GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
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High level python wrapper classes for the core parts of GnuCash. More...

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Data Structures

class  python.gnucash_core.GnuCashCoreClass
class  python.gnucash_core.GnuCashBackendException
class  python.gnucash_core.SessionOpenMode
class  python.gnucash_core.Session
class  python.gnucash_core.Book
class  python.gnucash_core.GncNumeric
class  python.gnucash_core.GncPrice
class  python.gnucash_core.GncPriceDB
class  python.gnucash_core.GncCommodity
class  python.gnucash_core.GncCommodityTable
class  python.gnucash_core.GncCommodityNamespace
class  python.gnucash_core.GncLot
class  python.gnucash_core.Transaction
class  python.gnucash_core.Split
class  python.gnucash_core.Account
class  python.gnucash_core.GUID
class  python.gnucash_core.GUIDString
class  python.gnucash_core.Query
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryStringPredicate
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryBooleanPredicate
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryInt32Predicate
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryDatePredicate
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryGuidPredicate
class  python.gnucash_core.QueryNumericPredicate


def python.gnucash_core.gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_before_t64 (self, commodity, currency, date)
def python.gnucash_core.decorate_monetary_list_returning_function (orig_function)
def python.gnucash_core.one_arg_default_none (function)


dictionary python.gnucash_core.PriceDB_dict
 python.gnucash_core.this_module_dict = globals()
dictionary python.gnucash_core.backend_error_dict = {}
dictionary python.gnucash_core.gncnumeric_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.commoditytable_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.gnclot_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.trans_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.split_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.account_dict
dictionary python.gnucash_core.guid_dict
 define addition methods for GUID object - do we need these More...

Detailed Description

High level python wrapper classes for the core parts of GnuCash.

Mark Jenkins, ParIT Worker Co-operative
Jeff Green, ParIT Worker Co-operative

Definition in file

Variable Documentation

◆ account_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.account_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'get_book' : Book,
3  'Lookup' : Account,
4  'get_parent' : Account,
5  'get_root' : Account,
6  'nth_child' : Account,
7  'lookup_by_code' : Account,
8  'lookup_by_name' : Account,
9  'lookup_by_full_name' : Account,
10  'FindTransByDesc' : Transaction,
11  'FindSplitByDesc' : Split,
12  'GetBalance' : GncNumeric,
13  'GetClearedBalance' : GncNumeric,
14  'GetReconciledBalance' : GncNumeric,
15  'GetPresentBalance' : GncNumeric,
16  'GetProjectedMinimumBalance' : GncNumeric,
17  'GetBalanceAsOfDate' : GncNumeric,
18  'ConvertBalanceToCurrency' : GncNumeric,
19  'ConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate' : GncNumeric,
20  'GetBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
21  'GetClearedBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
22  'GetReconciledBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
23  'GetPresentBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
24  'GetProjectedMinimumBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
25  'GetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
26  'GetBalanceChangeForPeriod' : GncNumeric,
27  'GetCommodity' : GncCommodity,
28  'GetGUID': GUID
29  }

Definition at line 1085 of file

◆ commoditytable_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.commoditytable_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'lookup' : GncCommodity,
3  'lookup_unique' : GncCommodity,
4  'find_full' : GncCommodity,
5  'insert' : GncCommodity,
6  'add_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace,
7  'find_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace,
8  }

Definition at line 984 of file

◆ gnclot_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.gnclot_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'get_account' : Account,
3  'get_book' : Book,
4  'get_earliest_split' : Split,
5  'get_latest_split' : Split,
6  'get_balance' : GncNumeric,
7  'lookup' : GncLot,
8  'make_default' : GncLot
9  }

Definition at line 1011 of file

◆ gncnumeric_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.gncnumeric_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'same' : GncNumeric,
3  'add' : GncNumeric,
4  'sub' : GncNumeric,
5  'mul' : GncNumeric,
6  'div' : GncNumeric,
7  'neg' : GncNumeric,
8  'abs' : GncNumeric,
9  'add_fixed' : GncNumeric,
10  'sub_fixed' : GncNumeric,
11  'convert' : GncNumeric,
12  'reduce' : GncNumeric,
13  'invert' : GncNumeric
14  }

Definition at line 960 of file

◆ guid_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.guid_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'copy' : GUID,
3  'TransLookup': Transaction,
4  'AccountLookup': Account,
5  'SplitLookup': Split
6  }

define addition methods for GUID object - do we need these

Definition at line 1134 of file

◆ PriceDB_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.PriceDB_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'lookup_latest' : GncPrice,
3  'lookup_nearest_in_time64' : GncPrice,
4  'lookup_nearest_before_t64' : GncPrice,
5  'convert_balance_latest_price' : GncNumeric,
6  'convert_balance_nearest_price_t64' : GncNumeric,
7  }

Definition at line 769 of file

◆ split_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.split_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'GetBook': Book,
3  'GetAccount': Account,
4  'GetParent': Transaction,
5  'Lookup': Split,
6  'GetOtherSplit': Split,
7  'GetAmount': GncNumeric,
8  'GetValue': GncNumeric,
9  'GetSharePrice': GncNumeric,
10  'ConvertAmount': GncNumeric,
11  'GetBaseValue': GncNumeric,
12  'GetBalance': GncNumeric,
13  'GetClearedBalance': GncNumeric,
14  'GetReconciledBalance': GncNumeric,
15  'VoidFormerAmount': GncNumeric,
16  'VoidFormerValue': GncNumeric,
17  'GetGUID': GUID
18  }

Definition at line 1056 of file

◆ trans_dict

dictionary python.gnucash_core.trans_dict
Initial value:
1 = {
2  'GetSplit': Split,
3  'FindSplitByAccount': Split,
4  'Clone': Transaction,
5  'Reverse': Transaction,
6  'GetReversedBy': Transaction,
7  'GetImbalanceValue': GncNumeric,
8  'GetAccountValue': GncNumeric,
9  'GetAccountAmount': GncNumeric,
10  'GetAccountConvRate': GncNumeric,
11  'GetAccountBalance': GncNumeric,
12  'GetCurrency': GncCommodity,
13  'GetGUID': GUID
14  }

Definition at line 1029 of file