gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Mon Mar 4 09:02:23 EST 2019

Updated	 via (commit)
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commit c419c6d9e72baeb14ce6aea623d0879a59215930
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Mar 4 22:01:51 2019 +0800

    [budget] clean up useless comments

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index af4a34ecd..72b46f932 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
 ;; define all option's names so that they are properly defined
 ;; in *one* place.
-;;(define optname-from-date (N_ "Start Date"))
-;;(define optname-to-date (N_ "End Date"))
 (define optname-display-depth
   (N_ "Account Display Depth"))
@@ -623,8 +621,6 @@
 (define (budget-renderer report-obj)
   (define (get-option pagename optname)
     (get-option-val (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname))
-  ;;     (gnc:lookup-option
-  ;;      (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname)))
   (gnc:report-starting reportname)

commit e5495caab918911c38d9ff03d6bc59273b68908a
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 23:00:49 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index f27809bf1..af4a34ecd 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -355,98 +355,83 @@
     (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
              html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
              column-list exchange-fn)
-      (let* ((current-col (1+ colnum))
-             (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
+      (let* ((comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
              (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
              (income-acct? (eqv? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
         ;; Displays a set of budget column values
         ;; Parameters
-        ;;   html-table - html table being created
-        ;;   rownum - row number
-        ;;   total? - is this a set of total columns
-        ;;   bgt-numeric-val - budget value, or #f if column not to be shown
-        ;;   act-numeric-val - actual value, or #f if column not to be shown
-        ;;   dif-numeric val - difference value, or #f if column not to be shown
-        (define (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-                 html-table rownum total? bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val
-                 dif-numeric-val)
-          (let* ((bgt-val #f)
-                 (act-val #f)
-                 (dif-val #f)
-                 (style-tag (if total? "total-number-cell" "number-cell"))
-                 (style-tag-neg (string-append style-tag "-neg")))
+        ;;   style-tag - cell style
+        ;;   col - starting column to modify in html-table
+        ;;   bgt-val - budget value
+        ;;   act-val - actual value
+        ;;   dif-val - difference value
+        ;;
+        ;; Returns
+        ;;   col - next column
+        (define (disp-cols style-tag col0
+                           bgt-val act-val dif-val)
+          (let* ((style-tag-neg (string-append style-tag "-neg"))
+                 (col1 (+ col0 (if show-budget? 1 0)))
+                 (col2 (+ col1 (if show-actual? 1 0)))
+                 (col3 (+ col2 (if show-diff? 1 0))))
             (if show-budget?
-                (begin
-                  (set! bgt-val (if (zero? bgt-numeric-val) "."
-                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm bgt-numeric-val)))
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table rownum current-col style-tag bgt-val)
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table rownum col0 style-tag
+                 (if (zero? bgt-val) "."
+                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm bgt-val))))
             (if show-actual?
-                (begin
-                  (set! act-val (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm act-numeric-val))
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table rownum current-col
-                   (if (negative? act-numeric-val)
-                       style-tag-neg
-                       style-tag)
-                   act-val)
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table rownum col1
+                 (if (negative? act-val) style-tag-neg style-tag)
+                 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm act-val)))
             (if show-diff?
-                (begin
-                  (set! dif-val
-                    (if (and (zero? bgt-numeric-val)
-                             (zero? act-numeric-val))
-                        "."
-                        (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm dif-numeric-val)))
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table rownum current-col
-                   (if (negative? dif-numeric-val)
-                       style-tag-neg
-                       style-tag)
-                   dif-val)
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))))
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table rownum col2
+                 (if (negative? dif-val) style-tag-neg style-tag)
+                 (if (and (zero? bgt-val) (zero? act-val)) "."
+                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm dif-val))))
+            col3))
         (let loop ((column-list column-list)
                    (bgt-total 0)
-                   (act-total 0))
+                   (act-total 0)
+                   (current-col (1+ colnum)))
            ((null? column-list)
            ((eq? (car column-list) 'total)
-            (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-             html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
-             (if income-acct?
-                 (- act-total bgt-total)
-                 (- bgt-total act-total)))
-            (loop (cdr column-list)))
+            (loop (cdr column-list)
+                  bgt-total
+                  act-total
+                  (disp-cols "total-number-cell" current-col
+                             bgt-total act-total
+                             (if income-acct?
+                                 (- act-total bgt-total)
+                                 (- bgt-total act-total)))))
             (let* ((period-list (if (list? (car column-list))
                                     (car column-list)
                                     (list (car column-list))))
-                   (bgt-numeric-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value
-                                     budget acct period-list))
-                   (act-numeric-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value
-                                     budget acct period-list))
-                   (act-numeric-val (if reverse-balance?
-                                        (- act-numeric-abs)
-                                        act-numeric-abs))
-                   (dif-numeric-val (if income-acct?
-                                        (- act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val)
-                                        (- bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val))))
-              (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-               html-table rownum #f
-               bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val))
-            (loop (cdr column-list)
-                  (+ bgt-total bgt-numeric-val)
-                  (+ act-total act-numeric-val)))))))
+                   (bgt-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value
+                             budget acct period-list))
+                   (act-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value
+                             budget acct period-list))
+                   (act-val (if reverse-balance?
+                                (- act-abs)
+                                act-abs))
+                   (dif-val (if income-acct?
+                                (- act-val bgt-val)
+                                (- bgt-val act-val))))
+              (loop (cdr column-list)
+                    (+ bgt-total bgt-val)
+                    (+ act-total act-val)
+                    (disp-cols "number-cell" current-col
+                               bgt-val act-val dif-val))))))))
     ;; Adds header rows to the budget report.  The columns are
     ;; specified by the column-list parameter.

