2008-03-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:52:12 <yogesh> Hi, I am trying to understand the reports code, as I want to find out why some of the reports are not giving the right result as expected, I opened up the scm file corresponding to the report, but I am not able to understand where to start, can someone tell me?
12:52:47 <jsled> usually the very bottom of the file contains the report "creation".
12:53:00 <jsled> The key entry point is the "renderer" function it defines.
12:53:18 <jsled> This function is what the UI calls when it's time to get some HTML to populate the report window.
12:53:57 <jsled> So, that's the routine that iterates over engine objects in the report-specific way, and generates the HTML/results of the report.
13:01:36 <warlord> you might also need to look in the report utilities functions.
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13:08:05 *** brokep has joined #gnucash
13:08:11 <brokep> Hey everybody
13:09:24 <brokep> Quick question - what can you guys recommend to use as accounting software for the owner of three UK Ltd companies, all of them REALLY small (i'm talking 20-30 transactions a year) - is gnucash a good choice? I've looked at it and it doesn't look that good, to be honest. Design wise, I mean..
13:09:46 *** andrewsw-afk is now known as andrewsw
13:10:36 <andrewsw> brokep: considering many of us use gnucash for much larger businesses, I think it's pretty obvious what we'd recommend...
13:10:37 <brokep> It's really hard finding a suitable accouning software.
13:10:56 <brokep> andrewsw: I was hoping that you would say that, since gnucash is the only free software I've found that kinda fits my needs
13:11:17 <brokep> Problem is I have companies in Sweden as well, and I'd like to use the same accounting software.
13:11:27 <andrewsw> and what prevents that?
13:12:10 <brokep> As long as I can set different VAT's and so on for the companies it's ok I would guess.
13:12:49 <andrewsw> hmmm... VAT usage is something I don't understand, so... no comment.
13:13:06 <brokep> We have 25% VAT in Sweden
13:13:16 <brokep> I think it's 16% for most stuff in the UK
13:13:23 <brokep> I hate accounting. :-)
13:13:37 <andrewsw> I know you can set and select different tax rates, but beyond that, I just don't know.
13:13:42 <andrewsw> you might try the wiki.
13:13:47 <brokep> Ok, thanks.
13:14:07 <andrewsw> what are you concerns about the design?
13:14:31 <andrewsw> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_use_GnuCash_to_calculate_VAT.3F
13:14:37 <andrewsw> might get you started on the VAT issue.
13:14:44 <brokep> I'm changing from a windows based swedish accounting software, which is really REALLY good, for Swedish companies. It's well thought, well layed out and so forth. I find it hard to understand Gnu cash compared to that one.
13:15:27 <andrewsw> ah. you might be well served to post your requirements and questions to gnucash-user in case there are any swedes on that list.
13:16:13 <andrewsw> and the Tutorial and Concepts GUide is a good read and well worth it.
13:16:22 <brokep> I'll check into it.
13:16:30 <brokep> No Mac binary huh? :-)
13:18:10 <andrewsw> not to my knowledge.
13:18:15 <andrewsw> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2008-March/024299.html
13:18:21 <andrewsw> has a recent discussion of installing.
13:19:17 <warlord> brokep: no standalone mac binary, but you can install from Fink or Macports
13:19:39 <warlord> As for the design.. Did you pay for that swedish software? ;)
13:19:44 <warlord> ... or was it free?
13:20:09 <brokep> warlord: Ok, cool. I'll run it on my linux box anyhow. I just prefer having accouting on my mac as it's my desktop pc.
13:20:15 <brokep> warlord: It's... ... "free"? :-)
13:20:25 <brokep> warlord: It's a commercial product, yes. :-)
13:20:38 <brokep> But come on, i'm like a pirate! .-)
13:21:40 <warlord> well, paid programs generally have paid-for developers whose job it is to design and work on programs. GnuCash IS free, and 100% volunteer.
13:21:50 <brokep> Yeah I know
13:21:54 <brokep> I'm all for gnu software.
13:22:00 <brokep> That's why I want to move away from Windows.
