r19994 - gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports - Revert r19993, "Add a new report..." - not yet working due to errors in the loading process.

Christian Stimming cstim at code.gnucash.org
Wed Dec 29 16:41:51 EST 2010

Author: cstim
Date: 2010-12-29 16:41:51 -0500 (Wed, 29 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 19994
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/19994

Revert r19993, "Add a new report..." - not yet working due to errors in the loading process.

Modified: gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/Makefile.am
--- gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/Makefile.am	2010-12-29 21:40:21 UTC (rev 19993)
+++ gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/Makefile.am	2010-12-29 21:41:51 UTC (rev 19994)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 gncscmmod_DATA = \
    aging.scm \
    business-reports.scm \
-   customer-summary.scm \
    easy-invoice.scm \
    fancy-invoice.scm \
    taxinvoice.scm \

Modified: gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm
--- gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm	2010-12-29 21:40:21 UTC (rev 19993)
+++ gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm	2010-12-29 21:41:51 UTC (rev 19994)
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash report job-report))
 (use-modules (gnucash report payables))
 (use-modules (gnucash report receivables))
-(use-modules (gnucash report customer-summary))
 (define gnc:invoice-report-create gnc:invoice-report-create-internal)

Deleted: gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
--- gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm	2010-12-29 21:40:21 UTC (rev 19993)
+++ gnucash/trunk/src/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm	2010-12-29 21:41:51 UTC (rev 19994)
@@ -1,1042 +0,0 @@
-;; -*-scheme-*-
-;; customer-summary.scm -- Print a summary of profit per customer
-;; Created by:  Christian Stimming
-;; Copyright (c) 2010 Christian Stimming <christian at cstimming.de>
-;; Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org
-;; This report is based on the code in owner-report.scm, but it does
-;; not only print a summary for one single owner (here: only
-;; customers), but instead a table showing all customers.
-(define-module (gnucash report customer-summary))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-(use-modules (gnucash printf))
-(use-modules (gnucash main))		; for gnc:debug
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/business-utils" 0)
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports))
-(use-modules (gnucash report business-reports))
-;; Option names
-(define optname-from-date (N_ "From"))
-(define optname-to-date (N_ "To"))
-;; let's define a name for the report-guid's, much prettier
-(define customer-report-guid "4166a20981985fd2b07ff8cb3b7d384e")
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define pagename-incomeaccounts (N_ "Income Accounts"))
-(define optname-incomeaccounts (N_ "Income Accounts"))
-(define opthelp-incomeaccounts
-  (N_ "The income accounts where the sales and income was recorded."))
-;(define optname-account-ar (N_ "A/R Account"))
-(define pagename-expenseaccounts (N_ "Expense Accounts"))
-(define optname-expenseaccounts (N_ "Expense Accounts"))
-;(define optname-account-ap (N_ "A/P Account"))
-(define opthelp-expenseaccounts (N_ "The expense accounts where the expenses are recorded which are subtracted from the sales to give the profit."))
-(define optname-show-column-expense (N_ "Show Expense Column"))
-(define opthelp-show-column-expense (N_ "Show the column with the expenses per customer"))
-(define optname-show-own-address (N_ "Show Company Address"))
-(define opthelp-show-own-address (N_ "Show your own company's address and the date of printing"))
-(define pagename-columndisplay (N_ "Display Columns"))
-(define date-header (N_ "Date"))
-(define reference-header (N_ "Reference"))
-(define type-header (N_ "Type"))
-(define desc-header (N_ "Description"))
-(define amount-header (N_ "Amount"))
-;;(define optname-invoicelines (N_ "Show Invoices"))
-;;(define opthelp-invoicelines (N_ "Show Invoice Transactions and include them in the balance"))
-;(define optname-paymentlines (N_ "(Experimental) Show Payments"))
-;(define opthelp-paymentlines (N_ "Show Payment Transactions and include them in the balance"))
-;(define optname-show-txn-table (N_ "(Experimental) Show Transaction Table"))
-;(define opthelp-show-txn-table (N_ "Show the table with all transactions. If false, only show the total amount per customer."))
