gnucash-docs maint: Fix build failure in Italian translation.

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Sep 15 15:48:07 EDT 2016

Updated	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 67035b26c540355dd8a09b40bfc4e9ee12106832
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Thu Sep 15 12:47:01 2016 -0700

    Fix build failure in Italian translation.
    Problem turned out to be undefined entities in Help_ch_Tools_Assistants.xml.

diff --git a/help/C/gnucash-help.xml b/help/C/gnucash-help.xml
index b44115a..70ca722 100644
--- a/help/C/gnucash-help.xml
+++ b/help/C/gnucash-help.xml
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diff --git a/help/it/ b/help/it/
index 561b15f..0b94d98 100644
--- a/help/it/
+++ b/help/it/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/mobi.make
+	${top_srcdir}/help/C/gnucash-help.xml \
 	${top_srcdir}/help/C/Help_ch_Intro.xml \
         ${top_srcdir}/help/C/Help_ch_GettingHelp.xml \
 	${top_srcdir}/help/C/Help_ch_GettingStarted.xml \
diff --git a/help/it/gnucash-help.xml b/help/it/gnucash-help.xml
index 88aafbe..87ca5bd 100644
--- a/help/it/gnucash-help.xml
+++ b/help/it/gnucash-help.xml
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@@ -9510,8 +9512,11999 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
+      (Do not remove this comment block.)
+  Version: 2.0.x
+   Last modified: April 15th 2007
+        modified: August 12th 2006
+	modified: February 28th 2005
+  Maintainers:
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+               Neil Williams <linux at>
+  Author:
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+  Translators:
+               (translators put your name and email here)
+<chapter id="ch_AccRegTools">
+  <title>Strumenti e assistenti</title>
+      <para><application>&app;</application> fornisce diversi strumenti specializzati che permettono l’accesso a funzionalità avanzate. Questi strumenti sono selezionabili dal menu <guimenu>Strumenti</guimenu>. Alcuni di essi potrebbero non essere visualizzati se non sono stati configurati alcuni dei supporti quali l’Online Banking, o gli strumenti appropriati per la finestra corrente.</para>
+  <sect1 id="tool-find"><title>Find</title>
+    <para>The <application>GnuCash</application> <emphasis>Find</emphasis> assistant can be used to <link linkend="tool-find-txn">find 
+    transactions</link> or to perform <link linkend="tool-find-bsnss">business related</link> research on your data file.</para>
+    <sect2 id="tool-find-txn">
+      <title>Find Transaction</title>
+        <para><guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> is used to search for transactions in <application>GnuCash</application>
+        and display the results in a register window. To open the <guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> dialog in 
+        <guilabel>Split Search</guilabel> mode, you can type the keyboard shortcut <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>f</keycap></keycombo>.</para>
+        <para>Exactly which transactions are searched depends on
+        where you invoke the tool from. If you start from the main
+        accounts hierarchy page, all transactions will be searched.
+        If you start from an individual account register, only
+        transactions in that account will be searched. And if you
+        filter the transactions in a register using
+        <menuchoice><guimenuitem>View </guimenuitem><guimenuitem>
+        Filter By... </guimenuitem></menuchoice>, then only
+        transactions in that account and shown by the filter will be
+        searched.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>The first row of the <guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> dialog
+          indicates that you are performing a <guilabel>Split Search</guilabel>.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>There are two panes in the <guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> dialog. The top pane contains
+        the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> buttons and the bottom pane contains the <guilabel>Type of
+        Search</guilabel> selection.</para>
+        <para>There are two buttons in the top of the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> pane.
+        The left button allows you to <guibutton>Add</guibutton> another criteria row to search for
+        multiple criteria. The existing criteria row needs to be completed
+        before adding a new row. The right button is used to <guilabel>Search for items
+        where all criteria are met</guilabel> or <guilabel>Search for items where any criteria are
+        met</guilabel>. The <guilabel>all criteria are met</guilabel> search requires all of the criteria rows
+        to have at least one match. The <guilabel>any criteria are met</guilabel> search requires
+        only one of the criteria rows to be matched.</para>
+        <para>The criteria row  in the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> pane is used to combine different 
+        criteria buttons (see table <xref linkend="tool-find-bttns"/> for a comprehensive list of combinations)</para>
+ 	<para>In the <guilabel>Type of Search</guilabel> pane there are five selections. The first option is always enabled, the following
+        three are available when you invoke the <guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem> option from a register window or after performing the 
+        first <guibutton>Find</guibutton> if the <guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem> command was invoked from any other window. 
+        Last option is available only for <link linkend="tool-find-bsnss">Business search</link>.</para>
+        <variablelist>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>New Search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Perform a new transaction search</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Refine current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Search within the results of the previous search</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Add results to current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Search based on the first set of criteria or the new criteria</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Delete results from current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Discard any results that match the previous search results</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Search only active data</guilabel></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Search only if data are marked as active. This selector
+            is greyed out for the <guilabel>Split Search</guilabel> as it is meaningful only for 
+            <link linkend="tool-find-bsnss">business related search</link></para>
+          </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+        </variablelist>
+        <note>
+          <para>When selecting search criteria keep in mind that criteria are applied to
+         individual splits or fields in transactions, and that the entire transaction is
+         included in the results. There is no visual indication in the results to
+         indicate which split or field met the search criteria.</para>
+        </note>
+	<para>When search criteria are selected, you can press the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button. You will be
+        presented with the search results in a new register tab. A report of the
+        search results may created and printed using <menuchoice><guimenu>
+        Reports</guimenu><guimenuitem>Account Report</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
+        The Account Report has limited formatting options but, like all
+        <application>GnuCash</application> reports, being in html format, can be
+        copied and pasted into a spreadsheet for further formatting.
+        Alternatively, the Account Report can be exported to an html file, and
+        the html file may be opened in a spreadsheet.
+        </para>
+        <note>
+          <para>Press the <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button to close the <guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> dialog.</para>
+        </note>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-bttns">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Split Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Description<footnote id="DMN"><para>The Description, Memo, Number
+                are common to all lines in a transaction.</para></footnote></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnote id="rgx"><para><emphasis>regex</emphasis>
+                means regular expression text search as used in various computer programs such
+                as <application>Perl</application></para></footnote></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Memo<footnoteref linkend="DMN"/></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Number<footnoteref linkend="DMN"/></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Operazioni</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Note</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Data di emissione</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para>Valore</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>ha il credito o il debito</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>minore di</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para>Campo per l’immissione dell’importo</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="17" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>minore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>diverso da</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore di</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>ha il credito</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>minore di</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>minore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>diverso da</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore di</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>ha il debito</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>minore di</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>minore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>diverso da</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore di</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>maggiore o uguale a</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Quote</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>is less than</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per l’immissione dell’importo</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is less than or equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>equals</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is greater than</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is greater than or equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Quotazione</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>is less than</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per l’immissione dell’importo</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is less than or equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>equals</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is not equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is greater than</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>is greater than or equal to</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Reconcile<footnote><para>The 
+                <guilabel>Reconcile</guilabel> option applies the selected criteria to each line
+		of a transaction individually. Each transaction line may have only one of the indicated values,
+		but there is often a mix of values within a complete transaction, so companion lines may 
+		not meet the selected criteria. See separate note defining status values. For a detailed 
+                description of transaction statuses see <xref linkend="trans-stts"/>
+                </para></footnote></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Non liquidata</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Liquidata</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Riconciliata</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Bloccata</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Invalidata</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Bilancio</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Account<footnote><para>The 
+                <guilabel>Account</guilabel> option performs a search where the accounts selected
+                in the <guilabel>Choose Accounts</guilabel> dialog will both be searched individually for
+	        results. This means that a match in any of the selected accounts will
+        	either be displayed (matches any account) or discarded (matches no
+        	account).</para></footnote></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>soddisfa ogni conto</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>scegliere conti</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>matches no accounts</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>All Accounts<footnote><para>The <guilabel>All Accounts</guilabel> 
+                option performs a search where accounts selected in the <guilabel>Choose Accounts</guilabel>
+                dialog will only return results that match in both accounts.</para></footnote></para></entry>
+                <entry><para>matches all accounts</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>scegliere conti</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry><para/></entry>
+                <entry><para/></entry>
+                <entry><para/></entry>
+                <entry><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <sect3 id="tool-find-txn-criteria"><title>Explanations of the
+        Criteria</title>
+          <para>The <guibutton>Reconcile</guibutton> criterion
+          deserves some more explanation. Think of the selected
+          reconciliation status buttons
+          (<guibutton>Not Cleared</guibutton>,
+          <guibutton>Cleared</guibutton>, and so on) as a single group,
+          joined with a logical “or”. In other words, the
+          selection “<guibutton>is
+          </guibutton>” or “<guibutton>is
+          not</guibutton>” applies to the “or” of the
+          selected status buttons. The buttons which are left unselected
+          are simply ignored. (It’s not the same as saying
+          the reconciliation status <emphasis>must not</emphasis> be one
+          of these.)</para>
+          <para>For example: if you select <guibutton>Reconcile</guibutton>
+          <guibutton>is</guibutton> <guibutton>Cleared</guibutton>
+          <guibutton>Reconciled</guibutton>, that means you’re
+          saying “I want all transactions which contain cleared
+          splits OR reconciled splits” (imagine an invisible
+          “OR” between all the selected status buttons).
+          It’s the same as selecting
+          <guibutton>Reconcile</guibutton> <guibutton>is</guibutton>
+          <guibutton>Cleared</guibutton>, then adding another search
+          criterion with the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button, then on
+          the new line selecting <guibutton>Reconcile</guibutton>
+          <guibutton>is</guibutton> <guibutton>Reconciled</guibutton>,
+          and finally selecting <guilabel>Search for items
+          where</guilabel> <guibutton>any criteria are met</guibutton>.
+          In either case, <application>GnuCash</application> will show
+          you exactly the same set of transactions.</para>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="tool-find-bsnss">
+        <title>Find Customer, Invoice, Job, Vendor, Bill, Employee, Expense Voucher</title>
+        <para>The business find assistant is used to search for business related items (Customer,
+        Invoice, Job, Vendor, Bill, Employee, Expense Voucher). To open the business search dialog 
+        select the desired item to <guimenuitem>Find</guimenuitem> from the 
+        <menuchoice><guimenu>Business</guimenu><guisubmenu>Customer/Vendor/Employee </guisubmenu></menuchoice> submenus.</para>
+        <tip> 
+          <para>The titlebar and the first row of the assistant dialog reports the item type you are searching for: <guilabel>Customer,
+          Invoice, Job, Vendor, Bill, Employee, Expense Voucher</guilabel>.</para>
+        </tip>
+        <para>There are two panes in the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> dialog. The top pane contains
+        the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> buttons and the bottom pane contains the <guilabel>Type of
+        Search</guilabel> selection.</para>
+        <sect3>
+            <title><guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> section</title>
+        <para>There are two buttons in the top of the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> pane.
+        The left button allows you to <guibutton>Add</guibutton> another criteria row to search for
+        multiple criteria.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>The existing criteria row needs to be completed
+          before adding a new row.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>The right button is used to <guilabel>Search for items
+        where all criteria are met</guilabel> or <guilabel>Search for items where any criteria are
+        met</guilabel>. The <guilabel>all criteria are met</guilabel> search requires all of the criteria rows
+        to have at least one match. The <guilabel>any criteria are met</guilabel> search requires
+        only one of the criteria rows to be matched.</para>
+        <para>The criteria row  in the <guilabel>Search Criteria</guilabel> pane is used to combine different 
+        criteria buttons (see tables <xref linkend="tool-find-cstmr"/>,
+        <xref linkend="tool-find-nvc"/>, <xref linkend="tool-find-jb"/>, <xref linkend="tool-find-vndr"/>,
+        <xref linkend="tool-find-bll"/>, <xref linkend="tool-find-mply"/> <xref linkend="tool-find-vx"/>
+        for a comprehensive list of combinations)</para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+            <title><guilabel>Type of Search</guilabel> section</title>
+ 	<para>In the <guilabel>Type of Search</guilabel> pane there are five selections. The first and alst options are
+        always selectable while the following three are available only when you perform the first search by setting
+        some search criteria and pressing the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button.</para>
+        <variablelist>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>New Search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Perform a new search</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Refine current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Search within the results of the previous search</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Add results to current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Search based on the first set of criteria or the new criteria</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Delete results from current search</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Discard any results that match the previous search results</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><guilabel>Search only active data</guilabel></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Search only if data are marked as active.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+        </variablelist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+            <title>The rest of the search dialog</title>
+	<para>When search criteria are selected, you can press the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button. You will be
+        presented with the list of search results in the same <guilabel>Find</guilabel> dialog.</para> 
+        <tip>
+          <para>Aside the results, <application>GnuCash</application> gives you some buttons to manage 
+          the highlighted result.</para>
+        </tip>
+	<tip>
+          <para>In the bottom right of the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> dialog there is a button that allows to create a 
+          <guibutton>New</guibutton> business item.</para>
+        </tip>
+        <note>
+          <para>Press the <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button to close the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> assistant dialog.</para>
+        </note>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+            <title>List of search criteria buttons</title>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-cstmr">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Customer Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Company Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Customer ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing Contact</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Shipping Contact</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-nvc">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Invoice Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Invoice ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Company Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Date Opened</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Posted?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Data di emissione</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Paid?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Invoice Notes</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Invoice Owner</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Select...</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>non è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-jb">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Job Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Job Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Job Number</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Only Active?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Owner's Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-vndr">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Vendor Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Company Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Vendor ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing Contact</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-bll">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Bill Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Bill ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Company Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Due Date</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Date Opened</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Posted?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Data di emissione</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Paid?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Bill Notes</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Bill Owner</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Select...</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>non è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-mply">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Employee Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Employee Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Employee Username</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Employee ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        <table frame="topbot" id="tool-find-vx">
+          <title>Search criteria buttons - Expense Voucher Search</title>
+          <tgroup cols="8" rowsep="1">
+            <thead>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 1</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 2</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 3</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 4</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Button 5</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 6</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 7</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Pulsante 8</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Voucher ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Employee Name</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Due Date</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Date Opened</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Posted?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Data di emissione</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è prima del</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Campo per la selezione della data</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="5" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è prima del o il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>è il o dopo il</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Is Paid?</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>impostato a vero</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="1" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>non è</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Billing ID</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Voucher Notes</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>contiene</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>L’espressione inserita è insensibile alle lettere maiuscole/minuscole?</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="2" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+               <row>
+                <entry><para>matches regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>does not match regex<footnoteref linkend="rgx"/></para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Voucher Owner</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Espressione inserita nel campo di ricerca</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Select...</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para>Elimina riga</para></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+                <entry morerows="7" valign="middle"><para/></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry morerows="3" valign="middle"><para>non è</para></entry>
+                <entry><para>Cliente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Venditore</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Dipendente</para></entry>
+              </row>
+              <row>
+                <entry><para>Job</para></entry>
+              </row>
+            </tbody>
+          </tgroup>
+        </table>
+        </sect3>
+    </sect2>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="trans-sched-slr">
+    <title>Assistente dall’ultimo avvio</title>
+      <para>L’assistente <guilabel>Dall’ultimo avvio</guilabel> viene avviato automaticamente quando si esegue <application>&app;</application>; permette di inserire nel registro qualsiasi transazione il cui inserimento automatico sta per avvenire. L’esecuzione all’avvio di <application>&app;</application> può essere modificata nella finestra delle preferenze di <application>&app;</application> all’interno della scheda <link linkend="prefs-sched">Transazioni pianificate</link>. Per eseguire l’assistente manualmente, andare in <menuchoice><guilabel>Operazioni</guilabel><guisubmenu>Transazioni pianificate</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Dall’ultimo avvio...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
+        <para>Nella finestra <guilabel>Dall’ultimo avvio...</guilabel> sono presenti tre colonne:</para>
+        <variablelist termlength="8">
+          <varlistentry>
+          <term><guilabel>Transazione</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il nome assegnato nell’<guilabel>Editor transazioni pianificate</guilabel> che identifica la transazione pianificata.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+          <term><guilabel>Stato</guilabel></term>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il valore del campo  <guilabel>State</guilabel> può essere uno tra i seguenti:</para>
+              <tip>
+                <para>Fare clic nel campo della colonna dello <guilabel>Stato</guilabel> relativa a una transazione per modificarne lo stato (questa opzione è disponibile solamente se il campo dello <guilabel>stato</guilabel> non è vuoto)</para>
+              </tip>
+                <variablelist termlength="8">
+                  <varlistentry>
+                  <term><guilabel>Ignora</guilabel></term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Se viene visualizzata una transazione pianificata, da creare o come promemoria, l’utente può impostare lo stato a <guilabel>Ignorato</guilabel> per scartare l’inserimento. La transazione pianificata non verrà inserita nel registro e la transazione verrò ricordata solamente nell’occorrenza successiva. Per esempio, se è stato impostato un promemoria per una transazione relativa a un trasferimento di 500€ alla fine del mese verso il proprio conto <emphasis>risparmi</emphasis>, e questo mese si è acquistato un nuovo computer a causa del quale non si avrà la disponibilità di quella cifra, si potrà impostare lo stato della transazione a <guilabel>Ignorato</guilabel>.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                  <term><guilabel>Posticipato</guilabel></term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>If a scheduled transaction has been listed
+                      with a status <guilabel>To-create</guilabel> but
+                      you want to hold it and not have it entered to
+                      your register yet, then you can set it to
+                      <guilabel>Postponed</guilabel>. When at some
+                      later time you change it back to
+                      <guilabel>To-create</guilabel> it will be
+                      created with the original posted-date. If you
+                      want to change that you must edit the
+                      transaction after it's created.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                  <term><guilabel>Promemoria</guilabel></term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Si è a <emphasis>n</emphasis> giorni dalla data di scadenza della transazione pianificata. Il numero di giorni <emphasis>n</emphasis> con cui segnalare in anticipo la scadenza di una transazione pianificata, può essere impostato o nella scheda <link linkend="prefs-sched">Transazioni pianificate</link> delle <guilabel>Preferenze di &app;</guilabel> o nella scheda <guilabel>Generali</guilabel> dell’<link linkend="sched-editor">Editor transazioni pianificate</link>.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                  <term><guilabel>Da creare</guilabel></term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>La transazione pianificata verrà creata automaticamente alla pressione del pulsante <guibutton>Ok</guibutton>.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                  <term><emphasis>Vuoto</emphasis></term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Un campo vuoto significa che non è prevista alcuna operazione per la transazione pianificata.</para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                </variablelist>  
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+        </variablelist>
+        <para>Nella parte inferiore della finestra sono presenti due pulsanti:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Annulla</guibutton> permette di uscire dalla finestra <guilabel>Dall’ultimo avvio...</guilabel> senza creare le transazioni pianificate.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Il pulsante<guibutton>Ok</guibutton> chiude la finestra <guilabel>Dall’ultimo avvio</guilabel> e applica le operazioni in sospeso.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Nella parte inferiore destra della finestra <guilabel>Dall’ultimo avvio...</guilabel> è possibile abilitare l’opzione <guilabel>Controlla le transazioni create</guilabel>. Abilitandola, quando sono presenti una o più transazioni <guilabel>Da creare</guilabel>, premendo il tasto <guibutton>Ok</guibutton> verrà aperta una finestra del registro in cui sono visualizzati dettagli della transazione inserita automaticamente da <application>&app;</application></para>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="trans-sched-loans">
+          <title>Assistente per mutui e ipoteche</title>
+          <para>Questa procedura guidata crea una transazione pianificata per il rimborso di un prestito. Quando è utilizzato per creare una transazione pianificata, l’assistente crea una formula variabile in modo che l’interesse composto venga correttamente calcolato. Per avviare l’assistente occorre selezionare <menuchoice><guilabel>Operazioni</guilabel><guisubmenu>Transazioni pianificate</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Rimborso di mutui e ipoteche...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dal menu principale.’</para>
+          <para>L’assistente per il rimborso di mutui e ipoteche presenta all’avvio una schermata che descrive brevemente la sua funzione. I tre pulsanti in basso nella finestra rimarranno invariati in tutte le finestre dell’assistente.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Annulla</guibutton> permette di uscire dall’assistente e cancellare la creazione della transazione pianificata. Qualunque scelta fatta all’interno dell’assistente fino a questo punto, verrà persa.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Indietro</guibutton> farà apparire la schermata precedente in modo da poter modificare una selezione fatta in quella finestra.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Avanti</guibutton> permette di avanzare nella procedura.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata seguente permette di inserire le informazioni essenziali per il prestito. Queste sono fornite normalmente dalla banca al momento della firma dei documenti da parte del debitore. Qui è inoltre possibile impostare il conto che la transazione pianificata utilizzerà per inoltrare il pagamento.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Conto del mutuo:</guilabel> scegliere un conto per le transazioni di pagamento del mutuo o utilizzare il tasto «Nuovo...» per creare un nuovo conto per le transazioni.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Importo:</guilabel> l’ammontare del prestito.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Tasso d’interesse:</guilabel> inserire il tasso di interesse applicato al prestito.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Tipo:</guilabel> scegliere il tipo di prestito. Se viene impostato il tasso fisso, il riquadro della frequenza è disabilitato.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Frequenza di variazione del tasso di interesse:</guilabel> scegliere la frequenza con cui il tasso cambia e la data di inizio del cambiamento.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Data d’inizio:</guilabel> selezionare la data in cui il prestito è stato acceso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Length:</guilabel> Enter the length of the loan with the number and
+	      period, e.g. 60 months or 5 years.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Months Remaining:</guilabel> This tells the Assistant how many months
+	      remain on the loan. The default value assumes that the loan is paid up through
+	      today. For example, if a 5-year loan started on 1 January 2012 and today is 12 July
+	      2015, the default months remaining is 18. If you want to create past payment
+	      transactions you'll set the months remaining accordingly: In our example, if you
+	      wanted to create all of the payments you'd set "months remaining" to 60; if you wanted
+	      to start tracking the payments at the beginning of 2015 you'd enter 24. </para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva è destinata all’impostazione del conto di garanzia, dell’assicurazione e delle opzioni delle tasse per il prestito; È utile soprattutto per i pagamenti dei mutui. Quando ognuna di queste opzioni è impostata, vengono abilitate delle pagine aggiuntive nell’assistente per impostare queste voci del pagamento. Tutte le pagine verranno descritte in questa sezione anche se alcune potrebbero non venire visualizzate se l’opzione corrispondente non è stata scelta.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>... usare un conto destinato a garanzia per i pagamenti?: questa opzione abilita l’utilizzo di un conto impostato per tracciare i pagamenti a garanzia. Se il mutuo o il prestito utilizzano un conto destinato a garanzia per il pagamento delle tasse, dell’assicurazione ecc... allora si imposti il conto qui.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>... pagare imposte?: aggiunge una schermata per impostare una transazione pianificata dedicata al pagamento delle tasse.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>... pagare assicurazione?: aggiunge una schermata per impostare una transazione pianificata dedicata al pagamento dell’assicurazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>... pagare "PMI"?: aggiunge una schermata per impostare una transazione pianificata per il pagamento della PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance = assicurazione privata sul mutuo).</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>... pagare altre uscite?: aggiunge una schermata addizionale per impostare una transazione pianificata dedicata al pagamento delle altre spese relative al prestito.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli della transazione pianificata per il rimborso del mutuo.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Nome: il nome che, immesso in questo campo, verrà utilizzato per identificare la transazione pianificata, la sua descrizione e il promemoria.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Importo: visualizza le variabili utilizzate per il calcolo della rata da pagare.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento da: scegliere un conto da cui pagare il prestito.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Capitale a: scegliere un conto in cui trasferire il pagamento della parte del prestito per il rimborso del capitale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Interessi a: scegliere un conto in cui trasferire il pagamento della parte del prestito per il rimborso degli interessi.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Repayment Frequency: Select the Frequency and start date for loan
+	      repayments. Note that the start date will be the posted date of the first scheduled
+	      transaction. This is not taken into account for calculating the remaining duration of
+	      the loan, see <guilabel>Months Remaining:</guilabel>. Make sure that you set both to
+	      reflect your intentions or you may get surprising results.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli della transazione pianificata per il pagamento delle tasse.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Nome: il nome che, immesso in questo campo, verrà utilizzato per identificare la transazione pianificata, la sua descrizione e il promemoria.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Importo: inserire l’importo da pagare.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento da: scegliere un conto da cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento delle tasse.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento a: scegliere un conto verso cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento delle tasse.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Frequenza di pagamento: selezionare la frequenza e la data di inizio per il pagamento delle imposte.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli della transazione pianificata per il pagamento dell’assicurazione.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Nome: il nome che, immesso in questo campo, verrà utilizzato per identificare la transazione pianificata, la sua descrizione e il promemoria.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Importo: inserire l’importo da pagare.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento da: scegliere un conto da cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento della PMI.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento a: scegliere un conto verso cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento della PMI.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Frequenza di pagamento: selezionare la frequenza e la data di inizio per il pagamento della PMI.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli della transazione pianificata per il pagamento dell’assicurazione privata sui mutui ipotecari.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Nome: il nome che, immesso in questo campo, verrà utilizzato per identificare la transazione pianificata, la sua descrizione e il promemoria.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Importo: inserire l’importo da pagare.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento da: scegliere un conto da cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento dell’importo dell’assicurazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento a: scegliere un conto verso cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento dell’assicurazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Frequenza di pagamento: selezionare la frequenza e la data di inizio per il pagamento dell’assicurazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli della transazione pianificata per il pagamento delle altre spese.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Nome: il nome che, immesso in questo campo, verrà utilizzato per identificare la transazione pianificata, la sua descrizione e il promemoria.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Importo: inserire l’importo da pagare.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento da: scegliere un conto da cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento delle altre spese.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Pagamento a: scegliere un conto verso cui trasferire l’importo per il pagamento delle altre spese.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Frequenza di pagamento: selezionare la frequenza e la data di inizio per il pagamento delle altre spese.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>L’ultima schermata fornisce una lista di tre scelte possibili per terminare l’assistente.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Annulla</guibutton> permette di uscire dall’assistente e cancellare la creazione della transazione pianificata per il prestito. Qualunque scelta fatta all’interno dell’assistente fino a questo punto, verrà persa.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guilabel>Indietro</guilabel> riporterà alla schermata precedente permettendo la modifica delle opzioni immesse in precedenza.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guilabel>Termina</guilabel> terminerà l’assistente e creerà la transazione pianificata.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>Ora si dovrebbe avere la transazione pianificata per il rimborso del mutuo o del prestito, impostata correttamente.</para>
+  </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="stock-split">
+        <title>Registrare un frazionamento azionario</title>