13:22:10 <brokep> I just have that last single application - the accounting stuff - running windows.
13:22:13 <brokep> I'm a coder myself.
13:22:38 <warlord> Many people use gnucash for their business.
13:22:45 <warlord> I even heard of a $1MM company using it!
13:22:55 <brokep> I wanna make $1MM :)
13:23:21 <brokep> Hell, I'll install it.
13:23:32 <brokep> Just because you guys are very nice.
13:23:38 <andrewsw> so you haven't tried it yet?
13:23:43 <brokep> I tried it a bit.
13:23:47 <andrewsw> install the win binary and play with it for a while...
13:23:49 <brokep> I tried 30 apps l ast week.
13:23:54 <brokep> No, never the windows binary.
13:23:59 <brokep> Linux or Mac, that's it.
13:24:37 <andrewsw> WHat I'm saying is, since your other financial app is on windows, install the gnucash windows binary alongside and actually work them side by side for a bit and see how it goes.
13:25:19 <yogesh> Thanks jsled
13:25:20 <brokep> Compiling it now anyhow.
13:25:44 <yogesh> Hi warlord, where can I find report utilities functions.
13:26:12 <warlord> src/reports/report-system/
13:26:31 <yogesh> ok
13:31:09 <yogesh> I am opening the scm files on emacs, do you suggest any plugins for it
13:31:13 <yogesh> for colors
13:31:28 <yogesh> syntax highlight
13:32:34 <andrewsw> yogesh: um... scheme-mode, global-font-lock should pretty much do it.
13:34:09 <yogesh> I am very new to emacs, when you say scheme-mode, What is it?
13:34:35 <andrewsw> well, it should come up automatically when you open a .scm file, but
13:34:54 <andrewsw> scheme-mode is a major-mode for editting scheme code. you can enable it manually with M-x scheme-mode
13:37:32 <yogesh> I am sorry I still didn't get it, how should I enable it
13:39:47 <brokep> Hmm. Stupid noob-question. I have transfered some money (from my personal account) into my companies bank account, where would I note that in gnucash?
13:40:36 <andrewsw> yogesh: type "M-x" where M = Meta-key, usually Alt, but could be something else. then type "scheme-mode" and press enter
13:40:50 <andrewsw> brokep: depends. is it *your* company?
13:40:58 <andrewsw> are you loaning or investing the money
13:41:00 <brokep> Yes, it's _my_ company.
13:41:01 <warlord> brokep: in which set of books?
13:41:06 <yogesh> it says [No-match]
13:41:09 <warlord> your personal books or your corporate books?
13:41:16 <brokep> Corporate books
13:41:26 <brokep> My bank does my personal books online :-)
13:41:39 <brokep> I want the company to owe me the money I put
13:41:43 <andrewsw> yogesh: huh? what OS/distribution?
13:42:00 <brokep> I.e. I give the company X USD and it's a loan until it can repay me.
13:42:25 <warlord> In your corporate books it would be EQuity:Owners Equity:<Name> -> Assets:Checking
13:42:53 <brokep> Ah. I found Equity but it only had opening balances and Retained Earnings
13:43:02 <brokep> But I'll just add an account there
13:43:25 <andrewsw> brokep: if it's really a loan then Liabilities:Owner Payables... -> Assets:checking
13:43:42 <brokep> So what's the difference between a loan and Equity?
13:43:44 <brokep> Interest? :)
13:44:04 <andrewsw> equity is "buying" part of the company, a loan is not.
13:44:20 <brokep> Ok, but I own the company 100% so I just loan it money then.
13:44:25 <brokep> So it should be a liability
13:44:55 <andrewsw> if all your money into the company is equity then money paid out is income. If its a loan, then principal paid out is not income, only return of principal, but then interest (if any) would be income.
13:44:58 <warlord> Are you expecting the company to pay back this money in pieces like you would a bank loan?
13:45:10 <warlord> I think it's just a "capital investment" by you in your company..
13:45:59 <warlord> But you could treat it like a liability, too, I suppose.
