GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
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gnucash_rest Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  Error


def api_accounts ()
def api_account (guid)
def api_account_splits (guid)
def api_transactions ()
def api_transaction (guid)
def api_bills ()
def api_bill (id)
def api_bill_entries (id)
def api_invoices ()
def api_invoice (id)
def api_invoice_entries (id)
def api_entry (guid)
def api_customers ()
def api_customer (id)
def api_customer_invoices (id)
def api_vendors ()
def api_vendor (id)
def api_vendor_bills (id)
def getCustomers (book)
def getCustomer (book, id)
def getVendors (book)
def getVendor (book, id)
def getAccounts (book)
def getAccountsFlat (book)
def getSubAccounts (account)
def getAccount (book, guid)
def getTransaction (book, guid)
def getTransactions (book, account_guid, date_posted_from, date_posted_to)
def getAccountSplits (book, guid, date_posted_from, date_posted_to)
def getInvoices (book, customer, is_paid, is_active, date_due_from, date_due_to)
def getBills (book, customer, is_paid, is_active, date_opened_from, date_opened_to)
def getGnuCashInvoice (book, id)
def getGnuCashBill (book, id)
def getInvoice (book, id)
def payInvoice (book, id, posted_account_guid, transfer_account_guid, payment_date, memo, num, auto_pay)
def payBill (book, id, posted_account_guid, transfer_account_guid, payment_date, memo, num, auto_pay)
def getBill (book, id)
def addVendor (book, id, currency_mnumonic, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email)
def addCustomer (book, id, currency_mnumonic, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email)
def updateCustomer (book, id, name, contact, address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3, address_line_4, phone, fax, email)
def addInvoice (book, id, customer_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes)
def updateInvoice (book, id, customer_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes, posted, posted_account_guid, posted_date, due_date, posted_memo, posted_accumulatesplits, posted_autopay)
def updateBill (book, id, vendor_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes, posted, posted_account_guid, posted_date, due_date, posted_memo, posted_accumulatesplits, posted_autopay)
def addEntry (book, invoice_id, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price)
def addBillEntry (book, bill_id, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price)
def getEntry (book, entry_guid)
def updateEntry (book, entry_guid, date, description, account_guid, quantity, price)
def deleteEntry (book, entry_guid)
def deleteTransaction (book, transaction_guid)
def addBill (book, id, vendor_id, currency_mnumonic, date_opened, notes)
def addAccount (book, name, currency_mnumonic, account_guid)
def addTransaction (book, num, description, date_posted, currency_mnumonic, splits)
def editTransaction (book, transaction_guid, num, description, date_posted, currency_mnumonic, splits)
def gnc_numeric_from_decimal (decimal_value)
def shutdown ()


 app = Flask(__name__)
string host = ''
bool is_new = False
 session = gnucash.Session(arguments[0], SessionOpenMode.SESSION_NEW_STORE)
 stream_handler = StreamHandler()

Detailed Description -- A Flask app which responds to REST requests
with JSON responses

Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Lofts <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, contact:

Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

@author Tom Lofts <>