+        <para>I frazionamenti azionari avvengono quando una Società decide che il prezzo dell’azione è troppo elevato per un singolo investitore che vuole acquistarla. Il frazionamento ha l’effetto di far diminuire il prezzo della singola quota mantenendo invariato il valore delle quote possedute dall’investitore che ha già acquistato le azioni.</para>
+        <sect2 id="stock-split-assistant">
+          <title>Assistente per il frazionamento azionario</title>
+          <para><application>&app;</application> utilizza questo assistente per registrare i frazionamenti azionari; esso fornisce un modo per inserire i dettagli del frazionamento, qualsiasi cambiamento nel prezzo dell’azione o anche il cash disbursement derivante dal frazionamento azionario.</para>
+          <para>L’assistente per il frazionamento azionario è accessibile dal menu <menuchoice><guimenu>Operazioni</guimenu><guimenuitem>Frazionamento azionario...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+          <para>L’assistente visualizza subito una schermata che contiene una breve descrizione del suo funzionamento e del suo utilizzo. I tre pulsanti in basso nella schermata, non cambieranno durante l’utilizzo della procedura guidata.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guilabel>Annulla</guilabel> permette di uscire dall’assistente e cancellare l’inserimento delle informazioni del frazionamento azionario. Qualsiasi scelta effettuata nella procedura guidata fino a questo punto, verrà persa.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Indietro</guibutton> farà apparire la schermata precedente in modo da poter modificare una selezione fatta in quella finestra.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Avanti</guibutton> permette di avanzare nella procedura.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di selezionare un conto per le azioni. Selezionare un conto dalla lista per registrare un frazionamento o una fusione azionaria.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Conto:</guilabel> viene elencato il nome del conto di <application>&app;</application> per l’azione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Simbolo:</guilabel> il simbolo dell’azione associata con questo conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Quote:</guilabel> il numero di quote che sono state acquistate nel conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di impostare i dettagli del frazionamento azionario. La parte superiore della finestra contiene dei dettagli utilizzati nella creazione della transazione per il frazionamento azionario.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Data:</guilabel> selezionare la data del frazionamento azionario.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Share Distribution:</guilabel> inserire il numero di quote guadagnate dal frazionamento azionario. Per una fusione azionaria si inserisca un numero negativo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Descrizione:</guilabel> inserire una descrizione o lasciare quella di default.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La parte inferiore della finestra contiene dei dettagli utili per registrare un prezzo per il frazionamento (opzionale).</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Nuovo prezzo:</guilabel> inserire il prezzo delle azioni nel giorno del frazionamento azionario.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Valuta:</guilabel> selezionare la valuta delle quote.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>La schermata successiva permette di inserire una transazione per l’esborso di liquidi (Cash In Lieu) come conseguenza del frazionamento azionario (opzionale).</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Importo in contanti:</guilabel> inserire l’importo dell’esborso di liquidi.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Promemoria:</guilabel> inserire un promemoria o lasciare quello di default.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Conto entrate:</guilabel> scegliere un conto delle entrate per l’esborso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Conto attività:</guilabel> scegliere un conto delle attività per l’esborso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>L’ultima schermata fornisce una lista di tre scelte possibili per terminare l’assistente.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guilabel>Annulla</guilabel> permette di uscire dall’assistente e cancellare il frazionamento azionario. Qualsiasi scelta effettuata nella procedura guidata fino a questo punto, verrà persa.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Indietro</guibutton> farà apparire la schermata precedente in modo da poter modificare una selezione fatta in quella finestra.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Il pulsante <guibutton>Termina</guibutton>crea le transazioni necessarie per registrare il frazionamento azionario.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>Ora dovrebbe essere stata immessa correttamente il frazionamento o la fusione azionaria.</para>
+        </sect2>
+      </sect1>
+       <sect1 id="tools-on-line-banking">
+        <title>Procedura guidata per l’<acronym>HBCI</acronym> (Online Banking)</title>
+<note><para>Questa sezione è "in costruzione - ogni contributo è benvenuto!!".</para></note>
+        <para>La procedura guidata per l’<acronym>HBCI</acronym> permette di creare e modificare i dati necessari per accedere alle transazioni registarte dall’online banking. Attualmente, le istruzioni più complete per questo procedimento sono nella wiki di <application>&app;</application> all’indirizzo <ulink url="">Setting up OFXDirectConnect in &app; 2</ulink>. Se la voce <guilabel>Impostazione dell’Online Banking</guilabel> non appare nel proprio menu <guimenu>Strumenti</guimenu>, verificare di essere nella finestra della struttura dei conti o nella scheda del registro.</para>
+       </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="tool-price">
+     <title>Editor prezzi</title>
+     <note><para><application>GnuCash</application> uses the term <emphasis role="Italic">commodity</emphasis> to mean anything that it
+     counts: Currencies, securities (i.e intangible assets like stock
+     or mutual fund shares and bonds), or tangible assets like trucks
+     and computers. When valuing one commodity in terms of another it
+     uses the term <emphasis role="Italic">Exchange Rate</emphasis>
+     between two currencies and <emphasis role="Italic">Price</emphasis> between a non-currency commodity
+     and a currency commodity. For the rest of this section we'll use
+     "price" to mean both price and exchange rate and "commodity" to
+     mean any sort of commodity except where currency behavior is
+     different.</para></note>
+     <para>The Price Editor is used to list and edit the price of one
+     commodity in another commodity. New prices can be added, existing
+     prices can be edited, and prices can be retrieved from a variety
+     of sources on the World-Wide Web when the commodity is properly
+     configured.</para>
+     <para>Each commodity pair can have one price per day. An existing
+     price will be overwritten by a newer one if the newer one has the
+     same or a more preferred source. The order of source preference
+     (1 is most prefered) is:
+     <orderedlist>
+         <listitem><para>user:price-editor: Prices created manually in the
+       Price Editor</para></listitem>
+       <listitem><para>Finance::Quote: Online quotes</para></listitem>
+       <listitem><para>user:price: Prices entered explicitly in the
+       <guilabel>Exchange Rate</guilabel>entry of the
+       <guilabel>Transfer Funds</guilabel> dialog box or in the
+       <guilabel>Price</guilabel> column of a register for an account
+       of types STOCK or MUTUAL</para></listitem>
+       <listitem><para>user:xfer-dialog: Prices calculated from an entry in
+       the <guilabel>To Amount</guilabel> entry of the
+       <guilabel>Transfer Funds</guilabel> dialog box.</para></listitem>
+       <listitem><para>user:split-register: Prices calculated from the
+       <guilabel>Shares</guilabel> and <guilabel>Debit</guilabel> or
+       <guilabel>Credit</guilabel> columns of a register for an
+       account of types STOCK or MUTUAL</para></listitem>
+       <listitem><para>user:stock-split: Prices entered in the
+       <guilabel>Stock Split Assistant</guilabel> </para></listitem>
+     </orderedlist>
+     <note><para>Prices created manually in the <guilabel>Price
+     Editor</guilabel> are preferred over prices retrieved via
+     Finance::Quote so Finance::Quote will fail to update such
+     manually-created prices.</para></note>
+     </para>
+     <para> The <guilabel>Price Editor</guilabel> displays existing prices as follows:
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Security: </emphasis>The
+            Security/commodity being priced. The display is sorted by
+            the <guilabel>Namespace</guilabel> that the individual
+            securities are listed on.  The list is expanded by
+            clicking on the <guilabel>caret</guilabel> on the left of
+            the name.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Valuta: </emphasis>la valuta con cui il prezzo è registrato.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Data: </emphasis>la data in cui il prezzo è stato registrato.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Source: </emphasis>The source
+            of the commodities price quote, listed above.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Tipo: </emphasis>esistono diversi tipi di prezzi per le azioni.</para>
+           <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><emphasis role="bold">Offerta: </emphasis>indica il prezzo con cui un operatore specializzato è pronto ad acquistare un’azione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><emphasis role="bold">Domanda: </emphasis> indica il prezzo con cui gli operatori sono pronti a vendere l’azione.</para>
+             </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><emphasis role="bold">Ultimo: </emphasis> indica il prezzo con cui è avvenuto l’ultimo scambio per l’azione o titolo. Rappresenta il prezzo più comunemente utilizzato dai media.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><emphasis role="bold">Net Asset Value:
+             </emphasis>Are typically used for mutual funds. They are
+             calculated on the net value of the fund’s assets
+             each day around the time of the market close and are in
+             effect until the next recalculation.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><emphasis role="bold">Sconosciuto: </emphasis>utilizzare questa voce se il tipo di prezzo non è noto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><emphasis role="bold">Prezzo: </emphasis>il prezzo attuale della commodity.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+     </para>
+    <sect2 id="invest-stockprice-manual">
+       <title>Aggiungere manualmente il prezzo di un’azione</title>
+        <para>Per inserire un nuovo prezzo, premere <guibutton>Aggiungi</guibutton> e inserire i dettagli del titolo e del prezzo nel riquadro. Per modificare un prezzo esistente, selezionarlo dalla lista dei prezzi, premere il pulsante <guibutton>Modifica</guibutton> e modificare i dati presenti.</para>
+        <para>Per cancellare un singolo prezzo, selezionarlo e premere il pulsante <guilabel>Rimuovi</guilabel>. Per rimuovere tutti i prezzi più vecchi di una certa data, premere il pulsante <guibutton>Rimuovi vecchi</guibutton> e inserire i dettagli nella schermata visualizzata.</para>
+        <para>Verrà visualizzata una finestra con il messaggio <emphasis role="bold">"Cancella tutti i prezzi delle azioni in base al seguente criterio:"</emphasis>. Inserire quindi la data dell’ultimo prezzo da cancellare.</para>
+        <para>Al di sotto del campo della data sono presenti due opzioni:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Cancella i prezzi inseriti manualmente</guilabel> - se selezionata, verranno cancellati i prezzi immessi manualmente e datati precedentemente alla data specificata. Diversamente solo i prezzi aggiunti dal modulo <application>Finance::Quote</application> verranno cancellati.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Cancella l’ultimo prezzo per un’azione</guilabel> - se selezionata, verranno cancellati i prezzi precedenti alla data specificata. Diversamente, l’ultimo prezzo precedente alla data specificata verrà conservato e tutte le quote più vecchie saranno cancellate.</para>
+         </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="invest-stockprice-online1">
+      <title>Configurazione per l’utilizzo del pulsante <guilabel>Ricevi quotazioni</guilabel></title>
+        <para>Per avere il supporto alla ricezione delle quotazioni tramite internet per una particolare azione o fondo comune, occorre prima di tutto abilitare l’opzione per la ricezione delle quotazioni e selezionare una fonte nell’<guilabel>Editor titolo</guilabel>. Questo processo è descritto in dettaglio in <xref linkend="invest-stockprice-online3"/>. Una volta abilitato il servizio e installato il modulo <application>Finance::Quote</application>, sarà possibile aggiornare le quotazioni delle proprie azioni e dei propri fondi comuni premendo semplicemente il pulsante <guibutton>Ricevi quotazioni</guibutton>.</para>
+    </sect2>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="tool-security-edit">
+    <title>Editor titoli</title>
+     <para>L’<guilabel>editor titoli</guilabel> è utilizzato per creare o modificare le commodity che vengono utilizzate dai conti per i fondi comuni e per le azioni; permette anche di visualizzare i dettagli delle valute nazionali utilizzate da <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+     <para>Per mostrare i dettagli delle valute Nazionali, si attivi l’opzione <guilabel>Mostra valute Nazionali</guilabel> in basso nella schermata.</para>
+     <para>Per ogni elemento della lista, sono visualizzati i dettagli relativi al titolo o valuta:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis role="bold">Type:</emphasis> Categories for organizing securities. GnuCash has the following built in:<itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>CURRENCY</guilabel> or <guilabel>ISO4317</guilabel>: These are used for national currencies and are not editable with the <guilabel>Security Editor</guilabel>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>FUND</guilabel>: Ordinarily used for open-ended mutual funds, i.e., those that one purchases from and sells to only the issuing company and that are priced daily at their net asset value.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>AMEX</guilabel>, <guilabel>ASX</guilabel>, <guilabel>EUREX</guilabel>, <guilabel>NASDAQ</guilabel>, and <guilabel>NYSE</guilabel>: These represent a few of the exchanges on which stocks, closed-end mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds are traded.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Template</guilabel>: This is a reserved word. It will not normally appear in the <guilabel>Security Editor</guilabel> unless you type it in, and if you do it will cause problems. Don't use it.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist></para>
+        <para>If your investment doesn't fit into one of these categories, for example if you trade stocks on the DAX or LSE, you can easily create your own type simply by typing it into the field. The type of security has no meaning to Gnucash (except <guilabel>Template</guilabel>, don't use that!), it's there only to make it easier for you to find the security from the selection lists.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis role="bold">Simbolo:</emphasis> il simbolo o l’abbreviazione della commodity. Generalmente si tratta del simbolo ticker (per le azioni) o un’abbreviazione univoca per la commodity. Se la commodity è scambiata in un mercato pubblico, è importante utilizzare lo stesso identificatore utilizzato nel mercato. Per le valute Nazionali il simbolo è il codice della valuta secondo la norma ISO-4217.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis role="bold">Nome:</emphasis> il nome completo della commodity. Assegnarne uno riconoscibile come, per esempio, <emphasis>Dollari USA</emphasis> o <emphasis>azioni IBM</emphasis>.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis role="bold">Codice:</emphasis> rappresenta un codice numerico o alfanumerico utilizzato per identificare la commodity. Il codice CUSIP è una stringa numerica che identifica univocamente ogni azione, bond o fondo comune e la maggior parte dei tipi di traded options, futures and commodiy. Questo codice non è obbligatorio.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis role="bold">Frazione:</emphasis> rappresenta l’unità minima scambiata della commodity, espressa come frazione di una singola unità nominale. Questa unità è utilizzata dai conti in <application>&app;</application> come la frazione predefinita per gli scambi della commodity.</para>
+       </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    <sect2 id="tool-commodity">
+      <title>Aggiungere o modificare una commodity</title>
+       <para>Per inserire una nuova commodity (azione o fondo comune), premere <guilabel>Aggiungi</guilabel> e inserire i dettagli della commodity nella finestra per il <emphasis role="bold">Nuovo titolo</emphasis>. Per modificare una commodity esistente, selezionarla dalla lista, premere il pulsante <guilabel>Modifica</guilabel> e modificare la finestra di <emphasis role="bold">Modifica titolo</emphasis>. Per eliminare una commodity, selezionarla e premere il pulsante <guilabel>Rimuovi</guilabel>.</para>
+       <para>I campi nelle schermate di <guilabel>nuovo titolo</guilabel> e <guilabel>modifica titolo</guilabel> sono le stesse presentate nell’ <xref linkend="tool-security-edit"/>. Al di sotto di questi campi sono presenti le opzioni per le quotazioni online.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="invest-stockprice-online3">
+      <title>Configurare titoli e valute per la ricezione online dei prezzi</title>
+        <para>Per avere il supporto alla ricezione delle quotazioni online per una particolare azione o fondo comune, è necessario prima di tutto abilitare la ricezione delle quotazioni online e selezionare la fonte dall’editor del titolo. Per icevere invece i tassi di cambio delle valute, è necessario che sia solamente abilitata l’opzione per le quotazioni online, che venga selezionato il fuso orario e che sai attivata l’opzione <quote>Ricevi quotazioni</quote> nell’"editor titoli".</para>
+        <para>Istruzioni dettagliate sono reperibili nella sezione sulla creazione di nuovi conti. <xref linkend="Online-price-setup"/></para>
+     </sect2>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="tool-calc">
+    <title>Calcolatore di prestiti</title>
+     <para>Il <guilabel>Calcolatore di prestiti</guilabel> è utile per calcolare gli interessi composti. Fornisce la possibilità di inserire quattro parametri dei cinque necessari per calcolare l’interesse composto e di calcolare il parametro incognito.</para>
+     <para>La calcolatrice è suddivisa in due riquadri: quello di sinistra presenta cinque campi con un pulsante <guilabel>Calcola</guilabel> e un pulsante <guilabel>Pulisci</guilabel>. Il tasto <guilabel>Calcola</guilabel> permette di ottenere il risultato dell’incognita mentre il pulsante <guilabel>Pulisci</guilabel> cancella qualsiasi valore inserito nel campo corrispondente.</para>
+       <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+         <para><emphasis role="bold">Numero di rate:</emphasis> questo campo è destinato al numero di rate da utilizzare per i calcoli.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+         <para><emphasis role="bold">Tasso di interesse:</emphasis> questo campo è destinato al valore percentuale del tasso di interesse.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+         <para><emphasis role="bold">Valore attuale:</emphasis> questo campo contiene, di solito, l’importo che è stato chiesto in prestito. È l’importo di base su cui si vogliono calcolare gli interessi.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+         <para><emphasis role="bold">Importo della rata:</emphasis> questo campo contiene l’importo del pagamento per il periodo selezionato (ad esempio: mensile, settimanale ecc...). Se serve a ripagare un prestito allora dovrebbe avere un segno negativo.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+         <para><emphasis role="bold">Valore futuro:</emphasis> questo campo è per il valore finale al termine del periodo di pagamento. Nel caso si stesse ripagando un prestito per intero allora sarebbe nullo (=0).</para>
+        </listitem>
+       </itemizedlist>
+       <para>Il riquadro di destra contiene i pulsanti per selezionare il tipo di pagamento e l’interesse composto utilizzati per i calcoli nel riquadro di sinistra.</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Interesse composto:</guibutton> questa opzione permette di impostare l’intervallo temporale utilizzato per il calcolo se è stato selezionato l’<guilabel>interesse composto discreto</guilabel>.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Rata:</guibutton> questo pulsante permette di impostare l’intervallo da utilizzare per il campo del <guilabel>Numero di rate</guilabel>.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Pagamenti alla fine del periodo:</guibutton> attivare l’opzione se il pagamento della rata alla fine del periodo.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Pagamenti all’inizio del periodo:</guibutton> attivare l’opzione se il pagamento della rata all’inizio del periodo.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Interesse composto discreto:</guibutton> questa opzione è utilizzata quando l’interesse è applicato in modo discreto, cioè a intervalli temporali definiti dal pulsante <guibutton>Interesse composto</guibutton> descritto più sopra.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Interesse composto continuo:</guibutton> questa opzione è utilizzata quando il tasso di interesse è applicato in modo continuo.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+          <para><guibutton>Pagamento totale:</guibutton> questo campo visualizza l’importo totale da pagare per restituire il prestito.</para>
+         </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Esempi di utilizzo del <guilabel>Calcolatore di prestiti</guilabel> di <application>&app;</application> sono forniti nella «guida ai concetti e manuale». <ulink url="">Capitolo sui prestiti nella «guida ai concetti e manuale»</ulink></para>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="tool-close-book"><title>Chiudi libro</title>
+     <para>The <guilabel>Close Book</guilabel> dialog box is used
+     for “closing the books,”--an accounting process that
+     resets the balances of the income and expense accounts. In this
+     process, income account balances are transferred into an income
+     equity account, while expense account balances are transferred
+     into an expense equity account. You must specify both these
+     accounts, which may be the same. You must also specify the date
+     for the closing transfer.</para>
+     <sect2 id="tool-close-book-anatomy"><title>Dialog Box
+     Details</title>
+       <para>The dialog box has the following parts:</para>
+       <itemizedlist>
+         <listitem>
+           <para><guilabel>Closing Date:</guilabel> Specify the date
+           for the closing transfer. You can type in a date or
+           choose one from the drop-down.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           <para><guilabel>Income Total:</guilabel> Specify the
+           account into which the total balance of all income
+           accounts will be transferred. Optionally you can create a
+           new account to receive the transfer using the <guibutton>
+           New</guibutton> button.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           <para><guilabel>Expense Total:</guilabel> Specify the
+           account into which the total balance of all expense
+           accounts will be transferred. Again, you can optionally
+           create a new account to receive the transfer using the
+           <guibutton>New</guibutton> button.</para>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           <para><guilabel>Description:</guilabel> Specify the
+           description that will be entered in the closing entry.
+           </para>
+         </listitem>
+       </itemizedlist>
+     </sect2>
+     <sect2 id="tool-close-book-workings"><title>How It Works</title>
+       <para><application>GnuCash</application> closes books by
+       creating one transaction per currency for income accounts,
+       and one transaction per currency for expense accounts. The
+       transactions all use the date selected by the user, and each
+       transaction may contain any number of splits. Each split
+       moves the balance out of one income or expense account. The
+       last split in each closing transaction moves the total
+       offsetting debit/credit balance into the specified equity
+       account.</para>
+       <para>Each transaction will use the description provided by
+       the user in the <guilabel>Description:</guilabel> entry.</para>
+       <para>The fact that <application>GnuCash</application> just
+       uses transactions to close the books makes it very simple to
+       undo a book closing: just delete the closing transactions.</para>
+     </sect2>
+     <sect2 id="tool-close-book-not"><title>What It Doesn’t
+     Do</title>
+       <para>The book closing tool does not delete any accounts or
+       transactions; create any new files; or hide any accounts.</para>
+     </sect2>
+     <sect2 id="tool-close-book-need"><title>Necessity</title>
+       <para>Note that closing the books in <application>GnuCash
+       </application> is unnecessary. You do not need to zero out
+       your income and expense accounts at the end of each financial
+       period. <application>GnuCash</application>’s built-in
+       reports automatically handle concepts like retained earnings
+       between two different financial periods.</para>
+       <para>In fact, closing the books reduces the usefulness of
+       the standard reports because the reports don’t
+       currently understand closing transactions. So from their
+       point of view it simply looks like the net income or expense
+       in each account for a given period was simply zero.</para>
+     </sect2>
+     <sect2 id="tool-close-book-conclusion"><title>Conclusion</title>
+       <para>If you close your books, be prepared to see inaccuracies
+       in the standard reports. On the other hand, you will see
+       current-period income and expense figures in the chart of
+       accounts.</para>
+     </sect2>
+   </sect1>
+      (Do not remove this comment block.)
+  Version: 2.0.x
+   Last modified: December 7th 2009
+        modified: May 13th 2007
+        modified: November 28th 2006
+        modified: August 12th 2006
+	modified: February 28th 2005
+  Maintainers:
+               Alex Aycinena <alex.aycinena at>
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+               Neil Williams <linux at>
+  Author:
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+  Translators:
+               (translators put your name and email here)
+<chapter id="Reports">
+  <title>Resoconti e diagrammi</title>
+     <note><para>This section is a <quote>work in process</quote>. Some of the material has not been reviewed for V2.0.
+      While it may not be strictly accurate, it is at least a "guide".</para></note>
+  <sect1 id="report-intro">
+    <title>Introduction</title>
+   <para>Resoconti e diagrammi permettono a <application>&app;</application> di presentare una vista generale dei dati finanziari in vari modi. Questi strumenti vanno da un semplice sommario dei totali del conto ad una visualizzazione avanzata di un portafoglio. Questa sezione presenterà una spiegazione dei principali resoconti di <application>&app;</application> e su come personalizzarli</para>
+   <para>To run a report or chart, click on the <menuchoice><guimenu>Reports
+     </guimenu></menuchoice> menu, then either select
+     a report (it will open with standard options), or click on <guibutton>
+     Saved Report Configuration</guibutton> to select a report you have
+     previously configured and saved.
+   </para>
+   <para>Once the report has opened, click on the <guibutton>Options
+     </guibutton> toolbar button to
+     configure the report as needed, for example to set the report date or
+     select accounts.
+   </para>
+   <tip><para>If you intend to save a report configuration, you 
+     should choose a named report date option such as <emphasis>Today
+     </emphasis>rather than enter a specific date so it is not necessary to 
+     enter a specific date again in future reports.</para>
+   </tip>
+   <tip><para>If you often run a report with a date as at the start or end of an
+       accounting period, set the accounting period start and end dates in
+       <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Preferences</guisubmenu>
+       <guimenuitem>Accounting Period</guimenuitem></menuchoice> then select
+       appropriate report date options.
+       See <xref linkend="prefs-accounting-period"/>. 
+     </para>
+   </tip>
+   <tip>
+     <para>If you cannot find a specific report to suit your requirements, you
+       may be able to use the <guilabel>Find Transaction</guilabel> assistant
+       (<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find</guimenuitem>
+       </menuchoice>) to select a set of transactions, and then report them
+       using <menuchoice><guimenu>Reports</guimenu><guimenuitem>Account Report
+       </guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Further formatting or analysis may be done
+       by copying and pasting the report into a spreadsheet.
+     </para>
+   </tip>
+   <para>After you have configured a report, you can save the configuration for
+     future use by clicking either the <guibutton>Save Report Configuration
+     </guibutton> or <guibutton>Save Report Configuration As...</guibutton>
+     button.
+   </para>
+   <sect2 id="report-saving">
+     <title>Saving a Report Configuration</title>
+     <para>To save a report configuration for future use, while the required
+       report tab is selected, go to the report options, select the
+       <emphasis>General</emphasis> tab and change the <emphasis>Report Name
+       </emphasis> to a meaningful unique name. Do not confuse this with the
+       <emphasis>Report Title</emphasis> which prints at the top of a report.
+     </para>
+     <para>Click the <guibutton>Save Report Configuration</guibutton> or
+       <guibutton>Save Report Configuration As...</guibutton> button. This will
+       store your customized report options in a file in your home directory.
+       E.g. Linux: <emphasis>~/.gnucash/saved-reports-[versioninfo]</emphasis>
+     </para>
+     <para>The first time you save a report with a name that has not already
+       been saved, you can use either the <guibutton>Save Report Configuration
+       </guibutton> or the <guibutton>Save Report Configuration As...
+       </guibutton> button. You can modify the report name before saving it.
+     </para>
+     <para>After a report configuration for a specific name has been saved, the
+       <guibutton>Save Report Configuration</guibutton> button will immediately
+       update the saved report configuration without giving the opportunity to 
+       save the configuration with a new name. Use the <guibutton>Save Report
+       Configuration As...</guibutton> button to save the current report
+       configuration with a new name.
+     </para>
+     <para>After your customized report has been saved, it is available for use
+       by the <menuchoice><guimenu>Reports</guimenu><guimenuitem>Saved Report
+       Configurations</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu and it will also be listed
+       when starting <menuchoice><guimenu>Reports</guimenu><guisubmenu>Sample
+       & Custom</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Custom Multicolumn Report
+       </guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
+     </para>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-working">
+     <title>Working with Saved Report Configurations</title>
+     <para>Selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>Reports</guimenu><guimenuitem>Saved
+       Report Configurations</guimenuitem></menuchoice> will open a dialog 
+       window with a list of the <emphasis>Saved Report Configurations
+       </emphasis> you have previously created. In this
+       context <emphasis>Saved Report Configurations</emphasis> means the set of
+       customized settings for standard reports.
+     </para>
+     <para>The <emphasis>Saved Report Configurations</emphasis> window lists
+       each of your previously saved report configurations, and 3 small buttons
+       at the end of each. These buttons perform the following actions
+     </para>
+     <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem><para>Load (and run) report configuration. Double clicking a
+         report configuration also performs this action.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem><para>Edit report configuration name. This enables a report
+         configuration to be renamed.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem><para>Delete report configuration.</para>
+       </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
+   </sect2>
+  </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="report-config">
+      <title>Configuring Reports and Charts</title>
+        <para><application>GnuCash</application> reports have many configuration
+          options. First, run the original report itself. Then,
+        access the report options with the <guibutton>Options</guibutton>
+        button on the toolbar.</para>
+           <note> <para>Check changed Graphic Engine Options</para></note>
+   <sect2 id="report-opt-btns">
+     <title>Report Options Buttons</title>
+     <para>After modifying report options, either</para> 
+     <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem>
+         <para>Click the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button to apply the changes,
+           regenerate the report and
+           close the options window.</para>
+         <para>or</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+         <para>Click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to apply the
+           changes, regenerate the report and leave the options window open for
+           possible further changes. In this case, both the <guibutton>Apply
+           </guibutton> and <guibutton>OK</guibutton> buttons will be disabled,
+           indicating changes have been applied, until further changes are made.
+         </para>
+         <para>or</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+         <para>Click the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button to close the
+           options window without applying any unapplied changes.</para>
+       </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-common">
+     <title>Common Report Options</title>
+        <para>Many reports share similar options. Some common ones include:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Nome resoconto: imposta il titolo del resoconto; è anche utilizzato per stampare il resoconto allo scopo di visualizzarlo in seguito.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Opzioni della data: normalmente i resoconti si riferiscono a una specifica data o intervallo di date. Queste possono essere impostate in due modi: direttamente (utilizzando il selettore di data) o selezionando una data relativa dal menu. Le date relative permettono di specificare dei valori quali <guilabel>Inizio di quest’anno</guilabel> o <guilabel>Oggi</guilabel>.</para>
+            <tip><para>If you often run a report with a date as at the start or end 
+             of an accounting period, set the accounting period start and end
+             dates in <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>
+             Preferences</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Accounting Period
+             </guimenuitem></menuchoice> then select appropriate report date
+             options. See <xref linkend="prefs-accounting-period"/>.</para>
+		   </tip>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Intervallo temporale: questa opzione è utilizzata negli istogrammi per impostare l’intervallo con cui ogni barra viene rappresentata. Valori tipici sono: quotidianamente, settimanalmente, mensilmente e annualmente.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Conti: selezionare il conto appropriato per il resoconto. Si noti che per alcuni resoconti è possibile selezionare solo certi tipi di conti. Per esempio, un grafico a torta delle uscite è visualizzabile solo se viene selezionato un conto delle uscite.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Mostra il nome completo del conto: questa opzione permette di scegliere se visualizzare il nome del conto nella forma breve (per esempio Elettricità) oppure completa (per esempio Servizi:Elettricità).</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Includi sottoconti: i resoconti di sommario generalmente hanno un’opzione per includere anche i sottoconti che, se selezionata, fa in modo che sai compresi nel resoconto anche i sottoconti del conto padre selezionato..</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Profondità: questa opzione permette di selezionare il numero di livelli con cui il resoconto deve visualizzare i sottoconti. Se questi superano il livello selezionato, verrà calcolato un valore complessivo per tutti i sottoconti e incluso nel totale. Per fare in modo che ogni conto o sottoconto venga visualizzato singolarmente, selezionare <guibutton>tutti</guibutton>.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Style Sheet: Select a Style Sheet. Style sheets control how reports are
+             displayed. At the moment, there are four style sheets: <guilabel>Default</guilabel>, <guilabel>Easy</guilabel>,
+             <guilabel>Footer</guilabel> and <guilabel>Technicolor</guilabel>.
+             You can customize each of these from the <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Style
+             Sheets...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item.
+             This is described in the <xref linkend="change-style"/> section.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Plot Dimensions: There are width and height options for most charts, which
+             specify the displayed dimensions (in pixels).</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Valuta del resoconto: seleziona la valuta da utilizzare per il resoconto. Generalmente le valute verranno convertite in questa valuta per la visualizzazione.</para>
+            <para>The default Report Currency is defined in <menuchoice>
+              <guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem>
+              </menuchoice> Reports tab. See <xref linkend="prefs-reports"/>.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Fonte del prezzo: selezionare come i prezzi delle azioni e delle valute vengono calcolati in questo resoconto. È possibile scegliere tra la media pesata dei prezzi su tutte le transazioni, i prezzi al valore corrente o i prezzi al momento della compilazione del resoconto.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Totali: per i diagrammi verrà visualizzata una legenda con i totali.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Fette massime: controlla il numero massimo di fette visualizzate in un diagramma a torta. Gli altri conti verranno raggruppati in una fetta identificata con <guilabel>Altro</guilabel>.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Numero massimo di barre: controlla il numero massimo di barre da visualizzare in un istogramma.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Visualizzazione colonne: permette di scegliere le colonne da visualizzare dal registro.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+   </sect2>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="report-classes">
+   <title>Reports Listed By Class</title>
+   <para><application>GnuCash</application> has classified the main types of
+     reports into major classes. These
+      are all available under the Reports menu.</para>
+     <sect2 id="report-general">
+      <title>Resoconti generali</title>
+      <para>The General Reports include the Account Summary Report, the Future
+        Scheduled Transactions Summary, the Tax Schedule Report and <acronym>
+        TXF</acronym> Export, and the Transaction Report and also the reports in the Sample & Custom menu.</para>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Sommario del conto</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Future Scheduled Transactions Summary</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 id="report-taxreport">
+        <title>Tax Schedule Report and <acronym>TXF</acronym> Export</title>
+        <para>The tax schedule report lists all taxable income and deductible expense amounts used in the preparation of US Income Tax returns. The purpose of the report is to provide a complete audit trail for these amounts. The report is intended to be used by a tax payer to manually prepare his or her own tax return, or alternatively, to be provided to a tax preparer for that purpose. The report can also be used to generate an export of all tax related income and expenses to a <acronym>TXF</acronym> (Tax eXchange Format) file (this is in addition to exporting to the <acronym>HTML</acronym> format that all reports allow). The <acronym>TXF</acronym> file can be imported into tax filing programs such as TaxCut or TurboTax. The report should be run, inspected carefully for errors or omissions, and then corrections made to transactions, report settings, currency conversion rates or the account structure as needed. This process should be repeated as often as needed until all the amounts on the report are correct before a final version is used and saved along with the tax returns.</para>
+          <para> For accounts specified in the report options (none = all) that are also flagged as <guilabel>Tax-related</guilabel>, all transactions for the time period selected (also in the report options) are included. The report sorts transactions by date within account providing subtotals by account within tax code within Form or Schedule line number. Support is also provided for multiple copies of and for sub-line items for selected Forms/Schedules. Optionally uses special date processing to include federal estimated tax payments after year end.</para>
+          <para>All totals are in USD since this is the currency required for filing US Income Tax returns. Non-USD transaction amounts are converted to USD using the transaction conversion rate to USD, if available. If not, a conversion rate from the price database is used (either the date nearest the transaction date or nearest the report date as specified in the report options; if none is available, transaction amounts are converted to zero and the report provides a comment accordingly). A complete audit trail of conversions is provided.</para>
+          <note><para>For this to work, the user has to segregate taxable and non taxable
+           income to different accounts, as well as deductible and non deductible expenses.
