gnucash master: Revert "Merge branch 'new-gst-report' of"

Geert Janssens gjanssens at
Sat Sep 16 11:45:05 EDT 2017

Updated	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit f3c0ec6068c787766df48c82442d9c1763f1420f
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Sat Sep 16 17:43:18 2017 +0200

    Revert "Merge branch 'new-gst-report' of"
    This reverts commit 48483b1e3dba0fc45b19709cd9ae40a456e03a21, reversing
    changes made to 53fbc6f62fe1037da31e512e915bba15249ab6fc.
    This merge was unintentionally pushed to master. This branch still
    needed improvements.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
index 35c53c2..a2ddcc7 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ SET (standard_reports_SCHEME_2
-    income-gst-statement.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/
index e95f369..5d0bf60 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ gncscmrpt_DATA = \
    equity-statement.scm \
    general-journal.scm \
    general-ledger.scm \
-   income-gst-statement.scm \
    income-statement.scm \
    net-barchart.scm \
    net-linechart.scm \
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a409d..0000000
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1831 +0,0 @@
-;; Income-GST-Statement.scm : Produce report suitable for
-;; annual income tax returns and periodic VAT/GST reporting.
-;; Original transaction.scm report by Robert Merkel <rgmerk at>
-;; Contributions by Bryan Larsen <blarsen at>
-;; More contributions for new report generation code by Robert Merkel
-;; More contributions by Christian Stimming <stimming at>
-;; Modified to support the intersection of two account lists by
-;; Michael T. Garrison Stuber
-;; Modified account names display by Tomas Pospisek
-;; <tpo_deb at> with a lot of help from "warlord"
-;; Heavily amended by Christopher Lam to add calculations
-;; appropriate for GST/VAT, building on efforts by Doug Doughty.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports income-gst-statement))
-(use-modules (gnucash main)) ;; FIXME: delete after we finish modularizing.
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-(use-modules (gnucash gettext))
-(use-modules (gnucash printf))
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(define-macro (addto! alist element)
-  `(set! ,alist (cons ,element ,alist)))
-;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
-(define reportname (N_ "Income & GST Statement"))
-(define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
-(define optname-prime-sortkey (N_ "Primary Key"))
-(define optname-prime-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal"))
-(define optname-prime-sortorder (N_ "Primary Sort Order"))
-(define optname-prime-date-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal for Date Key"))
-(define optname-full-account-name (N_ "Show Full Account Name"))
-(define optname-show-account-code (N_ "Show Account Code"))
-(define optname-sec-sortkey (N_ "Secondary Key"))
-(define optname-sec-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal"))
-(define optname-sec-sortorder  (N_ "Secondary Sort Order"))
-(define optname-sec-date-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key"))
-(define optname-void-transactions (N_ "Void Transactions"))
-(define optname-table-export (N_ "Table for Exporting"))
-(define optname-common-currency (N_ "Common Currency"))
-(define TAX-SETUP-DESC "From the Report Options, you will need to select the accounts which will \
-hold the GST/VAT taxes collected or paid. These accounts must contain splits which document the \
-monies which are wholly sent or claimed from tax authorities during periodic GST/VAT returns. These \
-accounts must be of type ASSET for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY for taxes collected on sales.")
-(define optname-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
-(define def:grand-total-style "grand-total")
-(define def:normal-row-style "normal-row")
-(define def:alternate-row-style "alternate-row")
-(define def:primary-subtotal-style "primary-subheading")
-(define def:secondary-subtotal-style "secondary-subheading")
-;; The option-values of the sorting key multichoice option, for
-;; which a subtotal should be enabled.
-(define subtotal-enabled '(account-name
-                           account-code 
-                           corresponding-acc-name
-                           corresponding-acc-code))
-(define (split-account-full-name-same-p a b)
-  (= (xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames a b) 0))
-(define (split-account-code-same-p a b)
-  (= (xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes a b) 0))
-(define (split-same-corr-account-full-name-p a b)
-  (= (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames a b) 0))
-(define (split-same-corr-account-code-p a b)
-  (= (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes a b) 0))
-(define (timepair-same-year tp-a tp-b)
-  (= (gnc:timepair-get-year tp-a)
-     (gnc:timepair-get-year tp-b)))
-(define (timepair-same-quarter tp-a tp-b)
-  (and (timepair-same-year tp-a tp-b) 
-       (= (gnc:timepair-get-quarter tp-a)
-          (gnc:timepair-get-quarter tp-b))))
-(define (timepair-same-month tp-a tp-b)
-  (and (timepair-same-year tp-a tp-b) 
-       (= (gnc:timepair-get-month tp-a)
-          (gnc:timepair-get-month tp-b))))
-(define (timepair-same-week tp-a tp-b)
-  (and (timepair-same-year tp-a tp-b)
-       (= (gnc:timepair-get-week tp-a)
-          (gnc:timepair-get-week tp-b))))
-(define (split-same-week-p a b)
-  (let ((tp-a (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent a)))
-        (tp-b (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent b))))
-    (timepair-same-week tp-a tp-b)))
-(define (split-same-month-p a b)
-  (let ((tp-a (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent a)))
-        (tp-b (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent b))))
-    (timepair-same-month tp-a tp-b)))
-(define (split-same-quarter-p a b)
-  (let ((tp-a (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent a)))
-        (tp-b (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent b))))
-    (timepair-same-quarter tp-a tp-b)))
-(define (split-same-year-p a b)
-  (let ((tp-a (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent a)))
-        (tp-b (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted (xaccSplitGetParent b))))
-    (timepair-same-year tp-a tp-b)))
-(define (set-last-row-style! table tag . rest)
-  (let ((arg-list 
-         (cons table 
-               (cons (- (gnc:html-table-num-rows table) 1)
-                     (cons tag rest)))))
-    (apply gnc:html-table-set-row-style! arg-list)))
-(define (add-subheading-row data table width subheading-style)
-  (let ((heading-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell data)))
-    (gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! heading-cell width)
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-     table
-     subheading-style
-     (list heading-cell))))
-;; display an account name depending on the options the user has set
-(define (account-namestring account show-account-code show-account-name show-account-full-name)
-  ;;# on multi-line splits we can get an empty ('()) account
-  (if (null? account)
-      (_ "Split Transaction")
-      (string-append 
-       ;; display account code?
-       (if show-account-code
-           (string-append (xaccAccountGetCode account) " ")
-           "")
-       ;; display account name?
-       (if show-account-name
-           ;; display full account name?
