29 #include <glib/gi18n.h> 31 #include "swig-runtime.h" 35 #include "dialog-utils.h" 36 #include "gnc-component-manager.h" 38 #include "gnc-gui-query.h" 42 #include "gnc-date-edit.h" 43 #include "gnc-amount-edit.h" 45 #include "gnucash-register.h" 46 #include "window-report.h" 47 #include "dialog-search.h" 48 #include "search-param.h" 49 #include "gnc-session.h" 52 #include "gncInvoiceP.h" 58 #include "gnc-general-search.h" 59 #include "dialog-date-close.h" 60 #include "dialog-invoice.h" 61 #include "dialog-job.h" 62 #include "business-gnome-utils.h" 63 #include "dialog-payment.h" 64 #include "dialog-tax-table.h" 65 #include "dialog-billterms.h" 67 #include "guile-mappings.h" 68 #include "dialog-dup-trans.h" 70 #include "dialog-query-view.h" 72 #include "gnc-plugin-business.h" 78 #include "dialog-doclink.h" 79 #include "dialog-doclink-utils.h" 80 #include "dialog-transfer.h" 82 #include "gnc-report-combo.h" 84 #define DIALOG_NEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS "dialog-new-invoice" 85 #define DIALOG_VIEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS "dialog-view-invoice" 87 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_CUSTOMER "dialogs.customer-due" 88 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_VENDOR "dialogs.vendor-due" 90 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_SEARCH "dialogs.business.invoice-search" 91 #define GNC_PREF_NOTIFY_WHEN_DUE "notify-when-due" 92 #define GNC_PREF_ACCUM_SPLITS "accumulate-splits" 93 #define GNC_PREF_DAYS_IN_ADVANCE "days-in-advance" 95 void gnc_invoice_window_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
96 void gnc_invoice_window_cancel_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
97 void gnc_invoice_window_help_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
98 void gnc_invoice_type_toggled_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
99 void gnc_invoice_id_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
100 void gnc_invoice_terms_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
102 #define ENUM_INVOICE_TYPE(_) \ 109 DEFINE_ENUM(InvoiceDialogType, ENUM_INVOICE_TYPE)
130 #define UNUSED_VAR __attribute__ ((unused)) 132 static QofLogModule UNUSED_VAR log_module =
141 GtkBuilder * builder;
145 const gchar * page_state_name;
148 GtkWidget * total_label;
149 GtkWidget * total_cash_label;
150 GtkWidget * total_charge_label;
151 GtkWidget * total_subtotal_label;
152 GtkWidget * total_tax_label;
155 GtkWidget * info_label;
156 GtkWidget * id_label;
157 GtkWidget * type_label;
158 GtkWidget * type_label_hbox;
159 GtkWidget * type_hbox;
160 GtkWidget * type_choice;
161 GtkWidget * id_entry;
162 GtkWidget * notes_text;
163 GtkWidget * opened_date;
164 GtkWidget * posted_date_hbox;
165 GtkWidget * posted_date;
166 GtkWidget * active_check;
167 GtkWidget * paid_label;
169 GtkWidget * doclink_button;
171 GtkWidget * owner_box;
172 GtkWidget * owner_label;
173 GtkWidget * owner_choice;
174 GtkWidget * job_label;
176 GtkWidget * job_choice;
177 GtkWidget * billing_id_entry;
178 GtkWidget * terms_menu;
181 GtkWidget * proj_frame;
182 GtkWidget * proj_cust_box;
183 GtkWidget * proj_cust_choice;
184 GtkWidget * proj_job_box;
185 GtkWidget * proj_job_choice;
188 GtkWidget * to_charge_frame;
189 GtkWidget * to_charge_edit;
194 GnucashRegister * reg;
195 GncEntryLedger * ledger;
197 invoice_sort_type_t last_sort;
199 InvoiceDialogType dialog_type;
201 gboolean is_credit_note;
204 GncInvoice * created_invoice;
217 gboolean reset_tax_tables;
221 void gnc_invoice_window_active_toggled_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
222 gboolean gnc_invoice_window_leave_notes_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer data);
223 DialogQueryView *gnc_invoice_show_docs_due (GtkWindow *parent, QofBook *book,
double days_in_advance, GncWhichDueType duetype);
225 #define INV_WIDTH_PREFIX "invoice_reg" 226 #define BILL_WIDTH_PREFIX "bill_reg" 227 #define VOUCHER_WIDTH_PREFIX "voucher_reg" 229 static void gnc_invoice_update_window (InvoiceWindow *iw, GtkWidget *widget);
230 static InvoiceWindow * gnc_ui_invoice_modify (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *invoice);
236 iw_get_window (InvoiceWindow *iw)
244 gnc_invoice_get_register (InvoiceWindow *iw)
247 return (GtkWidget *)iw->reg;
252 gnc_invoice_get_notes (InvoiceWindow *iw)
255 return (GtkWidget *)iw->notes_text;
263 iw_ask_unpost (InvoiceWindow *iw)
266 GtkToggleButton *toggle;
269 const gchar *style_label = NULL;
273 builder = gtk_builder_new();
274 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
275 dialog = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
276 toggle = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
281 style_label =
284 style_label =
287 style_label =
291 gnc_widget_style_context_add_class (GTK_WIDGET(dialog), style_label);
293 gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW(dialog),
294 GTK_WINDOW(iw_get_window(iw)));
296 iw->reset_tax_tables = FALSE;
298 gtk_widget_show_all(dialog);
300 response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
301 if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
302 iw->reset_tax_tables =
303 gtk_toggle_button_get_active(toggle);
305 gtk_widget_destroy(dialog);
306 g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(builder));
308 return (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
315 iw_get_invoice (InvoiceWindow *iw)
320 return gncInvoiceLookup (iw->book, &iw->invoice_guid);
324 gnc_invoice_window_get_invoice (InvoiceWindow *iw)
329 return iw_get_invoice (iw);
333 gnc_invoice_window_get_doclink_button (InvoiceWindow *iw)
338 return iw->doclink_button;
342 set_gncEntry_switch_type (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
344 GncEntry *entry = data;
351 set_gncEntry_date(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
353 GncEntry *entry = data;
363 static void gnc_ui_to_invoice (InvoiceWindow *iw, GncInvoice *invoice)
365 GtkTextBuffer* text_buffer;
366 GtkTextIter start, end;
369 gboolean is_credit_note = gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (invoice);
371 if (iw->dialog_type == VIEW_INVOICE)
374 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
376 gncInvoiceBeginEdit (invoice);
378 if (iw->active_check)
379 gncInvoiceSetActive (invoice, gtk_toggle_button_get_active
380 (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (iw->active_check)));
382 text_buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW(iw->notes_text));
383 gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (text_buffer, &start, &end);
384 text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (text_buffer, &start, &end, FALSE);
385 gncInvoiceSetNotes (invoice, text);
387 if (iw->to_charge_edit)
388 gncInvoiceSetToChargeAmount (invoice,
389 gnc_amount_edit_get_amount
390 (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (iw->to_charge_edit)));
392 time = gnc_date_edit_get_date (GNC_DATE_EDIT (iw->opened_date));
395 if (iw->dialog_type != EDIT_INVOICE)
397 gncInvoiceSetID (invoice, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry)));
398 gncInvoiceSetBillingID (invoice, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->billing_id_entry)));
399 gncInvoiceSetTerms (invoice, iw->terms);
401 gncInvoiceSetDateOpened (invoice, time);
403 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->owner_choice, &(iw->owner));
405 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->job_choice, &(iw->job));
409 gncInvoiceSetOwner (invoice, &(iw->job));
411 gncInvoiceSetOwner (invoice, &(iw->owner));
414 gncInvoiceSetCurrency (invoice, gncOwnerGetCurrency (&iw->owner));
418 gncInvoiceSetBillTo (invoice, &iw->proj_job);
420 gncInvoiceSetBillTo (invoice, &iw->proj_cust);
424 if (iw->dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE || iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE)
429 g_list_foreach(gncInvoiceGetEntries(invoice),
430 &set_gncEntry_date, &time);
433 gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote (invoice, iw->is_credit_note);
439 if (iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE && iw->is_credit_note != is_credit_note)
441 g_list_foreach(gncInvoiceGetEntries(invoice),
442 &set_gncEntry_switch_type, NULL);
445 gncInvoiceCommitEdit (invoice);
446 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
451 gnc_invoice_window_verify_ok (InvoiceWindow *iw)
461 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->owner_choice, &(iw->owner));
462 res = gncOwnerGetName (&(iw->owner));
463 if (res == NULL || g_strcmp0 (res,
"") == 0)
465 gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)),
471 _(
"You need to supply Billing Information."));
476 res = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry));
477 if (g_strcmp0 (res,
"") == 0)
483 string = gncInvoiceNextID(iw->book, &(iw->owner));
484 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry),
492 gnc_invoice_window_ok_save (InvoiceWindow *iw)
494 if (!gnc_invoice_window_verify_ok (iw))
498 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
501 gnc_ui_to_invoice (iw, invoice);
504 iw->created_invoice = invoice;
510 gnc_invoice_window_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
512 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
514 if (!gnc_invoice_window_ok_save (iw))
524 if ((iw->dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE || iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE)
525 && iw->created_invoice)
528 gnc_close_gui_component (iw->component_id);
532 gnc_invoice_window_cancel_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
534 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
536 gnc_close_gui_component (iw->component_id);
540 gnc_invoice_window_help_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
542 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
548 gnc_gnome_help (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), DF_MANUAL, DL_USAGE_INVOICE);
551 gnc_gnome_help (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), DF_MANUAL, DL_USAGE_BILL);
554 gnc_gnome_help (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), DF_MANUAL, DL_USAGE_VOUCHER);
560 gnc_invoice_window_get_state_group (InvoiceWindow *iw)
565 return "Vendor documents";
568 return "Employee documents";
571 return "Customer documents";
580 gnc_invoice_window_save_document_layout_to_user_state (InvoiceWindow *iw)
583 const gchar *group = gnc_invoice_window_get_state_group (iw);
592 gnc_invoice_window_reset_document_layout_and_clear_user_state (InvoiceWindow *iw)
594 GnucashRegister *reg = iw->reg;
595 const gchar *group = gnc_invoice_window_get_state_group (iw);
597 gnucash_register_reset_sheet_layout (reg);
606 gnc_invoice_window_document_has_user_state (InvoiceWindow *iw)
609 const gchar *group = gnc_invoice_window_get_state_group (iw);
610 return g_key_file_has_group (state_file, group);
614 gnc_invoice_window_destroy_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
616 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
617 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
619 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
621 if ((iw->dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE || iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE)
625 gncInvoiceBeginEdit (invoice);
626 gncInvoiceDestroy (invoice);
630 gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
632 gnc_unregister_gui_component (iw->component_id);
633 g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (iw->builder));
634 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
640 gnc_invoice_window_editCB (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer data)
642 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
643 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
646 gnc_ui_invoice_modify (parent, invoice);
