GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 bindings/python/__init__.pyHelper file for the importing of gnucash
 account-quickfill.hCreate an account-name quick-fill
 Account.hAccount handling public routines
 Account.hppAccount public routines (C++ api)
 account_analysis.pyOutput all the credits and debits on an account
 AccountP.hppThis is the private header for the account structure
 app_utils.pyHigh level python wrapper for app-utilsfurther functions in _sw_app_utils that have not been included: _gnc_get_current_book is available through Session.get_book() _gnc_get_current_root_account is available through Book.get_root_account()
 assistant-ab-initial.hAqBanking setup functionality
 assistant-csv-account-import.cCSV Import Assistant
 assistant-csv-account-import.hCSV Import Assistant
 assistant-csv-export.cCSV Export Assistant
 assistant-csv-export.hCSV Export Assistant
 assistant-csv-price-import.cppCSV Import Assistant
 assistant-csv-price-import.hCSV Import Assistant
 assistant-csv-trans-import.cppCSV Import Assistant
 assistant-csv-trans-import.hCSV Import Assistant
 cap-gains.hUtilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses
 cellblock.hDeclarations for the CellBlock object
 change_tax_code.pyRecurse over all accounts in a book and marks the first one having target_account_code as tax related
 csv-transactions-export.hCSV Export Transactions
 csv-tree-export.hCSV Export Account Tree
 dialog-ab-select-imexporter.hDialog to select AQBanking importer/exporter and format profile
 dialog-ab-trans.hDialog for AqBanking transaction data
 dialog-account.hThis file contains the functions to present a gui to the user for creating a new account or editing an existing account
 dialog-bi-import-gui.hGUI handling for bi-import plugin
 dialog-bi-import.hCore import functions for invoice import plugin
 dialog-book-close.hThis file contains the functions to present a GUI to select a book closing date and accounts into which to close the Income and Expense accounts
 dialog-commodity.h"select" and "new" commodity windows
 dialog-custom-report.hThis file contains the functions to present a GUI to manage custom reports
 dialog-customer-import-gui.hGUI handling for customer import plugin
 dialog-customer-import.hCore import functions for customer import plugin
 dialog-file-access.hThis file contains the functions to present a GUI to select a file or a database connection
 dialog-object-references.hThis file contains the functions to present a dialog box with a list of object references and an explanation that these objects must be modified to not refer to another specific object so that that object may be deleted
 dialog-preferences.cDialog for handling user preferences
 dialog-preferences.hDialog for handling user preferences
 dialog-print-check.cPrint Checks Dialog
 dialog-progress.hAPI for displaying progress of long-running operations
 fake-qofquery.hMocking qof queries
 file-utils.hUtility functions for file access
 formulacell-gnome.hImplements gnome dependent formula cell functions
 FreqSpec.hPeriod / Date Frequency Specification
 function_class.pyLibrary for making python classes from a set of functions
 get_quotes.plAddition to example Script
 gnc-ab-getbalance.hAqBanking getbalance functions
 gnc-ab-kvp.hAqBanking KVP handling
 gnc-ab-transfer.hDialog for AqBanking transaction data
 gnc-ab-utils.hAqBanking utility functions
 gnc-account-sql.hLoad and save accounts data to SQL
 gnc-accounting-period.cGeneral utilities for dealing with accounting periods
 gnc-accounting-period.hGeneral utilities for dealing with accounting periods
 gnc-backend-dbi.hLoad and save data to SQL via libdbi
 gnc-backend-xml.hLoad and save data to files
 gnc-bill-term-sql.hLoad and save accounts data to SQL
 gnc-book-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-budget-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-budget-view.cFile to define budget views for gnucash (the actual display of the budget, along with some calculations and event handlers)
 gnc-budget.hGnuCash Budgets