-(define optname-show-zero-lines (N_ "Show Lines with All Zeros"))
-(define opthelp-show-zero-lines (N_ "Show the table lines with customers which did not have any transactions in the reporting period, hence would show all zeros in the columns."))
-(define optname-sortkey (N_ "Sort Column"))
-(define opthelp-sortkey (N_ "Choose the column by which the result table is sorted"))
-(define optname-sortascending (N_ "Sort Order"))
-(define opthelp-sortascending (N_ "Choose the ordering of the column sort: Either ascending or descending"))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define-macro (addto! alist element)
-  `(set! ,alist (cons ,element ,alist)))
-(define (set-last-row-style! table tag . rest)
-  (let ((arg-list 
-         (cons table 
-               (cons (- (gnc:html-table-num-rows table) 1)
-                     (cons tag rest)))))
-    (apply gnc:html-table-set-row-style! arg-list)))
-(define (date-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
-(define (num-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
-(define (type-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
-(define (memo-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
-(define (value-col columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 5))
-(define columns-used-size 6)
-(define (build-column-used options)   
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define (make-set-col col-vector)
-    (let ((col 0))
-      (lambda (used? index)
-        (if used?
-            (begin
-              (vector-set! col-vector index col)
-              (set! col (+ col 1)))
-            (vector-set! col-vector index #f)))))
-  (let* ((col-vector (make-vector columns-used-size #f))
-         (set-col (make-set-col col-vector)))
-    (set-col #t 0) ;;(opt-val pagename-columndisplay date-header) 0)
-    (set-col #t 2) ;;(opt-val pagename-columndisplay reference-header) 2)
-    (set-col #t 3) ;;(opt-val pagename-columndisplay type-header) 3)
-    (set-col #t 4) ;;(opt-val pagename-columndisplay desc-header) 4)
-    (set-col #t 5) ;;(opt-val pagename-columndisplay amount-header) 5)
-    col-vector))
-(define (make-heading-list column-vector)
-  (let ((heading-list '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ date-header)))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ reference-header)))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (_ type-header)))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (_ desc-header)))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-	(addto! heading-list (_ amount-header)))
-    (reverse heading-list)))
-;; Make a row list based on the visible columns
-(define (make-row column-vector date due-date num type-str memo monetary)
-  (let ((row-contents '()))
-    (if (date-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents (gnc-print-date date)))
-    (if (num-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents num))
-    (if (type-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents type-str))
-    (if (memo-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents memo))
-    (if (value-col column-vector)
-	(addto! row-contents
-		(gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" monetary)))
-    row-contents))
-;; Adds the 'Balance' row to the table if it has not been printed and
-;; total is not zero
-;; Returns printed? 
-(define (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-  (if (not printed?)
-      (begin
-	(set! printed? #t)
-	(if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p total))
-	    (let ((row (make-row column-vector start-date #f "" (_ "Balance") ""
-				 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccTransGetCurrency txn) total)))
-		  (row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style (reverse row))
-	      (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-	      (set! row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	    )))
-  printed?)
-;; Make sure the caller checks the type first and only calls us with
-;; invoice and payment transactions.  we don't verify it here.
-;; Return a list of (printed? value odd-row?)
-(define (add-txn-row table txn acc column-vector odd-row? printed?