650 gnc_invoice_window_duplicateInvoiceCB (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer data)
652 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
653 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
656 gnc_ui_invoice_duplicate (parent, invoice, TRUE, NULL);
659 void gnc_invoice_window_entryUpCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
661 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
662 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
667 void gnc_invoice_window_entryDownCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
669 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
670 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
677 gnc_invoice_window_recordCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
679 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
681 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
687 gnucash_register_goto_next_virt_row (iw->reg);
691 gnc_invoice_window_cancelCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
693 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
695 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
698 gnc_entry_ledger_cancel_cursor_changes (iw->ledger);
702 gnc_invoice_window_deleteCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
704 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
707 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
714 gnc_entry_ledger_cancel_cursor_changes (iw->ledger);
721 gnc_entry_ledger_cancel_cursor_changes (iw->ledger);
727 const char *message = _(
"Are you sure you want to delete the " 729 const char *order_warn = _(
"This entry is attached to an order and " 730 "will be deleted from that as well!");
734 if (gncEntryGetOrder (entry))
735 msg = g_strconcat (message,
"\n\n", order_warn, (
char *)NULL);
737 msg = g_strdup (message);
739 result = gnc_verify_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)), FALSE,
"%s", msg);
747 gnc_entry_ledger_delete_current_entry (iw->ledger);
752 gnc_invoice_window_duplicateCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
754 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
756 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
759 gnc_entry_ledger_duplicate_current_entry (iw->ledger);
763 gnc_invoice_window_blankCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
765 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
767 if (!iw || !iw->ledger)
774 VirtualCellLocation vcell_loc;
782 gnucash_register_goto_virt_cell (iw->reg, vcell_loc);
794 update_progress_bar (gpointer user_data)
797 GtkProgressBar *pb = args->pb;
798 gdouble frac = gtk_progress_bar_get_fraction (pb);
799 gdouble step = 0.1 / (args->timeout);
805 gtk_dialog_response (GTK_DIALOG(args->dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
808 gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (pb, frac);
813 combo_popped_cb (GObject *gobject,
817 gboolean popup_shown;
819 g_object_get (G_OBJECT(gobject),
"popup-shown", &popup_shown, NULL);
822 g_source_remove_by_user_data (user_data);
826 dialog_key_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event,
829 g_source_remove_by_user_data (user_data);
834 combo_changed_cb (GtkComboBox *widget, gpointer user_data)
836 g_source_remove_by_user_data (user_data);
845 use_default_report_template_or_change (GtkWindow *parent)
847 QofBook *book = gnc_get_current_book ();
851 GtkWidget *ok_button;
852 GtkWidget *report_combo_hbox;
853 GtkWidget *progress_bar;
855 gchar *ret_guid = NULL;
856 gchar *rep_guid = NULL;
857 gchar *rep_name = NULL;
858 gboolean warning_visible = FALSE;
865 combo = gnc_default_invoice_report_combo (
868 rep_guid = gnc_get_default_invoice_print_report ();
870 gnc_report_combo_set_active (GNC_REPORT_COMBO(combo),
876 warning_visible = gnc_report_combo_is_warning_visible_for_active (GNC_REPORT_COMBO(combo));
879 if (timeout == 0 && !warning_visible)
880 return gnc_get_default_invoice_print_report ();
882 builder = gtk_builder_new ();
883 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
885 dialog = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
887 gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW(dialog), parent);
889 gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG(dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
891 ok_button = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
892 report_combo_hbox = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
893 progress_bar = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
894 label = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
896 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(report_combo_hbox), GTK_WIDGET(combo), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
898 gtk_widget_grab_focus (ok_button);
900 gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar), 1);
903 args->dialog = dialog;
904 args->pb = GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar);
905 args->timeout = timeout;
907 gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
909 g_object_unref (G_OBJECT(builder));
911 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(combo),
912 G_CALLBACK(combo_changed_cb), args);
914 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(dialog),
915 G_CALLBACK(dialog_key_press_event_cb), args);
917 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(combo),
918 G_CALLBACK (combo_popped_cb), args);
923 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(label),
924 N_(
"Choose a different report template or Printable Invoice will be used"));
925 gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET(progress_bar));
928 g_timeout_add (100, update_progress_bar, args);
930 result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
932 g_source_remove_by_user_data (args);
934 if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
935 ret_guid = gnc_report_combo_get_active_guid (GNC_REPORT_COMBO(combo));
937 gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
944 gnc_invoice_window_print_invoice (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *invoice,
945 const gchar *report_guid)
952 const gchar *use_report_guid = NULL;
955 g_return_val_if_fail (invoice, NULL);
957 is_invoice_guid = scm_c_eval_string (
958 scm_guid = scm_from_utf8_string (report_guid);
960 if (scm_is_false (scm_call_1 (is_invoice_guid, scm_guid)))
961 use_report_guid = gnc_get_builtin_default_invoice_print_report ();
963 use_report_guid = report_guid;
965 func = scm_c_eval_string (
966 g_return_val_if_fail (scm_is_procedure (func), NULL);
968 arg = SWIG_NewPointerObj(invoice, SWIG_TypeQuery(
"_p__gncInvoice"), 0);
969 arg2 = scm_from_utf8_string (use_report_guid);
970 args = scm_cons2 (arg, arg2, args);
974 arg = scm_apply (func, args, SCM_EOL);
975 g_return_val_if_fail (scm_is_exact (arg), NULL);
976 report_id = scm_to_int (arg);
988 equal_fn (gpointer
find_data, gpointer elt_data)
1000 gnc_invoice_window_printCB (GtkWindow* parent, gpointer data)
1002 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1004 if (gnc_find_first_gui_component (WINDOW_REPORT_CM_CLASS, equal_fn,
1006 gnc_plugin_page_report_reload (GNC_PLUGIN_PAGE_REPORT (iw->reportPage));
1009 gchar *report_guid = use_default_report_template_or_change (parent);
1014 iw->reportPage = gnc_invoice_window_print_invoice (parent,
1015 iw_get_invoice (iw),
1017 g_free (report_guid);
1023 gnc_dialog_post_invoice(InvoiceWindow *iw,
char *message,
1025 char **memo,
Account **acc, gboolean *accumulate)
1027 GncInvoice *invoice;
1028 char *ddue_label, *post_label, *acct_label, *question_label;
1029 GList * acct_types = NULL;
1030 GList * acct_commodities = NULL;
1032 EntryList *entries, *entries_iter;
1034 invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
1038 ddue_label = _(
"Due Date");
1039 post_label = _(
"Post Date");
1040 acct_label = _(
"Post to Account");
1041 question_label = _(
"Accumulate Splits?");
1050 entries = gncInvoiceGetEntries (invoice);
1059 if (entries && ((gncInvoiceGetOwnerType (invoice) == GNC_OWNER_VENDOR) ||
1060 (gncInvoiceGetOwnerType (invoice) == GNC_OWNER_EMPLOYEE)))
1063 for (entries_iter = entries; entries_iter != NULL; entries_iter = g_list_next(entries_iter))
1066 if (entrydate > *postdate)
1067 *postdate = entrydate;
1078 "invoice-last-posted-account", &guid,
1085 if (!gnc_dialog_dates_acct_question_parented (iw_get_window(iw), message, ddue_label,
1086 post_label, acct_label, question_label, TRUE, TRUE,
1087 acct_types, acct_commodities, iw->book, iw->terms,
1088 ddue, postdate, memo, acc, accumulate))
1100 gboolean accumulate;
1107 GncInvoice *invoice;
1108 char *message, *memo;
1111 gboolean accumulate;
1114 GHashTable *foreign_currs;
1115 GHashTableIter foreign_currs_iter;
1117 gboolean is_cust_doc, auto_pay;
1118 gboolean show_dialog = TRUE;
1119 gboolean post_ok = TRUE;
1122 if (!gnc_invoice_window_verify_ok (iw))
1125 invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
1130 if (gncInvoiceGetEntries (invoice) == NULL)
1132 gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)),
1133 _(
"The Invoice must have at least one Entry."));
1137 is_cust_doc = (gncInvoiceGetOwnerType (invoice) == GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER);
1144 ddue = post_params->ddue;
1145 postdate = post_params->postdate;
1147 memo = g_strdup (post_params->memo);
1148 acc = post_params->acc;
1149 accumulate = post_params->accumulate;
1153 message = _(
"Do you really want to post the invoice?");
1154 if (!gnc_dialog_post_invoice(iw, message,
1155 &ddue, &postdate, &memo, &acc, &accumulate))
1165 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
1166 gncInvoiceBeginEdit (invoice);
1167 gnc_invoice_window_ok_save (iw);
1168 gncInvoiceSetCurrency (invoice, gncOwnerGetCurrency (gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)));
1171 text = _(
"One or more of the entries are for accounts different from the invoice/bill currency. You will be asked to enter a conversion rate for each.");
1176 g_hash_table_iter_init (&foreign_currs_iter, foreign_currs);
1177 while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&foreign_currs_iter, &key, &value))
1179 GNCPrice *convprice;
1180 gnc_commodity *account_currency = (gnc_commodity*)key;
1181 gnc_numeric *amount = (gnc_numeric*)value;
1183 gnc_numeric exch_rate;
1191 gnc_info_dialog(GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)),
"%s", text);
1192 show_dialog = FALSE;
1208 xfer = gnc_xfer_dialog (iw_get_window(iw), acc);
1209 gnc_xfer_dialog_is_exchange_dialog(xfer, &exch_rate);
1210 gnc_xfer_dialog_select_to_currency(xfer, account_currency);
1211 gnc_xfer_dialog_set_date (xfer, postdate);
1217 (gnc_numeric){1, 1} : *amount);
1220 convprice = gncInvoiceGetPrice (invoice, account_currency);
1223 exch_rate = gnc_price_get_value (convprice);
1229 gnc_xfer_dialog_set_price_edit (xfer, exch_rate);
1235 gnc_xfer_dialog_set_from_show_button_active(xfer, FALSE);
1236 gnc_xfer_dialog_set_to_show_button_active(xfer, FALSE);
1237 gnc_xfer_dialog_hide_from_account_tree(xfer);
1238 gnc_xfer_dialog_hide_to_account_tree(xfer);
1239 if (gnc_xfer_dialog_run_until_done(xfer))
1248 gnc_price_begin_edit (convprice);
1249 gnc_price_set_commodity (convprice, account_currency);
1250 gnc_price_set_currency (convprice, gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice));
1251 gnc_price_set_time64 (convprice, postdate);
1252 gnc_price_set_source (convprice, PRICE_SOURCE_TEMP);
1253 gnc_price_set_typestr (convprice, PRICE_TYPE_LAST);
1254 gnc_price_set_value (convprice, exch_rate);
1255 gncInvoiceAddPrice(invoice, convprice);
1256 gnc_price_commit_edit (convprice);
1275 "invoice-last-posted-account", guid,
1289 gncInvoiceCommitEdit (invoice);
1290 g_hash_table_unref (foreign_currs);
1291 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
1299 iw->dialog_type = VIEW_INVOICE;
1300 gnc_entry_ledger_set_readonly (iw->ledger, TRUE);
1304 text = _(