+           The Income Tax Information dialog is used for this. To access the Income Tax
+           Information dialog go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Tax Report Options</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The user
+           also must set the <acronym>TXF</acronym> category of each tax related account. The Income Tax
+           Information dialog is described in the <xref linkend="set-tax-options"/> section.</para></note>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Resoconto delle transazioni</title>
+        <para>This report lists transactions in selected accounts during a specified financial period. Two fields may be optionally
+          used for sorting and totalling.
+        </para>
+        <sect4 id="report-txrpt-opts">
+          <title>Opzioni del resoconto</title>
+           <figure>
+             <title><emphasis>Transaction Report — Report Options</emphasis></title>
+             <screenshot id="Help_TxRptOpt_Screen">
+               <mediaobject>
+                 <imageobject role="html">
+                   <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_TxRptOpt_Screen.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Geert Janssens" width="510px"/>
+                 </imageobject>
+                 <imageobject role="fo">
+                   <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_TxRptOpt_Screen.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Geert Janssens"/>
+                 </imageobject>
+                 <textobject><phrase>Transaction Report — Report Options screen</phrase>
+                 </textobject>
+                   <caption><para>This is an image of the <emphasis>Transaction Report — Report Options — Display tab.</emphasis></para>
+                 </caption>
+               </mediaobject>
+             </screenshot>
+           </figure>
+           <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>Accounts tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> — Select one or more accounts to be reported.</para>
+                   <para>There are 4 buttons to aid account selection</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Select All</entry><entry>Select all accounts</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Clear All</entry> <entry>Clear the selection and unselect all accounts</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Select Children</entry><entry>Select all descendants of selected account</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Select Default</entry><entry>Select the default account selection</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Hidden Accounts</guilabel> — Show accounts that have been marked hidden.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Filter By</guilabel> — Optionally select accounts to be either included or
+                   excluded depending on Filter type</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Hidden Accounts</guilabel> — Show accounts that have been
+                   marked hidden in the Filter By list of accounts</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Filter Type</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>None</entry><entry>Do not do any filtering</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts</entry>
+                           <entry>Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts only</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts</entry>
+                           <entry>Exclude Transactions to/from all Filter Accounts</entry>
+                         </row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Void Transactions</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Non-void only</entry><entry>Show only non-voided transactions</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Void only</entry><entry>Show only voided transactions</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Both</entry><entry>Show both and include voided transactions in totals</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Reset defaults button</guilabel> — Reset all values to their defaults</para>
+                 </listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>Display tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Data</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Reconciled Date</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Num</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Descrizione</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Promemoria</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Notes</guilabel> — Display the notes if the memo is unavailable</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Account Name</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Use Full Account Name</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Account Code</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Other Account Name</guilabel> — For multi-split transactions, this parameter should be unticked. See below for more details.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Use Full Other Account Name</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Other Account Code</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Shares</guilabel> — Display number of shares</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Price</guilabel> — Display share prices</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Amount</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>None</entry><entry>Do not display Amount</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Single</entry><entry>Single column display</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Double</entry><entry>Two column display</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Running Balance</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Totals</guilabel></para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Sign Reverses</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>None</entry><entry>Do not display signs reversed</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Credit Accounts</entry><entry>Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, Credit Card and Income accounts</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Income and Expense</entry><entry>Reverse amount display for Income and Expense accounts</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Reset defaults button	Reset all values to their defaults</guilabel></para></listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>General tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Report name</guilabel> — Enter a descriptive name for this report</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Stylesheet</guilabel> — Select Default, Easy, Footer or Technicolor</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Start Date</guilabel> — Enter or select a specific Start Date</para>
+                   <para>or 	select one of the following named start date options which will be used to	determine the start date each time the report is run
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Today</entry><entry>The current date</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of this month</entry><entry>First day of the current month</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of previous month</entry><entry>First day of the previous month</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of current quarter</entry><entry>First day of the current quarterly accounting period</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of previous quarter</entry><entry>First day of the previous quarterly accounting period</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of this year</entry><entry>First day of the current calendar year</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of previous year</entry><entry>First day of the previous calendar year</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Start of accounting period</entry><entry>First day of the accounting period as defined in the global preferences</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>End Date</guilabel> — 	Enter or select a specific End Date,</para>
+                   <para>or	select one of the following named end date options which will be used to determine the end date each time the report is run
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Today</entry><entry>The current date</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of this month</entry><entry>Last day of the current month</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of previous month</entry><entry>Last day of the previous month</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of current quarter</entry><entry>Last day of the current quarterly accounting period</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of previous quarter</entry><entry>Last day of the previous quarterly accounting period</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of this year</entry><entry>Last day of the current calendar year</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of previous year</entry><entry>Last day of the previous calendar year</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>End of accounting period</entry><entry>Last day of the accounting period as defined in the global preferences</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Style</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Single</entry><entry>Display 1 line</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Multi-Line</entry><entry>Display N lines</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                   <note><para>In stable version 2.8.0, the <emphasis>Style</emphasis> option will be renamed to <emphasis>Detail Level</emphasis>
+                     and moved to the Display tab.</para>
+                   </note>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Common Currency</guilabel> — Convert all transactions into a common currency</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Report's currency</guilabel> — Select the currency to display values</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Table for Exporting</guilabel> — Formats the table for cut & paste exporting with extra cells</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Reset defaults button</guilabel> — Reset all values to their defaults</para></listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>Sorting tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Primary Key</guilabel> — Primary Sort Key. One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>None</entry><entry>Do not sort</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Account Name</entry><entry>Sort and subtotal by account name</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Account Code</entry><entry>Sort and subtotal by account code</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Data</entry><entry>Ordina per data</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Exact Time</entry><entry>Sort by exact time</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Reconciled Date</entry><entry>Sort by the reconciled date</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Register Order</entry><entry>Sort as within the register</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Other Account Name</entry><entry>Sort by account transferred from/to's name</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Other Account Code</entry><entry>Sort by account transferred from/to's code</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Importo</entry><entry>Sort by amount</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Descrizione</entry><entry>Sort by description</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Numero</entry><entry>Sort by check/transaction number</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Promemoria</entry><entry>Sort by memo</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Full Account Name</guilabel> — Show the full account name for subtotals and subtitles</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Account Code</guilabel> — Show the account code for subtotals and subtitles</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Primary Subtotal</guilabel> — Subtotal according to the primary key</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Primary Subtotal for Date Key</guilabel> — Do a date subtotal. Only configurable if primary key is date, exact time or register order.
+                   One of None, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Primary Sort Order</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Ascending</entry><entry>Smallest to largest, earliest to latest</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Descending</entry><entry>Largest to smallest, latest to earliest</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Secondary Key</guilabel> — Secondary Sort Key. Same options as Primary Key</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Secondary Subtotal</guilabel> — Subtotal according to the secondary key</para></listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Secondary Subtotal for Date Key</guilabel> — Do a date subtotal. Only configurable if primary key is date, exact time or register order.
+                   One of None, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Secondary Sort Order</guilabel> — One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Ascending</entry><entry>Smallest to largest, earliest to latest</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Descending</entry><entry>Largest to smallest, latest to earliest</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Reset defaults button</guilabel> — Reset all values to their defaults</para></listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+        </sect4>
+        <sect4 id="report-txrpt-splits">
+          <title>Displaying Split Account Details</title>
+          <para>This is controled by the <emphasis>Style</emphasis> option on the General tab.</para>
+          <note>
+           <para>In stable version 2.8.0 this option will be renamed to <emphasis>Detail Level</emphasis> on the Display tab.</para>
+          </note>
+          <para>In <emphasis>Single</emphasis> line mode, there's only one line per transaction. So you can have
+            the account name on one side of the equation and
+          </para>
+          <para>a. the other account name if there's only one other split in the transaction</para>
+          <para>or</para>
+          <para>b. "Split" if there are multiple other splits in the transaction. You can't
+            display multiple "other" account names in one line. There's just no room for it.
+          </para>
+          <para>In the case of <emphasis>Multi-Line</emphasis> mode, this report uses a completely different concept.
+            For each transaction, every split (both the split in this account and the
+            split(s) in the other account(s) !) is printed on a separate line. And every
+            split really means every split:  both the split which belongs in the account
+            being reported and the split(s) in the other account(s) that balance the
+            transaction. So even the most basic transaction, with only two splits (this
+            account and other account) will print two lines in multiline mode.
+          </para>
+          <para>For a simple transaction like this</para>
+          <informaltable>
+            <tgroup cols="4">
+              <tbody>
+                <row>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Descrizione</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Conto</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Debit</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Credit</emphasis></entry>
+                </row>
+                <row><entry>Cheques Received</entry></row>
+                <row><entry>"multiple payers"</entry><entry>IncomeAccount</entry><entry/><entry>£30.00</entry></row>
+                <row><entry/><entry>BankAccount</entry><entry>£30.00</entry><entry/></row>
+              </tbody>
+            </tgroup>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>then on a Transaction Report for the bank account the details appear pretty much as above.</para>
+          <para>For clarity of the accounts, you might enter transactions with multiple splits referring to the same
+            account. For example, the above transaction might well be entered like this
+          </para>
+          <informaltable>
+            <tgroup cols="4">
+              <tbody>
+                <row>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Descrizione</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Conto</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Debit</emphasis></entry>
+                  <entry><emphasis>Credit</emphasis></entry>
+                </row>
+                <row><entry>Cheques Received</entry></row>
+                <row><entry>"FirstPayer"</entry><entry>IncomeAccount</entry><entry/><entry>£10.00</entry></row>
+                <row><entry>"SecondPayer"</entry><entry>IncomeAccount</entry><entry/><entry>£20.00</entry></row>
+                <row><entry/><entry>BankAccount</entry><entry>£30.00</entry><entry/></row>
+              </tbody>
+            </tgroup>
+          </informaltable>
+          <para>When this transaction is printed on the bank account's Transaction Report in <emphasis>Single</emphasis> line mode, then
+            under <emphasis>other account</emphasis> it simply prints the word <emphasis>split</emphasis> instead of the account name.
+          </para>
+          <para>To display the additional split detail, you need to set <emphasis>Single/Multi-Line</emphasis> to
+            <emphasis>Multi-Line</emphasis> and then tick <emphasis>Display</emphasis> -> <emphasis>Account Name</emphasis>.
+            Do NOT tick <emphasis>Display</emphasis> -> <emphasis>Other Account Name</emphasis>.
+          </para>
+          <para>You can choose whether or not to turn off the full account name using <emphasis>Display</emphasis> ->
+            <emphasis>Use Full Account Name.</emphasis></para>
+          <para><emphasis>Use Full Other Account Name</emphasis> has no effect in <emphasis>Multi-Line</emphasis> mode.</para>
+        </sect4>
+      </sect3>
+    </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-assets">
+    <title>Attività e passività</title>
+     <para>I resoconti di attività e passività includono il rapporto sul saldo, i resoconti sugli investimenti e il resoconto sul patrimonio netto.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Portafoglio avanzato:</para>
+        <para>Columns</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Account</guilabel> — Stock Account</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Symbol</guilabel> — Ticker Symbol/Abbreviation as defined in the Security Editor. A report option can suppress this column.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Listing</guilabel> — Type as defined in the Security Editor. A report option can suppress this column.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Shares</guilabel> — Number of shares           (quantity). A report option sets how many decimal places to show.
+	    A report option can suppress this column.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Price</guilabel> — Unit market price as at report date. A report option can suppress this column.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Basis</guilabel> — Cost of all shares acquired by any means, including brokerage fees if the option to include them is checked. Report option <emphasis>Basis calculation method</emphasis> can be set to Average, LIFO or FIFO.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Value</guilabel> — Number of shares * Unit market price as at report date</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Money In</guilabel> — Sum of the cost of stock purchased, excluding stock acquired as part of a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. I.e. External money used to purchase shares.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Money Out</guilabel> — Money from selling shares or a spin off transaction.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Realized Gain</guilabel> — Money received for selling shares minus basis for shares sold, minus brokerage fees for the sale if the option to include them in basis is checked.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Unrealized Gain</guilabel> — Value less Basis for unsold shares</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Total Gain</guilabel> — Realized Gain + Unrealized Gain</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Rate of Gain</guilabel> — Total Gain / Money In * 100 (from <application>GnuCash</application> 2.6.1 onwards)</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Income</guilabel> — Total of all income transactions associated with a stock account.</para>
+              <note>
+                <para>To include income from dividends which are not reinvested (if there is no split to the stock account in the income transaction, the report has no way of associating the income with a particular stock) :
+                </para>
+		<para>Ensure there is a dummy transaction split to the stock         account with quantity 0, price 1 and value 0 in the dividend transaction. Enter the dummy stock split with no values in the dividend account and it will create the transaction with price 1 even though you cannot see the Price column in that register.
+		</para>
+                <para>In GnuCash 2.6.6, this report was modified to simplify the recording of dividend and interest payments. With this
+                change it may not be necessary to include the dummy stock split in the transaction. The report will find income (and expense) transactions that are in the parent account of the stock account being reported on. This is done by looking in the parent account for transactions that have exactly two splits (not counting trading account splits) where the other split is to an income or expense account with the same name as the stock's account.
+                </para>
+                <para>For example given an account structure like
+                </para>
+                <literallayout>
+                Assets (type ASSET)
+                  Broker (type ASSET)
+                    Widget Stock (type STOCK)
+                Income (type INCOME)
+                  Dividends (type INCOME)
+                    Widget Stock (type INCOME)
+                </literallayout>
+                <para>A transaction that debits the "Assets:Broker" account and credits the "Income:Dividends:Widget Stock" account will count as income even though it doesn't have a split with account "Assets:Broker:Widget Stock".
+                </para>
+                <para>This only works if the parent account ("Assets:Broker" in this case) is a Bank or Asset account and the Income/Expense account has the same name as the stock account. It won't double count transactions that have a dummy split since they won't have exactly two split transactions.
+                </para>
+                <para>It will not work if the income or expense account split is to a subaccount of the account with the same name as the stock account i.e. "Income:Dividends:Widget Stock:Franked"
+                </para>
+	      </note>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Brokerage Fees</guilabel> — Brokerage Fees</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Total Return</guilabel> — Total Gain + Income</para>
+	    </listitem>
+            <listitem><para><guilabel>Rate of Return</guilabel> — Total Return / Money In * 100</para>
+	    </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Common report options are described in <xref linkend="report-config"/></para>
+        <para>Report Specific Options</para>
+        <itemizedlist>	<!-- list of Tabs -->
+          <listitem><para>Accounts Tab</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Include accounts with no shares</guilabel> — Unchecked (default) or checked.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>	<!-- end of Accounts Tab -->
+          <listitem><para>Display Tab</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Show ticker symbols</guilabel> — Checked default) or unchecked. If unchecked, Symbol column will be omitted.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Show listings</guilabel> — Checked (default) or unchecked. If unchecked, Listing column (source of shares price quotes) will be omitted.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Show number of shares</guilabel> — Checked (default) or unchecked. If unchecked, Shares column will be omitted.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Share decimal places</guilabel> — The number of decimal places to show in the number of shares. Default is 2.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Show prices</guilabel> — Checked (default) or unchecked. If unchecked, Price column will be omitted.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>	<!-- end of Display Tab -->
+          <listitem><para>Scheda <guilabel>Generali</guilabel></para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Price Source</guilabel> — Nearest in time (default) or Most Recent.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Basis calculation method</guilabel> — Average (default), FIFO or LIFO.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>Set preference for price list data</guilabel> — Checked (default): Use price list data. If there is no relevant price list data, transaction prices will be used and there will be a warning. Unchecked: Get prices from stock transactions.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem><para><guilabel>How to report brokerage fees</guilabel> — Include in basis (default), Include in gain or Ignore.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Istogramma delle attività:</para>
+        <para>The Asset Barchart report displays bars that present the value of all assets in a
+        <application>GnuCash</application> file over time.  By default, the report shows all accounts
+        in <emphasis>Accounts Receivable</emphasis>, <emphasis>Current Assets</emphasis>,
+        <emphasis>Fixed Assets</emphasis>, <emphasis>Investments</emphasis> and Special Accounts
+        (if they exist) and it displays monthly bars for the current financial period. 
+        This report provides a graphic view of the assets in the file over time.</para>
+        <tip>
+          <para>Like all the generic reports, the user can assign a title and save the report with 
+          it's selected options for re-use later.</para>
+        </tip>  
+        <para>The display is in the form of either a stacked barchart or simple barchart with an 
+        option to display a table of the values.</para>
+        <para>This report calculates and displays a default of 8 bars or up to 24 separate asset
+        accounts value at the end of the day on several dates through a specified time period.
+        The report automatically selects the most significant accounts to display with all other
+        selected accounts summed as <emphasis>Other</emphasis>.</para>
+        <para>The report exploits the outline structure of the chart of accounts to allow the user
+        to select top level accounts and sub-accounts down to a user-selectable depth.  Selected 
+        sub-accounts below the selected depth are automatically <emphasis>summed up</emphasis> into
+        the next level when it is also selected.  The default number of sub-account levels is 2,
+        giving a summary view.  Increasing the number of sub-levels increases the detail available
+        to display. It is possible to un-select a higher level account and leave sub-accounts 
+        selected to force greater detail to appear in the report.</para>
+        <para>By default the report includes all <emphasis>asset</emphasis> accounts and sub-accounts,
+        as well as <emphasis>Imbalance</emphasis> and <emphasis>Orphan</emphasis> Special accounts
+        in whatever currencies or commodities may be present. The report's base currency is the 
+        default currency of the <application>GnuCash</application> file but if the file has data
+        for multiple currencies, then it can be changed to another currency.</para>
+        <para>Since each account may be individually selected, the report can be designed to focus 
+        on a small subset of data such as current assets or investments.</para>
+        <para>The overall interval of the report defaults to start at the start of the current 
+        accounting period and to end at the end of the current accounting period. Numerous 
+        other starting choices and ending choices are available.</para>
+        <para>The first bar shows the selected values at the end of the day on the first date chosen.
+        There are a number of choices for step size from <emphasis>day</emphasis> to 
+        <emphasis>year</emphasis> with the default being <emphasis>month</emphasis>. Note that if any 
+        step date would fall on the 29th, 30th or 31st in a month that does not have such a date
+        the next interval will be 31 days later. For that step only the date will <emphasis>slip</emphasis>
+        up to 3 days into the following month. This is true for releases at least through 2.4.13.
+        Bug 639049 is open in Bugzilla to modify this behavior.</para>
+        <para>Currently, there is no option to start the report on the last day of any period. 
+        There is also no option to show <emphasis>beginning</emphasis> balances or <emphasis>end of 
+        previous step</emphasis> balances. This makes it difficult to correlate this report to 
+        business quarterly reports, for example.</para>
+        <para>The Net Worth linechart report, Liability barchart report and Net Worth barchart 
+        report are similar except for the graphic type and default account groups selected.</para>
+       <para>Other features are customizable in a manner similar to other standard reports.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico a torta delle attività:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Saldo medio:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Rapporto sul saldo: questo resoconto riassume le attività, le passività e il capitale. Quando vengono mantenute correttamente, le attività dovrebbero essere pari alla somma tra passività e capitali; se così non è, allora è presente uno sbilancio all’interno dei conti.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Balance Sheet using eguile-gnc:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Giornale generale:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Libro mastro generale:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Portafoglio degli investimenti: questo resoconto riassume il valore delle azioni nel paniere corrente.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Istogramma:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico a torta delle passività:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Istogramma del patrimonio netto: il patrimonio netto è rappresentato dalla differenza tra il valore delle attività e quello delle passività.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico del patrimonio netto: andamento nel tempo del  patrimonio netto (differenza tra il valore delle attività e quello delle passività).</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico a dispersione del prezzo:</para>
+       </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-biz">
+    <title>Resoconti per gli affari</title>
+      <para>I resoconti per gli affari includono i rapporti su clienti e venditori, le fatture stampabili e i resoconti Aging reports.</para>
+       <sect3>
+        <title>Resoconto venditori</title>
+        <para> </para>
+       </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Customer Summary</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Fattura semplice</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Resoconto dipendenti</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Fattura elaborata</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Resoconto di lavoro</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Payable Aging</title>
+         <para>This report provides a listing of vendors and their aged
+           outstanding balances. Vendors may be included if they have posted
+           business transactions (e.g. invoices) for the selected accounts payable
+           account. It shows their current balance, and how much they have
+           due from invoices over time periods 0-30 days, 31-60 days,
+           61-90 days, and over 90 days. The report also contains links to each
+           vendor and to their current vendor report.
+         </para>
+         <para>Optionally, vendor address details may be also shown.</para>
+         <tip><para>To export vendor address details, say in order to do a mail
+           merge, select the optional vendor address details in the report options
+           display tab, apply the options to regenerate the report, then copy and
+           paste the report into a spreadsheet. Alternatively, the report can be
+           exported to a .html file, then read into a spreadsheet.</para>
+         </tip>
+         <sect4 id="report-pay-aging-opts">
+           <title>Opzioni del resoconto</title>
+           <note><para>See <emphasis>Common Report Options</emphasis> in the
+             <emphasis>Configuring Reports and Charts</emphasis> section of this
+             help manual for more details of the common options.
+             </para>
+           </note>
+           <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>General tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel> Report name</guilabel> —
+                   Enter a descriptive name for this report - see common report
+                   options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Stylesheet</guilabel> —
+                   Select a style sheet for this report - see common report
+                   options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>To</guilabel> — Select a date
+                   to report on or a named date. Transactions up to and
+                   including the selected date will be used to calculate the
+                   outstanding aged balances. See common report options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Report's currency</guilabel> —
+                   Select the currency to display the values in - see common
+                   report options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Price Source</guilabel> —
+                   Select the source of price information used for currency
+                   conversion if needed. One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Average Cost</entry><entry>The
+                           volume-weighted average cost of purchases</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Weighted Average (default)</entry><entry>
+                           The weighted average of all currency transactions
+                           in the past</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Most recent</entry><entry>The most recent
+                           recorded price</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Nearest in time</entry><entry>The price
+                           recorded nearest in time to the report date</entry>
+                         </row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Multi-currency Totals</guilabel>
+                    — If not selected, all totals are shown in the report
+                   currency.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Sort By</guilabel> — Sort
+                   companies by one of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Name (default)</entry><entry>Company name
+                           </entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Total Owed</entry><entry>Total amount owed
+                           to company</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Bracket Total Owed</entry><entry>Amount
+                           owed in oldest bracket. If same, use next oldest
+                           </entry>
+                         </row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Sort Order</guilabel> — One of
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Increasing (default)</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Decreasing</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show zero balance items</guilabel>
+                   — Show companies even if they have a zero outstanding
+                   balance.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Due or Post Date</guilabel> —
+                   Leading date. Which date to use to determine aging. One of
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Due Date (default)</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Post Date</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Payable Account</guilabel> —
+                   The accounts payable account used to select vendors to be
+                   reported. Vendors are included if they have a posted
+                   business transaction (usually an invoice) on or before the
+                   report date and also meet the <emphasis>Show zero balance
+                   items</emphasis> criteria.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>Display tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address Name</guilabel> —
+                   Display vendor address name. This, and other fields, may be
+                   useful if copying this report to a spreadsheet for use in a
+                   mail merge.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 1</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 1.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 2</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 2.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 3</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 3.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 4</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 4.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Phone</guilabel> — Display
+                   address phone number.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Fax</guilabel> — Display
+                   address fax number.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Email</guilabel> — Display
+                   email address.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Active</guilabel> — Display
+                   vendor active status.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+         </sect4>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Fattura stampabile</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Receivable Aging</title>
+         <para>This report provides a listing of customers and their aged
+           outstanding balances. Customers may be included if they have posted
+           business transactions (e.g. invoices) for the selected accounts receivable
+           account. It shows their current balance, and how much they have
+           outstanding from invoices over time periods 0-30 days, 31-60 days,
+           61-90 days, and over 90 days. The report also contains links to each
+           customer and to their current customer report.
+         </para>
+         <para>Optionally, customer address details may be also shown.</para>
+         <tip><para>To export customer address details, say in order to do a mail
+           merge, select the optional customer address details in the report options
+           display tab, apply the options to regenerate the report, then copy and
+           paste the report into a spreadsheet. Alternatively, the report can be
+           exported to a .html file, then read into a spreadsheet.</para>
+         </tip>
+         <sect4 id="report-rec-aging-opts">
+           <title>Opzioni del resoconto</title>
+           <note><para>See <emphasis>Common Report Options</emphasis> in the
+             <emphasis>Configuring Reports and Charts</emphasis> section of this
+             help manual for more details of the common options.
+             </para>
+           </note>
+           <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>General tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel> Report name</guilabel> —
+                   Enter a descriptive name for this report - see common report
+                   options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Stylesheet</guilabel> —
+                   Select a style sheet for this report - see common report
+                   options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>To</guilabel> — Select a date
+                   to report on or a named date. Transactions up to and
+                   including the selected date will be used to calculate the
+                   outstanding aged balances. See common report options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Report's currency</guilabel> —
+                   Select the currency to display the values in - see common
+                   report options.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Price Source</guilabel> —
+                   Select the source of price information used for currency
+                   conversion if needed. One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Average Cost</entry><entry>The
+                           volume-weighted average cost of purchases</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Weighted Average (default)</entry><entry>
+                           The weighted average of all currency transactions
+                           in the past</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Most recent</entry><entry>The most recent
+                           recorded price</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Nearest in time</entry><entry>The price
+                           recorded nearest in time to the report date</entry>
+                         </row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show Multi-currency Totals</guilabel>
+                    — If not selected, all totals are shown in the report
+                   currency.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Sort By</guilabel> — Sort
+                   companies by one of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Name (default)</entry><entry>Company name
+                           </entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Total Owed</entry><entry>Total amount owed
+                           by company</entry>
+                         </row>
+                         <row><entry>Bracket Total Owed</entry><entry>Amount
+                           owed in oldest bracket. If same, use next oldest
+                           </entry>
+                         </row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Sort Order</guilabel> — One of
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Increasing (default)</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Decreasing</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Show zero balance items</guilabel>
+                   — Show companies even if they have a zero outstanding
+                   balance.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Due or Post Date</guilabel> —
+                   Leading date. Which date to use to determine aging. One of
+                   </para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Due Date (default)</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Post Date</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Receivables Account</guilabel> —
+                   The accounts receivable account used to select customers to be
+                   reported. Customers are included if they have a posted
+                   business transaction (usually an invoice) on or before the
+                   report date and also meet the <emphasis>Show zero balance
+                   items</emphasis> criteria.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem><para><emphasis>Display tab</emphasis></para>
+               <itemizedlist>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address Source</guilabel> —
+                   Which customer address fields to display. One of</para>
+                   <informaltable>
+                     <tgroup cols="2">
+                       <tbody>
+                         <row><entry>Billing (default)</entry><entry>Address fields from
+                           billing address.</entry></row>
+                         <row><entry>Shipping</entry><entry>Address fields from
+                           shipping address.</entry></row>
+                       </tbody>
+                     </tgroup>
+                   </informaltable>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address Name</guilabel> —
+                   Display customer address name. This, and other fields, may be
+                   useful if copying this report to a spreadsheet for use in a
+                   mail merge.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 1</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 1.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 2</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 2.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 3</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 3.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Address 4</guilabel> — Display
+                   address line 4.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Phone</guilabel> — Display
+                   address phone number.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Fax</guilabel> — Display
+                   address fax number.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Email</guilabel> — Display
+                   email address.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+                 <listitem><para><guilabel>Active</guilabel> — Display
+                   vendor active status.</para>
+                 </listitem>
+               </itemizedlist>
+             </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+         </sect4>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Tax Invoice</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+         <title>Resoconto clienti</title>
+         <para> </para>
+        </sect3>
+     </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-income">
+    <title>Entrate e Uscite</title>
+     <para>I resoconti per entrate e uscite includono il flusso di liquidi e i rapporti sulle entrate.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Flusso di liquidi:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Stato patrimoniale:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Istogramma delle uscite:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico a torta delle uscite:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Uscite per giorno della settimana:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Grafico delle entrate e delle uscite:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Istogramma delle entrate:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Income Piechart:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Income Statement: This report summarizes sources of income and expenditure.
+         (This report was called Profit & Loss in gnucash-1.8.)</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Entrate per giorno della settimana:</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Profit & Loss: This is the same report as the Income Statement but with a different title.</para>
+       </listitem>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>Bilancio di previsione: questo resoconto riassume le fonti di reddito e di spesa.</para>
+       </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+   </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="report-sample">
+      <title>Esempi e personalizzazioni</title>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Resoconto di benvenuto di esempio</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Resoconto multicolonna personalizzato</title>
+        <para>This report is used to place multiple reports
+           into a single report window to examine a set of financial information at a glance.
