImport *ieci) |
Extract the job list from data. More... | |
gboolean | gnc_ab_ieci_run_matcher (GncABImExContextImport *ieci) |
Run the generic transaction matcher dialog. More... | |
GWEN_DB_NODE * | gnc_ab_get_permanent_certs (void) |
get the GWEN_DB_NODE from AqBanking configuration files More... | |
gchar * | gnc_ab_create_online_id (const gchar *bankcode, const gchar *accountnumber) |
Creates an online ID from bank code and account number. More... | |
GList * | gnc_ab_imexporter_list (AB_BANKING *abi) |
Retrieve the available AQBanking importers. More... | |
GList * | gnc_ab_imexporter_profile_list (AB_BANKING *abi, const char *importer_name) |
Retrieve the available format templates for an AQBanking importer. More... | |
G_BEGIN_DECLS void | gnc_file_aqbanking_import_dialog (GtkWindow *parent) |
Import files via AQBanking's Import Dialog. More... | |
void | ini_flicker_gui (const char *pChallenge, GncFlickerGui *gui) |
Initialize the dialog and drawing area. More... | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Gui_log_init (void) |
Hook our logging into the gwenhywfar logging framework by creating a minimalistic GWEN_GUI with only a callback for Gwen_Gui_LogHook(). More... | |
GncGWENGui * | gnc_GWEN_Gui_get (GtkWidget *parent) |
When called for the first time, create a unique GncGWENGui object featuring a GWEN_GUI with all necessary callbacks, which can serve as a user interface for AqBanking jobs. More... | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Gui_release (GncGWENGui *gui) |
Currently a no-op. More... | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Gui_shutdown (void) |
Free all memory related to both the full-blown and minimalistic GUI objects. | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Gui_set_close_flag (gboolean close_when_finished) |
Set "Close when finished" flag. More... | |
gboolean | gnc_GWEN_Gui_get_close_flag (void) |
Get "Close when finished" flag. More... | |
gboolean | gnc_GWEN_Gui_show_dialog (void) |
Unhides Online Banking Connection Window (Make log visible) More... | |
void | gnc_GWEN_Gui_hide_dialog (void) |
Hides Online Banking Connection Window (Close log window) More... | |
GncPlugin * | gnc_plugin_aqbanking_new (void) |
void | gnc_plugin_aqbanking_create_plugin (void) |
Create a new GncPluginAqBanking object and register it. | |
void | gnc_plugin_aqbanking_set_logwindow_visible (gboolean logwindow_visible) |
Account | |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_get_account_accountid (const Account *a) |
Return accountid string in the Account a. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_set_account_accountid (Account *a, const gchar *id) |
Set the accountid string in the Account a to id. More... | |
const gchar * | gnc_ab_get_account_bankcode (const Account *a) |
Return the bankcode string in the Account a. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_set_account_bankcode (Account *a, const gchar *code) |
Set the bankcode string in the Account a to code. More... | |
guint32 | gnc_ab_get_account_uid (const Account *a) |
Return the unique id for the AB_BANKING account in the Account a. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_set_account_uid (Account *a, guint32 uid) |
Set the unique id for the AB_BANKING account in the Account a to uid. More... | |
time64 | gnc_ab_get_account_trans_retrieval (const Account *a) |
Return the time of last online transaction retrieval for Account a. More... | |
void | gnc_ab_set_account_trans_retrieval (Account *a, time64 time) |
Set the time of last online transaction retrieval for Account a. More... | |
A define that combines the aqbanking version number into one single integer number.
Assumption: Both MINOR and PATCHLEVEL numbers are in the interval [0..99].
Definition at line 48 of file gnc-ab-utils.h.
A define that combines the gwenhywfar version number into one single integer number.
Assumption: Both MINOR and PATCHLEVEL numbers are in the interval [0..99].
Definition at line 53 of file gnc-ab-utils.h.
void gnc_AB_BANKING_delete | ( | AB_BANKING * | api | ) |
Delete the AB_BANKING api.
If this is also the one that was cached by gnc_AB_BANKING_new(), then all references are deleted, too.
api | AB_BANKING or NULL for the cached AB_BANKING object |
Definition at line 207 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gint gnc_AB_BANKING_fini | ( | AB_BANKING * | api | ) |
Finish the AB_BANKING api.