-           (if show-account-full-name
-               (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
-               (xaccAccountGetName account))
-           ""))))
-;; render an account subheading - column-vector determines what is displayed
-(define (render-account-subheading
-         split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (let ((account (xaccSplitGetAccount split)))
-    (add-subheading-row (gnc:make-html-text
-                         (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-                          (gnc:account-anchor-text account)
-                          (account-namestring account
-                                              (used-sort-account-code      column-vector)
-                                              #t
-                                              (used-sort-account-full-name column-vector))))
-                        table width subheading-style)))
-(define (render-corresponding-account-subheading 
-         split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (let ((account (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))))
-    (add-subheading-row (gnc:make-html-text
-                         (gnc:html-markup-anchor
-                          (if (not (null? account))
-                              (gnc:account-anchor-text account)
-                              "")
-                          (account-namestring account
-                                              (used-sort-account-code      column-vector)
-                                              #t
-                                              (used-sort-account-full-name column-vector))))
-                        table width subheading-style)))
-(define (render-week-subheading split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (add-subheading-row (gnc:date-get-week-year-string
-                       (gnc:timepair->date
-                        (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                      table width subheading-style))
-(define (render-month-subheading split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (add-subheading-row (gnc:date-get-month-year-string
-                       (gnc:timepair->date 
-                        (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                      table width subheading-style))
-(define (render-quarter-subheading split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (add-subheading-row (gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string 
-                       (gnc:timepair->date 
-                        (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                      table width subheading-style))
-(define (render-year-subheading split table width subheading-style column-vector)
-  (add-subheading-row (gnc:date-get-year-string 
-                       (gnc:timepair->date 
-                        (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                      table width subheading-style))
-(define (add-subtotal-row table width subtotal-string subtotal-collectors 
-                          subtotal-style export?)
-  (let* ((row-contents '())
-         (columns (map (lambda (coll) (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)) subtotal-collectors))
-         (list-of-commodities (delete-duplicates (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (apply append columns)))))
-    (define (retrieve-commodity list-of-monetary commodity)
-      (if (null? list-of-monetary)
-          #f
-          (if (gnc-commodity-equal (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car list-of-monetary)) commodity)
-              (car list-of-monetary)
-              (retrieve-commodity (cdr list-of-monetary) commodity))))
-    (define (add-first-column string)
-      (if export?
-          (begin
-            (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" string))
-            (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
-                      (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (- width 1))))
-          (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 1 width "total-label-cell" string))))
-    (define (add-columns commodity)
-      (for-each (lambda (column)
-                  (addto! row-contents
-                          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                           "total-number-cell"
-                           (retrieve-commodity column commodity))))
-                columns))
-    ;first row
-    (add-first-column subtotal-string)
-    (add-columns (if (pair? list-of-commodities)
-                     (car list-of-commodities)
-                     #f)) ;to account for empty-row subtotals
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subtotal-style (reverse row-contents))
-    ;subsequent rows
-    (if (pair? list-of-commodities)
-        (for-each (lambda (commodity)
-                    (set! row-contents '())
-                    (add-first-column "")
-                    (add-columns commodity)
-                    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subtotal-style (reverse row-contents)))
-                  (cdr list-of-commodities)))))
-(define (total-string str) (string-append (_ "Total For ") str))
-(define (render-account-subtotal 
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (add-subtotal-row table width 
-                    (total-string (account-namestring (xaccSplitGetAccount split)
-                                                      (used-sort-account-code      column-vector)
-                                                      #t
-                                                      (used-sort-account-full-name column-vector)))
-                    total-collector subtotal-style export?))
-(define (render-corresponding-account-subtotal
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (add-subtotal-row table width
-                    (total-string (account-namestring (xaccSplitGetAccount
-                                                       (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
-                                                      (used-sort-account-code      column-vector)
-                                                      #t
-                                                      (used-sort-account-full-name column-vector)))
-                    total-collector subtotal-style export?))
-(define (render-week-subtotal
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (let ((tm (gnc:timepair->date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                                 (xaccSplitGetParent split)))))
-    (add-subtotal-row table width
-                      (total-string (gnc:date-get-week-year-string tm))
-                      total-collector subtotal-style export?)))
-(define (render-month-subtotal
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (let ((tm (gnc:timepair->date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                                 (xaccSplitGetParent split)))))
-    (add-subtotal-row table width 
-                      (total-string (gnc:date-get-month-year-string tm))
-                      total-collector subtotal-style export?)))
-(define (render-quarter-subtotal
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (let ((tm (gnc:timepair->date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                                 (xaccSplitGetParent split)))))
-    (add-subtotal-row table width 
-                      (total-string (gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string tm))
-                      total-collector subtotal-style export?)))
-(define (render-year-subtotal
-         table width split total-collector subtotal-style column-vector export?)
-  (let ((tm (gnc:timepair->date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted
-                                 (xaccSplitGetParent split)))))
-    (add-subtotal-row table width 
-                      (total-string (strftime "%Y" tm))
-                      total-collector subtotal-style export?)))
-(define (render-grand-total
-         table width total-collector export?)
-  (add-subtotal-row table width
-                    (_ "Grand Total")
-                    total-collector def:grand-total-style export?))
-(define account-types-to-reverse-assoc-list
-  (list (cons 'none '())
-        (cons 'income-expense
-        (cons 'credit-accounts
-                    ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))))
-(define (used-date columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
-(define (used-reconciled-date columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 1))
-(define (used-num columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
-(define (used-description columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
-(define (used-account-name columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
-(define (used-other-account-name columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 5))	
-(define (used-shares columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 6))	
-(define (used-price columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 7))	
-(define (used-amount-single columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 8))	
-(define (used-amount-double-positive columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 9))	
-(define (used-amount-double-negative columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 10))	
-(define (used-account-full-name columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 12))
-(define (used-memo columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 13))
-(define (used-account-code columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 14))
-(define (used-other-account-code columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 15))
-(define (used-other-account-full-name columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 16))
-(define (used-sort-account-code columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 17))
-(define (used-sort-account-full-name columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 18))
-(define (used-notes columns-used)
-  (vector-ref columns-used 19))
-(define columns-used-size 20)
-(define (num-columns-required columns-used)  
-  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) 
-       (col-req 0 col-req)) 
-    ((>= i columns-used-size) col-req)
-    ; If column toggle is true, increase column count. But attention:
-    ; some toggles only change the meaning of another toggle. Don't count these modifier toggles
-    (if (and (not (= i 12)) ; Skip Account Full Name toggle - modifies Account Name column
-             (not (= i 16)) ; Skip Other Account Full Name toggle - modifies Other Account Name column
-             (not (= i 17)) ; Skip Sort Account Code - modifies Account Name subheading
-             (not (= i 18)) ; Skip Sort Account Full Name - modifies Account Name subheading
-             (not (= i 19)) ; Skip Note toggle - modifies Memo column
-             (vector-ref columns-used i))
-        (set! col-req (+ col-req 1)))
-    ; Account Code and Account Name share one column so if both were ticked the
-    ; the check above would have set up one column too much. The check below
-    ; will compensate these again.
