GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
1 /********************************************************************\
2  * Scrub3.c -- Constrain Cap Gains to Track Sources of Gains *
3  * *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
7  * the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
8  * *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
12  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
13  * *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
15  * along with this program; if not, contact: *
16  * *
17  * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
18  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
19  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
20 \********************************************************************/
32 #include <config.h>
34 #include <glib.h>
36 #include "cap-gains.h"
37 #include "gnc-commodity.h"
38 #include "gnc-engine.h"
39 #include "gnc-lot.h"
40 #include "policy-p.h"
41 #include "Account.h"
42 #include "AccountP.hpp"
43 #include "Scrub2.h"
44 #include "Scrub3.h"
45 #include "Transaction.h"
46 #include "TransactionP.hpp"
48 static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_LOT;
50 /* ================================================================= */
58 static inline gboolean
59 gains_possible (GNCLot *lot)
60 {
61  SplitList *node;
62  Account *acc;
63  Split *split;
64  gboolean comeq;
65  gnc_commodity *acc_commodity;
67  acc = gnc_lot_get_account (lot);
69  node = gnc_lot_get_split_list (lot);
70  if (!node) return FALSE;
71  split = GNC_SPLIT(node->data);
73  acc_commodity = xaccAccountGetCommodity(acc);
74  comeq = gnc_commodity_equiv (acc_commodity, split->parent->common_currency);
75  return (FALSE == comeq);
76 }
78 /* ================================================================= */
79 /* XXX What happens if, as a result of scrubbing, the lot is empty?
80  * I don't think this is handled properly. I think that what will
81  * happen is we'll end up with an empty, closed lot ... ?
82  */
84 gboolean
85 xaccScrubLot (GNCLot *lot)
86 {
87  gboolean splits_deleted = FALSE;
88  gnc_numeric lot_baln;
89  gboolean opening_baln_is_pos, lot_baln_is_pos;
90  Account *acc;
91  GNCPolicy *pcy;
93  if (!lot) return FALSE;
94  ENTER ("(lot=%p) %s", lot, gnc_lot_get_title(lot));
96  acc = gnc_lot_get_account (lot);
97  pcy = gnc_account_get_policy(acc);
99  xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (lot, TRUE);
101  /* If the lot balance is zero, we don't need to rebalance */
102  lot_baln = gnc_lot_get_balance (lot);
103  PINFO ("lot baln=%s for %s", gnc_num_dbg_to_string (lot_baln),
104  gnc_lot_get_title(lot));
105  if (! gnc_numeric_zero_p (lot_baln))
106  {
107  SplitList *node;
108  gnc_numeric opening_baln;
110  /* Get the opening balance for this lot */
111  pcy->PolicyGetLotOpening (pcy, lot, &opening_baln, nullptr, nullptr);
112  PINFO ("lot opener baln=%s", gnc_num_dbg_to_string (opening_baln));
114  /* If the lot is fat, give the boot to all the non-opening
115  * splits, and refill it */
116  opening_baln_is_pos = gnc_numeric_positive_p(opening_baln);
117  lot_baln_is_pos = gnc_numeric_positive_p(lot_baln);
118  if ((opening_baln_is_pos || lot_baln_is_pos) &&
119  ((!opening_baln_is_pos) || (!lot_baln_is_pos)))
120  {
121 rethin:
122  for (node = gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot); node; node = node->next)
123  {
124  Split *s = GNC_SPLIT(node->data);
125  if (pcy->PolicyIsOpeningSplit (pcy, lot, s)) continue;
126  gnc_lot_remove_split (lot, s);
127  goto rethin;
128  }
129  }
131  /* At this point the lot is thin, so try to fill it */
132  xaccLotFill (lot);
134  /* Make sure there are no subsplits. */
135  splits_deleted = xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (lot, TRUE);
136  }
138  /* Now re-compute cap gains, and then double-check that.
139  * But we only compute cap-gains if gains are possible;
140  * that is if the lot commodity is not the same as the
141  * currency. That is, one can't possibly have gains
142  * selling dollars for dollars. The business modules
143  * use lots with lot commodity == lot currency.