+        </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Sample Report with Examples</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="report-budget">
+     <title>Bilancio</title>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Balance Sheet</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Barchart</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Flow</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Income Statement</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Profit & Loss</title>
+        <para> </para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3>
+        <title>Budget Report</title>
+	<para>This report is used to compare budgeted and real amounts for selected accounts. It allows you to review how well you follow the budget.</para>
+	<para>The report is generated as a table in which each row represents an account and each set of columns shows the <emphasis>budgeted amount</emphasis>, the <emphasis>real amount</emphasis>, and the <emphasis>difference</emphasis> between them for each report period.</para>
+	<para>Each entry in the <emphasis>real amount</emphasis> column is the sum of all the splits in the row's account over the column's period. For example, if the report is set up for monthly periods, the column is for May, and the row is for Expences:Groceries, then the value will be the sum of all Expenses:Groceries splits for that May.</para>
+	<para>The report supports selecting a range of periods instead all of them. Periods that are out of range can be included in report as the consolidated columns around the selected range. This allows you to focus on particular periods, for example the current one, and is especially useful for budgets with many periods. For example, if you have a 12 period budget you can make a 3 column report with the format "(all periods before columns set) (current period columns set) (all periods after columns set)" that is easily fits on the screen and allows you to match values with account names.</para>
+	<para><emphasis>Budget report options</emphasis></para>
+	<para>
+	  <note><para>Here we describe only options that are specific for the Budget Report. You can find information about standard parameters in <xref linkend="report-config"/>.</para> </note>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Show budget</emphasis> - include the budgeted values for the period</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Show actual</emphasis> - include the real values for the period</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Show difference</emphasis> - include the difference between budgeted and real values for the period. Enabling this option does not force including budgeted and actual values in report</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Show Column with totals</emphasis> - Adds a final column set containing budgeted, real value, and difference columns summing those values across all periods of the report.</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Rollup budget amounts to parent</emphasis> - not used in report, can be deleted or should be fixed</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Include accounts with zero total balances and budget values</emphasis> - enables display of accounts with no budget or splits in any period.</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Budget</emphasis> - Select the budget to use for report generation</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Report for range of budget periods</emphasis> - Enables reporting on a subset of the budget by selecting a beginning and an ending period.</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Range start</emphasis> - a combobox with a list of variants how to select start period:
+	    <orderedlist>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>First</emphasis> - select first budget period</para></listitem>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>Previous</emphasis> - select previous period.</para></listitem>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>Current</emphasis> - select current period.</para></listitem>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>Next</emphasis>  - select next period.</para></listitem>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>Last</emphasis> - select last budget period</para></listitem>
+	      <listitem><para><emphasis>Manual</emphasis> - enables spinbox where you can select exact period</para></listitem>
+	    </orderedlist></para>
+	    <note><para>The <emphasis>current</emphasis>, <emphasis>previous</emphasis>, and <emphasis>next</emphasis> options select the period based on the date on which the report is run, with <emphasis>current</emphasis> being the period in which the date falls, <emphasis>previous</emphasis> being the one before that, and <emphasis>next</emphasis> the period after. If the current date falls outside the date range covered by the budget, the <emphasis>first</emphasis> or <emphasis>last</emphasis> period will be used as appropriate.</para></note>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Exact start period</emphasis> - options for select exact start period, enabled only if range start option is set to <emphasis>Manual</emphasis></para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Range end</emphasis> - a combobox with a list of variants how to select end period. Values are the same as in <emphasis>Range start</emphasis> options</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Exact end period</emphasis> - the same as <emphasis>Exact start period</emphasis> but for the end of range</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Include collapsed periods before selected</emphasis> - if on, then includes in report all budget periods, that are before selected period range, as a single consolidated column set</para></listitem>
+	    <listitem><para><emphasis>Include collapsed periods after selected</emphasis> - if on, then includes in report all budget periods, that are after selected period range, as a single consolidated column set.</para></listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
+	</para>
+      </sect3>
+    </sect2>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="report-print">
+     <title>Printing or Exporting Reports and Charts</title>
+       <note><para>Da verificare!!! Come personalizzare la stampa con Gnome?</para></note>
+     <para><application>&app;</application> è in grado di stampare i resoconti e di esportarli nel formato <acronym>HTML</acronym>. La finestra di stampa di un documento di <application>&app;</application> è accessibile dal pulsante <guibutton>Stampa</guibutton> sulla <emphasis>barra degli strumenti</emphasis> o tramite il menu selezionando la voce <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Stampa</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Per esportare un resoconto come pagina internet (<acronym>HTML</acronym>), selezionare il pulsante <guibutton>Esporta</guibutton> sulla barra degli strumenti e inserire il nome da assegnare al file.</para>
+     <para>Most reports, being presented in HTML, can also be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.</para>
+     <para>La finestra di stampa di un documento di <application>&app;</application> permette di selezionare la stampante alla quale inviare il lavoro di stampa o il file su cui stampare il documento. La finestra fornisce anche un pulsante di <guibutton>Anteprima</guibutton> per controllare il documento prima di inviarlo in stampa. Premendo <guibutton>Stampa</guibutton> il lavoro verrà inviato alla stampante selezionata mentre premendo <guibutton>Annulla</guibutton> la finestra verrà chiusa senza effettuare alcuna stampa.</para>
+       <para>Stampando dalla finestra del registro, verrà stampato il resoconto dei conti, che è anche chiamato resoconto del registro. In esso sono elencate le transazioni nel conto con un totale. Gli altri resoconti vengono invece stampati come sono visualizzati nella schermata del resoconto.</para>
+   </sect1>
+   <sect1 id="report-create">
+     <title>Creating Reports and Charts</title>
+     <note><para>Questa sezione potrebbe dover essere aggiornata!!!</para> </note>
+     <para>Se i resoconti forniti da <application>&app;</application> non soddisfano le proprie esigenze, è possibile crearne di nuovi. Per farlo è necessario conoscere Scheme (un linguaggio di programmazione simile a LISP) ed è anche consigliato avere accesso al codice sorgente di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+     <para>L’interfaccia dei resoconti è documentata nel seguente file del codice sorgente <filename>src/report/report-system/doc/report-html.txt</filename>. Il file <filename>src/report/utility-reports/hello-world.scm</filename> nella distribuzione sorgente di <application>&app;</application> fornisce un buon esempio di come sviluppare un resoconto.</para>
+     <sect2 id="report-api">
+       <title>Accessing the <application>GnuCash</application> <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+       <para>It is also necessary to access data from the engine to get
+         information for your report. This is
+         <emphasis>since version 2.1.x</emphasis> performed by a set of 
+         Scheme wrapper functions that are documented in the file
+         <filename>src/engine/swig-engine.c</filename>.
+         <emphasis>Up to version 2.0.5</emphasis> it was
+         <filename>src/g-wrap/gnc.html</filename>. Examine some of the other
+         reports in src/scm/report for an indication of how they are used.</para>
+       <para>Some users started a table in the <application>GnuCash</application> wiki 
+         <ulink url="">
+         Custom Reports#The GnuCash API</ulink>.
+       </para>
+	   <para>Because the above file only contains the syntax of the function
+		 you can use the Doxygen source documentation either local after running
+./configure --enable-doxygen --enable-html-docs
+make doc
+</screen> on your sources or online
+		 <ulink url=""></ulink> or 
+		 <ulink url=""></ulink>
+		 to get more information about the functions.
+	   </para>
+     </sect2>
+     <sect2 id="report-render">
+       <title>Report Rendering</title>
+       <para>Attualmente, i resoconti sono prodotti richiamando una API di generazione <acronym>HTML</acronym>, che fornisce una dialettica di <acronym>HTML</acronym> e la disegna con un widget <acronym>HTML</acronym>. Questa procedura presenta delle limitazioni, in particolare qiuando si tenta di allineare gli oggetti con precisione, come può rendersi necessario per stampare su fatture pre-stampate.</para>
+       </sect2>
+     </sect1>
+      (Do not remove this comment block.)
+  Version: 2.0.1
+  Last modified: February 13th 2014
+       modified: January 16th 2013
+       modified: September 26th 2010
+       modified: December 7th 2009
+       modified: August 2nd 2008
+       modified: March 21th 2007
+       modified: August 2nd 2006
+       modified: July 9th 2006
+       modified: February 28th 2005
+  Maintainers:
+               Alex Aycinena <alex.aycinena at>
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+               Neil Williams <linux at>
+  Author:
+               Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+  Translators:
+               (translators put your name and email here)
+  <chapter id="custom-gnucash">
+    <title>Personalizzare <application>&app;</application></title>
+    <sect1 id="account-options">
+      <title>Opzioni di visualizzazione del conto</title>
+      <para>Il comando <menuchoice><guimenu>Filtra per</guimenu></menuchoice> è utilizzato per impostare o modificare la vista della finestra della struttura ad albero dei conti. La scheda dei <guilabel>Conti</guilabel> permette di selezionare la tipologia dei conti che devono essere mostrati. Queste impostazioni influenzano distintamente ogni finestra aperta della struttura dei conti.</para>
+      <para>La scheda <guilabel>Altro</guilabel> permette invece di abilitare o disabilitare due opzioni: se visualizzare i conti nascosti e se mostrare i conti che hanno un totale nullo.</para>
+      <para>La finestra della struttura dei conti, mostra di default solamente la quantità di ogni commodity che si possiede, nella colonna del <guilabel>Totale</guilabel>. Spesso, però, può essere utile visualizzare altri valori; per fare questo si può premere il pulsante <guibutton>Opzioni</guibutton> nella <emphasis>barra del titolo</emphasis> (la piccola freccia verso il basso sul lato destro della <emphasis>barra del titolo</emphasis> nella finestra principale dei conti) e selezionare le voci da visualizzare. Queste scelte influenzano tutte le finestre aperte della struttura dei conti.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="set-prefs">
+    <title>Impostare le preferenze</title>
+    <para>The <guilabel>GnuCash Preferences</guilabel> window allows you to customize your <application>GnuCash</application> 
+    session by setting several options. From the <application>GnuCash</application> menu
+    select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+    (<menuchoice><guimenu>GnuCash</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice> on Mac OS X).
+    The <guilabel>GnuCash Preferences</guilabel> window will open. 
+    Using the tabs on the left make your desired changes. The settings in
+    this dialog are set per user and not stored with the file. This is
+    in contrast to the settings described in <xref linkend="book-options"/>,
+    which are kept with, and are part of, the file (or Book), and as such are
+    common to all users. So <guilabel>GnuCash Preferences</guilabel> settings are
+    individual to each user who uses a given file and any changes made by one
+    user will not affect other users of that file. Also, a given user's
+    preferences will be common to all files that that user opens with
+    <application>GnuCash</application>.</para>
+    <tip>
+      <para>Fermando il cursore per qualche secondo sopra le opzioni presenti in questa finestra, verranno mostrate delle descrizioni più approfondite sulla voce selezionata.</para>
+    </tip>
+    <note>
+      <para>The changes you make will be applied at once.</para>
+    </note>  
+    <para>Per chiudere la finestra delle <guilabel>Preferenze di &app;</guilabel>, premere il pulsante <guilabel>Chiudi</guilabel>.</para>
+    <para>Ogni scheda della finestra delle <guilabel>Preferenze di &app;</guilabel> ha una sezione dedicata nel seguito. Per un elenco delle schede, consultare <xref linkend="custom-gnucash"/>.</para>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-accounting-period">
+      <title>Periodo contabile</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-acct-period-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Periodo contabile</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Accounting-Period">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_AccntPeriod.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_AccntPeriod.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda del Periodo contabile</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><guilabel>Data d’inizio</guilabel> - specifica l’inizio del periodo contabile.</para>
+             <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+               <para><guilabel>Relativa</guilabel> — utilizza la data iniziale relativa specificata per calcolare i guadagni, le perdite e le attività nette. L’inizio relativo è definito da: oggi o l’inizio dell’attuale o precedente anno, trimestre o mese.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+               <para><guilabel>Assoluta</guilabel> — utilizza la data iniziale assoluta specificata per calcolare i guadagni, le perdite e le attività nette.</para>
+              </listitem>
+             </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><guilabel>Data di termine</guilabel> — specifica la fine del periodo contabile.</para>
+             <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+               <para><guilabel>Relativa</guilabel> — utilizza la data finale relativa specificata per calcolare i guadagni, le perdite e le attività nette.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+               <para><guilabel>Assoluta</guilabel> — utilizza la data finale assoluta specificata per calcolare i guadagni, le perdite e le attività nette.</para>
+              </listitem>
+             </itemizedlist>
+          </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Contenuto della barra di riepilogo</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Includi somma complessiva</guilabel> — se attivata, verrà mostrata nella <emphasis>barra di riepilogo</emphasis> una somma complessiva di tutti i conti utilizzando la valuta predefinita.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Includi i totali diversi dalle valute</guilabel> — se questa opzione è selezionata, <application>&app;</application> includerà nella <emphasis>barra di riepilogo</emphasis> un totale per gli elementi diversi dalla valuta (in pratica il numero di quote).</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-accounts">
+      <title>Conti</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-acct-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Conti</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Accounts">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Accnts.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Accnts.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Conti</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Carattere separatore</guilabel> — il separatore del conto è il carattere che separa un conto padre dai suoi sottoconti, per esempio Bollette:Elettricità. Il valore predefinito è <keycap>:</keycap> (Colon), ma è anche possibile selezionare <keycap>/</keycap> (Slash), <keycap>\</keycap> (Backslash), <keycap>-</keycap> (Dash),  <keycap>.</keycap> (Period) o qualsiasi altro carattere Unicode che non sia una lettra o un numero.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Reverse Balanced accounts</guilabel> — This option
+          lets you determine whether account balances will display as positive
+          or negative numbers:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Entrate e uscite</guilabel> assegna un saldo a credito positivo ai conti delle entrate a un saldo a debito negativo ai conti delle uscite. Consultare <xref linkend="acct-types"/> per maggiori informazioni su questo tipo di conti.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Conti crediti</guilabel> (predefinita) visualizza un saldo positivo per i conti che normalmente hanno un saldo in credito (entrate, crediti, passività, capitali). Consultare <xref linkend="acct-types"/> per maggiori informazioni su questo tipo di conti.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Nessuno</guilabel> mostra tutti i saldi a credito come negativi e tutti i saldi a debito come positivi.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Etichette</guilabel> — selezionare questa opzione per fare in modo che le colonne del registro riportino i termini <guilabel>Debiti</guilabel> e <guilabel>Crediti</guilabel> invece delle diciture informali come <guilabel>Prelievo</guilabel> e <guilabel>Deposito</guilabel>. </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Valuta predefinita</guilabel> — questa opzione permette di selezionare la valuta impostata dal sistema come predefinita per la creazione di nuovi conti.</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Locale</guilabel> — utilizza la valuta predefinita di sistema per tutti i nuovi conti creati.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Altra:</guilabel> — la valuta da utilizzare, indipendentemente dalle impostazioni di sistema.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Account Color</guilabel> — This option
+          lets you manage the display of the account color set in the 
+          <guilabel>Edit Account</guilabel> window:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Show the Account Colors as background</guilabel> — show the
+                accounts color as account name background in the Accounts Page.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Show the Account Colors on tabs</guilabel> — show the accounts 
+                color as background in the account register tabs.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-biz">
+      <title>Impresa</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-biz-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Impresa</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Business">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Business.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Business.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Impresa</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Generali</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Enable extra buttons</guilabel> — If checked,
+              extra toolbar buttons for common business functions are shown.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Apri in una nuova finestra</guilabel> — se selzionata, ogni registro verrà aperto in una nuova finestra in primo piano. Diversamente, il registro verrà aperto nella finestra corrente.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Accumula suddivisioni all’emissione</guilabel> — se accumulare automaticamente tutte le voci di una fattura che trasferiscono verso lo stesso conto, in un’unica suddivisione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>  
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Fatture</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Report for printing:</guilabel> — Allows to select
+              the invoice report to be used for printing.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Tasse incluse</guilabel> — indica se le tasse sono già incluse nelle voci delle fatture. Questa impostazione sarà applicata ai nuovi clienti e venditori.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Auto pay on posting</guilabel> — If enabled, at post 
+              time automatically attempt to pay customer documents with outstanding 
+              pre-payments and counter documents.</para>
+              <note>
+                <para>Counter documents are documents with 
+                opposite sign. For example for an invoice, customer credit notes and negative
+                invoices are considered counter documents.</para>
+                <para>The pre-payments and documents obviously
+                have to be against the same customer.</para>
+              </note>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Ricevute</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Notifica scadenze</guilabel> — specifica se si vuole essere notificati all’avvio di <application>&app;</application> delle ricevute in scadenza.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Giorni in anticipo</guilabel> — quanti giorni in anticipo avvisare delle ricevute in scadenza.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Tasse incluse</guilabel> — indica se le tasse sono già incluse nelle voci delle ricevute. Questa impostazione sarà applicata ai nuovi clienti e venditori.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Auto pay on posting</guilabel> — If enabled, at post 
+              time automatically attempt to pay vendor documents with outstanding 
+              pre-payments and counter documents.</para>
+              <note>
+                <para>Counter documents are documents with 
+                opposite sign. For example for a bill, vendor credit notes and negative
+                bills are considered counter documents.</para>
+                <para>The pre-payments and documents obviously
+                have to be against the same vendor.</para>
+              </note>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-date-time">
+      <title>Data e ora</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-date-time-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Data e ora</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_DateTime">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_DateTime.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_DateTime.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Data e ora</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Formato della data</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Usa orologio a 24 ore</guilabel> — permette di specificare se utilizzare il formato dell’ora a 12 o 24 ore. Cioé se le 11 di notte debbano essere rappresentate come 11PM o 23:00.l’</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Formato della data</guilabel> — questa opzione controlla l’aspetto della data (un’anteprima della data è visualizzata a fianco di ciascuna scelta disponibile). Le scelte disponibili soo:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>US</guilabel> — utilizza il formato di data proprio degli Stati Uniti.</para>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>UK</guilabel> — utilizza il formato di data proprio del Regno Unito.</para>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Europa</guilabel> — utilizza il formato di data proprio dell’Europa continentale.</para>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>ISO</guilabel> — utilizza il formato di data specificato dallo standard ISO-8601.</para>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Locale</guilabel> — usa il formato di data predefinito del sistema.</para>
+             </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Date completion</guilabel> — This option
+          lets you manage the case when a date is entered without a year: 
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>In the current calendar year</guilabel> (Default) — Dates will be completed so that 
+                they are within the current calendar year.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>In a sliding 12-month window starting a configurable number of months before 
+                the current month</guilabel> — Dates will be completed so that they are close to the current 
+                date. You can enter the maximum number of months to go backwards in time when completing dates.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-general">
+      <title>Generali</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-general-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Generali</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_General">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_General.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_General.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda  Generali</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Generali</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guibutton>Visualizza la finestra del «suggerimento del giorno»</guibutton> — questa opzione permette di abilitare o disabilitare la visualizzazione all’avvio di <application>&app;</application> della finestra del <guilabel>Suggerimento del giorno</guilabel>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guibutton>Visualizza i suggerimenti all’avvio</guibutton> è utile per abilitare o disattivare il <guilabel>suggerimento del giorno</guilabel> all’avvio di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Esegui la procedura guidata per la struttura conti</guilabel> — questa opzione disabilita la visualizzazione dell’assistente per l’<guilabel>Impostazione di una nuova struttura dei conti</guilabel> quando viene selezionata la voce <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Nuovo file</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dal menu di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Set book option on new files to use split "action"
+              field for "Num" field on registers/reports</guilabel> —
+              If selected, the displayed setting on the <guilabel>New Book
+              Options</guilabel> dialog for the <guilabel>Use Split Action Field
+              for Number</guilabel> setting will be selected and, if saved, the
+              book option for the new file will be set so that
+              the "Num" field on registers shows/updates the split-action field
+              and the transaction-num field is shown on the second line in
+              double line mode (and is not visible in single line mode).
+              Otherwise, the displayed setting on the dialog will not be
+              selected and, if saved, the book option for the new file will be
+              set so that the "Num" field on registers shows/updates the
+              transaction-num field. See the discussion in <xref linkend="book-options"/> about how to set book options including
+              the option for <xref linkend="num-action-book-option"/>.
+              Regardless of the setting of this preference, the
+              user can modify the initially displayed setting for this option on
+              the <guilabel>New Book Options</guilabel> dialog before saving the
+              options.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+            <note>
+              <para>If the <guilabel>New Book Options</guilabel> dialog appears
+              in situations where a new book is being set up, the settings from
+              this preference will determine the default setting for the
+              corresponding check box on the dialog. However, the
+              <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button on the <guilabel>New Book
+              Options</guilabel> dialog must be pressed for the setting to be
+              made for the new book; otherwise it will default to <emphasis>not
+              selected</emphasis>.</para>
+            </note>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Numeri</guilabel></para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Visualizza importi negativi in rosso</guilabel> — Se viene abilitata questa opzione, <application>&app;</application> visualizzerà gli importi negativi in rosso.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Posizioni decimali automatiche</guilabel> — inserisce automaticamente un punto decimale nei valori che sono digitati senza.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Posizioni decimali</guilabel> — il numero di posizioni decimali da utilizzare.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem> 
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>File</guilabel></para>
+            <note>
+              <para>Le opzioni seguenti sono rilevanti solamente per i file salvati in formato <acronym>XML</acronym>.</para>
+            </note>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Comprimi:</guilabel> — Questa opzione ndica se i file dei dati di <application>&app;</application> debbano essere compressi o meno.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza la richiesta di conferma per il salvataggio automatico</guilabel> — se abilitata, <application>&app;</application> visualizzerà una schermata di conferma ogni volta che viene avviata la procedura di salvataggio automatico.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Intervallo di salvataggio automatico</guilabel> — i minuti intercorrenti tra un salvataggio automatico del file e uno successivo. Impostare a 0 per disabilitare la funzione di salvataggio automatrico.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Enable timout on "Save changes on closing" question</guilabel> —
+              If enabled, the <guilabel>Save changes on closing</guilabel> question will only wait a 
+              limited number of seconds for an answer. If the user didn’t answer within that time,
+              the changes will be saved automatically and the question window closed.
+              You can sete the number of seconds in the <guilabel>Time to wait for answer</guilabel> field.</para>    
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Conserva i file di log per:</guilabel> — in questa sezione è possibile impostare le preferenze relative ai file di log.</para> 
+              <itemizedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Mai</guilabel> — disabilita la creazione dei file di log.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Per:</guilabel> — inserire un numero di giorni per cui conservare i file.</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Per sempre</guilabel> — disabilita la cancellazione automatica dei file di log; conserva i file di log per sempre.</para>
+                </listitem>
+              </itemizedlist>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Finestra di ricerca</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Soglia per una nuova ricerca</guilabel> — apre una nuova ricerca se il numero di risultati trovati è inferiore al numero impostato qui.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem> 
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-online">
+      <title>Online Banking</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-online-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Online Banking</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_OnlineBanking">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_OnlineBanking.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_OnlineBanking.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Online Banking</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Importazione file QIF</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza la documentazione</guilabel> — la prima volta che si utilizza la procedura di importazione di file <acronym>QIF</acronym> vengono visualizzate delle istruzioni dettagliate su come importare un file. Una volta che si è acquistata familiarità con il procedimento, si potrebbe voler disattivare questa opzione rendendo il processo più veloce.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Default transaction status (overridden by the status given by the QIF file)</guilabel> —
+              In this section you could set the default status for imported transactions using the provided 
+              self-explainingradio buttons:</para> 
+              <itemizedlist>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Not cleared</guilabel> (Default)</para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Liquidata</guilabel></para>
+                </listitem>
+                <listitem>
+                  <para><guilabel>Riconciliata</guilabel></para>
+                </listitem>
+              </itemizedlist>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Importatore generico</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Enable skip transaction action</guilabel> — Enable the SKIP
+              action in the transaction matcher. If enabled, a transaction whose best match’s score
+              is in the yellow zone (above the Auto-ADD threshold but below the Auto-CLEAR threshold)
+              will be skipped by default.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Enable update match action</guilabel> — Enable the UPDATE AND RECONCILE
+              action in the transaction matcher. If enabled, a transaction whose best match’s score is 
+              above the Auto-CLEAR threshold and has a different date or amount than the matching existing 
+              transaction will cause the existing transaction to be updated and cleared by default.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Utilizza la corrispondenza Bayesiana</guilabel> — opzione per attivare o disattivare l’utilizzo degli algoritmi Bayesiani per trovare le corrispondenze tra le nuove transazioni e i conti esistenti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Soglia di visualizzazione</guilabel> — il punteggio minimo che una possibile corrispondenza deve avere per essere visualizzata nella lista delle corrispondenze.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Soglia di auto-inserimento</guilabel> — una transazione il cui punteggio migliore ricade nella zona rossa (al di sopra della soglia di visualizzazione, ma inferiore o uguale alla soglia di auto-inserimento), verrà inserita automaticamente.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Soglia di auto-liquidazione</guilabel> — una transazione il cui punteggio migliore ricade nella zona verde (superiore o al limite uguale al valore della soglia di auto-inserimento) verrà liquidata automaticamente.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Soglia per i costi degli ATM commerciali</guilabel> — in alcune zone, gli sportelli commerciali ATM (che non fanno capo a una particolare istituzione finanziaria) sono installati in luoghi come i centri commerciali. Questi sportelli addebitano direttamente l’importo sul totale invece di farlo figurare con una transazione separata o nell’estratto conto mensile della banca. Per esempio, se si prelevano €100 si può essere addebitati di €101,50. Se si fosse inserito manualmente l’addebito dei soli €100, gli importi non corrisponderebbero. Questa opzione dovrebbe essere impostata al valore massimo di questa tassa applicato nella propria area (in un’unità della propria valuta), in modo che le transazioni vengano riconosciute nel processo di identificazione delle corrispondenze.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Automatically create new commodities</guilabel> — Enables the 
+              automatic creation of new commodities if any unknown commodity is encountered during 
+              import. If not enabled, the user will be asked what to do with each unknown commodity.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Online Banking</guilabel></para>
+        <note>
+          <para>This section is shown only if <application>GnuCash</application> is compiled with
+          Aqbanking and <acronym>HBCI</acronym> support.</para>
+        </note>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Close log window when finished</guilabel> — Close the log window 
+              when the operation is completed.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Ricorda PIN</guilabel> — abilitare questa opzione per fare in modo che <application>&app;</application> ricordi il PIN inserito per l’autenticazione all’online banking.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Messaggi di debug prolissi</guilabel> — abilitare questa opzione per fare in modo che <application>&app;</application> mostri informazioni iù dettagliate relativamente alle operazioni di online bancking.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>            
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-printing">
+      <title>Stampa</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-printing-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Stampa</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Printing">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Printing.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Printing.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Stampa</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <para>La scheda <guilabel>Stampa</guilabel> permette di configurare alcune opzioni che governano la stampasu carta degli assegni.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Stampa il formato della data</guilabel> — abilitare questa opzione per stampare sugli assegni il formato della data (nel tipo a 8 punti) sotto alla data.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Stampa i caratteri di blocco</guilabel> — abilitare questa opzione per stampare una serie di tre asterischi prima e dopo ogni campo di testo sull’assegno.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Carattere predefinito</guilabel> — premere il pulsante di sinistra per aprire una finestra di <guilabel>Selezione del tipo di carattere</guilabel> in cui è possibile personalizzare il carattere da utilizzare per la stampa su carta degli assegni.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-reg">
+      <title>Registro</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-reg-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Registro</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Register">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Register.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Register.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Registro</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Operazioni</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>«Invio» inserisce una riga con una transazione vuota</guilabel> — se attivata, premendo il tasto <keycap function="enter">Invio</keycap> il cursore verrà spostato all’ultima transazione vuota alla fine del registro. Diversamente il cursore si sposterà alla riga successiva.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Espandi liste automaticamente</guilabel> — se selzionata, tutte le liste verranno automaticamente espanse quando l’input è focalizzato nel campo lista.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>La sequenza di «Tab» include il campo «Trasferimento» per le transazioni memorizzate</guilabel> — se selezionata, quando la transazione è completata automaticamente, premendo il tasto <keycap>Tab</keycap> nel registro, il salto del cursore includerà il campo <guilabel>Trasferimento</guilabel>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Riconciliazione</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Spunta le transazioni liquidate</guilabel> — se selezionata, verranno spuntate automaticamente le transazioni liquidate al momento della riconciliazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Trasferimento automatico degli interessi</guilabel> — se attivata, prima della riconciliazione di un conto che matura o addebita interessi, verrà richiesto se inserire una transazione per gli interessi. Attualmente questa impostazione ha effetto solamente sui seguenti tipi di conti: banca, credito, fondo comune, attività, debiti e crediti correnti e passività.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Pagamento carta di credito automatico</guilabel> — se selezionata, dopo la riconciliazione del conto della carta di credito, verrà richiesto un pagamento con la carta di credito.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Riconcilia sempre a oggi</guilabel> — se selezionata, la finestra di riconciliazione viene aperta con la data odierna, indiffirentemente dalla data della riconciliazione precedente.</para>
+             </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Grafica</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Utilizza i colori del tema di sistema</guilabel> — se attivata, verranno utilizzati i colori del tema di sistema per la decorazione delle finestre del registro. Se disattivata, verranno utilizzati i colori originali di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>I colori della modalità a doppia linea si alternano tra le transazioni</guilabel> — se attivata, configura la finestra del registro in modo da alternare i colori primario e secondario per ogni transazione, invece che per ogni riga.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Disegna delle linee orizzontali fra le righe</guilabel> — se selezionata, <application>&app;</application> disegnerà delle linee orizzontali tra ogni riga.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Disegna delle linee verticali fra le colonne</guilabel> — se selezionata, <application>&app;</application> disegnerà delle linee verticali tra ogni colonna.</para>
+             </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-reg-def">
+      <title>Predefinite del registro</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-reg-def-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Predefinite del registro</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_RegisterDefaults">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_RegisterDefaults.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_RegisterDefaults.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Predefinite del registro</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <para>La scheda delle preferenze <guilabel>Predefinite del registro</guilabel> influenza il comportamento delle finestre del registro delle transazioni.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Stile predefinito</guilabel></para>
+          <para>Qui è possibile scegliere tra 3 diversi stili per la finestra del registro: <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Libro mastro basilare</guilabel> — visualizza tutte le transazioni su una riga singola (due nella modalità a doppia linea).</para>
+             </listitem>
+             <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Mastro a espansione automatica 
+              Giornale della transazione 
+            </guilabel></para></listitem></itemizedlist></para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Altre predefinite</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Il registro verrà aperto in una nuova finestra</guilabel> — se selezionata, il registro del conto verrà aperto in una nuova finestra invece che in una scheda.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Modalità a doppia linea</guilabel> — visualizza due righe di informazioni per ogni transazione in luogo di una unica.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza solamente i nomi dei sottoconti</guilabel> — se selezionata, verranno visualizzati solamente i nomi dei sottoconti nel campo di selezione del <guilabel>Conto</guilabel>. Il comportamento predefinito prevede la visualizzazione del nome completo del conto con incluso il suo percorso nella struttura dei conti.</para>
+              <warning>
+                <para>Abilitare questa opzione presuppone che vengano utilizzati dei nomi unici per i conti figli.</para>
+              </warning>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Numero di transazioni</guilabel> — quante transazioni visualizzare nel registro. Un valore nullo significa che verranno visualizzate tutte le transazioni.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-reports">
+      <title>Resoconti</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-reports-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Resoconti</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Reports">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Reports.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Reports.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Resoconti</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <para>La scheda delle preferenze <guilabel>Resoconti</guilabel> influisce sul comportamento dei resoconti di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Valuta predefinita</guilabel> — questa opzione permette di selezionare la valuta da utilizzare come predefinita per creare i resoconti. È possibile scegliere tra:</para>
+           <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><guilabel>Locale</guilabel> — utilizza la valuta predefinita di sistema per tutti i nuovi resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+             <para><guilabel>Altra</guilabel> — utilizza la valuta specificata in questo campo per tuti nuovi resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>          
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Posizione</guilabel></para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+             <listitem>
+               <para><guilabel>Il resoconto viene aperto in una nuova finestra</guilabel> — se selezionata, i resoconti verranno aperti in una nuova finestra invece che in una scheda.</para>
+             </listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-sched">
+      <title>Transazioni pianificate</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-sched-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Transazioni pianificate</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_ScheduledTransactions">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Sched.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Sched.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Transazioni pianificate</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <para>La scheda delle preferenze <guilabel>Transazioni pianificate</guilabel> governa il comportamento delle transazioni pianificate in <application>&app;</application>. Maggiori informazioni relative alle transazioni pianificate sono reperibili in <xref linkend="trans-sched"/>.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Assistente dall’ultimo avvio</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Avvia all’apertura del file</guilabel> — se selezionata verrà visualizzato <guilabel>L’assistente dall’utlimo avvio</guilabel> all’avvio di <application>&app;</application> (o meglio quando <application>&app;</application> aprirà un file).</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Predefinite dell’editor transazioni</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Crea automaticamente le nuove transazioni</guilabel> — se selezionata, le nuove transazioni pianificate verranno inserite automaticamente nel registro. Se questa opzione viene abilitata, è anche possibile abilitare l’opzione <guilabel>Notifica prima che le transazioni vengano create</guilabel> in modo che sia possibile confermare la creazione delle transazioni.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Create in advance</guilabel> — The default
+              number of days in advance to create the registered scheduled
+              transactions.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Remind in advance</guilabel> — The default
+              number of days in advance to remind on new scheduled
+              transactions.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="prefs-window">
+      <title>Finestre</title>
+      <figure id="prefs-windows-fig">
+        <title>La scheda <guilabel>Preferenze — Finestre</guilabel></title>
+        <screenshot id="Prefer_Windows">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Windows.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi" width="510px"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/Help_Pref_Windows.png" format="PNG" srccredit="Cristian Marchi"/>
+            </imageobject>
+            <textobject>
+              <phrase>La scheda Finestre</phrase>
+            </textobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Geometria finestra</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Salva la dimensione e la posizioen della finestra</guilabel> — se selezionata, al prossimo avvio <application>&app;</application> utilizzerà la dimensione e la posizione della finestra configurate nell’ultimo avvio.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+        <para><guilabel>Schede</guilabel></para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza il tasto di chiusura sulle schede</guilabel> — aggiunge una piccola icona per la chiusura su ogni scheda per renderne più semplice la chiusura.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Porta la scheda più recente in primo piano</guilabel> — se selezionata, le nuove schede create verranno visualizzate al di sopra delle altre.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Width:</guilabel> — The width of tab label 
+              expressed in characters.