13:46:16 <brokep> Basically, I buy stuff for the company, and pay with my own cash OR I put cash into the company to pay for the stuff directly.
13:47:03 <brokep> In the swedish accounting software I just put a note that It was from my personal account and it showed up as a debt to me, which is good.
13:48:07 <yogesh> andrewsw: winows xp
13:49:19 <brokep> Ok, I just made it work. Thanks
13:49:40 <andrewsw> yogesh: sorry can't help with that, but google on "scheme-mode emacs windows" and see what you get.
13:49:56 <yogesh> ok thanks
13:50:01 <andrewsw> scheme-mode is one of the ones I would expect to see in there by default, but I don't do windows...
13:52:11 <jsled> yogesh: you shouldn't need to enable it; scheme-mode should "just" be enabled when you open a .scm file.
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13:52:26 <jsled> The mode-bar at the bottom of the window should say "Scheme". If it does, it's already enabled.
13:53:14 <bobbo85> Hi all I'm a newbie at gnucash, and I have these entries that are blank and that I can't edit! Any time I try to change anything in these entries, I get an error "this transaction is already being edited in another register" please help :-(
13:54:41 <warlord> bobbo85: what interface? Are you perhaps using the "General Ledger"?
13:55:07 <bobbo85> Yes the basic ledger, warlord
13:55:20 <bobbo85> what should I switch it to?
13:55:31 <warlord> bobbo85: Dont use the GL.. Open up an account register instead.
13:55:45 <warlord> I recommend you open the account for your Asset or Liability account as necessary.
13:55:52 <warlord> Yes, it means you need multiple registers open..
13:58:03 <bobbo85> Ok, so I right clicked on "Credit card" (which is under Liabilities) and hit "open" now it looks like I'm back where I was, the long list of entries... how do I open an account register?
13:58:15 <warlord> You just did
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13:58:34 <warlord> The numbers are empty?
14:00:08 <bobbo85> Well, there are a few entries... they originally had numbers in them, but had grey squares with "x"s in their payment/charge fields. When I tried to edit them, it asked me something about splitting the transactions automatically, then since then I can't edit them at all and they're blank.
14:00:23 <bobbo85> There are still a few more with the "x"s - their ammounts are not being counted in the balance
14:01:59 <yogesh> jsled: The mode bar says Raw --**- XEmacs: hello.scm (List Interaction) ---- All------------
14:02:21 <yogesh> where hello.scm is the scm file which is opened
14:02:22 <warlord> bobbo85: the little [x]s in them mean the transaction isn't balanced. How did you create the transaction? OFX Importer?
14:02:29 <bobbo85> Yes
14:02:47 <jsled> "Lisp Interaction" ... so it at least knows it's a lisp/scheme file.
14:02:55 <jsled> Does it have syntax coloring and the like?
14:03:03 <yogesh> no it doesn't
14:03:06 <warlord> And I bet you "skipped" the part where you're supposed to map the transactions to gnucash income/expense accounts.
14:03:11 <jsled> Try M-x font-lock-mode
14:03:49 <yogesh> got it thanks
14:04:34 <bobbo85> I don't know, I may have
14:05:06 <warlord> bobbo85: I'm sure you did. So now you need to go through and for each of those transactions you need to properly assign the transfer account.
14:05:55 <bobbo85> As of right now, most of my entries have "c" (which I'm assuming means credit) with the charge amount... and then an "n" (which i'm guessing is just a "leave me alone for now" thing) which is a fake payment to balance the charge
14:06:13 <bobbo85> But there are a few, that just refuse to let me enter them with that pattern
14:07:34 <bobbo85> My setup is fairly simple - I have a credit card and a checking card. I have a bunch of different types of expenses, and I'm just trying to keep track of where my money is going - my spending habbits I guess
14:08:45 <jsled> 'c' means 'cleared'. 'n' is 'not cleared'
14:08:47 <andrewsw> bobbo85: "c" means cleared but not reconciled... "n" means neither cleared no reconciled.
14:08:53 <andrewsw> jinx
14:08:56 <jsled> heh.