-		     inv-str reverse? start-date total)
-  (let* ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn))
-	 (date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted txn))
-	 (due-date #f)
-	 (value (xaccTransGetAccountValue txn acc))
-	 (split (xaccTransGetSplit txn 0))
-	 (invoice (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn txn))
-	 (currency (xaccTransGetCurrency txn))
-	 (type-str
-	  (cond
-	   ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
-	    (if (not (null? invoice))
-		(gnc:make-html-text
-		 (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-		  (gnc:invoice-anchor-text invoice)
-		  inv-str))
-		inv-str))
-	   ((equal? type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT)
-            (if (not (null? txn))
-                (gnc:make-html-text
-                 (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-                  (gnc:transaction-anchor-text txn)
-                  (_ "Payment")))
-                (_ "Payment")))
-	   (else (_ "Unknown"))))
-	 )
-    (if reverse?
-	(set! value (gnc-numeric-neg value)))
-    (if (gnc:timepair-later start-date date)
-	(begin
-          ;; Adds 'balance' row if needed
-	  (set! printed? (add-balance-row table column-vector txn odd-row? printed? start-date total))
-          ;; Now print out the invoice row
-	  (if (not (null? invoice))
-	      (set! due-date (gncInvoiceGetDateDue invoice)))
-	  (let ((row (make-row column-vector date due-date (xaccTransGetNum txn)
-			       type-str (xaccSplitGetMemo split)
-			       (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency value)))
-		(row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")))
-	    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
-					       (reverse row)))
-	  (set! odd-row? (not odd-row?))
-	  ))
-    (list printed? value odd-row?)
-    ))
-(define (make-txn-table options txns acc start-date end-date)
-  (define (opt-val pagename optname)
-    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename optname)))
-  (let ((used-columns (build-column-used options))
-	(total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-	(currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc))
-	(table (gnc:make-html-table))
-	(inv-str (opt-val "__reg" "inv-str"))
-	(reverse? (opt-val "__reg" "reverse?"))
-        (print-invoices? #t) ;;(opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-invoicelines))
-        (print-payments? #f) ;;(opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-paymentlines))
-        )
-    (define (should-print-txn? txn-type)
-      (or (and print-invoices?
-               (equal? txn-type TXN-TYPE-INVOICE))
-          (and print-payments?
-               (equal? txn-type TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-     table
-     (make-heading-list used-columns))
-    ;; Order the transactions properly
-    (set! txns (sort txns (lambda (a b) (> 0 (xaccTransOrder a b)))))
-    (let ((printed? #f)
-	  (odd-row? #t))
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (txn)
-	 (let ((type (xaccTransGetTxnType txn)))
-	   (if
-	    (should-print-txn? type)
-	    (let ((result (add-txn-row table txn acc used-columns odd-row? printed?
-				       inv-str reverse? start-date total)))
-	      (set! printed? (car result))
-              (if printed?
-                  (set! total (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total (cadr result))))
-	      (set! odd-row? (caddr result))
-	      ))))
-       txns)
-      ;; Balance row may not have been added if all transactions were before
-      ;; start-date (and no other rows would be added either) so add it now
-      (if (and (not (null? txns)) (and print-invoices? print-payments?))
-	  (add-balance-row table used-columns (car txns) odd-row? printed? start-date total)
-          ))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! 
-     table
-     "grand-total"
-     (append (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-		    "total-label-cell"
-		    ;;		    (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p total)
-		    ;;			(_ "Total Credit")
-		    ;;			(_ "Total Due")))
-                    (_ "Total")
-                    " "
-                    ;; (xaccAccountGetName acc)
-                    (gnc:html-account-anchor acc))
-                   '())
-	     (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
-		    1 (value-col used-columns)
-		    "total-number-cell"
-		    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency total)))))
-    (list table total)))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define (find-first-account acct-type-list)
-  (define (find-first account-list)
-    (if (null? account-list)
-        '()
-        (let* ((this-account (car account-list))
-               (account-type (xaccAccountGetType this-account)))
-          (if (if (null? acct-type-list)
-                  #t
-                  (member account-type acct-type-list))
-              this-account
-              (find-first (cdr account-list))))))
-  (let* ((current-root (gnc-get-current-root-account))
-         (account-list (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted current-root)))
-    (find-first account-list)))
-(define (options-generator acct-type-list owner-type inv-str reverse?)