If this is also the one that was cached by gnc_AB_BANKING_new(), then finish only if the decremented reference count reaches zero. After this call, you may only call gnc_AB_BANKING_new() to get the api again in a properly initialized state.
api | AB_BANKING object |
Definition at line 226 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
AB_BANKING* gnc_AB_BANKING_new | ( | void | ) |
If there is a cached AB_BANKING object, return it initialized.
Otherwise, create a new AB_BANKING, let it load its environment from its default configuration and cache it.
Definition at line 163 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_ab_create_online_id | ( | const gchar * | bankcode, |
const gchar * | accountnumber | ||
) |
Creates an online ID from bank code and account number.
The returned string must be g_free'd by the caller.
bankcode | Bank code |
accountnumber | Account number |
Definition at line 295 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_ab_description_to_gnc | ( | const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans, |
gboolean | is_ofx | ||
) |
Create the appropriate description field for a GnuCash Transaction by the information given in the AB_TRANSACTION ab_trans.
The returned string must be g_free'd by the caller.
ab_trans | AqBanking transaction |
Definition at line 422 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS gboolean gnc_ab_enter_daterange | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
const char * | heading, | ||
time64 * | from_date, | ||
gboolean * | last_retv_date, | ||
gboolean * | first_possible_date, | ||
time64 * | to_date, | ||
gboolean * | to_now | ||
) |
Show a dialog to pick a time frame using a sensible set of default options.
parent | Widget to use as parent, may be NULL |
heading | Descriptive text showed at the top, may be NULL |
from_date | Location to read from the initial and write to the final value of the from date entry |
last_retv_date | Location to read from whether the caller knows the last retrieval date and write to whether the corresponding button has been chosen |
first_possible_date | Location to write to whether the earliest possible date button has been chosen |
to_date | Location to read from the initial and write to the final value of the to date entry |
to_now | Location to write to whether the to now button has been chosen |
Definition at line 52 of file dialog-ab-daterange.c.
GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* gnc_ab_get_ab_account | ( | const AB_BANKING * | api, |
Account * | gnc_acc | ||
) |
Get the corresponding AqBanking account to the GnuCash account gnc_acc.
Of course this only works after the GnuCash account has been set up for AqBanking use, i.e. the account's hbci data have been set up and populated.
api | The AB_BANKING to get the GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC from |
gnc_acc | The GnuCash account to query for GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC reference data |
Definition at line 249 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
const gchar* gnc_ab_get_account_accountid | ( | const Account * | a | ) |
Return accountid string in the Account a.
a | Account |
Definition at line 39 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
const gchar* gnc_ab_get_account_bankcode | ( | const Account * | a | ) |
Return the bankcode string in the Account a.
a | Account |
Definition at line 59 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
Return the time of last online transaction retrieval for Account a.
a | Account |
Definition at line 99 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
guint32 gnc_ab_get_account_uid | ( | const Account * | a | ) |
Return the unique id for the AB_BANKING account in the Account a.
a | Account |
Definition at line 79 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
GWEN_DB_NODE* gnc_ab_get_permanent_certs | ( | void | ) |
get the GWEN_DB_NODE from AqBanking configuration files
Definition at line 1164 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_ab_get_purpose | ( | const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans, |
gboolean | is_ofx | ||
) |
Retrieve the merged purpose fields from a transaction.
The returned string must be g_free'd by the caller. If there was no purpose, an empty (but allocated) string is returned.
ab_trans | AqBanking transaction |
Definition at line 367 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_ab_get_remote_name | ( | const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans | ) |
Retrieve the merged "remote name" fields from a transaction.
The returned string must be g_free'd by the caller. If there was no "remote name" field, NULL (!) is returned.
ab_trans | AqBanking transaction |
Definition at line 347 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
GNC_AB_JOB* gnc_ab_get_trans_job | ( | GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC * | ab_acc, |
const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans, | ||
GncABTransType | trans_type | ||
) |
Return the AqBanking job associated with the transaction.
td | Transaction dialog |
Definition at line 866 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS void gnc_ab_getbalance | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
Account * | gnc_acc | ||
) |
Execute a GetBalance job, show the resulting balance and offer to reconcile the GnuCash account.
parent | Widget to use as parent, may be NULL |
gnc_acc | GnuCash account to fetch balance for |
Definition at line 47 of file gnc-ab-getbalance.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS void gnc_ab_gettrans | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
Account * | gnc_acc | ||
) |
Execute a GetTransactions job.