14:09:03 <bobbo85> Should I re-import all these things and map them to something? What would you map the credit card ones to?
14:11:06 <warlord> bobbo85: what did you spend the money on.
14:11:28 <warlord> bobbo85: sounds like you dont understand the basic concept of double-entry accounting. I highly recommend you read the Concepts & Tutorial Guide
14:12:48 <bobbo85> I do get the jist of it, I mean if I have cash, that's an asset - then if I want to spend it, I have an expense that goes up while the cash goes down. There are assets+liabilities on one side of the equation, then equity and income/expenses on the other side right?
14:13:42 <warlord> well, the same thing happens with a credit card. When you buy something on the CC it's CC -> Exp. When you pay the CC it's Checking -> CC
14:14:12 <bobbo85> ok, so how can I remap all of these entries?
14:14:48 <warlord> one by one.
14:15:02 <warlord> Apply the correct transfer account for each one.
14:15:32 <bobbo85> heh that's hundreds easily, can I just clear the account and import again, using that map feature?
14:17:58 <warlord> there's no function to operate on multiple transactions at once (including deleting them). So... You could delete your data file and start over.. Or you could revert to a backup data file and lose all your work since.
14:18:04 <warlord> Or. you can do it one by one.
14:25:05 <bobbo85> Ok I'll start all over I suppose... so where was this masking step you spoke of?
14:27:23 <brokep> Hm. So I have a bill to pay. I want to note that the money is taken from my bank account and paid a phone bill for the company. Should I add the phone company as a vendor and add a bill for it? Because that doesn't show any difference in my books.
14:28:01 <warlord> bobbo85: in the transaction matcher step.. you need to supply an account for each transaction you import.
14:29:12 <andrewsw> brokep: one way is to LIability:Owner -> Expenses:Phone and then when you pay back yourself, it's just Assets:checking -> liab:owner
14:29:34 <andrewsw> or yes use a vendor and then pay the bill from Liability:Ownder
14:29:42 <andrewsw> (Owner even)
14:30:15 <brokep> I paid it from the company bank account
14:30:21 <brokep> So then I add the bill, and then "process payment"?
14:30:34 <warlord> brokep: yes
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14:30:52 <andrewsw> oh sorry... mis-read that.
14:31:16 <brokep> "Post to" would be from the company bank account?
14:31:32 <andrewsw> no, that would be the Account Payable account.
14:31:41 <andrewsw> if you are entering the bill,
14:31:50 <brokep> Yes, it's a minus post for my company.
14:32:06 <brokep> I really don't get the idea here.
14:32:24 <brokep> On the bill i've noted what kind of items should be paid (phone expense + vat)
14:32:31 <andrewsw> right
14:32:39 <bobbo85> warlord, I just started a new datafile, used the heirarchy account druid, it just asked me if i wanted to make starting balances/placeholders ... then I went to "file.. import... OFX" ->then the only question it asked was which account the credit card activity file went to... so I picked credit card, and I'm back to where I was before - it tells me that none of the items are balanced... now what?
14:32:43 <brokep> What is the Account payable-thing then? Never seen that in my other fiscal app.
14:32:51 <andrewsw> then you "Post" the invoice to your Accounts Payable account
14:33:05 <brokep> Sorry for my really lame questions, but what IS an accounts payble-account?
14:33:13 <brokep> Isn't that my bank account where the money originates from?
14:33:26 <andrewsw> Accounts Payable is a liability account that stores all your currently outstanding vendor payables
14:33:31 <andrewsw> (bills)
14:33:41 <warlord> bobbo85: Sorry, I dont believe you. You didn't get a dialog page with the list of transactions?
14:33:56 <brokep> But it is paid for, so it's not a liability anymore. :-)
14:34:23 <warlord> brokep: right. once you pay it you debit A/P and credit your Asset (Checking)
14:34:24 <brokep> Sorry for the realy stupid questions
14:34:25 <andrewsw> brokep: in accrual accounting, it's not paid for until you actually process the payment.