-  (define options (gnc:new-options))
-  (define (add-option new-option)
-    (gnc:register-option options new-option))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "inv-str" inv-str))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option "__reg" "reverse?" "" "" reverse?))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "owner-type" owner-type))
-  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-   options
-   gnc:pagename-general optname-from-date optname-to-date
-   "b")
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    gnc:pagename-general optname-invoicelines
-;    "m" opthelp-invoicelines #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    gnc:pagename-display optname-paymentlines
-;    "n" opthelp-paymentlines #f))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option
-;    pagename-incomeaccounts optname-account-ar
-;    "a" (N_ "The account to search for transactions")
-;    #f #f (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE)))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-option
-    pagename-incomeaccounts optname-incomeaccounts
-    "b"
-    opthelp-incomeaccounts
-    ;; This default-getter finds the first account of this type. TODO:
-    ;; Find not only the first one, but all of them!
-    (lambda ()
-      (gnc:filter-accountlist-type 
-       (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)
-       (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
-    ;;(lambda ()
-    ;;(list (find-first-account acct-type-list)))
-    #f #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option
-;    pagename-expenseaccounts optname-account-ap
-;    "a" (N_ "The account to search for transactions")
-;    #f #f (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE)))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-option
-    pagename-expenseaccounts optname-expenseaccounts
-    "b"
-    opthelp-expenseaccounts
-    ;; This default-getter finds the first account of this type. TODO:
-    ;; Find not only the first one, but all of them!
-    (lambda ()
-      (gnc:filter-accountlist-type 
-       (list ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)
-       (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
-    ;;(lambda ()
-    ;;(list (find-first-account acct-type-list)))
-    #f #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    pagename-columndisplay date-header
-;    "b" (N_ "Display the transaction date?") #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    pagename-columndisplay reference-header
-;    "d" (N_ "Display the transaction reference?") #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    pagename-columndisplay type-header
-;    "g" (N_ "Display the transaction type?") #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    pagename-columndisplay desc-header
-;    "h" (N_ "Display the transaction description?") #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    pagename-columndisplay amount-header
-;    "i" (N_ "Display the transaction amount?") #t)) 
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    gnc:pagename-display optname-sortkey
-    "a" opthelp-sortkey
-    'customername
-    (list
-     (vector 'customername
-	     (N_ "Customer Name")
-	     (N_ "Sort alphabetically by customer name"))
-     (vector 'profit
-	     (N_ "Profit")
-	     (N_ "Sort by profit amount"))
-     (vector 'markup
-             ;; Translators: "Markup" is profit amount divided by sales amount
-	     (N_ "Markup")
-	     (N_ "Sort by markup (which is profit amount divided by sales)"))
-     (vector 'sales
-	     (N_ "Sales")
-	     (N_ "Sort by sales amount"))
-     (vector 'expense
-             (N_ "Expense")
-             (N_ "Sort by expense amount")))))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    gnc:pagename-display optname-sortascending
-    "b" opthelp-sortascending
-    'ascend
-    (list
-     (vector 'ascend
-	     (N_ "Ascending")
-	     (N_ "A to Z, smallest to largest"))
-     (vector 'descend
-	     (N_ "Descending")
-	     (N_ "Z to A, largest to smallest")))))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display optname-show-own-address
-    "d" opthelp-show-own-address #t))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display optname-show-zero-lines
-    "e" opthelp-show-zero-lines #f))
-  (add-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display optname-show-column-expense
-    "f" opthelp-show-column-expense #t))
-;  (add-option
-;   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-;    gnc:pagename-display optname-show-txn-table
-;    "f" opthelp-show-txn-table #f))
-  (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
-  options)
-(define (customer-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE) GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER
-                     (_ "Invoice") #t)) ;; FIXME: reverse?=#t but originally #f
-(define (vendor-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-VENDOR
-                     (_ "Bill") #t))
-(define (employee-options-generator)
-  (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE
-                     (_ "Expense Report") #t))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define (string-expand string character replace-string)
-  (define (car-line chars)
-    (take-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars))
-  (define (cdr-line chars)
-    (let ((rest (drop-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars)))
-      (if (null? rest)
-          '()
-          (cdr rest))))
-  (define (line-helper chars)
-    (if (null? chars)
-        ""
-        (let ((first (car-line chars))
-              (rest (cdr-line chars)))
-          (string-append (list->string first)
-                         (if (null? rest) "" replace-string)
-                         (line-helper rest)))))
-  (line-helper (string->list string)))
-(define (query-toplevel-setup query account-list start-date end-date)
-  (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query account-list QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
-  (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTS query #t start-date #t end-date QOF-QUERY-AND)
-  (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
-  query)
-(define (query-owner-setup q owner)
-  (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q 
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-     q 
-     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-;; Apparently those query terms are unneeded because we never take
-;; lots into account?!?