+              <note>
+                <para>If the text in the tab is longer than this value 
+                (the test is approximate) then the tab label will have the middle cut 
+                and replaced with an ellipsis.
+                </para>
+              </note>
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Posizione delle schede</guilabel></para>
+          <para>Posiziona le schede in <guilabel>Alto</guilabel> (predefinita), in <guilabel>Basso</guilabel>, a <guilabel>Sinistra</guilabel> o a <guilabel>Destra</guilabel>.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><guilabel>Posizione della barra di riepilogo</guilabel></para>
+          <para>Posiziona la barra di riepilogo <guilabel>In alto</guilabel> o <guilabel>In basso</guilabel> (predefinita) nella finestra principale di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect2>
+  </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="book-options">
+      <title>Book Options</title>
+      <para>The <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>
+       <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+       menu item is used to set or modify choices that affect how a specific
+       <application>GnuCash</application> file (also referred to as a Book)
+       operates. Selecting this menu item brings up the <guilabel>Book Options
+       </guilabel> dialog. This dialog also appears in situations where you are
+       importing transactions into a new book, with the title <guilabel>New Book
+       Options</guilabel>. It is automatically raised in these 'new book'
+       situations because these settings can affect how imported data
+       are converted to <application>GnuCash</application> transactions and so
+       should be considered and set before your first import (specifically, the
+       <xref linkend="num-action-book-option"/> setting).
+      </para>
+      <para>The settings in this dialog are kept with, and are part of, the file
+       (or Book). This is in contrast to the settings described in
+       <xref linkend="set-prefs"/>, which are set per user and not stored with
+       the file. So <guilabel>Book Options</guilabel> settings are shared
+       by all users who use a given file and any changes made by one
+       user will affect all users of that file.
+      </para>
+      <tip>
+        <para>Pausing the cursor for a couple of seconds over options in these
+         tabs will display a tooltip with a more detailed description of the
+         choice.
+        </para>
+      </tip>
+      <para>The <guilabel>Book Options</guilabel> dialog has five buttons that
+        are common to all tabs. The <guibutton>Reset defaults</guibutton> button
+        takes all items on the visible tab and sets their value to the default
+        setting; it only affects the visible tab. The <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
+        button opens up a help window to this section. The <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>
+        button closes the dialog, making no changes to the saved settings for
+        <guilabel>Book Options</guilabel>. The <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
+        button is initially insensitive but becomes sensitive when any setting
+        is set or changed. Selecting it saves the setting(s) for the book but
+        keeps the <guilabel>Book Options</guilabel> dialog open. Typically, the
+        changes are reflected in the affected areas of <application>GnuCash</application>
+        as soon as the button is pressed, so it can be used to 'see' the effect
+        of a given option without having to re-open the dialog. The
+        <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button is not sensitive on the dialog if 
+        it appears during transaction import (that is, 'new book') situations.
+        The <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button behaves like the
+        <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button except that it immediately
+        <emphasis>closes</emphasis> the dialog, as well.
+      </para>
+      <sect2 id="accounts-book-options">
+        <title>Accounts Book Options Tab</title>
+        <para>The <guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> tab of this dialog allows
+          the selection of options that affect how accounting registers function.
+        </para>
+        <sect3 id="trading-accounts-book-option">
+          <title>Use Trading Accounts</title>
+          <para>Check the <guilabel>Use Trading Accounts</guilabel> checkbox to
+            have trading accounts used for transactions involving more than one
+            currency or commodity.
+          </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="read-only-days-option">
+          <title>Day Threshold for Read-Only Transactions</title>
+          <para>Use the <guilabel>Day Threshold for Read-Only
+            Transactions</guilabel> spin-box to choose the number of days before
+            today, prior to which, transactions will be read-only and cannot be
+            edited anymore in the registers. This threshold is marked by a red
+            line in the account register windows. If zero, all transactions can
+            be edited and none are read-only. This feature is intended to be
+            used to guard against accidental changes to non-current transactions.
+          </para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="num-action-book-option">
+          <title>Use Split Action Field for Number</title>
+          <note>
+            <para>This option is only available in <application>GnuCash
+             </application> version 2.6 or later.</para>
+          </note>  
+          <para>Check the <guilabel>Use Split Action Field for Number</guilabel>
+            checkbox to have the split action field of the anchor split used for
+            the 'Num' column in registers, reports and import/export functions,
+            where applicable, in place of the transaction number; the
+            transaction number is then shown as 'T-Num' on reports and on the
+            second line of registers. This choice has a corresponding effect on
+            business features.
+          </para>
+          <para>The difference between the two is that with the checkbox not
+            selected, the same 'Num' is displayed for a given transaction
+            regardless of what register it is viewed in and with the checkbox
+            selected, a different 'Num' can be entered/displayed for a given
+            transaction in each register it is viewed in. In both cases, the
+            'next number logic' of the 'Num' cell is based on the account of the
+            register the transaction is entered to or viewed from but in one
+            case it fills the transaction number, in the other, it fills the
+            split action field of the anchor split. In both cases, both fields
+            are visible and can be viewed and used as free-form text in
+            double-line mode for any value the user wants.
+          </para>
+          <warning>
+            <para>Initial setup of <application>GnuCash</application>: It is
+             expected that, after careful consideration of the consequences,
+             this option will be set when a new <application>GnuCash</application>
+             file is created and not changed thereafter (see next warning). For
+             this reason, a preference is provided (see <link linkend="prefs-general">Setting Preferences - General </link>) that
+             can establish an initial default setting for new files, so that if
+             you will have more than one file, it is easier to set them all up
+             consistently. You may wish to set up a test file and experiment
+             with the two settings to understand the differences before
+             establishing your first real <application>GnuCash</application> file.
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+          <tip>
+            <para>Moving from Quicken: For users that are switching from other
+             personal accounting applications, such as Quicken, selecting this
+             option may be more consistent with the numbering approach used
+             there and can preserve the numbering of historical data brought
+             over; this option should be set before performing the initial
+             import.
+            </para>
+          </tip>
+          <warning>
+            <para>Changing this option for an existing <application>GnuCash
+             </application> file: If you change this option for an existing
+             file, historical data will not be changed. This means that if you
+             set the option one way, enter (or import) transactions, then change
+             the option and enter (or import) additional transactions and switch
+             back-and-forth, you will end up with a file that will appear to
+             have inconsistent treatment of numbers in registers, reports and
+             exports. This is because the setting of this option at the time of
+             data entry/import determines where the number data is stored and
+             the setting at the time of data display/reporting/exporting
+             determines which field is displayed as number.
+            </para>
+            <para>There is no reason to avoid changing this option for an
+             existing <application>GnuCash</application> file if you understand
+             the implications. If you elect to make this change, it should
+             probably be done between accounting periods with the understanding
+             that number data prior to the date the option is changed will be
+             displayed/reported/exported differently from that after the date.
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+          <warning>
+            <para>If you change this option, and press <guibutton>Apply
+             </guibutton> or <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, open registers and
+             labels on query and sorting dialogs will be refreshed to reflect
+             the new option immediately. But open reports need to be
+             individually reloaded by the user to have the change reflected on
+             the report.
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+          <warning>
+            <para>This option is only available in <application>GnuCash
+             </application> version 2.6 or later. If a <application>GnuCash
+             </application> file from an earlier version is opened in version
+             2.6 or later, and this feature is not used, this feature will not
+             prevent the file from being opened in the earlier version of
+             <application>GnuCash</application>. However, if the option is set,
+             the file will not be able to be opened by the earlier version, even
+             if the option is set back to its original setting. A warning dialog
+             will be displayed from the earlier version. Do not set this option
+             if you want to open the file with an earlier version.
+            </para>
+          </warning>
+        </sect3>
+     </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="budgeting-book-options">
+        <title>Budgeting Book Options Tab</title>
+        <para>The <guilabel>Budgeting</guilabel> tab allows you to specify the
+         budget to be used for reports when none has otherwise been specified.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="business-book-options">
+        <title>Business Book Options Tab</title>
+        <para>The <guilabel>Business</guilabel> tab allows you to enter values
+        that are in turn used by the business features of <application>GnuCash</application>:</para>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Company Name</term>
+          <listitem><para>The name of the company.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Company Contact Person</term>
+          <listitem><para>The name of the contact person to print on invoices.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Company Phone, Fax, Email Address</term>
+          <listitem><para>The references of your business.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Company Website URL</term>
+          <listitem><para>The internet address of the company’s website.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Company ID</term>
+          <listitem><para>The tax ID of your company.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Default Customer TaxTable</term>
+          <listitem><para>The default taxtable applicable to your most common customers.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Default Vendor TaxTable</term>
+          <listitem><para>The default taxtable applicable to your most common vendors.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Fancy Date Format</term>
+          <listitem><para>The default date format used for fancy printed dates 
+          (e.g. on invoices).</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term><guibutton>Reset Defaults</guibutton></term>
+          <listitem><para>Press the button to reset all values to their defaults.</para></listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+	<note>
+	  <para>None of the above values is required to use <application>GnuCash</application>
+          but, if given, will be used throughout the program. (f.e. in reports, invoices etc...)</para>
+        </note>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="counters-book-options">
+        <title>Counters Book Options Tab</title>
+        <para>The <guilabel>Counters</guilabel> tab allows you to set the
+         'previous' value for each number indicated: Bill, Customer, Employee,
+         etc. These counters are used by the <xref linkend="chapter_busnss"/> of
+         <application>GnuCash</application>.</para>
+        <para>The number entered here will be incremented when the various
+         business features calculate a value for a corresponding field on a
+         dialog. For example, if you leave the Customer Number field blank on
+         the New Customer dialog, the customer will be assigned the number in
+         the counter field plus 1. The numbers displayed in the tab are
+         incremented as these business features are used. (But note that if you
+         have the <guilabel>Book Options</guilabel> dialog open, you need to
+         close it and re-open it to see the changes; the displayed field values
+         are not automatically refreshed.)</para>
+        <para>The corresponding format fields are
+         used to specify printf-style format strings that are used to format the
+         printing of the number. For example, to put the literal "C - " in front
+         of the customer number, you would put "C - %li" (without the quotes) in
+         the customer format string field.
+         If the value in the customer number field was 5, the next customer added
+         would be assigned the number "C - 6". As another example, if you wanted
+         the number to be printed with leading zeros and 5 characters wide, you
+         would enter "C - %05li" and the next customer number would be assigned
+         the number "C - 00006".</para>
+        <note><para>For historical reasons <application>GnuCash</application> accepts multiple format specifiers
+        although they all yield the same end result. You can choose "li", "lli" or I64i".</para>
+        </note>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="change-style">
+      <title>Modificare i fogli di stile</title>
+      <para><application>&app;</application> fornisce quattro tipi predefiniti di fogli di stile per le pagine web dei resoconti. Questi fogli di stile possono essere modificati utilizzando l’editor <acronym>HTML</acronym>. Per accedervi, selezionare <menuchoice><guimenu>Modifica</guimenu><guimenuitem>Fogli di stile...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+      <para>Utilizzando l’editor dei fogli di stile è possibile visualizzare e modificare le impostazioni di un foglio di stile.</para>
+      <note><para>Cambiando il foglio di stile, verrà modificato l’aspetto di tutti i resoconti a cui il foglio di stile è associato. È necessario eseguire il comando <guilabel>Aggiorna</guilabel> per visualizzare i cambiamenti, se il o i resoconti sono visualizzati al momento della modifica.</para></note>
+      <para>Per aggiungere un nuovo foglio di stile, selezionare il pulsante <guibutton>Nuovo...</guibutton> nel riquadro del foglio di stile; verrà visualizzata la finestra per il <guilabel>Nuovo foglio di stile</guilabel>. Immettere il <guilabel>Nome</guilabel> e selezionare un modello. Per rimuovere un foglio di stile, selezionarlo dalla lista e premere <guibutton>Elimina</guibutton>.</para>
+      <sect2 id="style-default">
+        <title>Foglio di stile predefinito</title>
+        <para>Il foglio di stile <guilabel>Predefinito</guilabel> presenta quattro schede per modificarne l’aspetto nei resoconti che lo utilizzano: <guilabel>Colori</guilabel>, <guilabel>Caratteri</guilabel>, <guilabel>Generali</guilabel> e <guilabel>Tabelle</guilabel>.</para>
+        <sect3 id="style-def-color">
+          <title>Scheda Colori</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore alternativo delle celle:</guilabel> il colore da alternare sulle righe della tabella.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-def-fonts">
+          <title>Scheda Stili</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Titolo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per i titoli.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Collegamento al conto:</guilabel> il carattere e la dimensione per il collegamento al conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella numerica:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione dei numeri per le celle numeriche.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Valori negativi in rosso:</guilabel> se attivata, i valori negativi saranno visualizzati in rosso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella di testo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per le celle di testo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per le celle del totale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella dell’etichetta del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per la cella di intestazione dei totali.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella con etichetta centrata:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo delle celle con l’etichetta centrale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-def-general">
+          <title>Scheda <guilabel>Generali</guilabel></title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore dello sfondo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore di colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Immagine di sfondo:</guilabel> usare il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton> per selezionare un’immagine da utilizzare come sfondo nei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Abilita collegamenti:</guilabel> se attivata, verranno visualizzati in blu i collegamenti ipertestuali nei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-def-tables">
+          <title>Scheda <guilabel>Tabelle</guilabel></title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Spaziatura tra le celle:</guilabel> permette di specificare lo spazio tra le celle</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Imbottitura della cella:</guilabel> specifica lo spazio tra i bordi della cella e il suo contenuto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Larghezza del bordo della tabella:</guilabel> permette di impostare la larghezza dei bordi delle tabelle.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="style-easy">
+        <title>Foglio di stile Semplice</title>
+        <para>Il foglio di stile <guilabel>Semplice</guilabel> presenta quattro schede per modificare l’aspetto dei resoconti: colori, generali, immagini e tabelle.</para>
+        <sect3 id="style-easy-colors">
+          <title>Colori</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore dello sfondo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore di colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo della cella:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del collegamento:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore alternativo delle celle:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sottotitolo e del subtotale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sotto-sottotitolo e del totale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella della somma complessiva:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per scegliere il colore da assegnare alle righe della somma complessiva.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-easy-fonts">
+          <title>Stili</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Titolo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per i titoli.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Collegamento al conto:</guilabel> il carattere e la dimensione per il collegamento al conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella numerica:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione dei numeri per le celle numeriche.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Valori negativi in rosso:</guilabel> se attivata, i valori negativi saranno visualizzati in rosso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per l’intestazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella di testo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per le celle di testo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per le celle del totale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella dell’etichetta del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per la cella di intestazione dei totali.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella con etichetta centrata:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo delle celle con l’etichetta centrale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-easy-general">
+          <title>Generali</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Redattore:</guilabel> Nome della persona che ha preparato il resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Preparato per:</guilabel> Nome della società od organizzazione per cui il resoconto è stato preparato.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza informazioni sul redattore:</guilabel> mostra le informazioni sul redattore nel resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Abilita collegamenti:</guilabel> se attivata, verranno visualizzati in blu i collegamenti ipertestuali nei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-easy-images">
+          <title>Immagini</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Immagine di sfondo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come sfondo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Striscione di intestazione:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come intestazione nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Allineamento dell’intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare dalla lista a discesa un valore tra sinistra, centro e destra per specificare la posizione dello striscione superiore del o dei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Logo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come logo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-easy-tables">
+          <title>Tabelle</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Spaziatura tra le celle:</guilabel> permette di specificare lo spazio tra le celle</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Imbottitura della cella:</guilabel> specifica lo spazio tra i bordi della cella e il suo contenuto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Larghezza del bordo della tabella:</guilabel> permette di impostare la larghezza dei bordi delle tabelle.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="style-footer">
+        <title>Fogli di stile Piè di pagina</title>
+        <para>Il foglio di stile <guilabel>Piè di pagina</guilabel> presenta le stesse cinque schede dello stile <guilabel>Easy</guilabel> per modificare l’aspetto dei resoconti: <guilabel>Colori</guilabel>, <guilabel>Stili</guilabel>, <guilabel>Generali</guilabel>, <guilabel>Immagini</guilabel> e <guilabel>Tabelle</guilabel>.</para>
+        <sect3 id="style-footer-colors">
+          <title>Colori</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore dello sfondo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore di colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo della cella:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del collegamento:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore alternativo delle celle:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sottotitolo e del subtotale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sotto-sottotitolo e del totale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella della somma complessiva:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per scegliere il colore da assegnare alle righe della somma complessiva.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-footer-fonts">
+          <title>Stili</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Titolo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per i titoli.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Collegamento al conto:</guilabel> il carattere e la dimensione per il collegamento al conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella numerica:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione dei numeri per le celle numeriche.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Valori negativi in rosso:</guilabel> se attivata, i valori negativi saranno visualizzati in rosso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per l’intestazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella di testo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per le celle di testo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per le celle del totale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella dell’etichetta del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per la cella di intestazione dei totali.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella con etichetta centrata:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo delle celle con l’etichetta centrale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-footer-general">
+          <title>Generali</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Redattore:</guilabel> Nome della persona che ha preparato il resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Preparato per:</guilabel> Nome della società od organizzazione per cui il resoconto è stato preparato.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza informazioni sul redattore:</guilabel> mostra le informazioni sul redattore nel resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Abilita collegamenti:</guilabel> se attivata, verranno visualizzati in blu i collegamenti ipertestuali nei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Piè di pagina:</guilabel> il testo da inserire a piè pagina del resocoto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-footer-images">
+          <title>Immagini</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Immagine di sfondo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come sfondo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Striscione di intestazione:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come intestazione nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Allineamento dell’intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare dalla lista a discesa un valore tra sinistra, centro e destra per specificare la posizione dello striscione superiore del o dei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Logo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come logo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-footer-tables">
+          <title>Tabelle</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Spaziatura tra le celle:</guilabel> permette di specificare lo spazio tra le celle</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Imbottitura della cella:</guilabel> specifica lo spazio tra i bordi della cella e il suo contenuto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Larghezza del bordo della tabella:</guilabel> permette di impostare la larghezza dei bordi delle tabelle.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="style-technicolor">
+        <title>Foglio di stile Technicolor</title>
+        <para>Il foglio di stile <guilabel>Technicolor</guilabel> fornisce cinque schede per modificare l’aspetto dei resoconti: <guilabel>Colori</guilabel>, <guilabel>Stili</guilabel>, <guilabel>Generali</guilabel>, <guilabel>Immagini</guilabel> e <guilabel>Tabelle</guilabel>.</para>
+        <sect3 id="style-tech-colors">
+          <title>Colori</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore dello sfondo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore di colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del testo della cella:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore del collegamento:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore alternativo delle celle:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sottotitolo e del subtotale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella del sotto-sottotitolo e del totale:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per sceglierne uno nuovo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Colore della cella della somma complessiva:</guilabel> apre il selezionatore del colore per scegliere il colore da assegnare alle righe della somma complessiva.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-tech-fonts">
+          <title>Stili</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Titolo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per i titoli.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Collegamento al conto:</guilabel> il carattere e la dimensione per il collegamento al conto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella numerica:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione dei numeri per le celle numeriche.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Valori negativi in rosso:</guilabel> se attivata, i valori negativi saranno visualizzati in rosso.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per l’intestazione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella di testo:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per le celle di testo.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione per le celle del totale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella dell’etichetta del totale:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo per la cella di intestazione dei totali.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Cella con etichetta centrata:</guilabel> selezionare il carattere e la dimensione del testo delle celle con l’etichetta centrale.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-tech-general">
+          <title>Generali</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Redattore:</guilabel> Nome della persona che ha preparato il resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Preparato per:</guilabel> Nome della società od organizzazione per cui il resoconto è stato preparato.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Visualizza informazioni sul redattore:</guilabel> mostra le informazioni sul redattore nel resoconto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Abilita collegamenti:</guilabel> se attivata, verranno visualizzati in blu i collegamenti ipertestuali nei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-tech-images">
+          <title>Immagini</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Immagine di sfondo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come sfondo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Striscione di intestazione:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come intestazione nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Allineamento dell’intestazione:</guilabel> selezionare dalla lista a discesa un valore tra sinistra, centro e destra per specificare la posizione dello striscione superiore del o dei resoconti.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Logo:</guilabel> permette di ricercare una immagine da utilizzare come logo nei resoconti utilizzando il pulsante <guibutton>Sfoglia</guibutton>. Il pulsante <guibutton>Pulisci</guibutton> annulla la selezione.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3 id="style-tech-tables">
+          <title>Tabelle</title>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Spaziatura tra le celle:</guilabel> permette di specificare lo spazio tra le celle</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Imbottitura della cella:</guilabel> specifica lo spazio tra i bordi della cella e il suo contenuto.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para><guilabel>Larghezza del bordo della tabella:</guilabel> permette di impostare la larghezza dei bordi delle tabelle.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="set-tax-options">
+      <title>Impostare le opzioni per i resoconti delle tasse</title>
+      <para>The Income Tax Information dialog is used to set Tax Report Options. 
+       The settings on accounts in this dialog are used by the <acronym>TXF</acronym> Export function
+       in reports to select the accounts for export. To access this dialog go to 
+       <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Tax Report Options</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
+      <para>If the Income Tax features are used, it is strongly recommended that 
+       the <guilabel>Tax Info</guilabel> column be made visible on the accounts tab (click large 
+       downward-pointing arrow and select <guilabel>Tax Info</guilabel> check box). The <guilabel>Tax Info</guilabel> 
+       column will display the Form/Schedule and tax category (e.g., <guilabel>Schedule D 
+       Dividend, cap gain distrib.</guilabel>) assigned to an account, if any. Alternatively, 
+       it will display the following error messages which can be corrected through  
+       <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Tax Report Options</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Relativo alle tasse ma non ha un codice</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Entità e tipo dell’imposta non specificati</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Tax type "tax_type": invalid code "code" for account type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Not tax-related; tax type "tax_type": invalid code "code" for 
+           account type</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Codice imposta "codice" non valido per il tipo di imposta "tipo_imposta"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Not tax-related; invalid code "code" for tax type "tax_type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>No form: code "code", tax type "tax_type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Not tax-related; no form: code "code", tax type "tax_type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>No description: form "form", code "code", tax type "tax_type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Not tax-related; no description: form "form", code "code", tax 
+           type "tax_type"</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Not tax-related; "form"("copy") "desc" (code "code", tax type 
+           "tax_type")</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>The Income Tax Identity must be set in order to assign codes to 
+       individual accounts. Click <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> to set the identity. The Tax Name is 
+       optional. If entered, it will be printed at the top of the report. A 
+       <guilabel>Type</guilabel> must be selected in order to activate the tax category
+       selections. The choices are:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Individual, Joint, etc. - Files US Form 1040 Tax Return </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Partnership - Files US Form 1065 Tax Return</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Corporation - Files US Form 1120 Tax Return</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>S Corporation - Files US Form 1120S Tax Return</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>None - No Income Tax Options Provided</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>While the Income Tax Entity Type can be changed after tax categories 
+       have been assigned to accounts, you should be cautioned that you will need 
+       to manually change each one if you do so, which could be quite tedious. 