14:34:45 * andrewsw thinks no questions are stupid
14:34:46 <brokep> Ok, I'll just try.
14:35:02 <andrewsw> maybe swedes don't do accrual accounting?
14:35:03 <brokep> The problem is that I'm used to one way and this is totally different for me. Probably easier if I had no knowledge ;)
14:35:09 <bobbo85> Yes warlord I am at that screen again, generic import transaction matcher. There is only an "a" an "r" and the "help/ok/cancel" buttons
14:35:47 <brokep> Googling the term.. ;)
14:36:08 <bobbo85> Right click and left click do nothing on the contents of the window, but ahah, double click asks me what account to split to
14:36:50 <andrewsw> brokep: essentially in accrual accounting, your record expenses and income at the time services were performed and then record that actual money moving on the date that it moves, which may be different than the date of service.
14:37:19 <brokep> Yeah, so I've found out.
14:37:27 <andrewsw> brokep: the other method, cash accounting, is when the expense is recorded at the same time that the money moves, which may be different from when the service is performed.
14:37:40 <warlord> bobbo85: there ya go.
14:38:44 <bobbo85> ok so I double clicked one of them, set it to "miscellaneous expenses" but that's only one out of hundreds of them... how do I get more than one done at once?
14:38:57 <warlord> See above.
14:39:45 <brokep> andrewsw: That's how we do it in Sweden. Can I change to cash accounting?
14:39:50 <brokep> Or gnucash only does accrual?
14:39:59 <warlord> the business features are only accrual
14:40:14 <brokep> Ok, I'll sort it.
14:40:50 <andrewsw> right. other than business features, gnucash handles cash accounting fine.
14:41:02 <bobbo85> Ok, and one last question - when I import my bank activity, then import my credit card activity, how can I set gnucash to see the payment from my checking account into my credit card account - as one entry?
14:42:01 <bobbo85> because initially the credit statement will match its payment to the checking account, but then when I import the checking account, it will have another copy of its own of that transaction right?
14:42:38 <warlord> bobbo85: you need to mark it (manually) as a duplicate.
14:42:39 <brokep> So, the "expense account" on the bill should be "phone costs", not "bank account" then?
14:42:45 <warlord> brokep: yes.
14:43:04 <bobbo85> ok thank you warlord for your time
14:43:15 <bobbo85> i have to run but you've been great i appreciate it
14:43:16 <warlord> you're welcome.
14:43:20 <brokep> Oh, good. Now I'm getting a hang of it.
14:43:24 <andrewsw> brokep: what do you mean by "bill"?
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14:43:57 <andrewsw> if you are entering a vendor bill into gnucash then you are using the business features which will be accrual accounting.
14:46:10 <brokep> Yes, I'll use accrual, it's Ok. I've read up on it and it's ok to do it for me as well, it's just not recommended for the sake of ease for small businesses.
14:54:18 <brokep> One thing that sucks, is that I can't search for an account name.
14:54:38 <brokep> I'm having a really hard time to find the right expense account. I've imported an account plan for Sweden, and it's massive.
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14:55:02 <brokep> It's impossible to stay on top of it. Been looking for the one expense account I need for 5 minutes now.. I know the code for it, but I can't enter it neither..
14:55:16 <andrewsw> you should generally be getting completion in the account field.
14:56:00 <brokep> Can I get is by postfix instead of prefix? :)
14:56:15 <andrewsw> heh. send a patch?
14:57:02 <brokep> would be nice to just enter the assigned account code instead of name
14:57:07 <brokep> I know like everybody in sweden does that.
14:57:12 <brokep> And norway..
14:57:57 <andrewsw> rename your account structure to include the account numbers at the beginning of each name?
14:58:42 <brokep> Would it still keep it sorted correctly?
14:59:13 <brokep> it probably would. So I'll have to do a small script that searches and replaces the 180KB xml-file with the account list.. :-)
14:59:24 <andrewsw> it would then sort numerically, so if the numbers don't agree with the names, then no. but the tree structure would remain the same.
15:01:15 <andrewsw> OMG, I'm losing my mind trying to pick computer parts.