-;    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-;     q
-;     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-;    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-;     q
-;     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-;    (qof-query-add-guid-match
-;     q
-;     guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
-    (qof-query-set-book q (gnc-get-current-book))
-    q))
-(define (make-owner-table owner)
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table
-     (list
-      (string-expand (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner) #\newline "<br>")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-     table
-     (list "<br>"))
-    (set-last-row-style!
-     table "td"
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
-    table))
-(define (make-date-row! table label date)
-  (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-   table
-   (list
-    (string-append label ":&nbsp;")
-    (string-expand (gnc-print-date date) #\space "&nbsp;"))))
-(define (make-date-table)
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (set-last-row-style!
-     table "td"
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
-    table))
-(define (make-myname-table book)
-  (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-         (table-outer (gnc:make-html-table))
-	 (slots (qof-book-get-slots book))
-	 (name (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
-		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
-			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-name*))))
-	 (addy (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
-		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
-			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-addy*)))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "width" "") ;; this way we force the override of the "100%" below
-     'attribute (list "align" "right")
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top")
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (if name name "")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (string-expand
-					     (if addy addy "")
-					     #\newline "<br>")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list
-                                       (gnc-print-date (gnc:get-today))))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-     table-outer "table"
-     'attribute (list "border" 0)
-     'attribute (list "width" "100%")
-     'attribute (list "valign" "top")
-     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
-     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table-outer (list table))
-    table-outer))
-(define (make-break! document)
-  (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-   document
-   (gnc:make-html-text
-    (gnc:html-markup-br))))
-(define (markup-percent profit sales)
-  (let ((m (gnc-numeric-div profit sales 1000 GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
-    (* 100 (gnc-numeric-to-double m))))
-(define (query-split-value sub-query toplevel-query)
-  (let ((splits (qof-query-run-subquery sub-query toplevel-query))
-        (total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-        )
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (split)
-       (set! total (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
-       )
-     splits) ;; END for-each splits
-    total))
-(define (single-query-split-value query)
-  (let ((splits (qof-query-run query))
-        (total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-        )
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (split)
-       (set! total (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
-       )
-     splits) ;; END for-each splits
-    total))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define (reg-renderer report-obj)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
-  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
-         (report-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
-	 (start-date (gnc:timepair-start-day-time 
-                      (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                       (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-from-date))))
-	 (end-date (gnc:timepair-end-day-time 
-                    (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date))))
-         (print-invoices? #t);;(opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-invoicelines))
-         (print-payments? #f) ;;(opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-paymentlines))
-;         (show-txn-table? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-show-txn-table))
-	 (show-zero-lines? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-show-zero-lines))
-         (show-column-expense? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-show-column-expense))
-         (table-num-columns (if show-column-expense? 5 4))
-         (show-own-address? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-show-own-address))
-         (expense-accounts (opt-val pagename-expenseaccounts optname-expenseaccounts))
-         (income-accounts (opt-val pagename-incomeaccounts optname-incomeaccounts))
-         (all-accounts (append income-accounts expense-accounts))
-	 (book (gnc-get-current-book)) ;XXX Grab this from elsewhere
-	 (type (opt-val "__reg" "owner-type"))
-         (reverse? (opt-val "__reg" "reverse?"))