"The post action was canceled because not all exchange rates were given.");
1305 gnc_info_dialog(GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)),
"%s", text);
1309 gnc_invoice_update_window (iw, NULL);
1314 gnc_invoice_window_postCB (GtkWidget *unused_widget, gpointer data)
1316 InvoiceWindow *iw =data;
1317 gnc_invoice_post(iw, NULL);
1321 gnc_invoice_window_unpostCB (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1323 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1324 GncInvoice *invoice;
1327 invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
1332 result = iw_ask_unpost(iw);
1333 if (!result)
1336 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
1338 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
1339 if (!result)
1342 iw->dialog_type = EDIT_INVOICE;
1343 gnc_entry_ledger_set_readonly (iw->ledger, FALSE);
1344 gnc_invoice_update_window (iw, NULL);
1348 void gnc_invoice_window_cut_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1350 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1351 gnucash_register_cut_clipboard (iw->reg);
1354 void gnc_invoice_window_copy_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1356 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1357 gnucash_register_copy_clipboard (iw->reg);
1360 void gnc_invoice_window_paste_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1362 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1363 gnucash_register_paste_clipboard (iw->reg);
1366 void gnc_invoice_window_new_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer data)
1368 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1371 gnc_ui_invoice_new (parent, &iw->job, iw->book);
1375 gnc_ui_invoice_new (parent, &iw->owner, iw->book);
1379 void gnc_business_call_owner_report (GtkWindow *parent,
GncOwner *owner,
Account *acc)
1381 gnc_business_call_owner_report_with_enddate (parent, owner, acc, INT64_MAX);
1384 void gnc_business_call_owner_report_with_enddate (GtkWindow *parent,
1394 g_return_if_fail (owner);
1398 func = scm_c_eval_string (
1399 g_return_if_fail (scm_is_procedure (func));
1402 arg = (enddate != INT64_MAX) ? scm_from_int64 (enddate) : SCM_BOOL_F;
1403 args = scm_cons (arg, args);
1407 swig_type_info * qtype = SWIG_TypeQuery(
1408 g_return_if_fail (qtype);
1410 arg = SWIG_NewPointerObj(acc, qtype, 0);
1411 g_return_if_fail (arg != SCM_UNDEFINED);
1412 args = scm_cons (arg, args);
1416 args = scm_cons (SCM_BOOL_F, args);
1419 arg = SWIG_NewPointerObj(owner, SWIG_TypeQuery(
"_p__gncOwner"), 0);
1420 g_return_if_fail (arg != SCM_UNDEFINED);
1421 args = scm_cons (arg, args);
1424 arg = scm_apply (func, args, SCM_EOL);
1425 g_return_if_fail (scm_is_exact (arg));
1426 id = scm_to_int (arg);
1429 reportWindow (
id, parent);
1432 void gnc_invoice_window_report_owner_cb (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer data)
1434 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1435 gnc_business_call_owner_report (parent, &iw->owner, NULL);
1438 void gnc_invoice_window_payment_cb (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer data)
1440 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1441 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice(iw);
1444 gnc_ui_payment_new_with_invoice (parent, &iw->job, iw->book, invoice);
1446 gnc_ui_payment_new_with_invoice (parent, &iw->owner, iw->book, invoice);
1452 gnc_invoice_window_sort (InvoiceWindow *iw, invoice_sort_type_t sort_code)
1454 QofQuery *query = gnc_entry_ledger_get_query (iw->ledger);
1455 GSList *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *p3 = NULL, *standard;
1457 if (iw->last_sort == sort_code)
1467 case INVSORT_BY_DATE:
1468 p1 = g_slist_prepend (p1, ENTRY_DATE);
1472 p1 = g_slist_prepend (p1, ENTRY_DATE_ENTERED);
1475 case INVSORT_BY_DESC:
1476 p1 = g_slist_prepend (p1, ENTRY_DESC);
1479 case INVSORT_BY_QTY:
1480 p1 = g_slist_prepend (p1, ENTRY_QTY);
1484 p1 = g_slist_prepend (p1, ((iw->owner.type == GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER) ?
1489 g_slist_free (standard);
1490 g_return_if_fail (FALSE);
1495 iw->last_sort = sort_code;
1496 gnc_entry_ledger_display_refresh (iw->ledger);
1502 gnc_invoice_window_active_toggled_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1504 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1505 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice(iw);
1507 if (!invoice)
1509 gncInvoiceSetActive (invoice,
1510 gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)));
1514 gnc_invoice_window_leave_notes_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event,
1517 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1518 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice(iw);
1519 GtkTextBuffer* text_buffer;
1520 GtkTextIter start, end;
1523 if (!invoice)
return FALSE;
1525 text_buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW(iw->notes_text));
1526 gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (text_buffer, &start, &end);
1527 text = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (text_buffer, &start, &end, FALSE);
1528 gncInvoiceSetNotes (invoice, text);
1534 gnc_invoice_window_leave_to_charge_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event,
1537 gnc_amount_edit_evaluate (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT(data), NULL);
1542 gnc_invoice_window_changed_to_charge_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1544 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1545 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice(iw);
1547 if (!invoice)
1549 gncInvoiceSetToChargeAmount (invoice, gnc_amount_edit_get_amount
1550 (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (widget)));
1554 add_summary_label (GtkWidget *summarybar,
const char *label_str)
1559 hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 2);
1560 gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (hbox), FALSE);
1561 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(summarybar), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
1563 label = gtk_label_new (label_str);
1564 gnc_label_set_alignment (label, 1.0, 0.5);
1565 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
1567 label = gtk_label_new (
1568 gnc_label_set_alignment (label, 1.0, 0.5);
1569 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
1575 gnc_invoice_window_create_summary_bar (InvoiceWindow *iw)
1577 GtkWidget *summarybar;
1579 iw->total_label = NULL;
1580 iw->total_cash_label = NULL;
1581 iw->total_charge_label = NULL;
1582 iw->total_subtotal_label = NULL;
1583 iw->total_tax_label = NULL;
1585 summarybar = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 4);
1586 gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (summarybar), FALSE);
1587 gtk_widget_set_name (summarybar,
1589 iw->total_label = add_summary_label (summarybar, _(
1595 iw->total_subtotal_label = add_summary_label (summarybar, _(
1596 iw->total_tax_label = add_summary_label (summarybar, _(
1600 iw->total_cash_label = add_summary_label (summarybar, _(
"Total Cash:"));
1601 iw->total_charge_label = add_summary_label (summarybar, _(
"Total Charge:"));
1608 gtk_widget_show_all(summarybar);
1613 gnc_invoice_job_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1615 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1616 char const *msg =
1621 if (iw->dialog_type == VIEW_INVOICE)
1624 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->job_choice, &(iw->job));
1626 if (iw->dialog_type == EDIT_INVOICE)
1630 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->billing_id_entry), msg ? msg :
1636 static GNCSearchWindow *
1637 gnc_invoice_select_job_cb (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer jobp, gpointer user_data)
1640 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
1643 if (!iw)
return NULL;
1647 ownerp = gncJobGetOwner (j);
1648 gncOwnerCopy (ownerp, &owner);
1651 gncOwnerCopy (&(iw->owner), &owner);
1653 return gnc_job_search (parent, j, &owner, iw->book);
1657 gnc_invoice_update_job_choice (InvoiceWindow *iw)
1660 gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (iw->job_box), iw->job_choice);
1663 if (iw->owner.owner.undefined == NULL)
1665 iw->job_choice = NULL;
1668 switch (iw->dialog_type)
1673 gnc_owner_edit_create (NULL, iw->job_box, iw->book, &(iw->job));
1679 gnc_general_search_new (GNC_JOB_MODULE_NAME, _(
"Select…"), TRUE,
1680 gnc_invoice_select_job_cb, iw, iw->book);
1682 gnc_general_search_set_selected (GNC_GENERAL_SEARCH (iw->job_choice),
1684 gnc_general_search_allow_clear (GNC_GENERAL_SEARCH (iw->job_choice),
1686 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (iw->job_box), iw->job_choice,
1689 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (iw->job_choice),
1690 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_job_changed_cb), iw);
1695 gtk_widget_show_all (iw->job_choice);
1698 static GNCSearchWindow *
1699 gnc_invoice_select_proj_job_cb (GtkWindow *parent, gpointer jobp, gpointer user_data)
1702 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
1705 if (!iw)
return NULL;
1709 ownerp = gncJobGetOwner (j);
1710 gncOwnerCopy (ownerp, &owner);
1713 gncOwnerCopy (&(iw->proj_cust), &owner);
1715 return gnc_job_search (parent, j, &owner, iw->book);
1719 gnc_invoice_proj_job_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1721 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1726 if (iw->dialog_type == VIEW_INVOICE)
1729 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->proj_job_choice, &(iw->proj_job));
1734 gnc_invoice_update_proj_job (InvoiceWindow *iw)
1736 if (iw->proj_job_choice)
1737 gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (iw->proj_job_box),
1738 iw->proj_job_choice);
1740 switch (iw->dialog_type)
1744 iw->proj_job_choice =
1745 gnc_owner_edit_create (NULL, iw->proj_job_box, iw->book, &(iw->proj_job));
1750 if (iw->proj_cust.owner.undefined == NULL)
1752 iw->proj_job_choice = NULL;
1756 iw->proj_job_choice =
1757 gnc_general_search_new (GNC_JOB_MODULE_NAME, _(
"Select…"), TRUE,
1758 gnc_invoice_select_proj_job_cb, iw, iw->book);
1760 gnc_general_search_set_selected (GNC_GENERAL_SEARCH(iw->proj_job_choice),
1762 gnc_general_search_allow_clear (GNC_GENERAL_SEARCH (iw->proj_job_choice),
1764 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (iw->proj_job_box), iw->proj_job_choice,
1767 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (iw->proj_job_choice),
1768 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_proj_job_changed_cb), iw);
1773 if (iw->proj_job_choice)
1774 gtk_widget_show_all (iw->proj_job_choice);
1778 gnc_invoice_owner_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1780 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1781 GncBillTerm *term = NULL;
1787 if (iw->dialog_type == VIEW_INVOICE)
1790 gncOwnerCopy (&(iw->owner), &owner);
1791 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->owner_choice, &owner);
1796 gncOwnerCopy (&owner, &(iw->owner));
1797 gncOwnerInitJob (&(iw->job), NULL);
1798 gnc_entry_ledger_reset_query (iw->ledger);
1801 if (iw->dialog_type == EDIT_INVOICE)
1816 g_warning (
"Unknown owner type: %d\n",
gncOwnerGetType (&(iw->owner)));
1822 gnc_simple_combo_set_value (GTK_COMBO_BOX(iw->terms_menu), iw->terms);
1824 gnc_invoice_update_job_choice (iw);
1830 gnc_invoice_proj_cust_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
1832 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1838 if (iw->dialog_type == VIEW_INVOICE)
1841 gncOwnerCopy (&(iw->proj_cust), &owner);
1842 gnc_owner_get_owner (iw->proj_cust_choice, &owner);
1847 gncOwnerCopy (&owner, &(iw->proj_cust));
1848 gncOwnerInitJob (&(iw->proj_job), NULL);
1851 if (iw->dialog_type == EDIT_INVOICE)
1854 gnc_invoice_update_proj_job (iw);
1860 gnc_invoice_dialog_close_handler (gpointer user_data)
1862 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
1866 gtk_widget_destroy (iw->dialog);