15:02:22 <brokep> wanna swap?
15:02:35 <brokep> You'll do my books and I'll pick your parts.
15:02:50 * andrewsw thinks that's not a bad idea
15:03:26 <jsled> what are you selecting?
15:03:51 <andrewsw> well, I get to buy a new mobo... so that means chip memory and gfx too...
15:04:48 <andrewsw> and I haven't looked at any of this stuff in years... I'm upgrading my k7 purchased in 2000
15:05:42 <andrewsw> I'm going googly-eyed back and forth between phoronix and newegg
15:11:16 <jsled> I usually start with the Ars Technica systems guide, and do what they tell me. :)
15:13:00 <andrewsw> ooh.... GodBox
15:13:21 <jsled> Heh.
15:14:08 <andrewsw> okay, I kid you not... January Hot Rod: same exact mobo and processor as my current newegg wish list
15:17:34 <andrewsw> later guys
15:17:36 *** andrewsw is now known as andrewsw-afk
15:17:40 <warlord> see ya andrewsw-afk
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16:34:15 <brokep> Hms.
16:34:21 <brokep> Ok, I've done some weird stuff now.
16:34:24 <brokep> ANyone around to help? :-)
16:35:13 <brokep> Anyhow - I've set up the account "Selfinvested money". It's the account where I pay directly from my own pocket instead of the companies bank account, so the company will owe me this money.
16:35:32 <brokep> However, in order to pay a bill directly from that account I had to put it as an A/Payable.
16:35:52 <brokep> It should be a minus for the company on that account, not a plus.
16:37:35 <warlord> brokep: no, it's not an A-Payable..
16:37:52 <warlord> If you pay a bill directly from your personal accounts then it's not a payable at all.
16:38:25 <warlord> You can use an "Employee Expense Voucher" to deal with stuff that you pay yourself.. Assuming you want to get paid back.
16:38:26 <brokep> Well, I want it to show up in the "Post to"-list
16:38:47 <brokep> Yes, I want. :)
16:39:03 <brokep> But this is kinda the one.
16:39:09 <brokep> This is an "expense voucher" :-)
16:40:11 <warlord> Right. So you create yourself an an employee and fill out an Expense Voucher (instead of a Vendor Bill).
16:40:18 <brokep> Ahhh.
16:40:38 <brokep> But I don't want to be an employee, can i just have that as an owner?
16:40:50 <brokep> It looks weird if I have an employee in the files.
16:41:35 <warlord> GnuCash calls it an Employee.
16:41:41 <warlord> That's just the way it is.
16:41:52 <warlord> It has nothing to do with "legal employment"
16:42:10 <warlord> It's just a way to deal with "personal" cash or CC payments.
16:42:41 <brokep> Ok.
16:42:41 <brokep> Thanks!
16:42:54 <brokep> It's great having this channel around for gnucash-n00bs like me:-) Really appreciate it.
16:43:23 <warlord> You're welcome
16:43:35 <brokep> Hmm.
16:43:52 <brokep> So, this expense voucher..
16:43:58 <brokep> I use that instead of bills?
16:46:10 <warlord> For stuff you pay personally, yes.
16:46:46 <brokep> I'll try it for year 2008. I just did the full 2007 on the different system :-)
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16:46:54 <brokep> So now I just need to find how to do year-end stuff.
16:48:51 <brokep> Oh, that looks by the wiki as it's a complete seriously annoying thing :)
16:49:36 <warlord> Well, 2.2.4 does have some simple book closing.. It just zeroizes the income and expenses.
16:50:18 <brokep> I'm running 2.2.1 (ubuntu)
16:50:33 <brokep> So i might go for the 2.2.4 version then. Is it worth it?
16:52:54 <warlord> Yes. There's one known bug in 2.2.4 that has an easy fix, if you use the QIF Importer.
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16:57:33 <brokep> QIF Importer is not needed.
16:57:41 <brokep> So then 2.2.4 works no problem?