-         (ownerlist (gncBusinessGetOwnerList book (gncOwnerTypeToQofIdType type) #f))
-         (toplevel-income-query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-         (toplevel-expense-query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-         (toplevel-total-income #f)
-         (toplevel-total-expense #f)
-         (owner-query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-         (any-valid-owner? #f)
-	 (type-str "")
-         (notification-str "")
-	 (currency (gnc-default-currency)))
-    (cond
-     ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
-      (set! type-str (N_ "Customer")))
-     ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
-      (set! type-str (N_ "Vendor")))
-     ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
-      (set! type-str (N_ "Employee"))))
-    (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-     document (string-append (_ type-str) " " (_ "Report")))
-    ;; Set up the toplevel query
-    (query-toplevel-setup toplevel-income-query income-accounts start-date end-date)
-    ;; Run the query to be able to use the results in a sub-query, and
-    ;; also use the amount as the actual grand total (both assigned
-    ;; and not assigned to customers)
-    (set! toplevel-total-income
-          (single-query-split-value toplevel-income-query))
-    (if reverse?
-        (set! toplevel-total-income (gnc-numeric-neg toplevel-total-income)))
-    ;; Total expenses as well
-    (query-toplevel-setup toplevel-expense-query expense-accounts start-date end-date)
-    (set! toplevel-total-expense
-          (single-query-split-value toplevel-expense-query))
-    (if reverse?
-        (set! toplevel-total-expense (gnc-numeric-neg toplevel-total-expense)))
-    ;; Continue if we have non-null accounts
-    (if (null? income-accounts)
-	;; error condition: no accounts specified
-	;; is this *really* necessary??  i'd be fine with an all-zero
-	;; account summary that would, technically, be correct....
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-         document
-         (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning 
-	  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
-	;; otherwise, generate the report...
-	(let ((resulttable
-	       ;; Loop over all owners
-	       (map
-		(lambda (owner)
-		  (if
-		   (and (gncOwnerIsValid owner)
-                        (> (length all-accounts) 0))
-		   ;; Now create the line for one single owner
-		   (let ((total-income (gnc-numeric-zero))
-			 (total-expense (gnc-numeric-zero)))
-                     (set! currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity (car all-accounts)))
-                     (set! any-valid-owner? #t)
-                     ;; Run one query on all income accounts
-		     (query-owner-setup owner-query owner)
-                     (set! total-income (query-split-value owner-query toplevel-income-query))
-                     (if reverse?
-                         (set! total-income (gnc-numeric-neg total-income)))
-		     ;; Clean up the query
-		     (qof-query-clear owner-query)
-                     ;; And run one query on all expense accounts
-		     (query-owner-setup owner-query owner)
-                     (set! total-expense (query-split-value owner-query toplevel-expense-query))
-                     (if reverse?
-                         (set! total-expense (gnc-numeric-neg total-expense)))
-		     ;; Clean up the query
-		     (qof-query-clear owner-query)
-		     ;; We print the summary now
-		     (let* ((profit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total-income total-expense))
-			    (markupfloat (markup-percent profit total-income))
-			    )
-		       ;; Result of this customer
-		       (list owner profit markupfloat total-income total-expense)
-		       )
-		     ) ;; END let
-		   ) ;; END if owner-is-valid
-		  )
-		ownerlist) ;; END for-each all owners
-	       ))
-          ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-          ;; If asked for, we also print the company name
-          (if show-own-address?