 gnc-commodity-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-commodity.hCommodity handling public routines
 gnc-commodity.hppCommodity handling public routines (C++ api)
 gnc-currency-edit.hCurrency selection widget
 gnc-customer-sql.hLoad and save customer data to SQL
 gnc-date.hDate and Time handling routines
 gnc-embedded-window.hFunctions that are supported by all types of windows
 gnc-employee-sql.hLoad and save employee data to SQL
 gnc-engine.hAll type declarations for the whole Gnucash engine
 gnc-entry-sql.hLoad and save entry data to SQL
 gnc-environment.hCode to set up the environment for proper gnucash functioning
 gnc-event.hAdditional event handling code
 gnc-features.hUtility functions for file access
 gnc-filepath-utils.hFile path resolution utility functions
 gnc-flicker-gui.hGUI callbacks for Flicker and ChipTAN(optisch)
 gnc-gkeyfile-utils.cGKeyFile helper routines
 gnc-gkeyfile-utils.hGKeyFile helper routines
 gnc-glib-utils.hGLib helper routines
 gnc-gnome-utils.hGnome specific utility functions
 gnc-gobject-utils.hGobject helper routines
 gnc-gsettings.hGSettings helper routines
 gnc-gtk-utils.hGtk helper routines
 gnc-gwen-gui.hGUI callbacks for AqBanking
 gnc-imp-settings-csv-price.cppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-imp-settings-csv-price.hppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-imp-settings-csv-tx.cppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-imp-settings-csv-tx.hppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-imp-settings-csv.cppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-imp-settings-csv.hppCSV Import Settings
 gnc-import-price.hppClass to import prices from CSV or fixed width files
 gnc-import-tx.hppClass to import transactions from CSV or fixed width files
 gnc-invoice-sql.hLoad and save invoice data to SQL
 gnc-job-sql.hLoad and save job data to SQL
 gnc-keyring.hFunctions to save and retrieve passwords
 gnc-ledger-display.hPublic declarations for GncLedgerDisplay class
 gnc-log-replay.h.log replay module interface
 gnc-lots-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-main-window.hFunctions for adding content to a window
 gnc-numeric.hAn exact-rational-number library for gnucash
 gnc-ofx-import.hOfx import module interface
 gnc-option-date.hppRelative date enumeration and manipulation functions
 gnc-option-impl.hppImplementation templates and specializtions for GncOption values
 gnc-option.hppC++ Public interface for individual options
 gnc-optiondb-impl.hppImplementation details for GncOptionDB
 gnc-optiondb.hC public interface for the Options Database
 gnc-optiondb.hppThe primary C++ interface to options for books, reports, and stylesheets
 gnc-order-sql.hLoad and save order data to SQL
 gnc-period-select.cA custom widget for selecting accounting periods
 gnc-period-select.hA custom widget for selecting accounting periods
 gnc-plugin-account-tree.cProvide the menus to create a chart of account page
 gnc-plugin-account-tree.hProvide the menus to create a chart of account page
 gnc-plugin-aqbanking.hPlugin registration of the AqBanking module
 gnc-plugin-basic-commands.cFunctions providing a basic set of menu items
 gnc-plugin-basic-commands.hFunctions providing a basic set of menu items
 gnc-plugin-bi-import.hPlugin registration of the bi-import module
 gnc-plugin-customer-import.hPlugin registration of the customer_import module
 gnc-plugin-file-history.cFunctions providing the file history menu
 gnc-plugin-file-history.hFunctions providing the file history menu
 gnc-plugin-manager.hPlugin management functions for the GnuCash UI
 gnc-plugin-menu-additions.cFunctions providing menu items from scheme code
 gnc-plugin-menu-additions.hFunctions providing menu items from scheme code
 gnc-plugin-page-account-tree.hFunctions providing a chart of account page
 gnc-plugin-page-invoice.hUtility functions for the GnuCash UI
 gnc-plugin-page-owner-tree.hFunctions providing a page which lists owners of one type
 gnc-plugin-page-register.hFunctions providing a register page for the GnuCash UI