+       The tax categories are unique for each Income Tax Entity Type, so changing 
+       the type will make all previously assigned categories invalid. It is assumed 
+       (and highly recommended) that each <application>GnuCash</application> file is for only one tax entity
+       and this is where you specify its type of tax entity. You should not keep, 
+       for example, personal and partnership accounts mixed in one <application>GnuCash</application> file 
+       if you plan to use the Income Tax Reporting features.</para>
+      <para>A given <acronym>TXF</acronym> code can be assigned to multiple accounts. The Tax Schedule 
+       Report will combine accounts by code and generate a detailed <acronym>TXF</acronym> record for 
+       each account and a summary <acronym>TXF</acronym> record for the total as calculated by the 
+       report.</para>
+      <para>For codes for which the "Payer Name Source" is not grayed, the payer 
+       on the <acronym>TXF</acronym> record will be based on what is specified here, either the 
+       account name of the account or the account name of the account’s parent 
+       account. This feature is typically used for interest accounts or stocks or 
+       mutual funds that pay dividends where the individual payees are shown on
+       the tax schedule. For example, if the parent account’s name is the name of 
+       your broker and the sub-account’s names are the names of individual stocks 
+       that pay dividends and the name on the 1099-DIV received is that of the 
+       broker, in order to match that name, you would select ’Parent Account’; 
+       the total dividends from the broker would be exported and, if you had 
+       several brokers, there would be an amount exported and a subtotal for each 
+       broker, along with each brokers name. Alternatively, if you had a parent 
+       account named <emphasis>Directly Held</emphasis>, for example, and below it sub-accounts for 
+       one or more stocks, you would receive a 1099-DIV from the issuer of each 
+       stock separately and, in order to match that name, you would select 
+       <guilabel>Current Account</guilabel>; the total dividends from each stock would be exported 
+       and, if you had several stocks, there would be an amount exported and a 
+       subtotal for each stock, along with each stock’s name as the payer.</para>
+      <para>Some tax Forms/Schedules need to have multiple copies filed under
+       some circumstances (for example, Schedule C if a taxpayer and spouse have 
+       separate businesses). For tax categories on these Forms/Schedules, the 
+       <guilabel>Copy Number</guilabel> is not grayed out and can be used to segregate accounts by 
+       copy number.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Accounts: This pane contains the list of accounts. Select an 
+           account to set a <acronym>TXF</acronym> category. If no account is selected nothing is 
+           changed. If multiple accounts are selected, all of the accounts will 
+           be set to the selected item. </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Tax Related: Select this check-box to add tax information to an 
+           account then select the <acronym>TXF</acronym> Category below. This setting is displayed 
+           on the account edit dialogue but cannot be changed from there.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>TXF Categories: Select the desired one. A detailed description 
+           appears just below (if available, otherwise it says <guilabel>No help 
+           available</guilabel>), along with the <acronym>TXF</acronym> code for the category and information 
+           about what line number on the form or schedule the amounts are 
+           included in by tax year (used for detailed sort on report).</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Payer Name Source: Select an option to determine where the text 
+           description that is exported along with the value of the account is 
+           derived from, as described above. This is usually the name of a bank, 
+           stock, or mutual fund that pays dividends or interest. Occasionally, 
+           it is a description of a deduction.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Copy Number: A copy number that is exported along with the value
+           of the account. This is used to segregate amounts between different 
+           copies of the same Form/Schedule that may need to be filed (e.g., 
+           Schedule C(1), Schedule C(2), etc.). This is also used to sort the 
+           report.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <sect2 id="txf-probs">
+        <title>TXF Export - Known Anomalies and Limitations</title>
+        <para>TaxCut 1999 </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N488 "^ Sched B \ Div. income, cap gain distrib."</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N286 "^ Sched B \ Dividend income"</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>These two codes, from the same payer, are not correlated. The user will have to
+         adjust for this after import. </para>
+        <para>TaxCut 1999, 2000 </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N521 " F1040 \ Federal estimated tax, quarterly"</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Does not accept the date field and does not import the individual 
+         payment amounts, only the total. The date and individual payment amounts, 
+         only matter if you have to compute the penalty. (this may be a TurboTax 
+         enhancement) </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N460 " W-2 \ Salary or wages, self"</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N506 " W-2 \ Salary or wages, spouse" </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>and other related codes.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Use Copy Number to separate information from more than one job. </para>
+        <para>TurboTax 1999, 2000 </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N521 " F1040 \ Federal estimated tax, quarterly"</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Does not accept the dates outside of the tax year. This is a problem 
+         for the last payment that is due Jan 15. <application>GnuCash</application> changes the the date of 
+         the last payment to Dec 31 for the export unless the "Do not use special 
+         date processing" option is selected in the report options display tab. 
+         The user will have to adjust for this after import. The date only 
+         matters if you have to compute the penalty. </para>
+        <para>TXF Tax eXport Format </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Duplicate Codes</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Codes can be assigned to multiple accounts and the amounts will be 
+         summed for all the accounts generating one detail <acronym>TXF</acronym> record per account 
+         and one summary <acronym>TXF</acronym> record for the sum. Codes that let you select "Payer 
+         Name Source" will generate a separate summary <acronym>TXF</acronym> account with each 
+         change in payer. Selecting the "Print <acronym>TXF</acronym> export parameters" option will 
+         cause the report to show to which codes this applies (Payer Name Source 
+         option Y) and, for the accounts assigned to those codes, the Name Source
+         each account is set to and the <acronym>TXF</acronym> item number that will be assigned to 
+         each. A summary <acronym>TXF</acronym> record will be generated for each change in assigned 
+         item line number. These may not be handled the same by TaxCut and 
+         TurboTax.</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Code: N673 "Short/Long gain or loss"</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Short term or long term gain or loss from the sale of a security; 
+         generates <acronym>TXF</acronym> output for only the date sold and sales amount, with the 
+         date acquired and cost basis information left blank (to be separately 
+         added in the tax software). The code can be assigned to either a short-,
+         long-, or mixed-term gain/loss income account and the security sales 
+         transaction should be entered as illustrated in Section 8.7, Selling 
+         Shares, of the <application>GnuCash</application> Tutorial and Concepts Guide. The report uses the 
+         transaction split of the gain/loss account to find one or more other 
+         splits in the same transaction with negative share quantities. For each 
+         of these found, it generates a detailed <acronym>TXF</acronym> output record with the 
+         quantity sold, the name of the security, the date sold, and the sales 
+         amount. Note that if, for a given transaction, more than one transaction 
+         split is to a gain/loss income account assigned to code 673, <acronym>TXF</acronym> output 
+         data will be erroneously repeated. That is because the report will 
+         fetch the same data, and re-output it, for each transaction split set 
+         to a gain/loss income account within the same transaction. For this 
+         reason, there should be no more than one gain/loss account entered per
+         transaction to use this tax reporting code properly. (Note that 
+         no amounts are used from <application>GnuCash</application>’s lot-tracking; a future enhancement 
+         is expected to use this data to provide capital gain reporting).</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="txf-defs">
+        <title>Detailed <acronym>TXF</acronym> Category Descriptions</title>
+        <para>Table 32. Detailed <acronym>TXF</acronym> Category Descriptions</para>
+	<para>
+<!-- Translators: You will probably have your own codes.
+     Look for similar files as the source at the end of this file,
+     but in the directory with your country code.
+     Your tax authorities might also use a format different from TXF. -->
+<title>Detailed <acronym>TXF</acronym> Category Descriptions</title>
+<tgroup cols="2">
+<entry><para><emphasis>Tax Form \</emphasis> <acronym>TXF</acronym> Code</para><para>Descrizione</para></entry>
+<entry>Messaggi <acronym>TXF</acronym> di aiuto estesi</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< help \ </emphasis>H001</para><para>Name of Current account is exported.</para></entry>
+<entry>Categories marked with a <quote><</quote> or a <quote>^</quote>, require a Payer identification to be exported.  <quote><</quote> indicates that the name of this account is exported as this Payer ID.  Typically, this is a bank, stock, or mutual fund name.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ help \ </emphasis>H002</para><para>Name of Parent account is exported.</para></entry>
+<entry>Categories marked with a <quote><</quote> or a <quote>^</quote>, require a Payer identification to be exported.  <quote>^</quote> indicates that the name of the PARENT of this account is exported as this Payer ID.  Typically, this is a bank, stock, or mutual fund name.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># help \ </emphasis>H003</para><para>Non ancora implementato, NON usare!</para></entry>
+<entry>Categories marked with a <quote>#</quote> not fully implemented yet!  Do not use these codes!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  none \ </emphasis>N000</para><para>Tax Report Only - No <acronym>TXF</acronym> Export</para></entry>
+<entry>This is a dummy category and only shows up on the tax report, but is not exported.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F1040 \ </emphasis>H256</para><para>Form 1040 - the main tax form</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 1040 is the main form of your tax return.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N261</para><para>Alimony received</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts received as alimony or separate maintenance.  Note: child support is not considered alimony.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N257</para><para>Other income, misc.</para></entry>
+<entry>Miscellaneous income such as: a hobby or a farm you operate mostly for recreation and pleasure, jury duty pay. Exclude self employment income, gambling winnings, prizes and awards.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N258</para><para>Sick pay or disability pay</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you receive from your employer while you are sick or injured are part of your salary or wages. Exclude workers’ compensation, accident or health insurance policy benefits, if you paid the premiums.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N260</para><para>State and local tax refunds</para></entry>
+<entry>Refund of state or local income tax refund (or credit or offset) which you deducted or took a credit for in an earlier year. You should receive a statement, Form 1099-G. Not reportable if you didn’t itemize last year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N262</para><para>IRA contribution, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Contribution to a qualified IRA.  If you or your spouse are covered by a company retirement plan, this amount could be limited or eliminated.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N263</para><para>Keogh deduction, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions to a Keogh or HR 10 plan of a sole proprietor or a partnership.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N264</para><para>Alimony paid</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts payed as alimony or separate maintenance.  Note: child support is not considered alimony.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< F1040 \ </emphasis>N265</para><para>Early withdrawal penalty</para></entry>
+<entry>Penalty on Early Withdrawal of Savings from CD’s or similar instruments. This is reported on Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-OID.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N266</para><para>Social Security income, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The part of any monthly benefit under title II of the Social Security Act. These will be reported on Form SSA-1099.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N269</para><para>Taxable fringe benefits</para></entry>
+<entry>Fringe benefits you receive in connection with the performance of your services are included in your gross income as compensation. Examples: Accident or Health Plan, Educational Assistance, Group-Term Life Insurance, Transportation (company car).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N481</para><para>IRA contribution, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Contribution of a working spouse to a qualified IRA. If you or your spouse are covered by a company retirement plan, the deductible contribution could be limited or eliminated.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N482</para><para>IRA contrib., non-work spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>IRA contribution for a non-working spouse.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N483</para><para>Social Security inc., spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Spouse’s part of any monthly benefit under title II of the Social Security Act. These will be reported on Form SSA-1099.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N516</para><para>Keogh deduction, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Spouse Contributions to a Keogh or HR 10 plan of a sole proprietor or a partnership.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N517</para><para>SEP-IRA deduction, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions made to a simplified employee pension plan (SEP-IRA).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N518</para><para>SEP-IRA deduction, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Spouse contributions made to a simplified employee pension plan (SEP-IRA).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N519</para><para>RR retirement income, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The part of tier I railroad retirement benefits, which are treated as a social security benefits. These will be reported on Form RRB-1099.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N520</para><para>RR retirement inc., spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Spouse’s part of tier I railroad retirement benefits, which are treated as a social security benefits. These will be reported on Form RRB-1099.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N521</para><para>Federal estimated tax, quarterly</para></entry>
+<entry>The quarterly payments you made on your estimated Federal income tax (Form 1040-ES). Include any overpay from your previous year return that you applied to your estimated tax. NOTE: If a full year (Jan 1, YEAR to Dec 31, YEAR) is specified, <application>&app;</application> adjusts the date to Mar 1, YEAR to Feb 28, YEAR+1. Thus, the payment due Jan 15 is exported for the correct year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N607</para><para>Medical savings contribution, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions made to your medical savings account that were not reported on your Form W-2.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N608</para><para>Medical savings contribution, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions made to your spouse’s medical savings account that were not reported on their Form W-2.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N609</para><para>SIMPLE contribution, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions made to your SIMPLE retirement plan that were not reported on your Form W-2.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N610</para><para>SIMPLE contribution, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions made to your spouse’s SIMPLE retirement plan that were not reported on your spouse’s Form W-2.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N611</para><para>Fed tax withheld, Social Security, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your part of any monthly benefit under title II of the Social Security Act.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N612</para><para>Fed tax withheld, Social Security, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your spouse’s part of any monthly benefit under title II of the Social Security Act.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N613</para><para>Fed tax withheld, RR retire, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your part of tier I railroad retirement benefits, which are treated as a social security benefits.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N614</para><para>Fed tax withheld, RR retire, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your spouse’s part of tier I railroad retirement benefits, which are treated as a social security benefits.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1040 \ </emphasis>N636</para><para>Student loan interest</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of interest you paid this year on qualified student loans.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F1099-G \ </emphasis>H634</para><para>Form 1099-G - certain Government payments</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 1099-G is used to report certain government payments from federal, state, or local governments.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-G \ </emphasis>N260</para><para>State and local tax refunds</para></entry>
+<entry>Refund of state or local income tax refund (or credit or offset) which you deducted or took a credit for in an earlier year. You should receive a statement, Form 1099-G. Not reportable if you didn’t itemize last year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-G \ </emphasis>N479</para><para>Unemployment compensation</para></entry>
+<entry>Total unemployment compensation paid to you this year. Reported on Form 1099-G.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-G \ </emphasis>N605</para><para>Unemployment comp repaid</para></entry>
+<entry>If you received an overpayment of unemployment compensation this year or last and you repaid any of it this year, subtract the amount you repaid from the total amount you received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-G \ </emphasis>N606</para><para>Fed tax withheld, unemployment comp</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your unemployment compensation.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-G \ </emphasis>N672</para><para>Qualified state tuition earnings</para></entry>
+<entry>Qualified state tuition program earnings you received this year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>H553</para><para>Form 1099-MISC - MISCellaneous income</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 1099-MISC is used to report miscellaneous income received and direct sales of consumer goods for resale.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N259</para><para>Prizes and awards</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of prizes and awards that are not for services performed. Included is the fair market value of merchandise won on game shows.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N557</para><para>Other income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of prizes and awards that are not for services performed. Included is the fair market value of merchandise won on game shows. Included is all punitive damages, any damages for nonphysical injuries or sickness, and any other taxable damages, Deceased employee’s wages paid to estate or beneficiary.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N555</para><para>Rents</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts received for all types of rents, such as real estate rentals for office space, machine rentals, and pasture rentals.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N556</para><para>Royalties</para></entry>
+<entry>The gross royalty payments received from a publisher or literary agent.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N558</para><para>Federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income tax withheld (backup withholding) from 1099-MISC income.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N559</para><para>Fishing boat proceeds</para></entry>
+<entry>Your share of all proceeds from the sale of a catch or the fair market value of a distribution in kind that you received as a crew member of a fishing boat.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N560</para><para>Medical/health payments</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of payments received as a physician or other supplier or provider of medical or health care services. This includes payments made by medical and health care insurers under health, accident, and sickness insurance programs.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N561</para><para>Non employee compensation</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of non-employee compensation received. This includes fees, commissions, prizes and awards for services performed, other forms of compensation for services you performed for a trade or business by which you are not employed.  Also include oil and gas payments for a working interest.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N562</para><para>Crop insurance proceeds</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of crop insurance proceeds as the result of crop damage.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-MISC \ </emphasis>N563</para><para>State tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state income tax withheld (state backup withholding) from 1099-MISC income.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F1099=MSA \ </emphasis>H629</para><para>Form 1099-MSA Medical Savings Account</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 1099-MSA is used to report medical savings account distributions.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-MSA \ </emphasis>N631</para><para>MSA gross distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount you received this year from a Medical Savings Account. The amount may have been a direct payment to the medical service provider or distributed to you.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F1099-MSA \ </emphasis>N632</para><para>MSA earnings on excess contrib</para></entry>
+<entry>The earnings on any excess contributions you withdrew from an MSA by the due date of your income tax return. If you withdrew the excess, plus any earnings, by the due date of your income tax return, you must include the earnings in your income in the year you received the distribution even if you used it to pay qualified medical expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F1099-R \ </emphasis>H473</para><para>Form 1099-R - Retirement distributions</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 1099-R is used to report taxable and non-taxable retirement distributions from retirement, pension, profit-sharing, or annuity plans. Use a separate Form 1099-R for each payer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N475</para><para>Total pension gross distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The gross amount of a distribution from a qualified pension or annuity plan. Note: IRA distributions are not included here.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N476</para><para>Total pension taxable distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The taxable amount of a distribution from a qualified pension or annuity plan. Note: IRA distributions are not included here.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N477</para><para>Total IRA gross distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The gross amount of a distribution from a qualified Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) plan.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N478</para><para>Total IRA taxable distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The taxable amount of a distribution from a qualified Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) plan.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N529</para><para>Pension federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your pension distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N530</para><para>Pension state tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state income taxes withheld from your pension distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N531</para><para>Pension local tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of local income taxes withheld from your pension distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N532</para><para>IRA federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your IRA distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N533</para><para>IRA state tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state income taxes withheld from your IRA distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N534</para><para>IRA local tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of local income taxes withheld from your IRA distribution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N623</para><para>SIMPLE total gross distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The gross amount of a distribution received from a qualified SIMPLE pension plan.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N624</para><para>SIMPLE total taxable distribution</para></entry>
+<entry>The taxable amount of a distribution received from a qualified SIMPLE plan. This amount may be subject to a federal penalty of up to 25%.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N625</para><para>SIMPLE federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from a SIMPLE distribution received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N626</para><para>SIMPLE state tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state income taxes withheld from a SIMPLE distribution received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ F1099-R \ </emphasis>N627</para><para>SIMPLE local tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of local income taxes withheld from a SIMPLE distribution received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F2106 \ </emphasis>H380</para><para>employee business expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 2106 is used to deduct employee business expenses. You must file this form if you were reimbursed by your employer or claim job-related travel, transportation, meal, or entertainment expenses. Use a separate Form 2106 for your spouse’s expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N381</para><para>Education expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Cost of tuition, books, supplies, laboratory fees, and similar items, and certain transportation costs if the education maintains or improves skills required in your present work or is required by your employer or the law to keep your salary, status, or job, and the requirement serves a business purpose of your employer. Expenses are not deductible if they are needed to meet the minimum educational requirements to qualify you in your work or business or will lead to qualifying you in a new trade or business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N382</para><para>Automobile expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Total annual expenses for gasoline, oil, repairs, insurance, tires, license plates, or similar items.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N384</para><para>Local transportation expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Local transportation expenses are the expenses of getting from one workplace to another when you are not traveling away from home. They include the cost of transportation by air, rail, bus, taxi, and the cost of using your car. Generally, the cost of commuting to and from your regular place of work is not deductible.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N385</para><para>Other business expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Other job-related expenses, including expenses for business gifts, trade publications, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N386</para><para>Meal/entertainment expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Allowable meals and entertainment expense, including meals while away from your tax home overnight and other business meals and entertainment.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N387</para><para>Reimb. business expenses (non-meal/ent.)</para></entry>
+<entry>Reimbursement for business expenses from your employer that is NOT included on your Form W-2. Note: meals and entertainment are NOT included here.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N388</para><para>Reimb. meal/entertainment expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Reimbursement for meal and entertainment expenses from your employer that is NOT included on your Form W-2.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N389</para><para>Job seeking expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Fees to employment agencies and other costs to look for a new job in your present occupation, even if you do not get a new job.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N390</para><para>Special clothing expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>cost and upkeep of work clothes, if you must wear them as a condition of your employment, and the clothes are not suitable for everyday wear. Include the cost of protective clothing required in your work, such as safety shoes or boots, safety glasses, hard hats, and work gloves.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N391</para><para>Employee home office expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Your use of the business part of your home must be: exclusive, regular, for your trade or business, AND The business part of your home must be one of the following: your principal place of business, a place where you meet or deal with patients, clients, or customers in the normal course of your trade or business, or a separate structure (not attached to your home) you use in connection with your trade or business. Additionally, Your business use must be for the convenience of your employer, and You do not rent all or part of your home to your employer and use the rented portion to perform services as an employee. See IRS Pub 587.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F2106 \ </emphasis>N383</para><para>Travel (away from home)</para></entry>
+<entry>Travel expenses are those incurred while traveling away from home for your employer. The cost of getting to and from your business destination (air, rail, bus, car, etc.), taxi fares, baggage charges, and cleaning and laundry expenses. Note: meal and entertainment expenses are not included here.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F4137 \ </emphasis>H503</para><para>Form 4137 - tips not reported</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 4137 is used to compute social security and Medicare tax owed on tips you did not report to your employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4137 \ </emphasis>N505</para><para>Total cash/tips not reported to employer</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of tips you did not report to your employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F2441 \ </emphasis>H400</para><para>Form 2441 - child and dependent credit</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 2441 is used to claim a credit for child and dependent care expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< F2441 \ </emphasis>N401</para><para>Qualifying child/dependent care expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount you actually paid to the care provider. Also, include amounts your employer paid to a third party on your behalf.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< F2441 \ </emphasis>N402</para><para>Qualifying household expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of services needed to care for the qualifying person as well as to run the home.  They include the services of a babysitter, cleaning person, cook, maid, or housekeeper if the services were partly for the care of the qualifying person.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F3903 \ </emphasis>H403</para><para>Form 3903 - moving expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 3903 is used to claim moving expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F3903 \ </emphasis>N406</para><para>Transport/storage of goods</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount you paid to pack, crate and move your household goods and personal effects.  You may include the cost to store and insure household goods and personal effects within any period of 30 days in a row after the items were moved from your old home.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F3903 \ </emphasis>N407</para><para>Travel/lodging, except meals</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount you paid to travel from your old home to your new home. This includes transportation and lodging on the way. Although not all members of your household must travel together, you may only include expenses for one trip per person. Do not include meals.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F4684 \ </emphasis>H412</para><para>Form 4684 - casualties and thefts</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 4684 is used to report gains and losses from casualties and thefts.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4684 \ </emphasis>N416</para><para>FMV after casualty</para></entry>
+<entry>The fair market value (FMV) is the price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and seller, each having knowledge of the relevant facts. The FMV after a theft is zero if the property is not recovered. The FMV is generally determined by competent appraisal.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4684 \ </emphasis>N413</para><para>Basis of casualty property</para></entry>
+<entry>Cost or other basis usually means original cost plus improvements. Subtract any postponed gain from the sale of a previous main home. Special rules apply to property received as a gift or inheritance. See Pub  551, Basis of Assets, for details.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4684 \ </emphasis>N414</para><para>Insurance/reimbursement</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of insurance or other reimbursement you received expect to receive.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4684 \ </emphasis>N415</para><para>FMV before casualty</para></entry>
+<entry>The fair market value (FMV) is the price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and seller, each having knowledge of the relevant facts. FMV is generally determined by competent appraisal.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F4835 \ </emphasis>H569</para><para>Form 4835 - farm rental income</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 4835 is used to report farm rental income received as a share of crops or livestock produced by your tenant if you did not materially participate in the operation or management of the farm.  Use a different copy of Form 4835 for each farm rented.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N572</para><para>Total cooperative distributions</para></entry>
+<entry>Distributions received from a cooperative. This includes patronage dividends, non patronage distributions, per-unit retain allocations, and redemption of non qualified notices and per unit retain allocations. Reported on Form 1099-PATR.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N571</para><para>Sale of livestock/produce</para></entry>
+<entry>Income you received from livestock, produce, grains, and other crops based on production. Under both the cash and the accrual methods of reporting, you must report livestock or crop share rentals received in the year you convert them into money or its equivalent.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N573</para><para>Agricultural program payments</para></entry>
+<entry>Government payments received for: price support payments, market gain from the repayment of a secured Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loan for less than the original loan amount, diversion payments, cost-share payments (sight drafts), payments in the form of materials (such as fertilizer or lime) or services (such as grading or building dams). Reported on Form 1099-G.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N574</para><para>CCC loans reported/election</para></entry>
+<entry>Generally, you do not report CCC loan proceeds as income. However, if you pledge part or all of your production to secure a CCC loan, you may elect to report the loan proceeds as income in the year you receive them, instead of the year you sell the crop.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N575</para><para>CCC loans forfeited/repaid</para></entry>
+<entry>The full amount forfeited or repaid with certificates, even if you reported the loan proceeds as income.  See IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N576</para><para>Crop insurance proceeds received</para></entry>
+<entry>You generally include crop insurance proceeds in the year you receive them. Treat as crop insurance proceeds the crop disaster payments you receive from the federal government.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N577</para><para>Crop insurance proceeds deferred</para></entry>
+<entry>If you use the cash method of accounting and receive crop insurance proceeds in the same tax year in which the crops are damaged, you can choose to postpone reporting the proceeds as income until the following tax year. A statement must also be attached to your return.  See IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N578</para><para>Other income</para></entry>
+<entry>Illegal Federal irrigation subsidies, bartering income, income from discharge of indebtedness, state gasoline or fuel tax refund, the gain or loss on the sale of commodity futures contracts, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N579</para><para>Car and truck expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>The business portion of car or truck expenses, such as, for gasoline, oil, repairs, insurance, tires, license plates, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N580</para><para>Chemicals</para></entry>
+<entry>Chemicals used in operating your farm, such as insect sprays and dusts.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N581</para><para>Conservation expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Your expenses for soil or water conservation or for the prevention of erosion of land used in farming. To take this deduction, your expenses must be consistent with a plan approved by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the Department of Agriculture.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N582</para><para>Custom hire expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for custom hire (machine work) (the machine operator furnished the equipment).  Do not include amounts paid for rental or lease of equipment you operated yourself.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N583</para><para>Employee benefit programs</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions to employee benefit programs, such as accident and health plans, group-term life insurance, and dependent care assistance programs. Do not include contributions  that are a incidental part of a pension or profit-sharing plan.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N584</para><para>Feed purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of feed for your livestock. Generally, you cannot currently deduct expenses for feed to be consumed by your livestock in a later tax year. See instructions for Schedule F.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N585</para><para>Fertilizers and lime</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of fertilizer, lime, and other materials applied to farm land to enrich, neutralize, or condition it. You can also deduct the cost of applying these materials. However, see Prepaid Farm Supplies, in Pub 225, for a rule that may limit your deduction for these materials.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N586</para><para>Freight and trucking</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of freight or trucking of produce or livestock.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N587</para><para>Gasoline, fuel, and oil</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of gas, fuel, oil, etc. for farm equipment.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N588</para><para>Insurance (other than health)</para></entry>
+<entry>Premiums paid for farm business insurance, such as: fire, storm, crop, theft and liability protection of farm assets.  Do not include premiums for employee accident and health insurance.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N589</para><para>Interest expense, mortgage</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid to banks or other financial institutions for which you received a Form 1098, for a mortgage on real property used in your farming business (other than your main home). If you paid interest on a debt secured by your main home, and any proceeds from that debt were used in your farming operation, refer to IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N590</para><para>Interest expense, other</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid for which you did not receive a Form 1098 (perhaps someone else did, and you are liable too), for a mortgage or other loans for your farm business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N591</para><para>Labor hired</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts you paid for farm labor. Do not include amounts paid to yourself.  Count the cost of boarding farm labor but not the value of any products they used from the farm. Count only what you paid house-hold help to care for farm laborers.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N592</para><para>Pension/profit-sharing plans</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter your deduction for contributions to employee pension, profit-sharing, or annuity plans. If the plan included you as a self-employed person, see the instructions for Schedule C (Form 1040).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N593</para><para>Rent/lease vehicles, equip.</para></entry>
+<entry>The business portion of your rental cost, for rented or leased vehicles, machinery, or equipment. But if you leased a vehicle for a term of 30 days or more, you may have to reduce your deduction by an inclusion amount. For details, see the instructions for Schedule C (Form 1040).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N594</para><para>Rent/lease land, animals</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid to rent or lease property such as pasture or farm land.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N595</para><para>Repairs and maintenance</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for repairs and maintenance of farm buildings, machinery, and equipment. You can also include what you paid for tools of short life or minimal cost, such as shovels and rakes.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N596</para><para>Seeds and plants purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid for seeds and plants purchased for farming.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N597</para><para>Storage and warehousing</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid for storage and warehousing of crops, grains, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N598</para><para>Supplies purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>Livestock supplies and other supplies, including bedding, office supplies, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N599</para><para>Imposte</para></entry>
+<entry>Real estate and personal property taxes on farm business assets; Social security and Medicare taxes you paid to match what you are required to withhold from farm employees’ wages and any Federal unemployment tax paid; Federal highway use tax.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N600</para><para>Utilities</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for gas, electricity, water, etc., for business use on the farm. Do not include personal utilities. You cannot deduct the base rate (including taxes) of the first telephone line into your residence, even if you use it for business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N601</para><para>Vet, breeding, medicine</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of veterinary services, medicine and breeding fees.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4835 \ </emphasis>N602</para><para>Other farm expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Include all ordinary and necessary farm rental expenses not deducted elsewhere on Form 4835, such as advertising, office supplies, etc. Do not include fines or penalties paid to a government for violating any law.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F4952 \ </emphasis>H425</para><para>Form 4952 - investment interest</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 4952 is used to compute the amount of investment interest expense deductible for the current year and the amount, if any, to carry forward to future years.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F4952 \ </emphasis>N426</para><para>Investment interest expense</para></entry>
+<entry>The investment interest paid or accrued during the tax year, regardless of when you incurred the indebtedness. Investment interest is interest paid or accrued on a loan (or part of a loan) that is allocable to property held for investment.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F6252 \ </emphasis>H427</para><para>Form 6252 - income from casual sales</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 6252 is used to report income from casual sales of real or personal property when you will receive any payments in a tax year after the year of sale (i.e., installment sale).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N428</para><para>Selling price</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter the total of any money, face amount of the installment obligation, and the FMV of other property that you received or will receive in exchange for the property sold.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N429</para><para>Debt assumed by buyer</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter only mortgages or other debts the buyer assumed from the seller or took the property subject to. Do not include new mortgages the buyer gets from a bank, the seller, or other sources.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N431</para><para>Depreciation allowed</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter all depreciation or amortization you deducted or should have deducted from the date of purchase until the date of sale. Add any section 179 expense deduction.  Several other adjustments are allowed, See Form 6252 instructions.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N432</para><para>Expenses of sale</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter sales commissions, advertising expenses, attorney and legal fees, etc., in selling the property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N434</para><para>Payments received this year</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter all money and the fair market value (FMV) of any property you received in this tax year. Include as payments any amount withheld to pay off a mortgage or other debt, such as broker and legal fees. Do not include interest whether stated or unstated.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F6252 \ </emphasis>N435</para><para>Payments received prior years</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter all money and the fair market value (FMV) of property you received before this tax year from the sale. Include allocable installment income and any other deemed payments from prior years. Do not include interest whether stated or unstated.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F8815 \ </emphasis>H441</para><para>Form 8815 - EE U.S. savings bonds sold for education</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 8815 is used to compute the amount of interest you may exclude if you cashed series EE U.S. savings bonds this year that were issued after 1989 to pay for qualified higher education costs.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8815 \ </emphasis>N442</para><para>Qualified higher education expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Qualified higher education expenses include tuition and fees required for the enrollment or attendance of the person(s). Do not include expenses for room and board, or courses involving sports, games, or hobbies that are not part of a degree or certificate granting program.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8815 \ </emphasis>N443</para><para>Nontaxable education benefits</para></entry>
+<entry>Nontaxable educational benefits. These benefits include: Scholarship or fellowship grants excludable from income under section 117; Veterans’ educational assistance benefits; Employer-provided educational assistance benefits that are not included in box 1 of your W-2 form(s); Any other payments (but not gifts, bequests, or inheritances) for educational expenses that are exempt from income tax by any U.S. law. Do not include nontaxable educational benefits paid directly to, or by, the educational institution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8815 \ </emphasis>N444</para><para>EE US savings bonds proceeds</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter the total proceeds (principal and interest) from all series EE and I U.S. savings bonds issued after 1989 that you cashed during this tax year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8815 \ </emphasis>N445</para><para>Post-89 EE bond face value</para></entry>
+<entry>The face value of all post-1989 series EE bonds cashed this tax year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F8863 \ </emphasis>H639</para><para>Form 8863 - Hope and Lifetime Learning education credits</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 8863 is used to compute the Hope and Lifetime Learning education credits. IRS rules are stringent for these credits.  Refer to IRS Publication 970 for more information.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8863 \ </emphasis>N637</para><para>Hope credit</para></entry>
+<entry>Expenses qualified for the Hope credit are amounts paid this tax year for tuition and fees required for the student’s enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8863 \ </emphasis>N638</para><para>Lifetime learning credit</para></entry>
+<entry>Expenses qualified for the Lifetime Learning credit are amounts paid this tax year for tuition and fees required for the student’s enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F8829 \ </emphasis>H536</para><para>Form 8829 - business use of your home</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 8829 is used only if you file a Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, and you meet specific requirements to deduct expenses for the business use of your home.  IRS rules are stringent for this deduction.  Refer to IRS Publication 587.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N537</para><para>Deductible mortgage interest</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of mortgage interest that would be deductible whether or not you used your home for business (i.e., amounts allowable as itemized deductions on Schedule A, Form 1040). Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N538</para><para>Real estate taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of real estate taxes that would be deductible whether or not you used your home for business (i.e., amounts allowable as itemized deductions on Schedule A, Form 1040). Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N539</para><para>Assicurazione</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of insurance paid for your home, in which an area or room is used regularly and exclusively for business. Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N540</para><para>Repairs and maintenance</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of repairs and maintenance paid for your home, in which an area or room is used regularly and exclusively for business. Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N541</para><para>Utilities</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of utilities paid for your home, in which an area or room is used regularly and exclusively for business.  Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8829 \ </emphasis>N542</para><para>Other expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>If you rent rather than own your home, include rent paid for your home, in which an area or room is used regularly and exclusively for business. Form 8829 computes the deductible business portion.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help F8839 \ </emphasis>H617</para><para>Form 8839 - adoption expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Form 8839 is used to report qualified adoption expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8839 \ </emphasis>N618</para><para>Adoption fees</para></entry>
+<entry>Adoption fees that are reasonable and necessary, directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8839 \ </emphasis>N619</para><para>Court costs</para></entry>
+<entry>Court costs that are reasonable and necessary, directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8839 \ </emphasis>N620</para><para>Attorney fees</para></entry>
+<entry>Attorney fees that are reasonable and necessary, directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8839 \ </emphasis>N621</para><para>Traveling expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Traveling expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home, directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  F8839 \ </emphasis>N622</para><para>Other expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Other expenses that are reasonable and necessary, directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Home Sale \ </emphasis>N392</para><para>Home Sale worksheets (was F2119)</para></entry>
+<entry>Home Sale worksheets (replaces Form 2119) are used to report the sale of your personal residence. See IRS Pub 523.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Home Sale \ </emphasis>N393</para><para>Selling price of old home</para></entry>
+<entry>The selling price is the total amount you receive for your home. It includes money, all notes, mortgages, or other debts assumed by the buyer as part of the sale, and the fair market value of any other property or any services you receive. Reported on Form 1099-S.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Home Sale \ </emphasis>N394</para><para>Expense of sale</para></entry>
+<entry>Selling expenses include commissions, advertising fees, legal fees, title insurance, and loan charges paid by the seller, such as loan placement fees or "points."</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Home Sale \ </emphasis>N396</para><para>Fixing-up expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Fixing-up expenses are decorating and repair costs that you paid to sell your old home. For example, the costs of painting the home, planting flowers, and replacing broken windows are fixing-up expenses. Fixing-up expenses must meet all the following conditions. The expenses: Must be for work done during the 90-day period ending on the day you sign the contract of sale with the buyer; Must be paid no later than 30 days after the date of sale; Cannot be deductible in arriving at your taxable in-come; Must not be used in figuring the amount realized; and Must not be capital expenditures or improvements.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Home Sale \ </emphasis>N397</para><para>Cost of new home</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of your new home includes costs incurred within the replacement period (beginning 2 years before and ending 2 years after the date of sale) for the following items: Buying or building the home; Rebuilding the home; and Capital improvements or additions.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched A \ </emphasis>H270</para><para>Schedule A - itemized deductions</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule A is used to report your itemized deductions.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N271</para><para>Subscriptions</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid for subscriptions to magazines or services that are directly related to the production or collection of taxable income.  (example: subscriptions to investment publications, stock newsletters, etc.).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N272</para><para>Gambling losses</para></entry>
+<entry>Gambling losses, but only to the extent of gambling winnings reported on Form 1040. Note: not subject to the 2% AGI of limitation.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N273</para><para>Medicine and drugs</para></entry>
+<entry>Prescription medicines, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids. Over-the-counter medicines are not deductible.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N274</para><para>Medical travel and lodging</para></entry>
+<entry>Lodging expenses while away from home to receive medical care in a hospital or a medical care facility related to a hospital. Do not include more than $50 a night for each eligible person. Ambulance service and other travel costs to get medical care.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N275</para><para>State income taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>State income taxes paid this year for a prior year. Include any part of a prior year refund that you chose to have credited to this years state income taxes.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N276</para><para>Real estate taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>Include taxes (state, local, or foreign) you paid on real estate you own that was not used for business, but only if the taxes are based on the assessed value of the property. Do not include taxes charged for improvements that tend to increase the value of your property (for example, an assessment to build a new sidewalk).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N277</para><para>Other taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>Other taxes paid not included under state and local income taxes, real estate taxes, or personal property taxes. You may want to take a credit for the foreign tax instead of a deduction.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N280</para><para>Cash charity contributions</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions or gifts by cash or check you gave to organizations that are religious, charitable, educational, scientific, or literary in purpose. You may also deduct what you gave to organizations that work to prevent cruelty to children or animals. For donations of $250 or more, you must have a statement from the charitable organization showing the amount donated and the value of goods or services you received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N281</para><para>Tax preparation fees</para></entry>
+<entry>Fees you paid for preparation of your tax return, including fees paid for filing your return electronically.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N282</para><para>Investment management fees</para></entry>
+<entry>Investment interest is interest paid on money you borrowed that is allocable to property held for investment. It does not include any interest allocable to passive activities or to securities that generate tax-exempt income.