-              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-               document
-               (make-myname-table book)))
-          ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-	  ;; Now print the resulttable here:
-	  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-		(sort-descending? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-sortascending) 'descend))
-		(sort-key (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-sortkey))
-                (total-profit (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                (total-sales (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                (total-expense (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                (heading-list
-                 ;; Translators: "Markup" is profit amount divided by sales amount
-                 (list (_ "Customer") (_ "Profit") (_ "Markup") (_ "Sales"))))
-	    ;; helper for sorting an owner list
-	    (define (owner-name<? a b)
-	      (string<? (gncOwnerGetName a) (gncOwnerGetName b)))
-	    ;; Heading line
-            (if show-column-expense?
-                (set! heading-list (append heading-list (list (_ "Expense")))))
-	    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-	     table heading-list)
-	    ;; Sorting: First sort everything alphabetically
-	    ;; (ascending) so that we have one stable sorting order
-	    (set! resulttable
-		  (sort resulttable (lambda (a b) (owner-name<? (car a) (car b)))))
-	    ;; Secondly sort by the actual sort key
-	    (let ((cmp (if sort-descending? > <))
-		  (strcmp (if sort-descending? string>? string<?)))
-	      (set!
-	       resulttable
-	       (sort resulttable
-		     (cond
-		      ((eq? sort-key 'customername)
-		       (lambda (a b)
-			 (strcmp (gncOwnerGetName (car a)) (gncOwnerGetName (car b)))))
-		      ((eq? sort-key 'profit)
-		       (lambda (a b)
-			 (cmp (gnc-numeric-compare (cadr a) (cadr b)) 0)))
-		      ((eq? sort-key 'markup)
-		       (lambda (a b)
-			 (cmp (list-ref a 2) (list-ref b 2))))
-		      ((eq? sort-key 'sales)
-		       (lambda (a b)
-			 (cmp (gnc-numeric-compare (list-ref a 3) (list-ref b 3)) 0)))
-                      ((eq? sort-key 'expense)
-                       (lambda (a b)
-                         (cmp (gnc-numeric-compare (list-ref a 4) (list-ref b 4)) 0)))
-		      ) ;; END cond
-		     ) ;; END sort
-	       )) ;; END let
-	    ;; The actual content
-	    (for-each
-	     (lambda (row)
-	       (if
-		(eq? (length row) 5)
-		(let ((owner (list-ref row 0))
-		      (profit (list-ref row 1))
-		      (markupfloat (list-ref row 2))
-		      (sales (list-ref row 3))
-                      (expense (list-ref row 4)))
-                  (set! total-profit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total-profit profit))
-                  (set! total-sales (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total-sales sales))
-                  (set! total-expense (gnc-numeric-add-fixed total-expense expense))
-		  (if (or show-zero-lines?
-			  (not (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p profit) (gnc-numeric-zero-p sales))))
-                      (let ((row-content
-                             (list
-                              (gncOwnerGetName owner)
-                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency profit)
-                              ;;(sprintf #f (if (< (abs markupfloat) 10) "%2.1f%%" "%2.0f%%") markupfloat)
-                              (sprintf #f  "%2.0f%%" markupfloat)
-                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency sales))))
-                        (if show-column-expense?
-                            (set!
-                             row-content
-                             (append row-content
-                                     (list
-                                      (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-neg expense))))))
-                        (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-                         table row-content)))
-		  )
-                (gnc:warn "Oops, encountered a row with wrong length=" (length row))))
-	     resulttable) ;; END for-each row
-            ;; The "No Customer" line
-            (let* ((other-sales (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed toplevel-total-income total-sales))
-                   (other-expense (gnc-numeric-sub-fixed toplevel-total-expense total-expense))
-                   (other-profit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed other-sales other-expense))
-                   (markupfloat (markup-percent other-profit other-sales))
-                   (row-content
-                    (list
-                     (_ "No Customer")
-                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency other-profit)
-                     (sprintf #f  "%2.0f%%" markupfloat)
-                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency other-sales))))
-              (if show-column-expense?