 gnc-plugin-page-report.hReport page
 gnc-plugin-page.cFunctions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window
 gnc-plugin-page.hFunctions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window
 gnc-plugin.cFunctions for adding plugins to a Gnucash window
 gnc-plugin.hFunctions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window
 gnc-prefs-utils.hPreferences initialization function
 gnc-prefs.hGeneric api to store and retrieve preferences
 gnc-price-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-pricedb.hSimple price database for gnucash
 gnc-recurrence-sql.hLoad and save accounts data to SQL
 gnc-slots-sql.hLoad and save accounts data to SQL
 gnc-state.hFunctions to load, save and get gui state
 gnc-tax-table-sql.hLoad and save tax table data to SQL
 gnc-tokenizer-csv.hppClass to convert a csv file into vector of string vectors
 gnc-tokenizer-dummy.hppDummy converter class to convert a file into vector of string vectors
 gnc-tokenizer-fw.hppClass convert a file with fixed with delimited contents into vector of string vectors
 gnc-tokenizer.hppClass convert a file into vector of string vectors
 gnc-transaction-sql.hLoad and save data to SQL
 gnc-tree-model-account-types.hGtkTreeModel implementation to display account types in a GtkTreeView
 gnc-tree-model-account.hGtkTreeModel implementation for gnucash account tree
 gnc-tree-model-budget.hSome utilities for working with the list of budgets in a book
 gnc-tree-model-commodity.hGtkTreeModel implementation for gnucash commodities
 gnc-tree-model-owner.hGtkTreeModel implementation for gnucash owner tree
 gnc-tree-model-price.hGtkTreeModel implementation for gnucash price database
 gnc-tree-model.hGtkTreeModel implementation for a generic gnucash tree
 gnc-tree-view-account.hGtkTreeView implementation for gnucash account tree
 gnc-tree-view-commodity.hGtkTreeView implementation for gnucash commodity tree
 gnc-tree-view-owner.hGtkTreeView implementation for gnucash owner tree
 gnc-tree-view-price.hGtkTreeView implementation for gnucash price tree
 gnc-tree-view-sx-list.hGncTreeView implementation for Scheduled Transaction List
 gnc-tree-view.cBase GncTreeView implementation for gnucash trees
 gnc-tree-view.hCommon utilities for manipulating a GtkTreeView within gnucash
 gnc-ui-util.hUtility functions for the GnuCash UI
 gnc-uri-utils.hUtility functions for convert uri in separate components and back
 gnc-vendor-sql.hLoad and save vendor data to SQL
 gnc-version.hFunctions to query various version related strings that were set at build time
 gnc-window.hFunctions that are supported by all types of windows
 gnc_convenience.pySome functions to make life easier when using python-bindings
 gncAddress.hAddress object
 gncBillTerm.hBilling Term interface
 gncBusiness.h– Business Helper Functions
 gncCustomer.hCore Customer Interface
 gncEmployee.hEmployee Interface
 gncEntry.hBusiness Entry Interface
 gncEntryLedgerControl.cControl for GncEntry ledger
 gncInvoice.hBusiness Invoice Interface
 gncinvoice_jinja.pyExports an invoice from gnucash using a template file, see Python invoice export
 gncinvoicefkt.pySome help for working with invoices, used in Python invoice export
 gncJob.hJob Interface
 gncOwner.hBusiness Interface: Object OWNERs
 gncTaxTable.hTax Table programming interface
 gncVendor.hVendor Interface
 gnucash-color.hConvenience wrapper around GdkRGBA for use in Register Gnome classes
 gnucash-cursor.hPublic declarations for GnucashCursor class
 gnucash-date-picker.hPublic declarations for GncDatePicker class
 gnucash-header.hPublic declarations for GnucashHeader class
 gnucash-item-edit.hPublic declarations for GncItemEdit class
 gnucash-item-list.hPublic Declarations for GncItemList class
 gnucash-sheet.hPublic declarations of GnucashRegister class
 gnucash-sheetP.hPrivate declarations for GnucashSheet class
 gnucash-style.hStyling functions for RegisterGnome
 gnucash_business.pyHigh level python wrapper classes for the business parts of GnuCash