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N283</para><para>Home mortgage interest (1098)</para></entry>
+<entry>Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1098. The interest could be on a first or second mortgage, home equity loan, or refinanced mortgage.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N284</para><para>Points paid (no 1098)</para></entry>
+<entry>Generally, you must deduct points you paid to refinance a mortgage over the life of the loan. If you used part of the proceeds to improve your main home, you may be able to deduct the part of the points related to the improvement in the year paid. See Pub. 936 Use this line for points not reported on Form 1098.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N484</para><para>Doctors, dentists, hospitals</para></entry>
+<entry>Insurance premiums for medical and dental care, medical doctors, dentists, eye doctors, surgeons, X-ray, laboratory services, hospital care, etc. See IRS Pub 502.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N486</para><para>Misc., subject to 2% AGI limit</para></entry>
+<entry>Safety equipment, small tools, and supplies you needed for your job; Uniforms required by your employer and which you may not usually wear away from work; subscriptions to professional journals; job search expenses; certain educational expenses. You may need to file Form 2106.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N485</para><para>Non-cash charity contributions</para></entry>
+The fair market value of donated property, such as used clothing or furniture.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N522</para><para>State estimated tax, quarterly</para></entry>
+<entry>State estimated tax payments made this year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N523</para><para>Misc., no 2% AGI limit</para></entry>
+<entry>Other miscellaneous itemized deductions that are not reduced by 2% of adjusted gross income, such as casualty and theft losses from income-producing, amortizable bond premium on bonds acquired before October 23, 1986, federal estate tax on income in respect to a decedent, certain unrecovered investment in a pension, impairment-related work expenses of a disabled person.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N535</para><para>Personal property taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter personal property tax you paid, but only if it is based on value alone. Example: You paid a fee for the registration of your car. Part of the fee was based on the car s value and part was based on its weight. You may deduct only the part of the fee that is based on the car s value.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N544</para><para>Local income taxes</para></entry>
+<entry>Local income taxes that were not withheld from your salary, such as local income taxes you paid this year for a prior year.
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched A \ </emphasis>N545</para><para>Home mortgage interest (no 1098)</para></entry>
+<entry>Home mortgage interest paid, for which you did not receive a Form 1098 from the recipient. The interest could be on a first or second mortgage, home equity loan, or refinanced mortgage.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched B \ </emphasis>H285</para><para>Schedule B - interest and dividend income</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule B is used to report your interest and dividend income.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ Sched B \ </emphasis>N286</para><para>Dividend income, Ordinary</para></entry>
+<entry>Ordinary dividends from mutual funds, stocks, etc., are reported to you on a 1099-DIV.  Note: these are sometimes called short term capital gain distributions. Do not include (long term) capital gain distributions or non-taxable dividends here, these go on Sched D</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N287</para><para>Interest income</para></entry>
+<entry>Taxable interest includes interest you receive from bank accounts, credit unions, loans you made to others. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N288</para><para>Interest income, US government</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest on U.S. obligations, such as U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds issued by any agency of the United States. This income is exempt from all state and local income taxes. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N289</para><para>Interest income, State and municipal bond</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest on bonds or notes of states, counties, cities, the District of Columbia, or possessions of the United States is generally free of federal income tax (but you may pay state income tax). There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N290</para><para>Interest income, tax-exempt private activity bond</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest income from a qualified tax-exempt private activity bond is not taxable if it meets all requirements. This income is included on your Schedule B as non-taxable interest income. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N487</para><para>Dividend income, non-taxable</para></entry>
+<entry>Some mutual funds pay shareholders non-taxable dividends. The amount of non-taxable dividends are indicated on your monthly statements or Form 1099-DIV.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N489</para><para>Interest income, non-taxable</para></entry>
+<entry>Non-taxable interest income other than from bonds or notes of states, counties, cities, the District of Columbia, or a possession of the United States, or from a qualified private activity bond. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N490</para><para>Interest income, taxed only by fed</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest income that is taxed on your federal return, but not on your state income tax return - other than interest paid on U.S. obligations. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N491</para><para>Interest income, taxed only by state</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest income that is not taxed on your federal return, but is taxed on your state income tax return - other than interest income from state bonds or notes, the District of Columbia, or a possession of the United States. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N492</para><para>Interest income, OID bonds</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest income from Original Issue Discount (OID) bonds will be reported to you on Form 1099-OID. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N524</para><para>Interest income, Seller-financed mortgage</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest the buyer paid you on a mortgage or other form of seller financing, for your home or other property and the buyer used the property as a personal residence. There are several categories of interest, be sure you select the correct one!</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N615</para><para>Fed tax withheld, dividend income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from dividend income. This is usually reported on Form 1099-DIV.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>< Sched B \ </emphasis>N616</para><para>Fed tax withheld, interest income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from interest income. This is usually reported on Form 1099-INT.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched C \ </emphasis>H291</para><para>Schedule C - self-employment income</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule C is used to report income from self-employment. Use a separate Schedule C to report income and expenses from different businesses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N293</para><para>Gross receipts or sales</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of gross receipts from your trade or business. Include amounts you received in your trade or business that were properly shown on Forms 1099-MISC.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N294</para><para>Meals and entertainment</para></entry>
+<entry>Total business meal and entertainment expenses. Business meal expenses are deductible only if they are (a) directly related to or associated with the active conduct of your trade or business, (b) not lavish or extravagant, and (c) incurred while you or your employee is present at the meal.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N296</para><para>Returns and allowances</para></entry>
+<entry>Credits you allow customers for returned merchandise and any other allowances you make on sales.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N297</para><para>Wages paid</para></entry>
+<entry>The total amount of salaries and wages for the tax year. Do not include amounts paid to yourself.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N298</para><para>Legal and professional fees</para></entry>
+<entry>Accountant’s or legal fees for tax advice related to your business and for preparation of the tax forms related to your business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N299</para><para>Rent/lease vehicles, equip.</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount paid to rent or lease vehicles, machinery, or equipment, for your business. If you leased a vehicle for a term of 30 days or more, you may have to reduce your deduction by an amount called the inclusion amount. See Pub. 463.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N300</para><para>Rent/lease other business property</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid to rent or lease real estate or  property, such as office space in a building.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N301</para><para>Supplies (not from Cost of Goods Sold)</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of supplies not reported under Cost Of Goods Sold.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N302</para><para>Other business expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Other costs not specified on other lines of Schedule C, such as: Clean-fuel vehicles and refueling property; Donations to business organizations; Educational expenses; Environmental cleanup costs; Impairment-related expenses; Interview expense allowances; Licenses and regulatory fees; Moving machinery; Outplacement services; Penalties and fines you pay for late performance or nonperformance of a contract; Subscriptions to trade or professional publications.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N303</para><para>Other business income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts from finance reserve income, scrap sales, bad debts you recovered, interest (such as on notes and accounts receivable), state gasoline or fuel tax refunds you got this year, prizes and awards related to your trade or business, and other kinds of miscellaneous business income.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N304</para><para>Pubblicità</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid for advertising your trade or business in newspapers, publications, radio or television. Also include the cost of brochures, business cards, or other promotional material.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N305</para><para>Bad debts from sales/services</para></entry>
+<entry>Include debts and partial debts from sales or services that were included in income and are definitely known to be worthless.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N306</para><para>Car and truck expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>You can deduct the actual expenses of running your car or truck, or take the standard mileage rate.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N307</para><para>Commissions and fees</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts of commissions or fees paid to independent contractors (non employees) for their services.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N308</para><para>Employee benefit programs</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions to employee benefit programs that are not an incidental part of a pension or profit-sharing plan. Examples are accident and health plans, group-term life insurance, and dependent care assistance programs.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N309</para><para>Depletion</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts for depletion. If you have timber depletion, attach Form T.  See Pub. 535.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N310</para><para>Insurance, other than health</para></entry>
+<entry>Premiums paid for business insurance. Do not include amounts paid for employee accident and health insurance. nor amounts credited to a reserve for self-insurance or premiums paid for a policy that pays for your lost earnings due to sickness or disability. See Pub. 535.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N311</para><para>Interest expense, mortgage</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid to banks or other financial institutions for which you received a Form 1098, for a mortgage on real property used in your business (other than your main home).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N312</para><para>Interest expense, other</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid for which you did not receive a Form 1098 (perhaps someone else did, and you are liable too), for a mortgage or other loans for your business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N313</para><para>Office expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of consumable office supplies such as business cards, computer supplies, pencils, pens, postage stamps, rental of postal box or postage machines, stationery, Federal Express and UPS charges, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N314</para><para>Pension/profit sharing plans</para></entry>
+<entry>You can set up and maintain the following small business retirement plans for yourself and your employees, such as: SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) plans; SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) plans; Qualified plans (including Keogh or H.R. 10 plans). You deduct contributions you make to the plan for yourself on Form 1040.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N315</para><para>Repairs and maintenance</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of repairs and maintenance. Include labor, supplies, and other items that do not add to the value or increase the life of the property. Do not include the value of your own labor. Do not include amounts spent to restore or replace property; they must be capitalized.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N316</para><para>Taxes and licenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Include the following taxes: State and local sales taxes imposed on you as the seller of goods or services; Real estate and personal property taxes on business assets; Social security and Medicare taxes paid to match required withholding from your employees’ wages; Also, Federal unemployment tax paid; Federal highway use tax.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N317</para><para>Travel</para></entry>
+<entry>Expenses for lodging and transportation connected with overnight travel for business while away from your tax home.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N318</para><para>Utilities</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of electricity, gas, telephone, etc. for your business property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N493</para><para>Cost of Goods Sold - Purchases</para></entry>
+<entry>If you are a merchant, use the cost of all merchandise you bought for sale. If you are a manufacturer or producer, this includes the cost of all raw materials or parts purchased for manufacture into a finished product. You must exclude the cost of merchandise you withdraw for your personal or family use.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N494</para><para>Cost of Goods Sold - Labor</para></entry>
+<entry>Labor costs are usually an element of cost of goods sold only in a manufacturing or mining business. In a manufacturing business, labor costs that are properly allocable to the cost of goods sold include both the direct and indirect labor used in fabricating the raw material into a finished, salable product.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N495</para><para>Cost of Goods Sold - Materials/supplies</para></entry>
+<entry>Materials and supplies, such as hardware and chemicals, used in manufacturing goods are charged to cost of goods sold. Those that are not used in the manufacturing process are treated as deferred charges. You deduct them as a business expense when you use them.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched C \ </emphasis>N496</para><para>Cost of Goods Sold - Other costs</para></entry>
+<entry>Other costs incurred in a manufacturing or mining process that you charge to your cost of goods sold are containers, freight-in, overhead expenses.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched D \ </emphasis>H320</para><para>Schedule D - capital gains and losses </para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule D is used to report gains and losses from the sale of capital assets.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched D \ </emphasis>N321</para><para>Short Term gain/loss - security</para></entry>
+<entry>Short term gain or loss from the sale of a security. Not yet implemented in <application>&app;</application>.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched D \ </emphasis>N323</para><para>Long Term gain/loss - security</para></entry>
+<entry>Long term gain or loss from the sale of a security. Not yet implemented in <application>&app;</application>.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ Sched D \ </emphasis>N488</para><para>Dividend income, capital gain distributions</para></entry>
+<entry>Sometimes called long term capital gain distributions. These are from mutual funds, other regulated investment companies, or real estate investment trusts.  These are reported on your monthly statements or Form 1099-DIV. Note: short term capital gain distributions are reported on Sched B as ordinary dividends</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched D \ </emphasis>N673</para><para>Short/Long Term gain or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>Short term or long term gain or loss from the sale of a security; for use when only the date sold and net sales amount are available and the date acquired and cost basis information is not available and will be separately added in the tax software.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched E \ </emphasis>H325</para><para>Schedule E - rental and royalty income</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule E is used to report income or loss from rental real estate, royalties, and residual interest in REMIC’s. Use a different copy for each rental or royalty. Use the Schedule K-1 categories for partnership rental income and loss amounts.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N326</para><para>Rents received</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts received as rental income from real estate (including personal property leased with real estate) but you were not in the real estate business. (If you are in the business of renting personal property, use Schedule C.)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N327</para><para>Royalties received</para></entry>
+<entry>Royalties received from oil, gas, or mineral properties (not including operating interests); copyrights; and patents.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N328</para><para>Pubblicità</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid to advertise rental unit(s) in newspapers or other media or paid to realtor’s to obtain tenants.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N329</para><para>Auto and travel</para></entry>
+<entry>The ordinary and necessary amounts of auto and travel expenses related to your rental activities, including 50% of meal expenses incurred while traveling away from home.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N330</para><para>Cleaning and maintenance</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid for cleaning services (carpet, drapes), cleaning supplies, locks and keys, pest control, pool service, and general cost of upkeep of the rental property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N331</para><para>Commissioni</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid as Commissions to realtor’s or management companies to collect rent.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N332</para><para>Assicurazione</para></entry>
+<entry>Insurance premiums paid for fire, theft, liability.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N333</para><para>Legal and professional fees</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts of fees for tax advice and the preparation of tax forms related to your rental real estate or royalty properties.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N334</para><para>Mortgage interest expense</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest paid to banks or other financial institutions for a mortgage on your rental property, and you received a Form 1098.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N335</para><para>Other interest expense</para></entry>
+<entry>Interest paid for a mortgage on your rental property, not paid to banks or other financial institutions or you did not receive a Form 1098.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N336</para><para>Repairs</para></entry>
+<entry>You may deduct the cost of repairs made to keep your property in good working condition. Repairs generally do not add significant value to the property or extend its life.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N337</para><para>Supplies</para></entry>
+<entry>Miscellaneous items needed to maintain the property, such as: brooms, cleaning supplies, nails, paint brushes, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N338</para><para>Imposte</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid for real estate and personal property taxes. Also include the portion of any payroll taxes you paid for your employees.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N339</para><para>Utilities</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of electricity, gas, telephone, etc. for your rental property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N341</para><para>Other expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Other expenses that are not listed on other tax lines of Schedule E.  These might include the cost of gardening and/or snow removal services, association dues, bank charges, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched E \ </emphasis>N502</para><para>Management fees</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of fees to a manager or property management company to oversee your rental or royalty property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched F \ </emphasis>H343</para><para>Schedule F - Farm income and expense</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule F is used to report farm income and expense. Use a different copy of Schedule F for each farm you own.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N344</para><para>Labor hired</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts you paid for farm labor. Do not include amounts paid to yourself.  Count the cost of boarding farm labor but not the value of any products they used from the farm. Count only what you paid house-hold help to care for farm laborers.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N345</para><para>Repairs and maintenance</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for repairs and maintenance of farm buildings, machinery, and equipment. You can also include what you paid for tools of short life or minimal cost, such as shovels and rakes.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N346</para><para>Interest expense, mortgage</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid to banks or other financial institutions for which you received a Form 1098, for a mortgage on real property used in your farming business (other than your main home). If you paid interest on a debt secured by your main home, and any proceeds from that debt were used in your farming operation, refer to IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N347</para><para>Interest expense, other</para></entry>
+<entry>The interest you paid for which you did not receive a Form 1098 (perhaps someone else did, and you are liable too), for a mortgage or other loans for your farm business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N348</para><para>Rent/lease land, animals</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid to rent or lease property such as pasture or farm land.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N349</para><para>Rent/lease vehicles, equip.</para></entry>
+<entry>The business portion of your rental cost, for rented or leased vehicles, machinery, or equipment. But if you leased a vehicle for a term of 30 days or more, you may have to reduce your deduction by an inclusion amount. For details, see the instructions for Schedule C (Form 1040).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N350</para><para>Feed purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of feed for your livestock. Generally, you cannot currently deduct expenses for feed to be consumed by your livestock in a later tax year. See instructions for Schedule F.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N351</para><para>Seeds and plants purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>The amounts paid for seeds and plants purchased for farming.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N352</para><para>Fertilizers and lime</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost of fertilizer, lime, and other materials applied to farm land to enrich, neutralize, or condition it. You can also deduct the cost of applying these materials. However, see Prepaid Farm Supplies, in Pub 225, for a rule that may limit your deduction for these materials.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N353</para><para>Supplies purchased</para></entry>
+<entry>Livestock supplies and other supplies, including bedding, office supplies, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N355</para><para>Vet, breeding, and medicine</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of veterinary services, medicine and breeding fees.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N356</para><para>Gasoline, fuel, and oil</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of gas, fuel, oil, etc. for farm equipment.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N357</para><para>Storage and warehousing</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts paid for storage and warehousing of crops, grains, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N358</para><para>Imposte</para></entry>
+<entry>Real estate and personal property taxes on farm business assets; Social security and Medicare taxes you paid to match what you are required to withhold from farm employees’ wages and any Federal unemployment tax paid; Federal highway use tax.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N359</para><para>Insurance, other than health</para></entry>
+<entry>Premiums paid for farm business insurance, such as: fire, storm, crop, theft and liability protection of farm assets.  Do not include premiums for employee accident and health insurance.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N360</para><para>Utilities</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for gas, electricity, water, etc., for business use on the farm. Do not include personal utilities. You cannot deduct the base rate (including taxes) of the first telephone line into your residence, even if you use it for business.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N361</para><para>Freight and trucking</para></entry>
+<entry>The costs of freight or trucking of produce or livestock.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N362</para><para>Conservation expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Your expenses for soil or water conservation or for the prevention of erosion of land used in farming. To take this deduction, your expenses must be consistent with a plan approved by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the Department of Agriculture.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N363</para><para>Pension/profit sharing plans</para></entry>
+<entry>Enter your deduction for contributions to employee pension, profit-sharing, or annuity plans. If the plan included you as a self-employed person, see the instructions for Schedule C (Form 1040).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N364</para><para>Employee benefit programs</para></entry>
+<entry>Contributions to employee benefit programs, such as accident and health plans, group-term life insurance, and dependent care assistance programs. Do not include contributions  that are a incidental part of a pension or profit-sharing plan.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N365</para><para>Other farm expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Include all ordinary and necessary farm expenses not deducted elsewhere on Schedule F, such as advertising, office supplies, etc. Do not include fines or penalties paid to a government for violating any law.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N366</para><para>Chemicals</para></entry>
+<entry>Chemicals used in operating your farm, such as insect sprays and dusts.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N367</para><para>Custom hire expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you paid for custom hire (machine work) (the machine operator furnished the equipment).  Do not include amounts paid for rental or lease of equipment you operated yourself.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N372</para><para>Agricultural program payments</para></entry>
+<entry>Government payments received for: price support payments, market gain from the repayment of a secured Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loan for less than the original loan amount, diversion payments, cost-share payments (sight drafts), payments in the form of materials (such as fertilizer or lime) or services (such as grading or building dams). Reported on Form 1099-G.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N373</para><para>CCC loans reported/election</para></entry>
+<entry>Generally, you do not report CCC loan proceeds as income. However, if you pledge part or all of your production to secure a CCC loan, you may elect to report the loan proceeds as income in the year you receive them, instead of the year you sell the crop.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N374</para><para>CCC loans forfeited or repaid</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount forfeited or repaid with certificates, even if you reported the loan proceeds as income.  See IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N375</para><para>Crop insurance proceeds received</para></entry>
+<entry>You generally include crop insurance proceeds in the year you receive them. Treat as crop insurance proceeds the crop disaster payments you receive from the federal government.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N376</para><para>Crop insurance proceeds deferred</para></entry>
+<entry>If you use the cash method of accounting and receive crop insurance proceeds in the same tax year in which the crops are damaged, you can choose to postpone reporting the proceeds as income until the following tax year. A statement must also be attached to your return.  See IRS Pub 225.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N377</para><para>Other farm income</para></entry>
+<entry>Illegal Federal irrigation subsidies, bartering income, income from discharge of indebtedness, state gasoline or fuel tax refund, the gain or loss on the sale of commodity futures contracts, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N368</para><para>Sales livestock/product raised</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you received from the sale of livestock, produce, grains, and other products you raised.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N369</para><para>Resales of livestock/items</para></entry>
+<entry>Amounts you received from the sales of livestock and other items you bought specifically for resale. Do not include sales of livestock held for breeding, dairy purposes, draft, or sport.  These are reported on Form 4797, Sales of Business Property.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N370</para><para>Custom hire income</para></entry>
+<entry>The income you received for custom hire (machine work).</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N371</para><para>Total cooperative distributions</para></entry>
+<entry>Distributions received from a cooperative. This includes patronage dividends, non patronage distributions, per-unit retain allocations, and redemption of non qualified notices and per unit retain allocations. Reported on Form 1099-PATR.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N378</para><para>Cost of resale livestock/items</para></entry>
+<entry>The cost or other basis of the livestock and other items you actually sold.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched F \ </emphasis>N543</para><para>Car and truck expenses</para></entry>
+<entry>The business portion of car or truck expenses, such as, for gasoline, oil, repairs, insurance, tires, license plates, etc.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched H \ </emphasis>H565</para><para>Schedule H - Household employees</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule H is used to report Federal employment taxes on cash wages paid this year to household employees.  Federal employment taxes include social security, Medicare, withheld Federal income, and Federal unemployment (FUTA) taxes.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ Sched H \ </emphasis>N567</para><para>Cash wages paid</para></entry>
+<entry>For household employees to whom you paid $1,100 (as of 1999) or more each of cash wages that are subject to social security and Medicare taxes. To find out if the wages are subject to these taxes, see the instructions for Schedule H.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ Sched H \ </emphasis>N568</para><para>Federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>Federal income tax withheld from total cash wages paid to household employees during the year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>H446</para><para>Schedule K-1 - partnership income, credits, deductions</para></entry>
+<entry>Schedule K-1 is used to report your share of a partnership’s income, credits, deductions, etc.  Use a separate copy of Schedule K-1 for each partnership.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N448</para><para>Ordinary income or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>Your share of the ordinary income (loss) from the trade or business activities of the partnership. This is reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You usually report this on Schedule E, See instructions for Schedule K-1)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N449</para><para>Rental real estate income or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>The income or (loss) from rental real estate activities engaged in by the partnership. This is reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You usually report this on Schedule E, See instructions for Schedule K-1)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N450</para><para>Other rental income or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>The income or (loss) from rental activities, other than the rental of real estate.  This is reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You usually report this on Schedule E, See instructions for Schedule K-1)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N451</para><para>Interest income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of interest income the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Schedule B)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N452</para><para>Dividends, ordinary</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of dividend income the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Schedule B)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N453</para><para>Net ST capital gain or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>The short-term gain or (loss) from sale of assets the partnership reported to you on K-1. (You report this on Schedule D)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N454</para><para>Net LT capital gain or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>The long-term gain or (loss) from the sale of assets the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Schedule D)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N455</para><para>Guaranteed partner payments</para></entry>
+<entry>A guaranteed payments the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Schedule E)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis># Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N456</para><para>Net Section 1231 gain or loss</para></entry>
+<entry>The gain or (loss) from sale of Section 1231 assets the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Form 4797)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N527</para><para>Royalties</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of the royalty income the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Schedule E)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>  Sched K-1 \ </emphasis>N528</para><para>Tax-exempt interest income</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of tax-exempt interest income the partnership reported to you on Schedule K-1. (You report this on Form 1040)</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help W-2 \ </emphasis>H458</para><para>Form W-2 - Wages earned and taxes withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>Form W-2 is used by your employer to report the amount of wages and other compensation you earned as an employee, and the amount of federal and state taxes withheld and fringe benefits received. Use a separate copy of Form W-2 for each employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N267</para><para>Reimbursed moving expenses, self</para></entry>
+<entry>Qualified moving expense reimbursements paid directly to you by an employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N460</para><para>Salary or wages, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The total wages, tips, and other compensation, before any payroll deductions, you receive from your employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N461</para><para>Federal tax withheld, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of Federal income tax withheld from your wages for the year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N462</para><para>Social Security tax withheld, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of social security taxes withheld from your wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N463</para><para>Local tax withheld, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of local taxes withheld from your wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N464</para><para>State tax withheld, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state taxes withheld from your wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N465</para><para>Dependent care benefits, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount dependent care benefits, including the fair market value of employer-provided or employer-sponsored day-care facilities you received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N480</para><para>Medicare tax withheld, self</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of Medicare taxes withheld from your wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N506</para><para>Salary or wages, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The total wages, tips, and other compensation, before any payroll deductions, your spouse receives from your spouse’s employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N507</para><para>Federal tax withheld, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of Federal income tax withheld from your spouse’s wages for the year.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N508</para><para>Social Security tax withheld, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of social security taxes withheld from your spouse’s wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N509</para><para>Local tax withheld, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of local taxes withheld from your spouse’s wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N510</para><para>Medicare tax withheld, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of Medicare taxes withheld from your spouse’s wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N511</para><para>State tax withheld, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state taxes withheld from your spouse’s wages.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N512</para><para>Dependent care benefits, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount dependent care benefits, including the fair market value of employer-provided or employer-sponsored day-care facilities your spouse received.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2 \ </emphasis>N546</para><para>Reimbursed moving expenses, spouse</para></entry>
+<entry>Qualified moving expense reimbursements paid directly to your spouse by your spouse’s employer.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>Help W-2G \ </emphasis>H547</para><para>Form W-2G - gambling winnings</para></entry>
+<entry>Form W-2G is used to report certain gambling winnings.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2G \ </emphasis>N549</para><para>Gross winnings</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of gross winnings from gambling.  This may include winnings from horse racing, dog racing, jai alai, lotteries, keno, bingo, slot machines, sweepstakes, and wagering pools. If the amount is large enough, it will be reported on Form W-2G.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2G \ </emphasis>N550</para><para>Federal tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of federal income taxes withheld from gross gambling winnings.</entry>
+<row><entry><para><emphasis>^ W-2G \ </emphasis>N551</para><para>State tax withheld</para></entry>
+<entry>The amount of state income taxes withheld from gross gambling winnings.</entry>
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+    <sect1 id="reset-warning">
+     <title>Ripristina avvisi...</title>
+      <para><application>&app;</application> visualizza degli avvisi quando si cerca di effettuare determinate operazioni, come rimuovere una transazione o le suddivisioni da una transazione. La finestra di avviso presenta l’opzione di non visualizzare più questi messaggi alla ripetizione dell’operazione. Le opzioni <guilabel>Ricordalo e non chiedermelo di nuovo</guilabel> e <guilabel>Ricordalo e non chiedermelo di nuovo in questa sessione</guilabel>, permettono di disabilitarli. L’opzione <guilabel>Ripristina avvisi</guilabel> permette di ripristinare gli avvisi predefiniti, cioè abilita la visualizzazione dei messaggi. Gli avvisi possono essere abilitati in modo selettivo.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="chang-lang">
+      <title>Changing the Language</title>
+      <para>La lingua dell’interfaccia di <application>&app;</application> non è direttamente modificabile dalle preferenze del programma.</para>
+      <para>Il metodo per cambiare lingua del programma dipende dal sistema operativo in cui <application>&app;</application> viene eseguito.</para>
+      <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry><term>Linux</term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>In genere è necessario impostare le variabili di sistema <envar>LANGUAGE</envar> e <envar>LANG</envar> prima di avviare <application>&app;</application>. Per farlo occorre aprire una finestra di terminale ed eseguire il seguente comando:</para>
+	  <para><command>LANGUAGE=<replaceable>ll_LL</replaceable> LANG=<replaceable>ll_LL</replaceable> gnucash</command></para>
+	  <para><replaceable>ll_LL</replaceable> è la lingua con cui avviare <application>&app;</application> (<emphasis>de_DE</emphasis> per il tedesco, <emphasis>it_IT</emphasis> per l’italiano ecc...)</para>
+	  <note>
+	    <para>In alcuni sistemi (per esempio Ubuntu) la codifica può far parte del nome, come <replaceable>ll_LL.UTF-8</replaceable>.</para>
+	  </note>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>MacOSX</term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Per utilizzare una traduzione diversa da quella selezionata automaticamente, è possibile eseguire il seguente comando in <application></application>:</para>
+            <para><command>defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/ AppleLanguages "(<replaceable>de</replaceable>, <replaceable>en</replaceable>)"</command></para>
+            <para>È possibile usare qualsiasi codice di lingua si desideri, in luogo di Tedesco (de) e Inglese (en). Comunque, se il file per la traduzione non è presente, il comando non funzionerà.</para>
+            <para>Per reimpostare i valori originali, eseguire:</para>
+            <para><command>defaults delete $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/</command></para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term><trademark>Finestre</trademark></term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Se si sta eseguendo <application>&app;</application> 2.4.0 (o successivo) su Windows, è possibile impostare la lingua dell’interfaccia modificando il file <filename>environment</filename> con un editor di testo (per esempio <application>Notepad</application>). Di norma questo file è installato nella cartella <filename role="directory">c:\Programmi\gnucash\etc\gnucash</filename>. Modificare il file in modo che le ultime righe siano come le seguenti:</para>
+	  <para>
+	  <programlisting linenumbering="unnumbered"># If you wish GnuCash to use a different language, uncomment the two parameters
+# below and set LANG to your preferred locale
+	  </para>
+	  <para><replaceable>ll_LL</replaceable> è la lingua con cui avviare <application>&app;</application> (<emphasis>de_DE</emphasis> per il tedesco, <emphasis>it_IT</emphasis> per l’italiano ecc...)</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <tip>
+        <para>Maggiori e più aggiornate informazioni relative all’argomento possono essere reperite sulla <ulink type="http" url="">pagina delle impostazioni della lingua</ulink> nel wiki di <application>&app;</application>.</para>
+      </tip>
+    </sect1>
+  </chapter>
+      (Do not remove this comment block.)