1871 gnc_invoice_window_close_handler (gpointer user_data)
1873 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
1883 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GtkLabel *label, gnc_numeric amt, gnc_commodity *com)
1892 gtk_label_set_text (label, bidi_string);
1893 g_free (bidi_string);
1897 gnc_invoice_redraw_all_cb (GnucashRegister *g_reg, gpointer data)
1899 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
1900 GncInvoice * invoice;
1901 gnc_commodity * currency;
1902 gnc_numeric amount, to_charge_amt = gnc_numeric_zero();
1910 invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
1914 currency = gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice);
1916 if (iw->total_label)
1919 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GTK_LABEL (iw->total_label), amount, currency);
1922 if (iw->total_subtotal_label)
1924 amount = gncInvoiceGetTotalSubtotal (invoice);
1925 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GTK_LABEL (iw->total_subtotal_label), amount, currency);
1928 if (iw->total_tax_label)
1930 amount = gncInvoiceGetTotalTax (invoice);
1931 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GTK_LABEL (iw->total_tax_label), amount, currency);
1936 if (iw->to_charge_edit)
1938 gnc_amount_edit_evaluate (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (iw->to_charge_edit), NULL);
1939 to_charge_amt = gnc_amount_edit_get_amount(GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT(iw->to_charge_edit));
1942 if (iw->total_cash_label)
1944 amount = gncInvoiceGetTotalOf (invoice, GNC_PAYMENT_CASH);
1947 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GTK_LABEL (iw->total_cash_label), amount, currency);
1950 if (iw->total_charge_label)
1952 amount = gncInvoiceGetTotalOf (invoice, GNC_PAYMENT_CARD);
1955 gnc_invoice_reset_total_label (GTK_LABEL (iw->total_charge_label), amount, currency);
1960 gnc_invoice_window_changed (InvoiceWindow *iw, GtkWidget *window)
1962 gnc_entry_ledger_set_parent(iw->ledger, window);
1966 gnc_invoice_get_help (InvoiceWindow *iw)
1975 gnc_invoice_window_refresh_handler (GHashTable *changes, gpointer user_data)
1977 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
1979 GncInvoice *invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
1985 gnc_close_gui_component (iw->component_id);
1992 info = gnc_gui_get_entity_events (changes, &iw->invoice_guid);
1993 if (info && (info->event_mask & QOF_EVENT_DESTROY))
1995 gnc_close_gui_component (iw->component_id);
2001 owner = gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice);
2008 owner = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
2013 gnc_invoice_update_window (iw, NULL);
2027 gnc_invoice_update_window (InvoiceWindow *iw, GtkWidget *widget)
2029 GtkWidget *acct_entry;
2030 GncInvoice *invoice;
2031 gboolean is_posted = FALSE;
2032 gboolean can_unpost = FALSE;
2034 invoice = iw_get_invoice (iw);
2036 if (iw->owner_choice)
2037 gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (iw->owner_box), iw->owner_choice);
2039 if (iw->proj_cust_choice)
2040 gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (iw->proj_cust_box),
2041 iw->proj_cust_choice);
2043 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2048 gnc_owner_edit_create (iw->owner_label, iw->owner_box, iw->book,
2050 iw->proj_cust_choice =
2051 gnc_owner_edit_create (NULL, iw->proj_cust_box, iw->book,
2058 gnc_owner_select_create (iw->owner_label, iw->owner_box, iw->book,
2060 iw->proj_cust_choice =
2061 gnc_owner_select_create (NULL, iw->proj_cust_box, iw->book,
2064 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (iw->owner_choice),
2065 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_owner_changed_cb), iw);
2067 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (iw->proj_cust_choice),
2068 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_proj_cust_changed_cb), iw);
2074 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label), iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"Credit Note")
2075 : gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label)));
2077 if (iw->owner_choice)
2078 gtk_widget_show_all (iw->owner_choice);
2079 if (iw->proj_cust_choice)
2080 gtk_widget_show_all (iw->proj_cust_choice);
2082 gnc_invoice_update_job_choice (iw);
2083 gnc_invoice_update_proj_job (iw);
2086 if (iw->owner.type == GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER)
2087 gtk_widget_hide (iw->proj_frame);
2090 if (iw->owner.type == GNC_OWNER_EMPLOYEE)
2092 gtk_widget_hide (iw->job_label);
2093 gtk_widget_hide (iw->job_box);
2096 acct_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (iw->builder,
2100 GtkTextBuffer* text_buffer;
2105 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry), gncInvoiceGetID (invoice));
2107 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->billing_id_entry),
2108 gncInvoiceGetBillingID (invoice));
2110 string = gncInvoiceGetNotes (invoice);
2111 text_buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW(iw->notes_text));
2112 gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text_buffer,
string, -1);
2114 if (iw->active_check)
2115 gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (iw->active_check),
2116 gncInvoiceGetActive (invoice));
2118 time = gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (invoice);
2119 if (time == INT64_MAX)
2121 gnc_date_edit_set_time (GNC_DATE_EDIT (iw->opened_date),
2126 gnc_date_edit_set_time (GNC_DATE_EDIT (iw->opened_date), time);
2130 iw->terms = gncInvoiceGetTerms (invoice);
2132 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2137 gnc_simple_combo_set_value (GTK_COMBO_BOX(iw->terms_menu), iw->terms);
2143 if(gncBillTermGetName (iw->terms) != NULL)
2144 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->terms_menu),gncBillTermGetName (iw->terms));
2146 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->terms_menu),
2158 is_posted = gncInvoiceIsPosted (invoice);
2161 Account *acct = gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice);
2169 time = gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (invoice);
2170 gnc_date_edit_set_time (GNC_DATE_EDIT (iw->posted_date), time);
2173 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (acct_entry), tmp_string);
2178 gnc_invoice_id_changed_cb(NULL, iw);
2179 if (iw->dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE ||
2180 iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE ||
2181 iw->dialog_type == MOD_INVOICE)
2184 gtk_widget_show (widget);
2186 gtk_widget_show (iw_get_window(iw));
2194 amount = gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (invoice);
2195 gnc_amount_edit_set_amount (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (iw->to_charge_edit), amount);
2201 GtkWidget *hide, *show;
2205 show = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (iw->builder,
2206 gtk_widget_show (show);
2207 gtk_widget_show (iw->posted_date_hbox);
2208 show = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (iw->builder,
2209 gtk_widget_show (show);
2210 gtk_widget_show (acct_entry);
2214 hide = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (iw->builder,
2215 gtk_widget_hide (hide);
2216 gtk_widget_hide (iw->posted_date_hbox);
2218 hide = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (iw->builder,
2219 gtk_widget_hide (hide);
2220 gtk_widget_hide (acct_entry);
2229 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->to_charge_edit, !is_posted);
2234 if (iw->owner.type == GNC_OWNER_EMPLOYEE)
2237 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->to_charge_edit, FALSE);
2241 gtk_widget_hide (iw->to_charge_frame);
2249 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (acct_entry, FALSE);
2250 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->id_entry, FALSE);
2251 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->id_entry, TRUE);
2252 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->terms_menu, FALSE);
2253 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->owner_box, TRUE);
2254 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->job_box, TRUE);
2255 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->billing_id_entry, FALSE);
2256 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->notes_text, TRUE);
2260 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (acct_entry, TRUE);
2261 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->terms_menu, TRUE);
2262 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->owner_box, TRUE);
2263 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->job_box, TRUE);
2264 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->billing_id_entry, TRUE);
2265 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->notes_text, TRUE);
2269 if(gncInvoiceIsPaid (invoice))
2270 gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(iw->paid_label), _(
2272 gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(iw->paid_label), _(
2275 gtk_widget_show (widget);
2277 gtk_widget_show (iw_get_window(iw));
2281 gnc_invoice_get_type_from_window (InvoiceWindow *iw)
2289 return iw->is_credit_note ? GNC_INVOICE_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE
2293 return iw->is_credit_note ? GNC_INVOICE_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE
2297 return iw->is_credit_note ? GNC_INVOICE_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE
2307 gnc_invoice_get_title (InvoiceWindow *iw)
2309 char *wintitle = NULL;
2310 const char *
id = NULL;
2312 if (!iw)
return NULL;
2317 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2320 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"New Credit Note")
2326 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"Edit Credit Note")
2327 : _(
"Edit Invoice");
2330 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"View Credit Note")
2331 : _(
"View Invoice");
2336 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2339 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"New Credit Note")
2345 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"Edit Credit Note")
2349 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"View Credit Note")
2355 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2358 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"New Credit Note")
2359 : _(
"New Expense Voucher");
2364 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"Edit Credit Note")
2365 : _(
"Edit Expense Voucher");
2368 wintitle = iw->is_credit_note ? _(
"View Credit Note")
2369 : _(
"View Expense Voucher");
2378 id = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry));
2380 return g_strconcat (wintitle,
" - ",
id, (
char *)NULL);
2381 return g_strdup (wintitle);
2385 gnc_invoice_type_toggled_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
2387 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
2390 iw->is_credit_note = !gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget));
2394 gnc_invoice_id_changed_cb (GtkWidget *unused, gpointer data)
2396 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
2406 title = gnc_invoice_get_title (iw);
2407 gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (iw->dialog), title);
2413 gnc_invoice_terms_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
2415 GtkComboBox *cbox = GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget);
2416 InvoiceWindow *iw = data;
2421 iw->terms = gnc_simple_combo_get_value (cbox);
2426 find_handler (gpointer
find_data, gpointer user_data)
2429 InvoiceWindow *iw = user_data;
2431 return(iw &&
guid_equal(&iw->invoice_guid, invoice_guid));
2434 static InvoiceWindow *
2435 gnc_invoice_new_page (QofBook *bookp, InvoiceDialogType type,
2436 GncInvoice *invoice,
const GncOwner *owner,
2437 GncMainWindow *window,
const gchar *group_name)
2443 g_assert (type != NEW_INVOICE && type != MOD_INVOICE && type != DUP_INVOICE);
2444 g_assert (invoice != NULL);