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18:03:07 <yogesh> jsled: Earlier when I told that Lisp is coming in the stauts window of emacs and then I ran M-x font-lock-mode, I got colors for the string
18:03:27 <yogesh> but now when I opened a new scm file no colors are coming
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18:03:32 <yogesh> any idea
18:03:45 <jsled> font-lock is on a per-buffer basis.
18:03:55 <jsled> So, re-"M-x font-lock-mode"
18:04:02 <yogesh> ya i did it again
18:04:08 <yogesh> then also it doesn't come
18:04:21 <yogesh> also instead of List now it is showing fundamentals
18:04:28 <jsled> ah, that's why.
18:04:36 <yogesh> how do I change it
18:04:43 <jsled> font-lock uses the other major-mode to know how/what to style.
18:04:50 <yogesh> ok
18:04:54 <jsled> Well, why is it in fundamental mode for that file?
18:04:57 <jsled> What's the extension?
18:05:00 <yogesh> scm
18:05:05 <jsled> Hmmm.
18:05:14 <jsled> Try M-x scheme-mode first.
18:05:16 <yogesh> I have opened report.utilities.scm
18:05:18 <jsled> Then M-x font-lock-mode
18:05:34 <jsled> But, really, your emacs should be configured to do all this automagically.
18:05:43 <jsled> Here I have [[[
18:05:43 <jsled> (defvar font-lock-enable-list
18:05:44 <jsled> '(c-mode-common emacs-lisp-mode assembly-mode info-mode c++-mode perl-mode c-mode java-mode))
18:05:44 <jsled> (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'turn-on-font-lock)
18:05:44 <jsled> ]]]
18:05:55 <jsled> in my ~/.emacs
18:06:02 <jsled> There's also plenty of other stuff.
18:06:14 <jsled> But I think those are the important ones.
18:06:19 <jsled> Of course, those lines are from ages ago.
18:06:21 <yogesh> in windows I can't find .emacs in my document and settings folder
18:06:33 <jsled> They might not be needed now.
18:06:54 <jsled> In any case, I'm not the best person to help you configure [X]emacs on Windows. :)
18:07:09 <yogesh> ok
18:07:26 <yogesh> I tried searching on google but couldn't find any thing
18:08:19 <yogesh> when I am doing scheme-mode I get [No match]
18:08:44 <jsled> What version of emacs?
18:09:26 <yogesh> 21.4.21
18:10:05 <jsled> hmm. emacs-21 should definitely have scheme-mode out of the box.
18:10:27 <jsled> unless you installed some minimalist version that does't have the default complement of elisp...
18:11:16 <yogesh> I have configured the default options
18:13:12 <yogesh> if you find some links please let me know, I can search more on google
18:14:07 <jsled> Well, I can only really point you to <http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki>. Out of hte box, emacs should be configured to open .scm files in scheme-mode.
18:14:13 <jsled> Or lisp-mode, or whatever.
18:14:32 <jsled> From there, you should be able to use {M-x customize} to get font-lock to be auto-enabled.
18:15:26 <yogesh> with font-lock mode it only shows the string within "" in green color
18:15:38 <yogesh> and rest everything is on the same color i.e. black
18:15:43 <jsled> you could take a look at the variable auto-mode-alist (C-h v auto-mode-alist<RET>) to see what filename patterns -> what modes.
18:17:35 <yogesh> so arr you saying I sould be typing M-x auto-mode-alist
18:17:39 <yogesh> and then press enter
18:18:25 <jsled> Nope...
18:18:26 <jsled> C-h v auto-mode-alist<RET>
18:18:30 <jsled> C-h is help.
18:18:33 <jsled> 'v' is 'variables'
18:18:41 <jsled> It'll then prompt you for the variable name.
18:18:48 <jsled> "auto-mode-alist", then <RET>.
18:18:55 <jsled> And it'll show you the value of the var.
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18:49:53 <yogesh> I don't see .scm over there
18:50:44 <yogesh> it has .ml -> .lisp-mode
18:51:03 <yogesh> .el-> emacs-lisp-mode
18:51:24 <yogesh> I think these are two in which we will be interested in
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