-    (if (or (and (= i 14) (vector-ref columns-used 14) (vector-ref columns-used 4)) ; Account Code and Name
-            (and (= i 15) (vector-ref columns-used 15) (vector-ref columns-used 5))) ; Other Account Code and Name
-        (set! col-req (- col-req 1)))))
-(define (build-column-used options)   
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (let ((column-list (make-vector columns-used-size #f)))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Date"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 0 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 1 #t))
-    (if (if (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))
-            (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))
-            (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num/Action")))
-        (vector-set! column-list 2 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Description"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 3 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 4 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 5 #t))
-    ;(if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Shares"))
-    ;    (vector-set! column-list 6 #t))
-    ;(if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Price"))
-    ;    (vector-set! column-list 7 #t))
-    ;(let ((amount-setting (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount"))))
-    ;  (if (eq? amount-setting 'single)
-    ;      (vector-set! column-list 8 #t))
-    ;  (if (eq? amount-setting 'double)
-    ;      (begin (vector-set! column-list 9 #t)
-    ;             (vector-set! column-list 10 #t))))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display  (N_ "Use Full Account Name"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 12 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 13 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Code"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 14 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 15 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 16 #t))
-    (if (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Code"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 17 #t))
-    (if (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 18 #t))
-    (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes"))
-        (vector-set! column-list 19 #t))
-    column-list))
-(define (make-heading-list column-vector calculated-cells options)
-  (let ((heading-list '()))
-    (if (used-date column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Date")))
-    (if (used-reconciled-date column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Reconciled Date")))
-    (if (used-num column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (if (and (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field
-                                       (gnc-get-current-book))
-                                      (if (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                                             gnc:pagename-display
-                                                             (N_ "Trans Number"))
-                                          (gnc:option-value 
-                                           (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                                              gnc:pagename-display
-                                                              (N_ "Trans Number")))
-                                          #f))
-                                 (_ "Num/T-Num")
-                                 (_ "Num"))))
-    (if (used-description column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Description")))
-    (if (used-memo column-vector)
-        (if (used-notes column-vector)
-            (addto! heading-list (string-append (_ "Memo") "/" (_ "Notes")))
-            (addto! heading-list (_ "Memo"))))
-    (if (or (used-account-name column-vector) (used-account-code column-vector))
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Account")))
-    (if (or (used-other-account-name column-vector) (used-other-account-code column-vector))
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Transfer from/to")))
-    ;(if (used-shares column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! heading-list (_ "Shares")))
-    ;(if (used-price column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! heading-list (_ "Price")))
-    ;(if (used-amount-single column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! heading-list (_ "Amount")))
-    ;; FIXME: Proper labels: what?
-    (if (used-amount-double-positive column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Debit")))
-    (if (used-amount-double-negative column-vector)
-        (addto! heading-list (_ "Credit")))
-    (for-each (lambda (arg)
-                (addto! heading-list
-                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                         "column-heading-right"
-                         (car arg))))
-              calculated-cells)
-    (reverse heading-list)))
-(define (add-split-row table split column-vector cell-calculators options
-                       row-style account-types-to-reverse transaction-row?)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (let* ((row-contents '())
-         (dummy  (gnc:debug "split is originally" split))
-         (parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-         (account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
-         (account-type (xaccAccountGetType account))
-         (currency (xaccTransGetCurrency parent))
-         ;the following cannot be used, because we're using each split's tax currency
-         ;(if (not (null? account))
-         ;             (xaccAccountGetCommodity account)
-         ;             (gnc-default-currency)))
-         (report-currency (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency)
-                              (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)
-                              currency))
-         (trans-date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted parent))
-         (converted (lambda (num)
-                      (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
-                       (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency num)
-                       report-currency
-                       (timespecCanonicalDayTime trans-date)))))
-    (define cells
-      (map (lambda (cell)
-             (converted ((cdr cell) split)))
-           cell-calculators))
-    (if (used-date column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-                (if transaction-row?
-                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "date-cell"
-                                                     (gnc-print-date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted parent)))
-                    " ")))
-    (if (used-reconciled-date column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "date-cell"
-                                                 (let ((date (gnc-split-get-date-reconciled split)))
-                                                   (if (equal? date (cons 0 0))
-                                                       " "
-                                                       (gnc-print-date date))))))
-    (if (used-num column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-                (if transaction-row?
-                    (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field
-                         (gnc-get-current-book))
-                        (let* ((num (gnc-get-num-action parent split))
-                               (t-num (if (if (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                                                 gnc:pagename-display
-                                                                 (N_ "Trans Number"))
-                                              (opt-val gnc:pagename-display
-                                                       (N_ "Trans Number"))
-                                              #f)
-                                          (gnc-get-num-action parent #f)
-                                          ""))
-                               (num-string (if (equal? t-num "")
-                                               num
-                                               (string-append num "/" t-num))))
-                          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell"
-                                                           num-string))
-                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell"
-                                                         (gnc-get-num-action parent split)))
-                    " ")))
-    (if (used-description column-vector)
-        (addto! row-contents
-                (if transaction-row?
-                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell"
-                                                     (xaccTransGetDescription parent))
-                    " ")))
-    (if (used-memo column-vector)
-        (let ((memo (xaccSplitGetMemo split)))
-          (if (and (equal? memo "") (used-notes column-vector))
-              (addto! row-contents (xaccTransGetNotes parent))
-              (addto! row-contents memo))))
-    (if (or (used-account-name column-vector) (used-account-code column-vector))
-        (addto! row-contents (account-namestring account
-                                                 (used-account-code      column-vector)
-                                                 (used-account-name      column-vector)
-                                                 (used-account-full-name column-vector))))
-    (if (or (used-other-account-name column-vector) (used-other-account-code column-vector))
-        (addto! row-contents (account-namestring (xaccSplitGetAccount
-                                                  (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
-                                                 (used-other-account-code      column-vector)
-                                                 (used-other-account-name      column-vector)
-                                                 (used-other-account-full-name column-vector))))
-    ;(if (used-shares column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! row-contents (xaccSplitGetAmount split)))
-    ;(if (used-price column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! 
-    ;     row-contents 
-    ;     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccTransGetCurrency parent)
-    ;                            (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))))
-    ;(if (used-amount-single column-vector)
-    ;    (addto! row-contents
-    ;            (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell"
-    ;                                             (gnc:html-transaction-anchor parent split-value))))
-    ;(if (used-amount-double-positive column-vector)
-    ;    (if (gnc-numeric-positive-p (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount split-value))
-    ;        (addto! row-contents
-    ;                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell"
-    ;                                                 (gnc:html-transaction-anchor parent split-value)))
-    ;        (addto! row-contents " ")))
-    ;(if (used-amount-double-negative column-vector)
-    ;    (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount split-value))
-    ;        (addto! row-contents
-    ;                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-    ;                 "number-cell" (gnc:html-transaction-anchor parent (gnc:monetary-neg split-value))))
-    ;        (addto! row-contents " ")))
-    (for-each (lambda (cell)
-                (if cell
-                    (addto! row-contents
-                            (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                             "number-cell"
-                             (gnc:html-transaction-anchor
-                              parent
-                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency cell))))
-                    (addto! row-contents (gnc:html-make-empty-cell))))
-              cells)
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
-                                       (reverse row-contents))
-    cells))
-(define date-sorting-types (list 'date 'register-order))
-(define (trep-options-generator)
-  (define gnc:*transaction-report-options* (gnc:new-options))
-  (define (gnc:register-trep-option new-option)
-    (gnc:register-option gnc:*transaction-report-options* new-option))
-  ;; General options
-  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-   gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-   gnc:pagename-general (N_ "Start Date") (N_ "End Date") "a")
-  ;(gnc:register-trep-option
-  ; (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-  ;  gnc:pagename-general (N_ "Style")
-  ;  "d" (N_ "Report style.")
-  ;  'single
-  ;  (list (vector 'multi-line
-  ;                (N_ "Multi-Line")
-  ;                (N_ "Display N lines."))
-  ;        (vector 'single
-  ;                (N_ "Single")
-  ;                (N_ "Display 1 line.")))))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency
-    "e" (N_ "Convert all transactions into a common currency.") #f
-    #f
-    (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-                 gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-                 gnc:pagename-general
-                 optname-currency
-                 x))))
-  (gnc:options-add-currency!