2455 iw = gnc_find_first_gui_component (DIALOG_VIEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS,
2456 find_handler, &invoice_guid);
2467 iw = g_new0 (InvoiceWindow, 1);
2469 iw->dialog_type = type;
2471 iw->is_credit_note = gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (invoice);
2473 iw->page_state_name = group_name;
2479 billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
2487 window = gnc_plugin_business_get_window ();
2492 gnc_invoice_redraw_all_cb(iw->reg, iw);
2497 #define KEY_INVOICE_TYPE "InvoiceType" 2498 #define KEY_INVOICE_GUID "InvoiceGUID" 2499 #define KEY_OWNER_TYPE "OwnerType" 2500 #define KEY_OWNER_GUID "OwnerGUID" 2503 gnc_invoice_recreate_page (GncMainWindow *window,
2505 const gchar *group_name)
2508 GError *error = NULL;
2509 char *tmp_string = NULL, *owner_type = NULL;
2510 InvoiceDialogType type;
2511 GncInvoice *invoice;
2517 tmp_string = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, group_name,
2518 KEY_INVOICE_TYPE, &error);
2521 g_warning(
"Error reading group %s key %s: %s.",
2522 group_name, KEY_INVOICE_TYPE, error->message);
2525 type = InvoiceDialogTypefromString(tmp_string);
2529 tmp_string = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, group_name,
2530 KEY_INVOICE_GUID, &error);
2533 g_warning(
"Error reading group %s key %s: %s.",
2534 group_name, KEY_INVOICE_GUID, error->message);
2539 g_warning(
"Invalid invoice guid: %s.", tmp_string);
2542 book = gnc_get_current_book();
2543 invoice = gncInvoiceLookup(gnc_get_current_book(), &guid);
2544 if (invoice == NULL)
2546 g_warning(
"Can't find invoice %s in current book.", tmp_string);
2553 owner_type = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, group_name,
2554 KEY_OWNER_TYPE, &error);
2557 g_warning(
"Error reading group %s key %s: %s.",
2558 group_name, KEY_OWNER_TYPE, error->message);
2563 tmp_string = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, group_name,
2564 KEY_OWNER_GUID, &error);
2567 g_warning(
"Error reading group %s key %s: %s.",
2568 group_name, KEY_OWNER_GUID, error->message);
2573 g_warning(
"Invalid owner guid: %s.", tmp_string);
2577 if (!gncOwnerGetOwnerFromTypeGuid(book, &owner, owner_type, &guid))
2579 g_warning(
"Can't find owner %s in current book.", tmp_string);
2585 iw = gnc_invoice_new_page (book, type, invoice, &owner, window, group_name);
2589 g_warning(
"Giving up on restoring '%s'.", group_name);
2591 g_error_free(error);
2600 gnc_invoice_save_page (InvoiceWindow *iw,
2602 const gchar *group_name)
2607 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_INVOICE_TYPE,
2608 InvoiceDialogTypeasString(iw->dialog_type));
2609 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_INVOICE_GUID, guidstr);
2613 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_OWNER_TYPE,
2616 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_OWNER_GUID, guidstr);
2620 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_OWNER_TYPE,
2623 g_key_file_set_string(key_file, group_name, KEY_OWNER_GUID, guidstr);
2630 doclink_button_cb (GtkLinkButton *button, InvoiceWindow *iw)
2632 GncInvoice *invoice = gncInvoiceLookup (iw->book, &iw->invoice_guid);
2633 gnc_doclink_open_uri (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), gncInvoiceGetDocLink (invoice));
2639 gnc_invoice_create_page (InvoiceWindow *iw, gpointer page)
2641 GncInvoice *invoice;
2642 GtkBuilder *builder;
2643 GtkWidget *dialog, *hbox;
2644 GncEntryLedger *entry_ledger = NULL;
2645 GncOwnerType owner_type;
2646 GncEntryLedgerType ledger_type;
2647 const gchar *prefs_group = NULL;
2648 gboolean is_credit_note = FALSE;
2649 const gchar *style_label = NULL;
2650 const gchar *doclink_uri;
2652 invoice = gncInvoiceLookup (iw->book, &iw->invoice_guid);
2653 is_credit_note = gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (invoice);
2658 iw->builder = builder = gtk_builder_new();
2659 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
2660 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
2661 dialog = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2664 gtk_builder_connect_signals_full (builder, gnc_builder_connect_full_func, iw);
2667 iw->id_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2668 iw->type_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2669 iw->info_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2670 iw->id_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2671 iw->billing_id_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2672 iw->terms_menu = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2673 iw->notes_text = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2674 iw->active_check = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2675 iw->owner_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2676 iw->owner_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2677 iw->job_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2678 iw->job_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2679 iw->paid_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2681 iw->doclink_button = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2682 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (iw->doclink_button),
2683 G_CALLBACK (doclink_button_cb), iw);
2686 doclink_uri = gncInvoiceGetDocLink (invoice);
2689 gchar *display_uri = gnc_doclink_get_unescaped_just_uri (doclink_uri);
2690 gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (iw->doclink_button),
2691 _(
"Open Linked Document:"));
2692 gtk_link_button_set_uri (GTK_LINK_BUTTON (iw->doclink_button),
2694 gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (iw->doclink_button));
2695 g_free (display_uri);
2698 gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (iw->doclink_button));
2701 gnc_widget_style_context_add_class (GTK_WIDGET(iw->paid_label),
2704 iw->proj_frame = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2705 iw->proj_cust_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2706 iw->proj_job_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2712 gnc_commodity *currency = gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice);
2715 iw->to_charge_frame = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2716 edit = gnc_amount_edit_new();
2717 print_info = gnc_commodity_print_info (currency, FALSE);
2718 gnc_amount_edit_set_evaluate_on_enter (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (edit), TRUE);
2719 gnc_amount_edit_set_print_info (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (edit), print_info);
2720 gnc_amount_edit_set_fraction (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (edit),
2722 iw->to_charge_edit = edit;
2723 gtk_widget_show (edit);
2724 hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2725 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), edit, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
2727 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gnc_amount_edit_gtk_entry(GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT(edit))),
2729 G_CALLBACK(gnc_invoice_window_leave_to_charge_cb), edit);
2730 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(edit),
2731 G_CALLBACK(gnc_invoice_window_changed_to_charge_cb), iw);
2734 hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2735 iw->opened_date = gnc_date_edit_new (
gnc_time (NULL), FALSE, FALSE);
2736 gtk_widget_show(iw->opened_date);
2737 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), iw->opened_date, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
2739 iw->posted_date_hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2740 iw->posted_date = gnc_date_edit_new (
gnc_time (NULL), FALSE, FALSE);
2741 gtk_widget_show(iw->posted_date);
2742 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(iw->posted_date_hbox), iw->posted_date,
2746 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->opened_date, FALSE);
2747 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->posted_date, FALSE);
2749 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->id_entry, FALSE);
2752 ledger_type = GNCENTRY_INVOICE_VIEWER;
2754 switch (iw->dialog_type)
2760 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY
2764 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY
2768 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY
2772 g_warning (
"Invalid owner type");
2781 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER
2783 prefs_group = GNC_PREFS_GROUP_INVOICE;
2786 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER
2788 prefs_group = GNC_PREFS_GROUP_BILL;
2791 ledger_type = is_credit_note ? GNCENTRY_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER
2793 prefs_group = GNC_PREFS_GROUP_BILL;
2796 g_warning (
"Invalid owner type");
2805 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->info_label), _(
"Bill Information"));
2806 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label), _(
2807 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->id_label), _(
"Bill ID"));
2808 style_label =
2811 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->info_label), _(
"Voucher Information"));
2812 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label), _(
2813 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->id_label), _(
"Voucher ID"));
2814 style_label =
2817 style_label =
2821 gnc_widget_style_context_add_class (GTK_WIDGET(dialog), style_label);
2826 iw->ledger = entry_ledger;
2833 gnc_entry_ledger_set_prefs_group (entry_ledger, prefs_group);
2837 gnc_register_gui_component (DIALOG_VIEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS,
2838 gnc_invoice_window_refresh_handler,
2839 gnc_invoice_window_close_handler,
2842 gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (iw->component_id,
2848 GtkWidget *regWidget, *frame, *window;
2849 const gchar *default_group = gnc_invoice_window_get_state_group (iw);
2853 if (iw->page_state_name)
2854 group = iw->page_state_name;
2856 group = default_group;
2860 (entry_ledger), group);
2861 gtk_widget_show(regWidget);
2863 frame = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
2864 gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), regWidget);
2866 iw->reg = GNUCASH_REGISTER (regWidget);
2868 gnucash_sheet_set_window (gnucash_register_get_sheet (iw->reg), window);
2870 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (regWidget),
2871 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_window_recordCB), iw);
2872 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (regWidget),
2873 G_CALLBACK (gnc_invoice_redraw_all_cb), iw);
2879 gnc_invoice_update_window (iw, dialog);
2890 gnc_invoice_update_doclink_for_window (GncInvoice *invoice,
const gchar *uri)
2896 GtkWidget *doclink_button = gnc_invoice_window_get_doclink_button (iw);
2898 if (g_strcmp0 (uri,
"") == 0)
2900 GAction *uri_action;
2904 g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION(uri_action), FALSE);
2906 gtk_widget_hide (doclink_button);
2910 gchar *display_uri = gnc_doclink_get_unescaped_just_uri (uri);
2911 gtk_link_button_set_uri (GTK_LINK_BUTTON (doclink_button),
2913 gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (doclink_button));
2914 g_free (display_uri);
2919 static InvoiceWindow *
2920 gnc_invoice_window_new_invoice (GtkWindow *parent, InvoiceDialogType dialog_type, QofBook *bookp,
2921 const GncOwner *owner, GncInvoice *invoice)
2924 GtkBuilder *builder;
2926 GtkWidget *invoice_radio;
2929 GncBillTerm *owner_terms = NULL;
2930 GncOwnerType owner_type;
2931 const gchar *style_label = NULL;
2933 g_assert (dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE || dialog_type == MOD_INVOICE || dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE);
2944 iw = gnc_find_first_gui_component (DIALOG_NEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS,
2945 find_handler, &invoice_guid);
2948 gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), parent);