144  */
145  if (gains_possible (lot))
146  {
147  xaccLotComputeCapGains (lot, nullptr);
149  }
152  LEAVE ("(lot=%s, deleted=%d)", gnc_lot_get_title(lot), splits_deleted);
153  return splits_deleted;
154 }
156 /* ============================================================== */
158 void
160 {
161  LotList *lots, *node;
162  if (!acc) return;
163  if (FALSE == xaccAccountHasTrades (acc)) return;
165  ENTER ("(acc=%s)", xaccAccountGetName(acc));
167  xaccAccountAssignLots (acc);
169  lots = xaccAccountGetLotList(acc);
170  for (node = lots; node; node = node->next)
171  {
172  GNCLot *lot = GNC_LOT(node->data);
173  xaccScrubLot (lot);
174  }
175  g_list_free(lots);
177  LEAVE ("(acc=%s)", xaccAccountGetName(acc));
178 }
180 /* ============================================================== */
182 static void
183 lot_scrub_cb (Account *acc, gpointer data)
184 {
185  if (FALSE == xaccAccountHasTrades (acc)) return;
186  xaccAccountScrubLots (acc);
187 }
189 void
190 xaccAccountTreeScrubLots (Account *acc)
191 {
192  if (!acc) return;
194  gnc_account_foreach_descendant(acc, lot_scrub_cb, nullptr);
195  xaccAccountScrubLots (acc);
196 }
198 /* ========================== END OF FILE ========================= */
This is the private header for the account structure.
High-Level API for imposing Lot constraints.
gboolean xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits(GNCLot *lot, gboolean strict)
The xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits() routine does the same as the xaccScrubMergSubSplits, except that it does it for all of the splits in the lot.
Definition: Scrub2.cpp:379
gchar * gnc_num_dbg_to_string(gnc_numeric n)
Convert to string.
GList LotList
GList of GNCLots.
Definition: gnc-engine.h:205
void xaccLotFill(GNCLot *lot)
The xaccLotFill() routine attempts to assign splits to the indicated lot until the lot balance goes t...
Definition: Scrub2.cpp:92
#define PINFO(format, args...)
Print an informational note.
Definition: qoflog.h:256
Utilities to Convert Stock Accounts to use Lots.
gboolean xaccAccountHasTrades(const Account *acc)
The xaccAccountHasTrades() method checks to see if the indicated account is used in the trading of co...
Definition: cap-gains.cpp:80
void xaccAccountAssignLots(Account *acc)
Loop over all splits, and make sure that every split belongs to some lot.
Definition: Scrub2.cpp:59
gboolean gnc_numeric_zero_p(gnc_numeric a)
Returns 1 if the given gnc_numeric is 0 (zero), else returns 0.
void xaccAccountScrubLots(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountScrubLots() routine makes sure that every split in the account is assigned to a lot...
Definition: Scrub3.cpp:159
#define ENTER(format, args...)
Print a function entry debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:272
GList SplitList
GList of Split.
Definition: gnc-engine.h:207
Account handling public routines.
Implement Accounting Policy Private header File.
SplitList * gnc_lot_get_split_list(const GNCLot *lot)
Returns a list of all the splits in this lot.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:425
void xaccLotScrubDoubleBalance(GNCLot *lot)
The xaccLotScrubDoubleBalance() routine examines the indicated lot.
Definition: Scrub2.cpp:160
LotList * xaccAccountGetLotList(const Account *acc)
The xaccAccountGetLotList() routine returns a list of all lots in this account.
Definition: Account.cpp:3930
void gnc_lot_remove_split(GNCLot *lot, Split *split)
Adds a split from this lot.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:646
All type declarations for the whole Gnucash engine.
gboolean gnc_numeric_positive_p(gnc_numeric a)
Returns 1 if a > 0, otherwise returns 0.
void xaccAccountBeginEdit(Account *acc)
The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account up...
Definition: Account.cpp:1477
gnc_commodity * xaccAccountGetCommodity(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s commodity.
Definition: Account.cpp:3371
#define LEAVE(format, args...)
Print a function exit debugging message.
Definition: qoflog.h:282
gboolean xaccScrubLot(GNCLot *lot)
The xaccScrubLot() routine makes sure that the indicated lot is self-consistent and properly balanced...
Definition: Scrub3.cpp:85
Account * gnc_lot_get_account(const GNCLot *lot)
Returns the account with which this lot is associated.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:377
const char * xaccAccountGetName(const Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s name.
Definition: Account.cpp:3259
API for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
void xaccAccountCommitEdit(Account *acc)
ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of a two-phase-commit wrapper for account u...
Definition: Account.cpp:1518
Utilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses.
Commodity handling public routines.
GNCPolicy * gnc_account_get_policy(Account *acc)
Get the account&#39;s lot order policy.
Definition: Account.cpp:2102
gboolean gnc_commodity_equiv(const gnc_commodity *a, const gnc_commodity *b)
This routine returns TRUE if the two commodities are equivalent.
gnc_numeric gnc_lot_get_balance(GNCLot *lot)
Returns the lot balance.
Definition: gnc-lot.cpp:502