parent | Widget to use as parent, may be NULL |
gnc_acc | GnuCash account to fetch transactions for |
Definition at line 97 of file gnc-ab-gettrans.c.
guint gnc_ab_ieci_get_found | ( | GncABImExContextImport * | ieci | ) |
Extract awaiting from data.
ieci | The return value of gnc_ab_import_context() |
Definition at line 1140 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
GNC_AB_JOB_LIST2* gnc_ab_ieci_get_job_list | ( | GncABImExContextImport * | ieci | ) |
Extract the job list from data.
ieci | The return value of gnc_ab_import_context() |
Definition at line 1148 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gboolean gnc_ab_ieci_run_matcher | ( | GncABImExContextImport * | ieci | ) |
Run the generic transaction matcher dialog.
ieci | The return value of gnc_ab_import_context() |
Definition at line 1156 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
GList* gnc_ab_imexporter_list | ( | AB_BANKING * | abi | ) |
Retrieve the available AQBanking importers.
abi | The AQBanking instance. |
Definition at line 1227 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
GList* gnc_ab_imexporter_profile_list | ( | AB_BANKING * | abi, |
const char * | importer_name | ||
) |
Retrieve the available format templates for an AQBanking importer.
api | the AQBanking instance. |
importer_name | The importer's name. |
Definition at line 1253 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
GncABImExContextImport* gnc_ab_import_context | ( | AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT * | context, |
guint | awaiting, | ||
gboolean | execute_txns, | ||
AB_BANKING * | api, | ||
GtkWidget * | parent | ||
) |
Import balances and transactions found in a AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT into GnuCash.
By using awaiting the caller can specify what the user will expect to receive. By using execute_txns, transactions in context can be used to generate corresponding AqBanking jobs, e.g. after a file import.
context | AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT to import |
awaiting | Information the caller expects to receive or wants to ignore, bitmask of AWAIT_* or IGNORE_* values |
execute_txns | If awaiting contains AWAIT_TRANSACTIONS, whether to create an aqbanking job for each of the transactions found |
api | If execute_txns is TRUE, the AB_BANKING to get GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPECs from |
parent | Widget to set new dialogs transient for, may be NULL |
Definition at line 1069 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_AB_JOB_ID_to_string | ( | gulong | job_id | ) |
Return the job_id as string.
job_id |
Definition at line 791 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_AB_JOB_to_readable_string | ( | const GNC_AB_JOB * | job | ) |
Return the job as string.
value | GNC_AB_JOB or NULL |
Definition at line 779 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS void gnc_ab_maketrans | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
Account * | gnc_acc, | ||
GncABTransType | trans_type | ||
) |
Create SEPA transfers.
parent | Widget to use as parent, may be NULL |
gnc_acc | GnuCash account to fetch balance for |
trans_type | Type of transaction |
Definition at line 80 of file gnc-ab-transfer.c.
gchar* gnc_ab_memo_to_gnc | ( | const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans | ) |
Create the appropriate memo field for a GnuCash Split by the information given in the AB_TRANSACTION ab_trans.
The returned string must be g_free'd by the caller.
ab_trans | AqBanking transaction |
Definition at line 437 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
void gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_destroy | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd | ) |
Destroy an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog.
imexd | the dialog. |
Definition at line 136 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
char* gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_get_imexporter_name | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd | ) |
Get the selected importer/exporter name.
imexd | the dialog with the selection |
Definition at line 266 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
char* gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_get_profile_name | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd | ) |
Get the selected file format profile name.
imexd | the dialog with the selection |
Definition at line 272 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS GncABSelectImExDlg* gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_new | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
AB_BANKING * | abi | ||
) |
Create an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog.
parent | A widget to center the dialog over. |
abi | The AQBanking instance to query. |
Definition at line 80 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
int gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_run | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd | ) |
Run an AQBanking importer/exporter selection dialog.
imexd | the dialog. |
Definition at line 214 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
void gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_set_imexporter_name | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd, |
const char * | name | ||
) |
Get the selected importer/exporter name.
imexd | the dialog with the selection name the importer/exporter name to select. |
Definition at line 278 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
void gnc_ab_select_imex_dlg_set_profile_name | ( | GncABSelectImExDlg * | imexd, |
const char * | name | ||
) |
Get the selected file format profile name.
imexd | the dialog with the selection |
name | the profile to select. |
Definition at line 285 of file dialog-ab-select-imexporter.c.
void gnc_ab_set_account_accountid | ( | Account * | a, |
const gchar * | id | ||
) |
Set the accountid string in the Account a to id.