2949 gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog));
2958 iw = g_new0 (InvoiceWindow, 1);
2959 iw->dialog_type = dialog_type;
2961 switch (dialog_type)
2966 invoice = gncInvoiceCreate (bookp);
2969 start_owner = owner;
2982 gncInvoiceSetTerms (invoice, owner_terms);
2987 start_owner = gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice);
2988 iw->book = gncInvoiceGetBook (invoice);
2999 billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
3004 iw->builder = builder = gtk_builder_new();
3005 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
3006 gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder,
3007 iw->dialog = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3008 gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW(iw->dialog), parent);
3011 gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET(iw->dialog),
3013 g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (iw->dialog),
"dialog_info", iw);
3016 iw->type_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3017 iw->type_label_hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3018 iw->id_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3019 iw->info_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3020 invoice_radio = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3022 iw->type_hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3023 iw->type_choice = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3030 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->info_label), _(
"Bill Information"));
3031 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label), _(
3032 gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON(invoice_radio), _(
3033 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->id_label), _(
"Bill ID"));
3034 style_label =
3037 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->info_label), _(
"Voucher Information"));
3038 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->type_label), _(
3039 gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON(invoice_radio), _(
3040 gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(iw->id_label), _(
"Voucher ID"));
3041 style_label =
3044 style_label =
3048 gnc_widget_style_context_add_class (GTK_WIDGET(iw->dialog), style_label);
3051 switch (dialog_type)
3055 gtk_widget_show_all (iw->type_hbox);
3056 gtk_widget_hide (iw->type_label_hbox);
3057 gtk_widget_hide (iw->type_label);
3060 gtk_widget_hide (iw->type_hbox);
3061 gtk_widget_show (iw->type_label_hbox);
3062 gtk_widget_show (iw->type_label);
3068 if (dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE)
3070 GtkWidget *cn_radio = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3072 gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(cn_radio), gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (invoice));
3075 iw->id_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3076 iw->billing_id_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3077 iw->terms_menu = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3078 iw->notes_text = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3079 iw->owner_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3080 iw->owner_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3081 iw->job_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3082 iw->job_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3085 iw->proj_frame = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3086 iw->proj_cust_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3087 iw->proj_job_box = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3089 hbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
3090 iw->opened_date = gnc_date_edit_new (
gnc_time (NULL), FALSE, FALSE);
3091 gtk_widget_show(iw->opened_date);
3092 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), iw->opened_date, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
3095 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (iw->notes_text,
3096 (iw->dialog_type == NEW_INVOICE) ||
3097 (iw->dialog_type == DUP_INVOICE));
3100 gtk_builder_connect_signals_full( builder,
3101 gnc_builder_connect_full_func,
3105 iw->reportPage = NULL;
3107 iw->is_credit_note = gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (invoice);
3110 gnc_register_gui_component (DIALOG_NEW_INVOICE_CM_CLASS,
3111 gnc_invoice_window_refresh_handler,
3112 gnc_invoice_dialog_close_handler,
3115 gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (iw->component_id,
3125 gnc_billterms_combo (GTK_COMBO_BOX(iw->terms_menu), iw->book, TRUE, iw->terms);
3130 if(gncBillTermGetName (iw->terms) != NULL)
3131 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->terms_menu),gncBillTermGetName (iw->terms));
3133 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->terms_menu),
3137 gnc_invoice_update_window (iw, iw->dialog);
3141 if (GNC_IS_GENERAL_SEARCH(iw->owner_choice))
3143 gnc_general_search_grab_focus(GNC_GENERAL_SEARCH(iw->owner_choice));
3150 gnc_ui_invoice_edit (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *invoice)
3153 InvoiceDialogType type;
3155 if (!invoice)
return NULL;
3158 if (gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice))
3159 type = VIEW_INVOICE;
3161 type = EDIT_INVOICE;
3163 iw = gnc_invoice_new_page (gncInvoiceGetBook(invoice), type,
3164 invoice, gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice),
3170 static InvoiceWindow *
3171 gnc_ui_invoice_modify (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *invoice)
3174 if (!invoice)
return NULL;
3176 iw = gnc_invoice_window_new_invoice (parent, MOD_INVOICE, NULL, NULL, invoice);
3181 InvoiceWindow * gnc_ui_invoice_duplicate (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *old_invoice, gboolean open_properties,
const GDate *new_date)
3183 InvoiceWindow *iw = NULL;
3184 GncInvoice *new_invoice = NULL;
3187 g_assert(old_invoice);
3193 gncInvoiceSetActive(new_invoice, TRUE);
3196 if (gncInvoiceIsPosted (new_invoice))
3201 g_warning(
"Oops, error when unposting the copied invoice; ignoring.");
3206 gncInvoiceSetID(new_invoice,
3213 gncInvoiceSetDateOpened(new_invoice, entry_date);
3217 g_list_foreach(gncInvoiceGetEntries(new_invoice),
3218 &set_gncEntry_date, &entry_date);
3221 if (open_properties)
3224 iw = gnc_invoice_window_new_invoice (parent, DUP_INVOICE, NULL, NULL, new_invoice);
3229 iw = gnc_ui_invoice_edit (parent, new_invoice);
3231 if (g_strcmp0 (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (iw->id_entry)),
"") == 0)
3233 gncInvoiceSetID (new_invoice, gncInvoiceNextID(iw->book, &(iw->owner)));
3240 gnc_ui_invoice_new (GtkWindow *parent,
GncOwner *owner, QofBook *book)
3247 gncOwnerCopy (owner, &inv_owner);
3250 gncOwnerInitCustomer (&inv_owner, NULL);
3253 if (!book)
return NULL;
3255 iw = gnc_invoice_window_new_invoice (parent, NEW_INVOICE, book, &inv_owner, NULL);
3263 edit_invoice_direct (GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer invoice, gpointer user_data)
3265 g_return_if_fail (invoice);
3270 edit_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer inv, gpointer user_data)
3272 GncInvoice *invoice = inv;
3273 g_return_if_fail (invoice && user_data);
3274 edit_invoice_direct (dialog, invoice, user_data);
3286 multi_edit_invoice_one (gpointer inv, gpointer user_data)
3289 edit_invoice_cb (meid->parent, inv, meid->user_data);
3293 multi_edit_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, GList *invoice_list, gpointer user_data)
3297 meid.user_data = user_data;
3298 meid.parent = dialog;
3299 g_list_foreach (invoice_list, multi_edit_invoice_one, &meid);
3303 pay_invoice_direct (GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer inv, gpointer user_data)
3305 GncInvoice *invoice = inv;
3307 g_return_if_fail (invoice);
3308 gnc_ui_payment_new_with_invoice (dialog, gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice),
3309 gncInvoiceGetBook (invoice), invoice);
3313 pay_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer *invoice_p, gpointer user_data)
3315 g_return_if_fail (invoice_p && user_data);
3318 pay_invoice_direct (dialog, *invoice_p, user_data);
3327 static void multi_duplicate_invoice_one(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
3329 GncInvoice *old_invoice = data;
3332 g_assert(dup_user_data);
3335 GncInvoice *new_invoice;
3339 InvoiceWindow *iw = gnc_ui_invoice_duplicate(dup_user_data->parent, old_invoice, FALSE, &dup_user_data->date);
3342 new_invoice = iw_get_invoice(iw);
3343 g_assert(new_invoice);
3348 multi_duplicate_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, GList *invoice_list, gpointer user_data)
3350 g_return_if_fail (invoice_list);
3351 switch (g_list_length(invoice_list))
3358 GncInvoice *old_invoice = invoice_list->data;
3359 gnc_ui_invoice_duplicate(dialog, old_invoice, TRUE, NULL);
3370 dup_user_data.parent = dialog;
3371 dialog_ok = gnc_dup_date_dialog (GTK_WIDGET(dialog), _(
"Date of duplicated entries"), &dup_user_data.date);
3381 g_list_foreach(invoice_list, multi_duplicate_invoice_one, &dup_user_data);
3387 static void post_one_invoice_cb(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
3389 GncInvoice *invoice = data;
3391 InvoiceWindow *iw = gnc_ui_invoice_edit(post_params->parent, invoice);
3392 gnc_invoice_post(iw, post_params);
3395 static void gnc_invoice_is_posted(gpointer inv, gpointer test_value)
3397 GncInvoice *invoice = inv;
3398 gboolean *test = (gboolean*)test_value;
3400 if (gncInvoiceIsPosted (invoice))
3408 multi_post_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, GList *invoice_list, gpointer user_data)
3417 iw = gnc_ui_invoice_edit(dialog, invoice_list->data);
3419 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
3421 g_list_foreach(invoice_list, gnc_invoice_is_posted, &test);
3422 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
3425 gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (iw_get_window(iw)),
3426 _(
"One or more selected invoices have already been posted.\nRe-check your selection."));
3430 if (!gnc_dialog_post_invoice(iw, _(
"Do you really want to post these invoices?"),
3431 &post_params.ddue, &post_params.postdate,
3432 &post_params.memo, &post_params.acc,
3433 &post_params.accumulate))
3435 post_params.parent = dialog;
3441 gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
3442 g_list_foreach(invoice_list, post_one_invoice_cb, &post_params);
3443 gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
3446 static void print_one_invoice_cb(GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
3448 GncInvoice *invoice = data;
3450 gnc_invoice_window_print_invoice (dialog, invoice, meid->report_guid);
3454 multi_print_invoice_one (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
3461 multi_print_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, GList *invoice_list, gpointer user_data)
3463 gchar *report_guid = NULL;
3469 report_guid = use_default_report_template_or_change (dialog);
3474 meid.user_data = user_data;
3475 meid.parent = dialog;
3476 meid.report_guid = report_guid;
3478 g_list_foreach (invoice_list, multi_print_invoice_one, &meid);
3479 g_free (report_guid);
3483 new_invoice_cb (GtkWindow *dialog, gpointer user_data)
3488 g_return_val_if_fail (user_data, NULL);
3490 iw = gnc_ui_invoice_new (dialog, sw->owner, sw->book);
3491 return iw_get_invoice (iw);
3495 free_invoice_cb (gpointer user_data)
3499 g_return_if_fail (sw);
3506 gnc_invoice_search (GtkWindow *parent, GncInvoice *start,
GncOwner *owner, QofBook *book)
3508 QofIdType type = GNC_INVOICE_MODULE_NAME;
3511 GncOwnerType owner_type = GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER;
3512 static GList *inv_params = NULL, *bill_params = NULL, *emp_params = NULL, *params;
3513 static GList *columns = NULL;
3514 const gchar *title, *label, *style_class;
3518 { N_(
"View/Edit Invoice"), NULL, multi_edit_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3519 { N_(