-   gnc:*transaction-report-options* gnc:pagename-general optname-currency "f")
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export
-    "g" (N_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.") #f))
-  ;; Accounts options
-  ;; account to do report on
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-limited-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts")
-    "b1" (N_ "Report on these accounts.")
-    ;; select, by default, no accounts! Selecting all accounts will
-    ;; always imply an insanely long waiting time upon opening, and it
-    ;; is almost never useful. So we instead display the normal error
-    ;; message saying "Click here", and the user knows how to
-    ;; continue.
-    (lambda ()
-      '())
-    #f #t
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-string-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Account Substring")
-    "b15" (N_ "Match only above accounts whose fullname contains substring e.g. ':Travel' will \
-match Expenses:Travel:Holiday and Expenses:Business:Travel. Can be left blank, which will \
-disable the substring filter. This filter is case-sensitive.")
-    ""))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-limited-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Tax Accounts")
-    "b17" (N_ "Please find and select the accounts which will hold the tax collected or paid. \
-These accounts must contain splits which document the monies which are wholly sent or claimed \
-from tax authorities during periodic GST/VAT returns. These accounts must be of type ASSET \
-for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY for taxes collected on sales.")
-    (lambda ()
-      '())
-    #f #t
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Filter By...")
-    "b2" (N_ "Filter on these accounts.")
-    (lambda ()
-      ;; FIXME : gnc:get-current-accounts disappeared.
-      (let* ((current-accounts '())
-             (root (gnc-get-current-root-account))
-             (num-accounts (gnc-account-n-children root))
-             (first-account (gnc-account-nth-child root 0)))
-        (cond ((not (null? current-accounts))
-               (list (car current-accounts)))
-              ((> num-accounts 0) (list first-account))
-              (else '()))))
-    #f #t))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Filter Type")
-    "c" (N_ "Filter account.")
-    'none
-    (list (vector 'none
-                  (N_ "None")
-                  (N_ "Do not do any filtering."))
-          (vector 'include
-                  (N_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts")
-                  (N_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only."))
-          (vector 'exclude
-                  (N_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts")
-                  (N_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts."))
-          )))
-  ;;
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-void-transactions
-    "d" (N_ "How to handle void transactions.")
-    'non-void-only
-    (list (vector
-           'non-void-only
-           (N_ "Non-void only")
-           (N_ "Show only non-voided transactions."))
-          (vector
-           'void-only
-           (N_ "Void only")
-           (N_ "Show only voided transactions."))
-          (vector 
-           'both
-           (N_ "Both")
-           (N_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals).")))))
-  ;; Sorting options
-  (let ((options gnc:*transaction-report-options*)
-        (key-choice-list 
-         (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book))
-             (list (vector 'none
-                           (N_ "None")
-                           (N_ "Do not sort."))
-                   (vector 'account-name
-                           (N_ "Account Name")
-                           (N_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
-                   (vector 'account-code
-                           (N_ "Account Code")
-                           (N_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
-                   (vector 'date
-                           (N_ "Date")
-                           (N_ "Sort by date."))
-                   (vector 'reconciled-date
-                           (N_ "Reconciled Date")
-                           (N_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
-                   (vector 'register-order
-                           (N_ "Register Order")
-                           (N_ "Sort as in the register."))
-                   (vector 'corresponding-acc-name 
-                           (N_ "Other Account Name")
-                           (N_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
-                   (vector 'corresponding-acc-code
-                           (N_ "Other Account Code")
-                           (N_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
-                   (vector 'amount
-                           (N_ "Amount")
-                           (N_ "Sort by amount."))
-                   (vector 'description
-                           (N_ "Description")
-                           (N_ "Sort by description."))
-                   (vector 'number
-                           (N_ "Number/Action")
-                           (N_ "Sort by check number/action."))
-                   (vector 't-number
-                           (N_ "Transaction Number")
-                           (N_ "Sort by transaction number."))
-                   (vector 'memo
-                           (N_ "Memo")
-                           (N_ "Sort by memo.")))
-             (list (vector 'none
-                           (N_ "None")
-                           (N_ "Do not sort."))
-                   (vector 'account-name
-                           (N_ "Account Name")
-                           (N_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
-                   (vector 'account-code
-                           (N_ "Account Code")
-                           (N_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
-                   (vector 'date
-                           (N_ "Date")
-                           (N_ "Sort by date."))
-                   (vector 'reconciled-date
-                           (N_ "Reconciled Date")
-                           (N_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
-                   (vector 'register-order
-                           (N_ "Register Order")
-                           (N_ "Sort as in the register."))
-                   (vector 'corresponding-acc-name 
-                           (N_ "Other Account Name")
-                           (N_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
-                   (vector 'corresponding-acc-code
-                           (N_ "Other Account Code")
-                           (N_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
-                   (vector 'amount
-                           (N_ "Amount")
-                           (N_ "Sort by amount."))
-                   (vector 'description
-                           (N_ "Description")
-                           (N_ "Sort by description."))
-                   (vector 'number
-                           (N_ "Number")
-                           (N_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
-                   (vector 'memo
-                           (N_ "Memo")
-                           (N_ "Sort by memo.")))))
-        (ascending-choice-list 
-         (list
-          (vector 'ascend
-                  (N_ "Ascending")
-                  (N_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest."))
-          (vector 'descend
-                  (N_ "Descending")
-                  (N_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest."))))
-        (subtotal-choice-list
-         (list
-          (vector 'none (N_ "None") (N_ "None."))
-          (vector 'weekly (N_ "Weekly") (N_ "Weekly."))
-          (vector 'monthly (N_ "Monthly") (N_ "Monthly."))
-          (vector 'quarterly (N_ "Quarterly") (N_ "Quarterly."))
-          (vector 'yearly (N_ "Yearly") (N_ "Yearly."))))
-        (prime-sortkey 'account-name)
-        (prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #t)
-        (sec-sortkey 'register-order)
-        (sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f))
-    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options)
-      (let* ((prime-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? prime-sortkey 'none)))
-             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (member prime-sortkey subtotal-enabled))
-             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (member prime-sortkey date-sorting-types))
-             (sec-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? sec-sortkey 'none)))
-             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (member sec-sortkey subtotal-enabled))
-             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (member sec-sortkey date-sorting-types)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
-         prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
-         prime-sortkey-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
-         sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
-         sec-sortkey-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
-         prime-date-sortingtype-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
-         sec-date-sortingtype-enabled)))
-    ;; primary sorting criterion
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey
-      "a" (N_ "Sort by this criterion first.")
-      prime-sortkey
-      key-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! prime-sortkey x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
-      "j1" 
-      (N_ "Show the full account name for subtotals and subtitles?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
-      "j2" 
-      (N_ "Show the account code for subtotals and subtitles?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
-      "e5"
-      (N_ "Subtotal according to the primary key?")
-      prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! prime-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
-      "e2" (N_ "Do a date subtotal.")
-      'monthly
-      subtotal-choice-list))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
-      "e" (N_ "Order of primary sorting.")
-      'ascend
-      ascending-choice-list))
-    ;; Secondary sorting criterion
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey
-      "f"
-      (N_ "Sort by this criterion second.")
-      sec-sortkey
-      key-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! sec-sortkey x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
-      "i5"
-      (N_ "Subtotal according to the secondary key?")