 gnucash_core.pyHigh level python wrapper classes for the core parts of GnuCash
 gtable.hThis is the API for GTables, a datatype for 2-dimensional tables with automatic resizing and memory management
 guid.hGlobally unique ID User API
 import-account-matcher.hGeneric and very flexible account matcher/picker
 import-backend.hGeneric importer backend interface
 import-commodity-matcher.hA Generic commodity matcher/picker
 import-main-matcher.hTransaction matcher main window
 import-match-picker.hThe transaction match picker dialog interface
 import-pending-matches.hTracking container for pending match status
 import-settings.hImport preference handling
 import-utilities.hUtility functions for writing import modules
 io-gncxml-v2.hApi for GnuCash version 2 XML-based file format
 io-gncxml.hApi for Version 1 XML-based file format
 latex_invoices.pyExports an invoice to lco-file for use with LaTeX, see Python invoice export
 new_book_with_opening_balances.pyReplicate the account structure of a book and apply basis opening balances from the original
 policy-p.hImplement Accounting Policy Private header File
 policy.hImplement Accounting Policy
 price_database_example.pyTest file for price database stuff
 priceDB_test.pyTest file for price database stuff
 print-session.hFunctions for printing
 qof-string-cache.hQOF String cache functions
 qof.pySome examples for qof queries
 qofbackend.hAPI for data storage Backend
 qofbook.hEncapsulate all the information about a dataset
 qofclass.hAPI for registering parameters on objects
 qofevent.hQOF event handling interface
 qofid.hQOF entity type identification system
 qofinstance.hObject instance holds common fields that most gnucash objects use
 qofobject-p.hCore Object Registration/Lookup Private Interface
 qofobject.hCore Object Registration/Lookup Interface
 qofquery.hFind objects that match a certain expression
 qofquerycore.hAPI for providing core Query data types
Encapsulate a connection to a storage backend
 qofsession.hEncapsulates a connection to a backend (persistent store)
 qofutil.hQOF utility functions
 QuickFill.hQuickFill is used to auto-complete typed user entries
 quotes_historic.pyExample Script to read historic stock data into gnucash
 register-common.hCommon declarations for the register core
 SchedXaction.hScheduled Transactions public handling routines
 Scrub.hConvert single-entry accounts to clean double-entry
 Scrub2.hUtilities to Convert Stock Accounts to use Lots
 Scrub3.hHigh-Level API for imposing Lot constraints
 ScrubBusiness.hCleanup functions for business objects
 simple_book.pySimple example for a book
 simple_business_create.pySet up a set of books for business feature use
 simple_invoice_insert.pyAdd an invoice to a set of books
 simple_session.pyExample Script simple session
 simple_sqlite_create.pyExample Script simple sqlite create
 simple_test.pyCreates a basic set of accounts and a couple of transactions
 split-register-control.hTableControl specialized for the SplitRegister
 split-register-layout.hCreate the actual register visual layout
 split-register-model-save.hSave handlers for the SplitRegister Model and Template SplitRegister model
 split-register-model.hTableModels specialized for SplitRegister and template SplitRegister
 split-register-p.hPrivate declarations for SplitRegister
 split-register.hAPI for checkbook register display area
 Split.hAPI for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
 str_methods.pyAdd str methods to financial objects so that
 SX-book.hAnchor Scheduled Transaction info in a book
 table-allgui.hDeclarations for the Table object
 test-engine-stuff.h$brief This file declares testing functions for the engine
 test_imbalance_transaction.pyTest the transaction imbalace viewing mechanisms
 Transaction.hAPI for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
 TransLog.hAPI for the transaction logger
 tree-view-utils.cSimple convenience functions for common tasks on GtkTreeViews
 unittest-support.hMacros and logging-capture functions to ease writing GLib-testing based unit tests