"Process Payment"), pay_invoice_cb, NULL, FALSE},
3520 { N_(
"Duplicate"), NULL, multi_duplicate_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3521 { N_(
"Post"), NULL, multi_post_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3522 { N_(
"Printable Report"), NULL, multi_print_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3527 { N_(
"View/Edit Bill"), NULL, multi_edit_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3528 { N_(
"Process Payment"), pay_invoice_cb, NULL, FALSE},
3529 { N_(
"Duplicate"), NULL, multi_duplicate_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3530 { N_(
"Post"), NULL, multi_post_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3531 { N_(
"Printable Report"), NULL, multi_print_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3538 { N_(
"View/Edit Voucher"), NULL, multi_edit_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3539 { N_(
"Process Payment"), pay_invoice_cb, NULL, FALSE},
3540 { N_(
"Duplicate"), NULL, multi_duplicate_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3541 { N_(
"Post"), NULL, multi_post_invoice_cb, FALSE},
3542 { N_(
"Printable Report"), NULL, multi_print_invoice_cb, TRUE},
3546 g_return_val_if_fail (book, NULL);
3549 if (inv_params == NULL)
3551 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3552 _(
"Invoice Owner"), NULL, type,
3554 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3555 _(
"Invoice Notes"), NULL, type,
3557 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3558 _(
"Billing ID"), NULL, type,
3560 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3561 _(
"Is Paid?"), NULL, type,
3563 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3564 _(
"Date Posted"), NULL, type,
3566 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3567 _(
"Is Posted?"), NULL, type,
3569 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3570 _(
"Date Opened"), NULL, type,
3572 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3573 _(
"Due Date"), NULL, type,
3575 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3576 _(
"Company Name"), NULL, type,
3579 inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
3580 _(
"Invoice ID"), NULL, type,
3583 if (bill_params == NULL)
3585 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3586 _(
"Bill Owner"), NULL, type,
3588 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3589 _(
"Bill Notes"), NULL, type,
3591 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3592 _(
"Billing ID"), NULL, type,
3594 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3595 _(
"Is Paid?"), NULL, type,
3597 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3598 _(
"Date Posted"), NULL, type,
3600 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3601 _(
"Is Posted?"), NULL, type,
3603 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3604 _(
"Date Opened"), NULL, type,
3606 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3607 _(
"Due Date"), NULL, type,
3609 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3610 _(
"Company Name"), NULL, type,
3613 bill_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (bill_params,
3614 _(
"Bill ID"), NULL, type,
3617 if (emp_params == NULL)
3619 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3620 _(
"Voucher Owner"), NULL, type,
3622 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3623 _(
"Voucher Notes"), NULL, type,
3625 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3626 _(
"Billing ID"), NULL, type,
3628 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3629 _(
"Is Paid?"), NULL, type,
3631 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3632 _(
"Date Posted"), NULL, type,
3634 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3635 _(
"Is Posted?"), NULL, type,
3637 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3638 _(
"Date Opened"), NULL, type,
3640 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3641 _(
"Due Date"), NULL, type,
3643 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3644 _(
"Employee Name"), NULL, type,
3647 emp_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (emp_params,
3648 _(
"Voucher ID"), NULL, type,
3653 if (columns == NULL)
3655 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Billing ID"), NULL, type,
3657 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Type"), NULL, type,
3659 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _(
3662 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Posted"), NULL, type,
3664 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Company"), NULL, type,
3667 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Due"), NULL, type,
3669 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Opened"), NULL, type,
3671 columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _(
"Num"), NULL, type,
3676 q = qof_query_create_for (type);
3700 (g_slist_prepend (NULL, QOF_PARAM_GUID),
3705 (g_slist_prepend (NULL, OWNER_PARENTG),
3720 QofQueryPredData *inv_type_pred = NULL;
3721 GList *type_list = NULL, *node = NULL;
3723 type_list = gncInvoiceGetTypeListForOwnerType(owner_type);
3724 for (node = type_list; node; node = node->next)
3726 inv_type_pred = qof_query_int32_predicate(QOF_COMPARE_EQUAL,
3727 GPOINTER_TO_INT(node->data));
3728 qof_query_add_term (q3, g_slist_prepend (NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), inv_type_pred, QOF_QUERY_OR);
3743 gncOwnerCopy (owner, &(sw->owner_def));
3744 sw->owner = &(sw->owner_def);
3752 title = _(
"Find Bill");
3754 style_class =
3755 params = bill_params;
3756 buttons = bill_buttons;
3759 title = _(
"Find Expense Voucher");
3760 label = _(
"Expense Voucher");
3761 style_class =
3762 params = emp_params;
3763 buttons = emp_buttons;
3766 title = _(
"Find Invoice");
3767 label = _(
3768 style_class =
3769 params = inv_params;
3770 buttons = inv_buttons;
3773 return gnc_search_dialog_create (parent, type, title, params, columns, q, q2,
3774 buttons, NULL, new_invoice_cb,
3775 sw, free_invoice_cb, GNC_PREFS_GROUP_SEARCH,
3776 label, style_class);
3780 gnc_invoice_show_docs_due (GtkWindow *parent, QofBook *book,
double days_in_advance, GncWhichDueType duetype)
3782 QofIdType type = GNC_INVOICE_MODULE_NAME;
3784 QofQueryPredData* pred_data;
3787 gchar *message, *title;
3789 DialogQueryView *dialog;
3791 static GList *param_list = NULL;
3794 { N_(
"View/Edit Bill"), edit_invoice_direct },
3795 { N_(
"Process Payment"), pay_invoice_direct },
3800 { N_(
"View/Edit Invoice"), edit_invoice_direct },
3801 { N_(
"Process Payment"), pay_invoice_direct },
3807 PERR(
"No book, no due invoices.");
3812 if (param_list == NULL)
3814 param_list = gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (param_list, _(
3817 param_list = gnc_search_param_prepend (param_list, _(
"Type"), NULL, type,
3819 param_list = gnc_search_param_prepend (param_list, _(
"Company"), NULL, type,
3821 param_list = gnc_search_param_prepend (param_list, _(
"Due"), NULL, type,
3857 if (duetype == DUE_FOR_VENDOR)
3859 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_CUST_INVOICE);
3860 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3862 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE);
3863 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3867 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_VEND_INVOICE);
3868 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3870 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE);
3871 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3873 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_EMPL_INVOICE);
3874 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3876 pred_data = qof_query_int32_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_NEQ, GNC_INVOICE_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE);
3877 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_TYPE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3881 if (days_in_advance < 0)
3882 days_in_advance = 0;
3883 end_date += days_in_advance * 60 * 60 * 24;
3885 pred_data = qof_query_date_predicate (QOF_COMPARE_LTE, QOF_DATE_MATCH_NORMAL, end_date);
3886 qof_query_add_term (q, g_slist_prepend(NULL, INVOICE_DUE), pred_data, QOF_QUERY_AND);
3889 len = g_list_length (res);
3890 if (!res || len <= 0)
3896 if (duetype == DUE_FOR_VENDOR)
3898 prefs_group = GNC_PREFS_GROUP_VENDOR;
3899 message = g_strdup_printf
3902 ngettext(
"The following vendor document is due:",
3903 "The following %d vendor documents are due:",
3906 title = _(
"Due Bills Reminder");
3910 prefs_group = GNC_PREFS_GROUP_CUSTOMER;
3911 message = g_strdup_printf
3914 ngettext(
"The following customer document is due:",
3915 "The following %d customer documents are due:",
3918 title = _(
"Due Invoices Reminder");
3921 dialog = gnc_dialog_query_view_create(parent, param_list, q,
3927 duetype == DUE_FOR_VENDOR ?
3938 gnc_invoice_remind_bills_due (GtkWindow *parent)
3943 if (!gnc_current_session_exist())
3947 gnc_invoice_show_docs_due (parent, book, days, DUE_FOR_VENDOR);
3951 gnc_invoice_remind_invoices_due (GtkWindow *parent)
3956 if (!gnc_current_session_exist())
3960 gnc_invoice_show_docs_due (parent, book, days, DUE_FOR_CUSTOMER);
3964 gnc_invoice_remind_bills_due_cb (
3973 gnc_invoice_remind_invoices_due_cb (
GList * gncOwnerGetCommoditiesList(const GncOwner *owner)
Returns a GList of currencies associated with the owner.
GNCPrice * gnc_price_create(QofBook *book)
gnc_price_create - returns a newly allocated and initialized price with a reference count of 1...
utility functions for the GnuCash UI
Functions to load, save and get gui state.
GtkWidget * gnc_plugin_page_get_window(GncPluginPage *page)
Retrieve a pointer to the GncMainWindow (GtkWindow) containing this page.
const GncGUID * gncOwnerGetGUID(const GncOwner *owner)
Get the GncGUID of the immediate owner.
void qof_query_add_term(QofQuery *q, QofQueryParamList *param_list, QofQueryPredData *pred_data, QofQueryOp op)
This is the general function that adds a new Query Term to a query.
int gnc_commodity_get_fraction(const gnc_commodity *cm)
Retrieve the fraction for the specified commodity.
Business Interface: Object OWNERs.
const GncGUID * qof_instance_get_guid(gconstpointer inst)
Return the GncGUID of this instance.
void qof_instance_get(const QofInstance *inst, const gchar *first_prop,...)
Wrapper for g_object_get.
The instance data structure for a content plugin.
void gncEntrySetQuantity(GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric quantity)
Set the internal quantity without any conversion.
Date and Time handling routines.
This file contains the functions to present a gui to the user for creating a new account or editing a...
GList * gncOwnerGetAccountTypesList(const GncOwner *owner)
Returns a GList of account-types based on the owner type.
GtkWindow * gnc_ui_get_main_window(GtkWidget *widget)
Get a pointer to the final GncMainWindow widget is rooted in.
utility functions for the GnuCash UI
#define G_LOG_DOMAIN
Functions providing the SX List as a plugin page.
void qof_query_set_sort_order(QofQuery *q, QofQueryParamList *params1, QofQueryParamList *params2, QofQueryParamList *params3)
When a query is run, the results are sorted before being returned.
gnc_numeric gnc_numeric_neg(gnc_numeric a)
Returns a newly created gnc_numeric that is the negative of the given gnc_numeric value...
gdouble qof_book_get_default_invoice_report_timeout(const QofBook *book)
Get the length of time available to change the used Invoice Report when printing Invoices.
gint gnc_state_drop_sections_for(const gchar *partial_name)
Drop all sections from the state file whose name contains partial_name.
gboolean string_to_guid(const gchar *string, GncGUID *guid)
Given a string, replace the given guid with the parsed one unless the given value is null...
void qof_instance_set(QofInstance *inst, const gchar *first_prop,...)