-      sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! sec-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
-      "i2" (N_ "Do a date subtotal.")
-      'none
-      subtotal-choice-list))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
-      "i" (N_ "Order of Secondary sorting.")
-      'ascend
-      ascending-choice-list)))
-  ;; Display options
-  (for-each
-   (lambda (l)
-     (gnc:register-trep-option
-      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-       gnc:pagename-display (car l) (cadr l) (caddr l) (cadddr l))))
-   ;; One list per option here with: option-name, sort-tag,
-   ;; help-string, default-value
-   (list
-    (list (N_ "Date")                         "a"  (N_ "Display the date?") #t)
-    (list (N_ "Reconciled Date")              "a2" (N_ "Display the reconciled date?") #f)
-    (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book))
-        (list (N_ "Num/Action")               "b"  (N_ "Display the check number?") #t)
-        (list (N_ "Num")                      "b"  (N_ "Display the check number?") #t))
-    (list (N_ "Description")                  "c"  (N_ "Display the description?") #t)
-    (list (N_ "Notes")                        "d2" (N_ "Display the notes if the memo is unavailable?") #t)
-    ;; account name option appears here
-    (list (N_ "Use Full Account Name")        "f"  (N_ "Display the full account name?") #t)
-    (list (N_ "Account Code")                 "g"  (N_ "Display the account code?") #f)
-    ;; other account name option appears here
-    (list (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")  "i"  (N_ "Display the full account name?") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Other Account Code")           "j"  (N_ "Display the other account code?") #f)
-    ;(list (N_ "Shares")                       "k"  (N_ "Display the number of shares?") #f)
-    ;(list (N_ "Price")                        "l"  (N_ "Display the shares price?") #f)
-    ;; note the "Amount" multichoice option in between here
-    (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (N_ "Display the totals?") #t)
-    (list (N_ "Individual income columns")    "p" (N_ "Display individual income columns rather than their sum") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Individual expense columns")   "q" (N_ "Display individual expense columns rather than their sum") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Individual tax columns")       "r"  (N_ "Display individual tax columns rather than their sum") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Remittance amount")            "s"  (N_ "Display the remittance amount (total sales - total purchases)") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Net Income")                   "t"  (N_ "Display the net income (sales without tax - purchases without tax)") #f)
-    (list (N_ "Tax payable")                  "t"  (N_ "Display the tax payable (tax on sales - tax on purchases)") #f)
-    ))
-  (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book))
-      (gnc:register-trep-option
-       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-        gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
-        "b2" (N_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))
-  ;; Add an option to display the memo, and disable the notes option
-  ;; when memos are not included.
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")
-    "d"  (N_ "Display the memo?") #t
-    #f
-    (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-                 gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-                 gnc:pagename-display
-                 (N_ "Notes")
-                 x))))
-  ;; Ditto for Account Name #t -> Use Full Account Name is selectable
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")
-    "e"  (N_ "Display the account name?") #t
-    #f
-    (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-                 gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-                 gnc:pagename-display
-                 (N_ "Use Full Account Name")
-                 x))))
-  ;; Ditto for Other Account Name #t -> Use Full Other Account Name is selectable
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
-    "h5"  (N_ "Display the other account name? (if this is a split transaction, this parameter is guessed).") #f
-    #f
-    (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-                 gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-                 gnc:pagename-display
-                 (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")
-                 x))))
-  ;(gnc:register-trep-option
-  ; (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-  ;  gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")
-  ;  "m" (N_ "Display the amount?")  
-  ;  'single
-  ;  (list
-  ;   (vector 'none (N_ "None") (N_ "No amount display."))
-  ;   (vector 'single (N_ "Single") (N_ "Single Column Display."))
-  ;   (vector 'double (N_ "Double") (N_ "Two Column Display."))
-  ;   )))
-  ;(gnc:register-trep-option
-  ; (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-  ;  gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
-  ;  "p" (N_ "Reverse amount display for certain account types.")
-  ;  'none
-  ;  (list 
-  ;   (vector 'none (N_ "None") (N_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
-  ;   (vector 'income-expense (N_ "Income and Expense")
-  ;           (N_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
-  ;   (vector 'credit-accounts (N_ "Credit Accounts")
-  ;           (N_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, Credit Card, and Income accounts.")))))
-  (gnc:options-set-default-section gnc:*transaction-report-options*
-                                   gnc:pagename-general)
-  gnc:*transaction-report-options*)
-(define (display-date-interval begin end)
-  (let ((begin-string (gnc-print-date begin))
-        (end-string (gnc-print-date end)))
-    (sprintf #f (_ "From %s To %s") begin-string end-string)))
-(define (get-primary-subtotal-style options)
-  (let ((bgcolor (gnc:lookup-option options 
-                                    (N_ "Colors")
-                                    (N_ "Primary Subtotals/headings"))))
-    (list 'attribute (list "bgcolor" (gnc:color-option->html bgcolor)))))
-(define (get-secondary-subtotal-style options)
-  (let ((bgcolor (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                    (N_ "Colors")
-                                    (N_ "Secondary Subtotals/headings"))))
-    (list 'attribute (list "bgcolor" (gnc:color-option->html bgcolor)))))
-(define (get-grand-total-style options)
-  (let ((bgcolor (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                    (N_ "Colors")
-                                    (N_ "Grand Total"))))
-    (list 'attribute (list "bgcolor" (gnc:color-option->html bgcolor)))))
-(define (get-odd-row-style options)
-  (let ((bgcolor (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                    (N_ "Colors")
-                                    (N_ "Split Odd"))))
-    (list 'attribute (list "bgcolor" (gnc:color-option->html bgcolor)))))
-(define (get-even-row-style options)
-  (let ((bgcolor (gnc:lookup-option options
-                                    (N_ "Colors")
-                                    (N_ "Split Even"))))
-    (list 'attribute (list "bgcolor" (gnc:color-option->html bgcolor)))))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Here comes the big function that builds the whole table.