A copy of the string will be stored. The Account will be marked as "dirty".
Definition at line 49 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
void gnc_ab_set_account_bankcode | ( | Account * | a, |
const gchar * | code | ||
) |
Set the bankcode string in the Account a to code.
A copy of the string will be stored. The Account will be marked as "dirty".
a | Account |
code | Bank code |
Definition at line 69 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
Set the time of last online transaction retrieval for Account a.
The account will be marked as "dirty".
a | Account |
time | Retrieval time |
Definition at line 109 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
void gnc_ab_set_account_uid | ( | Account * | a, |
guint32 | uid | ||
) |
Set the unique id for the AB_BANKING account in the Account a to uid.
The Account will be marked as "dirty".
a | Account |
uid | Unique ID |
Definition at line 89 of file gnc-ab-kvp.c.
void gnc_ab_set_book_template_list | ( | QofBook * | b, |
GList * | template_list | ||
) |
Set the GList of kvp_frames of template transactions in the Book b to template_list.
No copy of the GList will be stored, the callee becomes the owner and the caller must not free it. The book will be marked "dirty".
b | Book |
template_list | Template list |
Definition at line 180 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_dialog_free | ( | GncABTransDialog * | td | ) |
Free a Aqbanking transfer dialog.
td | Transaction dialog |
Definition at line 749 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
const AB_TRANSACTION* gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_ab_trans | ( | const GncABTransDialog * | td | ) |
Receive the Aqbanking Transaction filled by the dialog.
td | Transaction dialog |
Definition at line 814 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
GNC_AB_JOB* gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_job | ( | const GncABTransDialog * | td | ) |
Receive the Aqbanking job filled by the dialog.
td | Transaction dialog |
Definition at line 859 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
GtkWidget* gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_parent | ( | const GncABTransDialog * | td | ) |
Retrieve the widget used as parent.
td | Transaction dialog |
Definition at line 807 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
GncABTransDialog* gnc_ab_trans_dialog_new | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
GNC_AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC * | ab_acc, | ||
gint | commodity_scu, | ||
GncABTransType | trans_type, | ||
GList * | templates | ||
) |
Create a new AqBanking transfer dialog.
parent | Widget to use as parent, may be NULL |
ab_acc | Aqbanking account |
commodity_scu | commodity used for the amount |
trans_type | Type of transaction |
templates | A GList of template transactions which will become fully managed by the dialog, so do not free it and retrieve snapshots via gnc_ab_trans_dialog_get_templ() |
Definition at line 242 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
gint gnc_ab_trans_dialog_run_until_ok | ( | GncABTransDialog * | td | ) |
Run the Aqbanking transfer dialog until correct values where entered or the user cancelled the dialog.
td | Transaction dialog |
ab_acc | AqBanking account |
Definition at line 662 of file dialog-ab-trans.c.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_free | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
Free the memory used by a template.
t | GncABTransTempl to be freed |
Definition at line 161 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
gnc_numeric gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_amount | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_name | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 200 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 235 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_purpose_cont | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 242 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_account | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 214 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_bankcode | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 221 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
const gchar* gnc_ab_trans_templ_get_recp_name | ( | const GncABTransTempl * | t | ) |
t | Template |
Definition at line 207 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_free | ( | GList * | l | ) |
Free the memory used by a list of templates, including the list itself.
l | GList of GncABTransTempl |
Definition at line 167 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
GList* gnc_ab_trans_templ_list_new_from_book | ( | QofBook * | b | ) |
Obtain the list of QofTemplates saved in a Book.
b | QofBook containing the templates. |
Definition at line 133 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
GncABTransTempl* gnc_ab_trans_templ_new | ( | void | ) |
Create a template with unset contents.