+  Version: 2.6.13
+   Last modified: August 08th 2016 (reflect updates by F::Q 1.38)
+        modified: April 11th 2013 (reflect bugfixes by F::Q 1.18)
+        modified: September 21th 2012
+        modified: March 15th 2007 
+        modified: August 12th 2006 
+        modified: February 28th 2005
+   Maintainers:
+                Frank H. Ellenberger <frank.h.ellenberger at> 
+	  Previous: Chris Lyttle <chris at> 
+	  			Neil Williams <linux at> 
+   Author:
+                Chris Lyttle <chris at>
+   Translators:
+                (translators put your name and email here) 
+<appendix id="tips">
+	<appendixinfo>
+		<releaseinfo>
+			GnuCash Version 2.6.11 + Finance::Quote Version 1.38, February 2016
+		</releaseinfo>
+	</appendixinfo>
+	<title>Suggerimenti e consigli utili su <application>&app;</application></title>
+	<abstract>
+		<para>This chapter gives you some background informations about
+			Finance::Quote.
+		</para>
+	</abstract>
+	<sect1>
+		<title>Finance::Quote Sources</title>
+		<para>There are 3 types of sources of which the first - currency - is
+			hardcoded and responsible to fetch ISO currencies.
+			The other two can be selected in the security editor.
+		</para>
+		<sect2>
+			<title>Finance::Quote Sources - Currency source</title>
+			<table frame="topbot" id="gnc-tbl-fq-currency-source">
+				<title>Currency source for Finance::Quote</title>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>GnuCash
+									Name
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Finance::Quote Name</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Note</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+					</thead>
+					<tbody>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Valuta</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>currency</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para> In 2012 happened a modification on the website.
+									Make shure, you updated F::Q to version 1.18. 
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+					</tbody>
+				</tgroup>
+			</table>
+		</sect2>
+		<sect2>
+			<title>Fonti delle quotazioni - fonti individuali</title>
+			<table frame="topbot" id="gnc-tbl-fq-individual-source">
+				<title>Fonti individuali per le quotazioni</title>
+				<tgroup cols="3">
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>GnuCash
+									Name
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Finance::Quote Name</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>URL, Notes</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+					</thead>
+					<tbody>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Amsterdam Euronext eXchange, NL</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>aex</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+								<para>includes Futures and Options</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>American International Assurance, HK</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>aiahk</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Association of Mutual Funds In India, IN</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>amfiindia</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Athens Stock Exchange, GR</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>asegr</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Australian Stock Exchange, AU</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>asx</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>BAMOSZ funds, HU</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>bamosz</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>BMO NesbittBurns, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>bmonesbittburns</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Bucharest Stock Exchange (Bursa de Valori Bucuresti), RO</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>bsero</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Budapest Stock Exchange (BET), ex-BUX, HU</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>bse or bet</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Citywire Funds, GB</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>citywire</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Colombo Stock Exchange, LK</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>cse</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/>
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Cominvest Asset Management, ex-Adig, DE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>cominvest</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+								<para>Obsolete, update: <ulink url=""/>
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Deka Investments, DE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>deka</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>DWS, DE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>dwsfunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Equinox Unit Trusts, ZA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>za_unittrusts</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Fidelity Investments, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>fidelity_direct</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Finance Canada</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>financecanada</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Financial Times Funds service, GB</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>ftfunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Finanzpartner, DE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>finanzpartner</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>First Trust Portfolios, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>ftportfolios_direct</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Fund Library, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>fundlibrary</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>GoldMoney spot rates, JE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>goldmoney</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>HElsinki stock eXchange, FI</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>hex</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Man Investments, AU</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>maninv</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Morningstar, GB</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>mstaruk</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Morningstar, JP</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>morningstarjp</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Morningstar, SE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>morningstar</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Motley Fool, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>fool</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>New Zealand stock eXchange, NZ</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>nzx</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Paris Stock Exchange/Boursorama, FR</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>bourso</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Paris Stock Exchange/LeRevenu, FR</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>lerevenu</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Platinum Asset Management, AU</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>platinum</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>SIX Swiss Exchange Funds, CH</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>sixfunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>SIX Swiss Exchange Shares, CH</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>sixshares</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken funds, SE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>seb_funds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+								<para>Consult <ulink url=""/> for all available funds.</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Sharenet, ZA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>za</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>StockHouse Canada, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>stockhousecanada_fund</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>TD Waterhouse Canada, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>tdwaterhouse</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>TD Efunds, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>tdefunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>TIAA-CREF, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>tiaacref</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+								<para>Also here were changes, which require at least F::Q 1.18.
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Toronto Stock eXchange, CA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>tsx</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>T. Rowe Price, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>troweprice_direct</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Trustnet, GB</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>trustnet</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Union Investment, DE</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>unionfunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>US Treasury Bonds, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>usfedbonds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>US Govt. Thrift Savings Plan, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>tsp</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Vanguard, US</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>vanguard</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>part of yahoo_us module</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>VWD, DE (unmaintained)</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>vwd</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>
+									See <ulink url=""/>
+								</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo USA</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Asia</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_asia</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Australia</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_australia</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Brasile</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_brasil</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Europa</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_europe</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Nuova Zelanda</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_nz</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para><ulink url=""/></para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Yahoo Finance through JSON call</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>yahoo_json</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para/>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Zuerich Investments (outdated)</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para>zifunds</para>
+							</entry>
+							<entry>
+								<para/>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+					</tbody>
+				</tgroup>
+			</table>
+		</sect2>
+		<sect2>
+			<title>Finance::Quote Sources - Multiple sources</title>
+			<table frame="topbot" id="gnc-tbl-fq-multiple-source">
+				<title>Fonti multiple per le quotazioni</title>
+				<tgroup cols="1">
+					<thead>
+						<row>
+							<entry>
+								<para>Nome</para>
+							</entry>
+						</row>
+					</thead>
+					<tbody>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Asia (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Australia (ASX, Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Brasile (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Canada (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Canada Mutual (Fund Library, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Dutch (AEX, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Europa (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Grecia (ASE, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>India Mutual (AMFI, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Fidelity (Fidelity, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Finland (HEX, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>First Trust (First Trust, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>France (Boursorama, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Nasdaq (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>Nuova Zelanda (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>NYSE (Yahoo, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<!-- <row><entry>South Africa (Sharenet, ...)</entry></row> -->
+						<row>
+							<entry>Romania (bsero, ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>T. Rowe Price</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>U.K. Unit Trusts</entry>
+						</row>
+						<row>
+							<entry>USA (Yahoo, Fool ...)</entry>
+						</row>
+					</tbody>
+				</tgroup>
+			</table>
+			<para>Sources:
+				src/engine/gnc-commodity.c:gnc_quote_source (commit 05da881, which was
+				adjusted for Finance::Quote 1.38),
+      GnuCash-Wiki,
+				bugzilla, mailing list archive.
+			</para>
+		</sect2>
+	</sect1>
+	<sect1>
+		<title>Yahoo Specifics</title>
+		<abstract>
+			<para>Yahoo offers quotes from many exchanges and markets. If you are
+				not asking for US markets, you has to specify where to look. A
+				typical Yahoo symbol has the form <ISIN><markets suffix>.
+			</para>
+		</abstract>
+		<table frame="topbot" id="gnc-tbl-fq-yahoo-exchange-codes">
+			<title>Yahoo Codes for Exchanges and Markets</title>
+			<tgroup cols="4">
+				<thead>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Country </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Suffix </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Delay </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+				</thead>
+				<tbody>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Argentina </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Buenos Aires Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Australia </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Australian Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.AX </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Austria </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Vienna Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.VI </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Brazil </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>BOVESPA - Sao Paolo Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Canada </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Toronto Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.TO </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Canada </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSX Venture Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.V </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Chile </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Santiago Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SN </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>China </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Shanghai Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SS </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>China </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Shenzhen Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SZ </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Denmark </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Copenhagen Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.CO </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>France </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Euronext </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.NX </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>France </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Paris Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.PA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Berlin Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BE </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Bremen Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BM </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Dusseldorf Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.DU </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Frankfurt Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.F </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Hamburg Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.HM </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Hanover Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.HA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Munich Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MU </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Stuttgart Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SG </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Germany </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>XETRA Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.DE </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Greece </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Athens Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.AT </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Hong Kong </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Hong Kong Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.HK </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>India </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Bombay Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BO </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>India </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>National Stock Exchange of India </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.NS </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time** </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Indonesia </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Jakarta Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.JK </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>10 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Israel </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Tel Aviv Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.TA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Italy </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Milan Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MI </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Japan </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Nikkei Indices </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Mexico </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Mexico Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MX </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Netherlands </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Amsterdam Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.AS </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New Zealand </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New Zealand Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.NZ </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Norway </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Oslo Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.OL </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Russia </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.ME </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Singapore </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Singapore Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SI </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>South Korea </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Korea Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.KS </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>South Korea </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>KOSDAQ </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.KQ </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Spain </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Barcelona Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BC </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Spain </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Bilbao Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.BI </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Spain </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Madrid Fixed Income Market </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MF </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Spain </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Madrid SE C.A.T.S. </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MC </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Spain </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Madrid Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.MA </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Sweden </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Stockholm Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.ST </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Switzerland </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Swiss Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.SW </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Taiwan </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Taiwan OTC Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.TWO </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Taiwan </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Taiwan Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.TW </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United Kingdom </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>FTSE Indices </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United Kingdom </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>London Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.L </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United Kingdom </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>London Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.IL </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>BATS Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Chicago Board of Trade </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.CBT </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>10 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Chicago Mercantile Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.CME </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>10 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Dow Jones Indexes </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>NASDAQ Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time* </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New York Board of Trade </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.NYB </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New York Commodities Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.CMX </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New York Mercantile Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>.NYM </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>30 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>New York Stock Exchange </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time* </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>NYSE Mkt </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time* </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>OTC Bulletin Board Market </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time* </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>OTC Markets Group </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>15 min </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>United States of America </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>S & P Indices </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>N/A </para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Real-time </para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+				</tbody>
+			</tgroup>
+		</table>
+		<para>Source:
+			queried at 2012-09-22.</para>
+	</sect1>
+	<sect1>
+		<title>TIAA-CREF Specifics</title>
+		<abstract>
+			<para>
+				TIAA-CREF Annuities are not listed on any exchange, unlike their
+				mutual funds
+				TIAA-CREF provides unit values via a cgi on their
+				website. The cgi returns
+				a csv file in the format
+				<literallayout>
+					<computeroutput>
+					</computeroutput>
+				</literallayout>
+				where bogus_symbol takes on the following values for the various
+				annuities:
+			</para>
+		</abstract>
+		<note>
+			<para>The symbols are case-sensitive and changed their capitalization
+				in the last time.
+			</para>
+		</note>
+		<table frame="topbot" id="PsSymbs-TIAA-CREF">
+			<title>Pseudo simboli da utilizzare per le quotazioni TIAA-CREF</title>
+			<tgroup cols="3">
+				<thead>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Nome</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>Symbol</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>bogus</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+				</thead>
+				<tbody>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Bond Market Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFbond</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41081991</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Equity Index Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFequi</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41082540</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Global Equities Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFglob</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41081992</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Growth Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFgrow</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41082544</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Inflation-Linked Bond Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFinfb</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41088773</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Money Market Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFmony</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41081993</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Social Choice Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFsoci</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41081994</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREF Stock Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>CREFstok</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41081995</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA Real Estate Account</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAAreal</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>41091375</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIDRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530828</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TBIRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20739662</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCBRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530816</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEMSX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176543</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund (Retirement)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEQSX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176547</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIQRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530786</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Global Natural Resources Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TNRRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>39444919</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRGIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>312536</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF High Yield Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIHRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530821</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIKRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530829</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRERX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>302323</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Index Fund (Retirement)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRIEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>300269</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TILRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530785</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRIRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>299525</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRLCX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>301332</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRCVX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>304333</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2010 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>302817</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2015 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>302393</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2020 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLTX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>307774</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2025 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLFX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>313994</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2030 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLNX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>307240</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2035 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>309003</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2040 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLOX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>300959</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2045 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTFRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467597</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2050 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLFRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467596</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2055 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTRLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211330</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2010 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLTRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066482</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2015 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLGRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066496</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2020 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLWRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066479</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2025 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLQRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066485</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2030 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLHRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066435</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2035 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLYRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066475</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2040 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLZRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066473</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2045 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLMRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066488</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2050 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLLRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066490</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2055 Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTIRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211328</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Retirement Income Fund
+								(Retirement)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRCIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066468</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Income Fund (Retirement)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLIRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467594</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Aggressive Growth Fund (Retirement)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSARX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508431</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSCTX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508433</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Growth Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSGRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508437</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Income Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLSRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508427</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Moderate Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSMTX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508460</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Managed Allocation Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TITRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530825</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Growth Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRGMX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>305499</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Value Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRVRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>315272</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Money Market Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIEXX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530771</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRRSX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>300081</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF S&P 500 Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRSPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>306105</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Short-Term Bond Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530818</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRBIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>314644</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Equity Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRSEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>299968</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Social Choice Equity Fund (Retirement)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRSCX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>300078</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIBDX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>307276</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Index Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TBIIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20739664</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIBFX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530820</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEMLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176540</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund
+								(Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEQLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176544</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Enhanced International Equity Index Fund
+								(Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TFIIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467603</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Enhanced Large-Cap Growth Index Fund
+								(Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLIIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467602</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Enhanced Large-Cap Value Index Fund
+								(Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEVIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467606</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIEIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>301718</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Global Natural Resources Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TNRIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>39444916</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIGRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>314719</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF High Yield Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIHYX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530798</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>316693</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIIEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>305980</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Index Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCIEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>303673</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TILGX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530800</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Index Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TILIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>297809</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRLIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>300692</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Index Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TILVX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>302308</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2010 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCTIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912376</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2015 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCNIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912355</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2020 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCWIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912377</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2025 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCYIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912384</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2030 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCRIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912364</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2035 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCIIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912375</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2040 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCOIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4912387</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2045 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTFIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467607</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2050 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TFTIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467601</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2055 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTRIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211329</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2010 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLTIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066484</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2015 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLFIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066498</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2020 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLWIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066480</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2025 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLQIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066486</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2030 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLHIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066495</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2035 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLYIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066477</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2040 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLZIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066474</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2045 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLXIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066478</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2050 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLLIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066492</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2055 Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTIIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211326</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Retirement Income Fund
+								(Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066463</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Income Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLRIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467595</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Aggressive Growth Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSAIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508428</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCSIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508425</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Growth Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSGGX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508434</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Income Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSITX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508450</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Moderate Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSIMX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508443</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Managed Allocation Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIMIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530787</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Growth Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRPWX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>297210</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Value Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIMVX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>316178</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Money Market Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCIXX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>313650</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fund (Institutional)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIREX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>303475</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF S&P 500 Index Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>306658</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Short-Term Bond Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530784</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISBX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>309018</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Equity Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>301622</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Social Choice Equity Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TISCX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>301897</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (Institutional)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TITIX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530819</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIORX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530794</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Index Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TBILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>20739663</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCBPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530788</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEMRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176542</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund (Retail)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEQKX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176545</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TINRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530797</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Global Natural Resources Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TNRLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>39444917</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIIRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530790</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF High Yield Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIYRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530830</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>313727</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIERX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530827</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIRTX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530791</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLCX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>302696</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Income Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLRRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>9467600</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Aggressive Growth Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSALX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508429</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSCLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508432</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Growth Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSGLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508435</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Income Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508438</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Moderate Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSMLX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508453</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Managed Allocation Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIMRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530817</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Growth Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCMGX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>305208</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Value Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCMVX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>313995</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Money Market Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIRXX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530775</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCREX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>309567</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Short-Term Bond Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCTRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530822</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Equity Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCSEX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>297477</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Social Choice Equity Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TICRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530792</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Tax-Exempt Bond Fund (Retail)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIXRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>4530793</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIDPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066506</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Index Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TBIPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066534</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TBPPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066533</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEMPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176541</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund (Premier)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TEQPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>26176546</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCEPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066530</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Global Natural Resources Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TNRPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>39444918</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRPGX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066461</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF High Yield Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIHPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066501</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIKPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066500</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TREPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066466</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF International Equity Index Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRIPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066462</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TILPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066499</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Value Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRCPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066467</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2010 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCTPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066521</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2015 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCFPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066528</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2020 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCWPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066518</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2025 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCQPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066522</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2030 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCHPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066527</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2035 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCYPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066517</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2040 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCZPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066516</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2045 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTFPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066444</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2050 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TCLPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066526</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2055 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTRPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211331</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2010 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLTPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066483</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2015 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLFPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066497</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2020 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLWPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066434</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2025 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLVPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066481</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2030 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLHPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066494</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2035 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLYPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066476</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2040 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLPRX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066487</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2045 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLMPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066489</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2050 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLLPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066491</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index 2055 Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TTIPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>34211327</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Retirement Income Fund (Premier)
+							</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLIPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066493</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Income Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TPILX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066470</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Aggressive Growth Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSAPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508430</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TLSPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508426</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Growth Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSGPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508436</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Income Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSIPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508451</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Moderate Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSMPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>40508456</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Growth Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRGPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066464</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Value Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRVPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066455</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Money Market Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TPPXX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066469</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRRPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066459</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Short-Term Bond Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSTPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066445</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Equity Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TSRPX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066446</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+					<row>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TIAA-CREF Social Choice Equity Fund (Premier)</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>TRPSX</para>
+						</entry>
+						<entry>
+							<para>21066460</para>
+						</entry>
+					</row>
+				</tbody>
+			</tgroup>
+		</table>
+		<para>Source: Comments in
+		</para>
+	</sect1>
+     The GNU Free Documentation License 1.1 in DocBook
+     Markup by Eric Baudais <baudais at>
+     Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
+     Version: 1.0.1
+     Last Modified: Nov 16, 2000
+<appendix id="fdl">
+  <appendixinfo>
+    <releaseinfo>Versione 1.1, marzo 2000</releaseinfo>
+    <copyright>
+      <year>2000</year><holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.</holder>
+    </copyright>
+    <legalnotice id="fdl-legalnotice">
+      <para><address>Free Software Foundation, Inc. <street>59 Temple Place, Suite 330</street>, <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state><postcode>02111-1307</postcode><country>USA</country></address> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.</para>
+    </legalnotice>
+  </appendixinfo>
+  <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-preamble">
+    <title>0. PREAMBLE</title>
+    <para>The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document <quote>free</quote> in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.</para>
+    <para>This License is a kind of <quote>copyleft</quote>, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.</para>
+    <para>We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section1">
+    <para id="fdl-document">This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. The <quote>Document</quote>, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as <quote>you</quote>.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-modified">A <quote>Modified Version</quote> of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-secondary">A <quote>Secondary Section</quote> is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-invariant">The <quote>Invariant Sections</quote> are certain <link linkend="fdl-secondary"> Secondary Sections</link> whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released under this License.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-cover-texts">The <quote>Cover Texts</quote> are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> is released under this License.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-transparent">A <quote>Transparent</quote> copy of the <link linkend="fdl-document"> Document</link> means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not <quote>Transparent</quote> is called <quote>Opaque</quote>.</para>
+    <para>Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output purposes only.</para>
+    <para id="fdl-title-page">The <quote>Title Page</quote> means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, <quote>Title Page</quote> means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section2">
+    <title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>
+    <para>You may copy and distribute the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in <link linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link>.</para>
+    <para>You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section3">
+    <title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>
+    <para>If you publish printed copies of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link>, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.</para>
+    <para>If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.</para>
+    <para>If you publish or distribute <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Opaque</link> copies of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.</para>
+    <para>It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section4">
+    <title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>
+    <para>You may copy and distribute a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the conditions of sections <link linkend="fdl-section2">2</link> and <link linkend="fdl-section3">3</link> above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:</para>
+    <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>A</title>
+	  <para>Use in the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</link> (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>B</title>
+	  <para>List on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</link>, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, together with at least five of the principal authors of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five).</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>C</title>
+	  <para>State on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</link> the name of the publisher of the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>, as the publisher.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>D</title>
+	  <para>Preserve all the copyright notices of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>E</title>
+	  <para>Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>F</title>
+	  <para>Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>G</title>
+	  <para>Preserve in that license notice the full lists of <link linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> and required <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link> given in the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document’s</link> license notice.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>H</title>
+	  <para>Include an unaltered copy of this License.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>I</title>
+	  <para>Preserve the section entitled <quote>History</quote>, and its title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>as given on the <link linkend="fdl-title-page">Title Page</link>. If there is no section entitled <quote>History</quote> in the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>J</title>
+	  <para>Preserve the network location, if any, given in the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> for public access to a <link linkend="fdl-transparent">Transparent</link> copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the <quote>History</quote> section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>K</title>
+	  <para>In any section entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</quote> or <quote>Dedications</quote>, preserve the section’s title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>L</title>
+	  <para>Preserve all the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link>, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>M</title>
+	  <para>Delete any section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quote>. Such a section may not be included in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<formalpara>
+	  <title>N</title>
+	  <para>Do not retitle any existing section as <quote>Endorsements</quote> or to conflict in title with any <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Section</link>.</para>
+	</formalpara>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    <para>If the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as <link linkend="fdl-secondary">Secondary Sections</link> and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.</para>
+    <para>You may add a section entitled <quote>Endorsements</quote>, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.</para>
+    <para>You may add a passage of up to five words as a <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Text</link>, and a passage of up to 25 words as a <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Text</link>, to the end of the list of <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Texts</link> in the <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link>. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.</para>
+    <para>The author(s) and publisher(s) of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version </link>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section5">
+    <title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>
+    <para>You may combine the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link> above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice.</para>
+    <para>The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.</para>
+    <para>In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled <quote>History</quote> in the various original documents, forming one section entitled <quote>History</quote>; likewise combine any sections entitled <quote>Acknowledgements</quote>, and any sections entitled <quote>Dedications</quote>. You must delete all sections entitled <quote>Endorsements.</quote></para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section6">
+    <title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>
+    <para>You may make a collection consisting of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.</para>
+    <para>You may extract a single document from such a collection, and dispbibute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section7">
+    <para>A compilation of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a <link linkend="fdl-modified">Modified Version</link> of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is called an <quote>aggregate</quote>, and this License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document , on account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Cover Text</link> requirement of <link linkend="fdl-section3">section 3</link> is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section8">
+    <title>8. TRANSLATION</title>
+    <para>Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> under the terms of <link linkend="fdl-section4">section 4</link>. Replacing <link linkend="fdl-invariant"> Invariant Sections</link> with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License provided that you also include the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original English version of this License, the original English version will prevail.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section9">
+    <title>9. TERMINATION</title>
+    <para>You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-section10">
+    <title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>
+    <para>The <ulink type="http" url="">Free Software Foundation</ulink> may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See <ulink type="http" url=""></ulink>.</para>
+    <para>Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the <link linkend="fdl-document">Document</link> specifies that a particular numbered version of this License <quote>or any later version</quote> applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 id="fdl-using">
+    <title>Addendum</title>
+    <para>To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:</para>
+    <blockquote>
+      <para>Copyright Cristian Marchi, 2011</para>
+      <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link> being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link> being LIST, and with the <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link> being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <quote>GNU Free Documentation License</quote>.</para>
+    </blockquote>
+    <para>If you have no <link linkend="fdl-invariant">Invariant Sections</link>, write <quote>with no Invariant Sections</quote> instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Front-Cover Texts</link>, write <quote>no Front-Cover Texts</quote> instead of <quote>Front-Cover Texts being LIST</quote>; likewise for <link linkend="fdl-cover-texts">Back-Cover Texts</link>.</para>
+    <para>If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the <ulink type="http" url=""> GNU General Public License</ulink>, to permit their use in free software.</para>
+  </sect1>

Summary of changes:
 help/C/gnucash-help.xml  |     2 +
 help/it/      |     1 +
 help/it/gnucash-help.xml | 11995 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 11997 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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