-(define (make-split-table splits options
-                          accounts-tax-paid
-                          accounts-tax-collected
-                          accounts-sales
-                          accounts-purchases
-                          primary-subtotal-pred
-                          secondary-subtotal-pred
-                          primary-subheading-renderer
-                          secondary-subheading-renderer
-                          primary-subtotal-renderer
-                          secondary-subtotal-renderer)
-  (let ((work-to-do (length splits))
-        (work-done 0)
-        (used-columns (build-column-used options)))
-    (define calculated-cells
-      (letrec
-          ((myadd (lambda (X Y) (if X (if Y (gnc-numeric-add X Y GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND) X) Y)))
-           (myneg (lambda (X) (if X (gnc-numeric-neg X) #f)))
-           (split-adder (lambda (split accountlist typefilter)
-                          (let* ((transaction (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (splits-in-transaction (xaccTransGetSplitList transaction))
-                                 (sum #f))
-                            (for-each (lambda (s)
-                                        (let* ((splitAcc (xaccSplitGetAccount s))
-                                               (splitVal (if (xaccTransGetVoidStatus transaction)
-                                                             (xaccSplitVoidFormerValue s)
-                                                             (xaccSplitGetValue s)))
-                                               (splitCommodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity splitAcc))
-                                               (splitAccType (xaccAccountGetType splitAcc))
-                                               (splitAccName (xaccAccountGetName splitAcc)))
-                                          (if accountlist
-                                              (if (member splitAcc accountlist)
-                                                  (set! sum (myadd sum splitVal))))
-                                          (if typefilter
-                                              (if (eq? typefilter splitAccType)
-                                                  (set! sum (myadd sum splitVal))))))
-                                      splits-in-transaction)
-                            sum)))                                 
-           ;(sales-without-tax (lambda (s) (split-adder s #f ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
-           ;(purchases-without-tax (lambda (s) (split-adder s #f ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
-           (tax-on-sales (lambda (s) (split-adder s accounts-tax-collected #f)))
-           (tax-on-purchases (lambda (s) (split-adder s accounts-tax-paid #f)))
-           (sales-without-tax (lambda (s) (split-adder s accounts-sales #f)))
-           (purchases-without-tax (lambda (s) (split-adder s accounts-purchases #f)))
-           (account-adder (lambda (acc) (lambda (s) (split-adder s (list acc) #f))))
-           (total-sales (lambda (s) (myadd (tax-on-sales s) (sales-without-tax s))))
-           (total-purchases (lambda (s) (myadd (tax-on-purchases s) (purchases-without-tax s))))
-           (bank-remittance (lambda (s) (myneg (myadd (total-sales s) (total-purchases s)))))
-           (net-income (lambda (s) (myneg (myadd (sales-without-tax s) (purchases-without-tax s)))))
-           (tax-payable (lambda (s) (myneg (myadd (tax-on-purchases s) (tax-on-sales s))))))
-        (append
-         (list (cons "Total Sales" total-sales))
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Individual income columns")))
-             (map (lambda (acc) (cons (xaccAccountGetName acc) (account-adder acc)))
-                  accounts-sales)
-             (list (cons "Net Sales" sales-without-tax)))
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Individual tax columns")))
-             (map (lambda (acc) (cons (xaccAccountGetName acc) (account-adder acc)))
-                  accounts-tax-collected)
-             (list (cons "Tax on Sales" tax-on-sales)))
-         (list (cons "Total Purchases" total-purchases))
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Individual expense columns")))
-             (map (lambda (acc) (cons (xaccAccountGetName acc) (account-adder acc)))
-                  accounts-purchases)
-             (list (cons "Net Purchases" purchases-without-tax)))
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Individual tax columns")))
-             (map (lambda (acc) (cons (xaccAccountGetName acc) (account-adder acc)))
-                  accounts-tax-paid)
-             (list (cons "Tax on Purchases" tax-on-purchases)))
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Remittance amount")))
-             (list (cons "Remittance" bank-remittance))
-             '())
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Net Income")))
-             (list (cons "Net Income" net-income))
-             '())
-         (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Tax payable")))
-             (list (cons "Tax Payable" tax-payable))
-             '())
-         )))
-    ;(define (get-account-types-to-reverse options)
-    ;  (cdr (assq (gnc:option-value
-    ;              (gnc:lookup-option options
-    ;                                 gnc:pagename-display
-    ;                                 (N_ "Sign Reverses")))
-    ;             account-types-to-reverse-assoc-list)))
-    ;(define (transaction-report-multi-rows-p options)
-    ;  (eq? (gnc:option-value
-    ;        (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general (N_ "Style")))
-    ;       'multi-line))
-    (define (transaction-report-export-p options)
-      (gnc:option-value
-       (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general
-                          optname-table-export)))
-    (define (add-other-split-rows split table used-columns
-                                  row-style account-types-to-reverse)
-      (define (other-rows-driver split parent table used-columns i)
-        (let ((current (xaccTransGetSplit parent i)))
-          (cond ((null? current) #f)
-                ((equal? current split)
-                 (other-rows-driver split parent table used-columns (+ i 1)))
-                (else (begin
-                        (add-split-row table current used-columns calculated-cells options
-                                       row-style account-types-to-reverse #f)
-                        (other-rows-driver split parent table used-columns
-                                           (+ i 1)))))))
-      (other-rows-driver split (xaccSplitGetParent split)
-                         table used-columns 0))
-    (define (do-rows-with-subtotals splits 
-                                    table 
-                                    used-columns
-                                    width
-                                    multi-rows?
-                                    odd-row?
-                                    export?
-                                    account-types-to-reverse
-                                    primary-subtotal-pred
-                                    secondary-subtotal-pred 
-                                    primary-subheading-renderer
-                                    secondary-subheading-renderer
-                                    primary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    secondary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    primary-subtotal-collectors 
-                                    secondary-subtotal-collectors 
-                                    total-collectors)
-      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
-      (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-      (if (null? splits)
-          (begin
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-             table
-             def:grand-total-style
-             (list
-              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-               1 width (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
-            (if (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options "Display" "Totals"))
-                (render-grand-total table width total-collectors export?)))
-          (let* ((current (car splits))
-                 (current-row-style (if multi-rows? def:normal-row-style
-                                        (if odd-row? def:normal-row-style 
-                                            def:alternate-row-style)))
-                 (rest (cdr splits))
-                 (next (if (null? rest) #f
-                           (car rest)))
-                 (split-values (add-split-row 
-                                table 
-                                current 
-                                used-columns
-                                calculated-cells
-                                options
-                                current-row-style
-                                account-types-to-reverse
-                                #t)))
-            (if multi-rows?
-                (add-other-split-rows
-                 current table used-columns def:alternate-row-style
-                 account-types-to-reverse))
-            (map (lambda (collector value)
-                   (if value
-                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-                 primary-subtotal-collectors
-                 split-values)
-            (map (lambda (collector value)
-                   (if value
-                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-                 secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                 split-values)
-            (map (lambda (collector value)
-                   (if value
-                       (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-                 total-collectors
-                 split-values)
-            (if (and primary-subtotal-pred
-                     (or (not next)
-                         (and next
-                              (not (primary-subtotal-pred current next)))))
-                (begin
-                  (if secondary-subtotal-pred
-                      (begin
-                        (secondary-subtotal-renderer
-                         table width current
-                         secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                         def:secondary-subtotal-style used-columns export?)
-                        (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors)))
-                  (primary-subtotal-renderer table width current
-                                             primary-subtotal-collectors
-                                             def:primary-subtotal-style used-columns
-                                             export?)
-                  (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                            primary-subtotal-collectors)
-                  (if next
-                      (begin 
-                        (primary-subheading-renderer
-                         next table width def:primary-subtotal-style used-columns)
-                        (if secondary-subtotal-pred
-                            (secondary-subheading-renderer
-                             next 
-                             table 
-                             width def:secondary-subtotal-style used-columns)))))
-                (if (and secondary-subtotal-pred
-                         (or (not next)
-                             (and next
-                                  (not (secondary-subtotal-pred
-                                        current next)))))
-                    (begin (secondary-subtotal-renderer
-                            table width current
-                            secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                            def:secondary-subtotal-style used-columns export?)
-                           (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                     secondary-subtotal-collectors)
-                           (if next
-                               (secondary-subheading-renderer
-                                next table width
-                                def:secondary-subtotal-style used-columns)))))
-            (do-rows-with-subtotals rest 
-                                    table 
-                                    used-columns
-                                    width 
-                                    multi-rows?
-                                    (not odd-row?)
-                                    export?