Wrapper for g_object_set Group setting multiple parameters in a single begin/commit/rollback.
char * gnc_wrap_text_with_bidi_ltr_isolate(const char *text)
This function helps with GTK's use of 'Unicode Bidirectional Text Algorithm'.
void gnc_entry_ledger_move_current_entry_updown(GncEntryLedger *ledger, gboolean move_up)
This implements the command of moving the current entry (where the cursor is currently located) one r...
gboolean gncOwnerEqual(const GncOwner *a, const GncOwner *b)
Assess equality by checking.
gnc_numeric gnc_numeric_add(gnc_numeric a, gnc_numeric b, gint64 denom, gint how)
Return a+b.
QofQuery * qof_query_copy(QofQuery *q)
Make a copy of the indicated query.
void gncInvoiceRemoveEntries(GncInvoice *invoice)
Remove all entries from an invoice.
gboolean gnc_numeric_zero_p(gnc_numeric a)
Returns 1 if the given gnc_numeric is 0 (zero), else returns 0.
GncEntryLedger * gnc_entry_ledger_new(QofBook *book, GncEntryLedgerType type)
Create and return a new GncEntry Ledger.
Transaction * gncInvoicePostToAccount(GncInvoice *invoice, Account *acc, time64 post_date, time64 due_date, const char *memo, gboolean accumulatesplits, gboolean autopay)
Post this invoice to an account.
gchar * guid_to_string_buff(const GncGUID *guid, gchar *str)
The guid_to_string_buff() routine puts a null-terminated string encoding of the id into the memory po...
GHashTable * gncInvoiceGetForeignCurrencies(const GncInvoice *invoice)
Return an overview of amounts on this invoice that will be posted to accounts in currencies that are ...
gboolean qof_commit_edit(QofInstance *inst)
commit_edit helpers
#define PERR(format, args...)
Log a serious error.
GtkWidget * gnucash_register_new(Table *table, const gchar *state_section)
this already has scrollbars attached
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetTotal(GncInvoice *invoice)
Return the "total" amount of the invoice as seen on the document (and shown to the user in the report...
GKeyFile * gnc_state_get_current(void)
Returns a pointer to the most recently loaded state.
void gnc_plugin_page_invoice_update_menus(GncPluginPage *page, gboolean is_posted, gboolean can_unpost)
Update the menu items associated with this invoice page.
void gnc_main_window_display_page(GncPluginPage *page)
Bring the window containing the specified page to the top of the window stack, then switch the notebo...
void gnc_main_window_open_page(GncMainWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page)
Display a data plugin page in a window.
Functions for adding content to a window.
QofInstance * qofOwnerGetOwner(const GncOwner *owner)
return the owner itself as an entity.
time64 gncEntryGetDate(const GncEntry *entry)
DEPRECATED - use gncEntryGetDateGDate() instead! (Because the time-of-day is a misleading extra infor...
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_currency(void)
Return the default currency set by the user.
const gchar * QofIdType
QofIdType declaration.
gboolean qof_begin_edit(QofInstance *inst)
void gnc_table_refresh_gui(Table *table, gboolean do_scroll)
Refresh the whole GUI from the table.
QofBook * qof_session_get_book(const QofSession *session)
Returns the QofBook of this session.
gchar * gnc_account_get_full_name(const Account *account)
The gnc_account_get_full_name routine returns the fully qualified name of the account using the given...
gnc_numeric gnc_numeric_convert(gnc_numeric n, gint64 denom, gint how)
Change the denominator of a gnc_numeric value to the specified denominator under standard arguments '...
void qof_query_destroy(QofQuery *query)
Frees the resources associate with a Query object.
GncEntry * gnc_entry_ledger_get_current_entry(GncEntryLedger *ledger)
Returns the Entry where the cursor is currently located.
void gnc_gnome_help(GtkWindow *parent, const char *file_name, const char *anchor)
Launch the systems default help browser, gnome's yelp for linux, and open to a given link within a gi...
gboolean guid_equal(const GncGUID *guid_1, const GncGUID *guid_2)
Given two GUIDs, return TRUE if they are non-NULL and equal.
Number of characters needed to encode a guid as a string not including the null terminator.
GncPluginPage * gnc_plugin_page_invoice_new(InvoiceWindow *iw)
Create a new "invoice" plugin page, given a pointer to an InvoiceWindow data structure.
void qof_query_set_book(QofQuery *query, QofBook *book)
Set the book to be searched.
QofIdTypeConst qofOwnerGetType(const GncOwner *owner)
return the type for the collection.
Functions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window.
#define gncInvoiceGetGUID(x)
deprecated functions
gboolean gnc_entry_ledger_check_close(GtkWidget *parent, GncEntryLedger *ledger)
This will ask the user if they really want to make a change.
time64 gdate_to_time64(GDate d)
Turns a GDate into a time64, returning the first second of the day.
Public declarations of GnucashRegister class.
gnc_numeric gnc_numeric_div(gnc_numeric x, gnc_numeric y, gint64 denom, gint how)
This data structure does double duty.
int xaccSPrintAmount(char *bufp, gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info)
Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric.
GncPluginPage * gnc_plugin_page_report_new(int reportId)
void qof_query_add_guid_match(QofQuery *q, QofQueryParamList *param_list, const GncGUID *guid, QofQueryOp op)
Generic api to store and retrieve preferences.
gnc_numeric gnc_numeric_sub(gnc_numeric a, gnc_numeric b, gint64 denom, gint how)
Return a-b.
GncOwnerType gncOwnerGetType(const GncOwner *owner)
Returns the GncOwnerType of this owner.
const GncOwner * gncOwnerGetEndOwner(const GncOwner *owner)
Get the "parent" Owner or GncGUID thereof.
Business Invoice Interface.
GncJob * gncOwnerGetJob(const GncOwner *owner)
If the given owner is of type GNC_OWNER_JOB, returns the pointer to the job object.
gboolean gncInvoiceUnpost(GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean reset_tax_tables)
Unpost this invoice.
GList * qof_query_run(QofQuery *query)
Perform the query, return the results.
void gnc_entry_ledger_destroy(GncEntryLedger *ledger)
Destroy the GncEntry Ledger.
gchar * qof_book_get_default_invoice_report_name(const QofBook *book)
Get the name of the Invoice Report to be used as the default for printing Invoices.
void gnc_gdate_set_time64(GDate *gd, time64 time)
Set a GDate to a time64.
const GncGUID * guid_null(void)
Returns a GncGUID which is guaranteed to never reference any entity.
gboolean gnc_prefs_get_bool(const gchar *group, const gchar *pref_name)
Get a boolean value from the preferences backend.
void gnc_main_window_close_page(GncPluginPage *page)
Remove a data plugin page from a window and display the previous page.
gnc_numeric gncEntryGetQuantity(const GncEntry *entry)
Get the quantity as stored internally.
void gnc_entry_ledger_set_default_invoice(GncEntryLedger *ledger, GncInvoice *invoice)
Set the default invoice for this ledger.
Default sort object type.
Round to the nearest integer, rounding away from zero when there are two equidistant nearest integers...
GncVendor * gncOwnerGetVendor(const GncOwner *owner)
If the given owner is of type GNC_OWNER_VENDOR, returns the pointer to the vendor object...
GncCustomer * gncOwnerGetCustomer(const GncOwner *owner)
If the given owner is of type GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER, returns the pointer to the customer object...
time64 gnc_time(time64 *tbuf)
get the current time
Table * gnc_entry_ledger_get_table(GncEntryLedger *ledger)
Get the Table.
Utility functions for convert uri in separate components and back.
void gnc_table_save_state(Table *table, const gchar *state_section)
gint64 time64
Most systems that are currently maintained, including Microsoft Windows, BSD-derived Unixes and Linux...
void gncEntrySetDate(GncEntry *entry, time64 date)
DEPRECATED - use gncEntrySetDateGDate() instead! (Because the time-of-day is a misleading extra infor...
void qof_query_add_boolean_match(QofQuery *q, QofQueryParamList *param_list, gboolean value, QofQueryOp op)
Handy-dandy convenience routines, avoids having to create a separate predicate for boolean matches...
GncEmployee * gncOwnerGetEmployee(const GncOwner *owner)
If the given owner is of type GNC_OWNER_EMPLOYEE, returns the pointer to the employee object...
gboolean gnc_entry_ledger_get_entry_virt_loc(GncEntryLedger *ledger, const GncEntry *entry, VirtualCellLocation *vcell_loc)
Looks up the cell location of the given "entry" and writes the location into the variable pointed to ...
gint gnc_list_length_cmp(const GList *list, size_t len)
Scans the GList elements the minimum number of iterations required to test it against a specified siz...
Values that can be passed as the 'denom' argument.
The type used to store guids in C.
GncInvoice * gncInvoiceCopy(const GncInvoice *from)
Create a new GncInvoice object as a deep copy of the given other invoice.
QofQuery * qof_query_create(void)
Create a new query.
GAction * gnc_plugin_page_get_action(GncPluginPage *page, const gchar *name)
Retrieve a GAction object associated with this page.
GncEntry * gnc_entry_ledger_get_blank_entry(GncEntryLedger *ledger)
Exported Functions.
void qof_query_search_for(QofQuery *q, QofIdTypeConst obj_type)
Set the object type to be searched for.
InvoiceWindow * gnc_plugin_page_invoice_get_window(GncInvoice *invoice)
Find the Invoice Window amongst the plugin pages for an Invoice, if not present return NULL...
void gnc_plugin_page_invoice_update_title(GncPluginPage *plugin_page)
Update the title associated with this invoice page.
gboolean gnc_entry_ledger_commit_entry(GncEntryLedger *ledger)
This will act just like hitting 'return' to record an entry.
time64 gnc_time64_get_day_neutral(time64 time_val)
The gnc_time64_get_day_neutral() routine will take the given time in seconds and adjust it to 10:59:0...
gdouble gnc_prefs_get_float(const gchar *group, const gchar *pref_name)
Get an float value from the preferences backend.
void qof_query_merge_in_place(QofQuery *q1, QofQuery *q2, QofQueryOp op)
Like qof_query_merge, but this will merge a copy of q2 into q1.
Account * xaccAccountLookup(const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book)
The xaccAccountLookup() subroutine will return the account associated with the given id...