-                  (set!
-                   row-content
-                   (append row-content
-                           (list
-                            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-neg other-expense))))))
-              (if (or show-zero-lines?
-                      (not (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p other-profit) (gnc-numeric-zero-p other-sales))))
-                  (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-                   table row-content)))
-            ;; One horizontal ruler before the summary
-            ;;;(gnc:html-table-append-ruler!
-            ;;; table table-num-columns) ;; better use the "noshade" attribute:
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-             table
-             (list
-              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-               1 table-num-columns
-               (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup/attr/no-end "hr" "noshade")))))
-            ;; One summary line
-            (let* ((total-profit (gnc-numeric-add-fixed toplevel-total-income toplevel-total-expense))
-                   (markupfloat (markup-percent total-profit toplevel-total-income))
-                   (row-content
-                    (list
-                     (_ "Total")
-                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency total-profit)
-                     ;;(sprintf #f (if (< (abs markupfloat) 10) "%2.1f%%" "%2.0f%%") markupfloat)
-                     (sprintf #f  "%2.0f%%" markupfloat)
-                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency toplevel-total-income))))
-              (if show-column-expense?
-                  (set!
-                   row-content
-                   (append row-content
-                           (list
-                            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-neg toplevel-total-expense))))))
-              (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-               table
-               row-content))
-	    ;; Set the formatting styles
-	    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-	     table "td"
-	     'attribute '("align" "right")
-	     'attribute '("valign" "top"))
-	    (gnc:html-table-set-col-style!
-	     table 0 "td"
-	     'attribute '("align" "left"))
-            (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-             table "table"
-             ;;'attribute (list "border" 1)
-             'attribute (list "cellspacing" 2)
-             'attribute (list "cellpadding" 4))
-	    ;; And add the table to the document
-	    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	     document table)
-	    )
-	  ) ;; END let resulttable
-	) ;; END if null? income-accounts
-    (if any-valid-owner?
-        ;; Report contains valid data
-        (let ((headline 
-               (sprintf
-                #f (_ "%s %s - %s")
-                report-title
-                (gnc-print-date start-date)
-                (gnc-print-date end-date))))
-          (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-           document headline)
-          ;; Check the settings for taking invoice/payment lines into
-          ;; account and print the ch
-          (make-break! document)
-          (if print-invoices?
-              (if print-payments?
-                  ;; Print a notification for invoices=yes, payments=yes
-                  (set! notification-str (_ "(Invoice and Payment transactions)"))
-                  ;; Print a notification for invoices=yes, payments=no
-		  ;;;(set! notification-str (_ "(Invoice transactions only)"))
-		  )
-              (if print-payments?
-                  ;; Print a notification for invoices=no, payments=yes
-                  (set! notification-str (_ "(Payment transactions only)"))
-                  ;; invoices=no, payments=no? Does not make sense.
-                  (set! notification-str (_ "Neither invoice nor payment transactions are activated. This will result in zeros everywhere. Please change those options on the \"General\" page."))))
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-           document
-           (gnc:make-html-text notification-str))
-          )
-        ;; else....
-	(gnc:html-document-add-object!
-	 document
-	 (gnc:make-html-text
-	  (sprintf #f 
-		   (_ "No valid %s selected.  Click on the Options button to select a company.")
-		   (_ type-str))))) ;; FIXME because of translations: Please change this string into full sentences instead of sprintf, because in non-english languages the "no valid" has different forms depending on the grammatical gender of the "%s".
-    (qof-query-destroy owner-query)
-    (qof-query-destroy toplevel-income-query)
-    (qof-query-destroy toplevel-expense-query)
-    document))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- 'version 1
- 'name (N_ "Customer Summary")
- 'report-guid customer-report-guid
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
- 'options-generator customer-options-generator
- 'renderer reg-renderer
- 'in-menu? #t)

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