-                                    account-types-to-reverse
-                                    primary-subtotal-pred 
-                                    secondary-subtotal-pred
-                                    primary-subheading-renderer 
-                                    secondary-subheading-renderer
-                                    primary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    secondary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    primary-subtotal-collectors 
-                                    secondary-subtotal-collectors 
-                                    total-collectors))))
-    (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-           (width (num-columns-required used-columns))
-           (multi-rows? #f) ;disable. (transaction-report-multi-rows-p options))
-           (export?  (transaction-report-export-p options))
-           (account-types-to-reverse '())) ;disabled.            (get-account-types-to-reverse '()))options)))
-      (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-       table
-       (make-heading-list used-columns calculated-cells options))
-      (if (not (null? splits))
-          (begin
-            (if primary-subheading-renderer 
-                (primary-subheading-renderer
-                 (car splits) table width def:primary-subtotal-style used-columns))
-            (if secondary-subheading-renderer
-                (secondary-subheading-renderer
-                 (car splits) table width def:secondary-subtotal-style used-columns))
-            (do-rows-with-subtotals splits table used-columns width
-                                    multi-rows? #t
-                                    export?
-                                    account-types-to-reverse
-                                    primary-subtotal-pred
-                                    secondary-subtotal-pred
-                                    primary-subheading-renderer
-                                    secondary-subheading-renderer
-                                    primary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    secondary-subtotal-renderer
-                                    (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells)
-                                    (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells)
-                                    (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells)
-                                    ;(gnc:make-commodity-collector)
-                                    ;(gnc:make-commodity-collector)
-                                    ;(gnc:make-commodity-collector)
-                                    )))
-      table)))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Here comes the renderer function for this report.
-(define (trep-renderer report-obj)
-  (define options (gnc:report-options report-obj))
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value
-     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define comp-funcs-assoc-list
-    ;; Defines the different sorting keys, together with the
-    ;; subtotal functions. Each entry: (cons
-    ;; 'sorting-key-option-value (vector 'query-sorting-key
-    ;; subtotal-function subtotal-renderer))
-    ;;  (let* ((used-columns (build-column-used options))) ;; tpo: gives unbound variable options?
-    (let* ((used-columns (build-column-used (gnc:report-options report-obj))))
-      (list (cons 'account-name  (vector 
-                                  (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME)
-                                  split-account-full-name-same-p 
-                                  render-account-subheading
-                                  render-account-subtotal))
-            (cons 'account-code  (vector 
-                                  (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-)
-                                  split-account-code-same-p
-                                  render-account-subheading
-                                  render-account-subtotal))
-            (cons 'date          (vector
-                                  (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED)
-                                  #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'reconciled-date (vector
-                                    (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED)
-                                    #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'register-order (vector
-                                   (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT)
-                                   #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'corresponding-acc-name
-                  (vector
-                   (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME)
-                   split-same-corr-account-full-name-p 
-                   render-corresponding-account-subheading
-                   render-corresponding-account-subtotal))
-            (cons 'corresponding-acc-code
-                  (vector
-                   (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE)
-                   split-same-corr-account-code-p 
-                   render-corresponding-account-subheading
-                   render-corresponding-account-subtotal))
-            (cons 'amount        (vector (list SPLIT-VALUE) #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'description   (vector (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION) #f #f #f))
-            (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book))
-                (cons 'number    (vector (list SPLIT-ACTION) #f #f #f))
-                (cons 'number    (vector (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM) #f #f #f)))
-            (cons 't-number      (vector (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM) #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'memo          (vector (list SPLIT-MEMO) #f #f #f))
-            (cons 'none          (vector '() #f #f #f)))))
-  (define date-comp-funcs-assoc-list
-    ;; Extra list for date option. Each entry: (cons
-    ;; 'date-subtotal-option-value (vector subtotal-function
-    ;; subtotal-renderer))
-    (list
-     (cons 'none (vector #f #f #f))
-     (cons 'weekly (vector split-same-week-p render-week-subheading
-                           render-week-subtotal))
-     (cons 'monthly (vector split-same-month-p render-month-subheading 
-                            render-month-subtotal))
-     (cons 'quarterly (vector split-same-quarter-p render-quarter-subheading 
-                              render-quarter-subtotal))
-     (cons 'yearly (vector split-same-year-p render-year-subheading
-                           render-year-subtotal))))
-  (define (get-subtotalstuff-helper 
-           name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal
-           comp-index date-index)
-    ;; The value of the sorting-key multichoice option.
-    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting name-sortkey)))
-      (if (member sortkey date-sorting-types)
-          ;; If sorting by date, look up the value of the
-          ;; date-subtotalling multichoice option and return the
-          ;; corresponding funcs in the assoc-list.
-          (vector-ref
-           (cdr (assq (opt-val pagename-sorting name-date-subtotal)
-                      date-comp-funcs-assoc-list)) 
-           date-index)
-          ;; For everything else: 1. check whether sortkey has
-          ;; subtotalling enabled at all, 2. check whether the
-          ;; enable-subtotal boolean option is #t, 3. look up the
-          ;; appropriate funcs in the assoc-list.
-          (and (member sortkey subtotal-enabled) 
-               (and (opt-val pagename-sorting name-subtotal)
-                    (vector-ref 
-                     (cdr (assq sortkey comp-funcs-assoc-list)) 
-                     comp-index))))))
-  (define (get-query-sortkey sort-option-value)
-    (vector-ref 
-     (cdr (assq sort-option-value comp-funcs-assoc-list)) 
-     0))
-  (define (get-subtotal-pred 
-           name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal)
-    (get-subtotalstuff-helper 
-     name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal
-     1 0))
-  (define (get-subheading-renderer
-           name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal)
-    (get-subtotalstuff-helper 
-     name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal
-     2 1))
-  (define (get-subtotal-renderer
-           name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal)
-    (get-subtotalstuff-helper
-     name-sortkey name-subtotal name-date-subtotal
-     3 2))
-  ;;(define (get-other-account-names account-list)
-  ;;  ( map (lambda (acct)  (gnc-account-get-full-name acct)) account-list))
-  (define (splits-filter-unique-transactions splits)
-    (let ((have-trans-hash (make-hash-table)))
-      (define (only-one-copy? split)
-        (let* ((parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-               (trans-guid (gncTransGetGUID parent)))
-          (if (hash-ref have-trans-hash trans-guid #f)
-              #f  ; already have a copy of this transaction
-              (begin
-                (hash-set! have-trans-hash trans-guid #t)
-                #t))))
-      (filter only-one-copy? splits)))
-  (define (is-filter-member split account-list)
-    (let* ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-           (splitcount (xaccTransCountSplits txn)))
-      (cond
-        ;; A 2-split transaction - test separately so it can be optimized
-        ;; to significantly reduce the number of splits to traverse
-        ;; in guile code
-        ((= splitcount 2)
-         (let* ((other      (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
-                (other-acct (xaccSplitGetAccount other)))
-           (member other-acct account-list)))
-        ;; A multi-split transaction - run over all splits
-        ((> splitcount 2)
-         (let ((splits (xaccTransGetSplitList txn)))
-           ;; Walk through the list of splits.