Definition at line 117 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
GncABTransTempl* gnc_ab_trans_templ_new_full | ( | const gchar * | name, |
const gchar * | recp_name, | ||
const gchar * | recp_account, | ||
const gchar * | recp_bankcode, | ||
gnc_numeric | amount, | ||
const gchar * | purpose, | ||
const gchar * | purpose_cont | ||
) |
Create a template with given contents.
name | Name of the template |
recp_name | Name of the recipient |
recp_account | Account Number of the recipient |
recp_bankcode | Bank Code of the recipient |
amount | Amount |
purpose | First purpose line |
purpose_cont | Second purpose line |
Definition at line 123 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_amount | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
gnc_numeric | amount | ||
) |
Replace the amount stored in a template.
t | Template |
amount | Amount |
Definition at line 279 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_name | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | name | ||
) |
Set the name of a template.
t | Template |
name | Name |
Definition at line 249 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | purpose | ||
) |
Replace the first purpose line stored in a template.
t | Template |
purpose | First purpose line |
Definition at line 286 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_purpose_cont | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | purpose_cont | ||
) |
Replace the second purpose line stored in a template.
t | Template |
purpose_cont | Second purpose line |
Definition at line 293 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_account | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | recp_account | ||
) |
Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template.
t | Template |
recp_account | Account Number of the recipient |
Definition at line 263 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_bankcode | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | recp_bankcode | ||
) |
Replace the Bank Code of the recipient stored in a template.
t | Template |
recp_bankcode | Bank Code of the recipient |
Definition at line 271 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
void gnc_ab_trans_templ_set_recp_name | ( | GncABTransTempl * | t, |
const gchar * | recp_name | ||
) |
Replace the Account Number of the recipient stored in a template.
t | Template |
recp_name | Account Number of the recipient |
Definition at line 256 of file gnc-aqbanking-templates.cpp.
Transaction* gnc_ab_trans_to_gnc | ( | const AB_TRANSACTION * | ab_trans, |
Account * | gnc_acc | ||
) |
Create an unbalanced and dirty GnuCash transaction with a split to gnc_acc from the information available in the AqBanking transaction ab_trans.
ab_trans | AqBanking transaction |
gnc_acc | Account of to use for the split |
Definition at line 495 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
gchar* gnc_AB_VALUE_to_readable_string | ( | const AB_VALUE * | value | ) |
Print the value of value with two decimal places and value's currency appended, or 0.0 otherwise.
value | AB_VALUE or NULL |
Definition at line 283 of file gnc-ab-utils.c.
G_BEGIN_DECLS void gnc_file_aqbanking_import_dialog | ( | GtkWindow * | parent | ) |
Import files via AQBanking's Import Dialog.
This permits importing any file format that Aqbanking supports.
parent | A GtkWindow for setting the import dialog transient for. |
Definition at line 133 of file gnc-file-aqb-import.c.
GncGWENGui* gnc_GWEN_Gui_get | ( | GtkWidget * | parent | ) |
When called for the first time, create a unique GncGWENGui object featuring a GWEN_GUI with all necessary callbacks, which can serve as a user interface for AqBanking jobs.
On later calls, return the object only when it is not active and save to use. Typically, you only need to call gnc_GWEN_Gui_release() once your job has finished.
parent | Widget to set new dialogs transient for, may be NULL |
Definition at line 245 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
gboolean gnc_GWEN_Gui_get_close_flag | ( | void | ) |
Get "Close when finished" flag.
Definition at line 344 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
void gnc_GWEN_Gui_hide_dialog | ( | void | ) |
Hides Online Banking Connection Window (Close log window)
Definition at line 381 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
void gnc_GWEN_Gui_log_init | ( | void | ) |
Hook our logging into the gwenhywfar logging framework by creating a minimalistic GWEN_GUI with only a callback for Gwen_Gui_LogHook().
This function can be called more than once, it will unref and replace the currently set GWEN_GUI though.
Definition at line 229 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
void gnc_GWEN_Gui_release | ( | GncGWENGui * | gui | ) |
Currently a no-op.
The GncGWENGui will not be freed and it is considered finished once the first tracked progress has ended.
gui | The GncGwenGUI returned by gnc_GWEN_Gui_get() |
Definition at line 280 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
void gnc_GWEN_Gui_set_close_flag | ( | gboolean | close_when_finished | ) |
Set "Close when finished" flag.
gboolean | close_when_finished |
Definition at line 325 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
gboolean gnc_GWEN_Gui_show_dialog | ( | void | ) |
Unhides Online Banking Connection Window (Make log visible)
Definition at line 350 of file gnc-gwen-gui.c.
GncPlugin* gnc_plugin_aqbanking_new | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 150 of file gnc-plugin-aqbanking.c.
void ini_flicker_gui | ( | const char * | pChallenge, |
GncFlickerGui * | gui | ||
) |
Initialize the dialog and drawing area.
pChallenge | The answer from the bank which is shown as a flickering picture |
gui | The structure of the Dialog-Widgets |
Definition at line 391 of file gnc-flicker-gui.c.