-           ;; if we reach the end, return #f
-           ;; if the 'this' != 'split' and the split->account is a member
-           ;; of the account-list, then return #t, else recurse
-           (define (is-member splits)
-             (if (null? splits)
-                 #f
-                 (let* ((this (car splits))
-                        (rest (cdr splits))
-                        (acct (xaccSplitGetAccount this)))
-                   (if (and (not (eq? this split))
-                            (member acct account-list))
-                       #t
-                       (is-member rest)))))
-           (is-member splits)))
-        ;; Single transaction splits
-        (else #f))))
-  (gnc:report-starting reportname)
-  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
-         (c_account_0 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts"))
-         (c_account_substring (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Account Substring"))
-         (c_account_1 (filter
-                       (lambda (acc)
-                         (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc) c_account_substring))
-                       c_account_0))
-         (c_account_2 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Filter By..."))
-         (tax-accounts (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Tax Accounts"))
-         (accounts-tax-collected (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY)) tax-accounts))
-         (accounts-tax-paid (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-ASSET)) tax-accounts))
-         (accounts-sales (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)) c_account_1))
-         (accounts-purchases (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)) c_account_1))
-         (filter-mode (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Filter Type"))
-         (begindate (gnc:timepair-start-day-time
-                     (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Start Date"))))
-         (enddate (gnc:timepair-end-day-time
-                   (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                    (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "End Date"))))
-         (report-title (opt-val 
-                        gnc:pagename-general
-                        gnc:optname-reportname))
-         (primary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey))
-         (primary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting "Primary Sort Order"))
-         (secondary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey))
-         (secondary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting "Secondary Sort Order"))
-         (void-status (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-void-transactions))
-         (splits '())
-         (query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-    ;(gnc:warn "c1 is " c_account_1)
-    ;(gnc:warn "c2 is " c_account_2)
-    ;(gnc:warn "first c1 is " (xaccAccountGetName (car c_account_1)))
-    (if (not (or (null? c_account_1) (and-map not c_account_1)))
-        (begin
-          (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
-          ;;(gnc:warn "query is:" query)
-          (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query
-                                    c_account_1
-                                    QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
-          (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTS
-           query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND)
-          (qof-query-set-sort-order query
-                                    (get-query-sortkey primary-key)
-                                    (get-query-sortkey secondary-key)
-                                    '())
-          (qof-query-set-sort-increasing query
-                                         (eq? primary-order 'ascend)
-                                         (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)
-                                         #t)
-          (case void-status
-            ((non-void-only) 
-             (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            ((void-only)
-             (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            (else #f))
-          (set! splits (qof-query-run query))
-          ;;(gnc:warn "Splits in trep-renderer:" splits)
-          ;;(gnc:warn "Filter account names:" (get-other-account-names c_account_2))
-          ;;This should probably a cond or a case to allow for different filter types.
-          ;;(gnc:warn "Filter Mode: " filter-mode)
-          (if (eq? filter-mode 'include)
-              (begin
-                ;;(gnc:warn "Including Filter Accounts")
-                (set! splits (filter (lambda (split) 
-                                       (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
-                                     splits))))
-          (if (eq? filter-mode 'exclude)
-              (begin
-                ;;(gnc:warn "Excluding Filter Accounts")
-                (set! splits (filter (lambda (split) 
-                                       (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2)))
-                                     splits))))
-          ; We have to remove duplicates because the report will *sum* amounts in a transaction
-          ; otherwise it will double count where transaction contains 2 splits in same account
-          (set! splits (splits-filter-unique-transactions splits))
-          ; For each split, we will only keep those which contain useful data
-          ; e.g. show invoices & regular transactions. We will also disallow closing txns.
-          (set! splits (filter
-                        (lambda (split)
-                          (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (txn-type (xaccTransGetTxnType trans)))
-                            (and (member txn-type (list TXN-TYPE-NONE TXN-TYPE-INVOICE))
-                                 (not (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn trans)))))
-                        splits))
-          (if (not (null? splits))
-              (let ((table 
-                     (make-split-table 
-                      splits 
-                      options
-                      accounts-tax-paid
-                      accounts-tax-collected
-                      accounts-sales
-                      accounts-purchases
-                      (get-subtotal-pred optname-prime-sortkey 
-                                         optname-prime-subtotal
-                                         optname-prime-date-subtotal)
-                      (get-subtotal-pred optname-sec-sortkey 
-                                         optname-sec-subtotal
-                                         optname-sec-date-subtotal)
-                      (get-subheading-renderer optname-prime-sortkey 
-                                               optname-prime-subtotal
-                                               optname-prime-date-subtotal)
-                      (get-subheading-renderer optname-sec-sortkey 
-                                               optname-sec-subtotal
-                                               optname-sec-date-subtotal)
-                      (get-subtotal-renderer   optname-prime-sortkey
-                                               optname-prime-subtotal
-                                               optname-prime-date-subtotal)
-                      (get-subtotal-renderer   optname-sec-sortkey
-                                               optname-sec-subtotal
-                                               optname-sec-date-subtotal))))
-                (gnc:html-document-set-title! document
-                                              report-title)
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-                 document
-                 (gnc:make-html-text
-                  (gnc:html-markup-h3 
-                   (display-date-interval begindate enddate))))
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-                 document
-                 (gnc:make-html-text
-                  (gnc:html-markup-p
-                   "Input Tax accounts: "
-                   (string-join (map gnc-account-get-full-name accounts-tax-paid) ", "))))
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-                 document
-                 (gnc:make-html-text
-                  (gnc:html-markup-p
-                   "Output Tax accounts: "
-                   (string-join (map gnc-account-get-full-name accounts-tax-collected) ", "))))
-                (if (null? (append accounts-tax-collected accounts-tax-paid))
-                    (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-                     document
-                     (gnc:make-html-text
-                      (gnc:html-markup-p 
-                       "There are no input/output tax accounts set up. This is probably not what"
-                       " you want. "
-                       TAX-SETUP-DESC))))
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                 document 
-                 table)
-                (qof-query-destroy query))
-              ;; error condition: no splits found
-              (let ((p (gnc:make-html-text)))
-                (gnc:html-text-append! 
-                 p 
-                 (gnc:html-markup-h2 
-                  (_ "No matching transactions found"))
-                 (gnc:html-markup-p
-                  (_ "No transactions were found that match the time interval and account selection specified in the Options panel.")))
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object! document p))))
-        ;; error condition: no accounts specified
-        (begin
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-           document
-           (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
-            report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-           document
-           (gnc:make-html-text
-            (gnc:html-markup-p
-             "This report is useful to calculate periodic business tax payable/receivable from"
-             " authorities. From <i>Edit report options</i> above, choose your Business Income and Business Expense accounts."
-             " Each transaction may contain, in addition to the accounts payable/receivable or bank accounts,"
-             " a split to a tax account, e.g. Income:Sales -$1000, Liability:GST on Sales -$100, Asset:Bank $1100.")
-            (gnc:html-markup-p
-             " These tax accounts can either be populated using the standard register, or from Business Invoices and Bills "
-             " which will require Business > Sales Tax Tables to be set up correctly. Please see the documentation.")))
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-           document
-           (gnc:make-html-text
-            (gnc:html-markup-p TAX-SETUP-DESC)))))
-    (gnc:report-finished)
-    document))
-;; Define the report.
- 'version 1
- 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-income-expense)
- 'name reportname
- 'report-guid "5bf27f249a0d11e7abc4cec278b6b50a"
- 'options-generator trep-options-generator
- 'renderer trep-renderer)

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt     |    1 -
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/        |    1 -
 .../standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm      | 1831 --------------------
 3 files changed, 1833 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm

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