commit 275119335bc6c24e31ebc7741ebd073cc4a3c3b8
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Mar 3 13:36:50 2019 +0800

    [budget] inline gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
    This function is used only once. Inline it.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index a36a15497..f27809bf1 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -356,8 +356,6 @@
              html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
              column-list exchange-fn)
       (let* ((current-col (1+ colnum))
-             (bgt-total 0)
-             (act-total 0)
              (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
              (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
              (income-acct? (eqv? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
@@ -411,45 +409,9 @@
                   (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))))
-        ;; Adds a set of column values to the budget report for a specific list
-        ;; of periods.
-        ;;
-        ;; Parameters:
-        ;;   html-table - html table being created
-        ;;   rownum - row number
-        ;;   budget - budget to use
-        ;;   acct - account being displayed
-        ;;   period-list - list of periods to use
-        (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
-                 html-table rownum budget acct period-list)
-          (let* (;; budgeted amount
-                 (bgt-numeric-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value
-                                   budget acct period-list))
-                 ;; actual amount
-                 (act-numeric-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value
-                                   budget acct period-list))
-                 (act-numeric-val
-                  (if reverse-balance?
-                      (- act-numeric-abs)
-                      act-numeric-abs))
-                 ;; difference (budget to actual)
-                 (dif-numeric-val
-                  (- bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val)))
-            (if (not (zero? bgt-numeric-val))
-                (begin
-                  (set! bgt-total (+ bgt-total bgt-numeric-val))
-                  (set! bgt-total-unset? #f)))
-            (set! act-total (+ act-total act-numeric-val))
-            (if income-acct?
-                (set! dif-numeric-val
-                  (- act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val)))
-            (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-             html-table rownum #f
-             bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)))
-        (let loop ((column-list column-list))
+        (let loop ((column-list column-list)
+                   (bgt-total 0)
+                   (act-total 0))
            ((null? column-list)
@@ -464,12 +426,27 @@
             (loop (cdr column-list)))
-            (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
-             html-table rownum budget acct
-             (if (list? (car column-list))
-                 (car column-list)
-                 (list (car column-list))))
-            (loop (cdr column-list)))))))
+            (let* ((period-list (if (list? (car column-list))
+                                    (car column-list)
+                                    (list (car column-list))))
+                   (bgt-numeric-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value
+                                     budget acct period-list))
+                   (act-numeric-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value
+                                     budget acct period-list))
+                   (act-numeric-val (if reverse-balance?
+                                        (- act-numeric-abs)
+                                        act-numeric-abs))
+                   (dif-numeric-val (if income-acct?
+                                        (- act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val)
+                                        (- bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val))))
+              (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
+               html-table rownum #f
+               bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val))
+            (loop (cdr column-list)
+                  (+ bgt-total bgt-numeric-val)
+                  (+ act-total act-numeric-val)))))))
     ;; Adds header rows to the budget report.  The columns are
     ;; specified by the column-list parameter.

commit 3ba0970d9d87268afb1f5743cc630df0c0717ec4
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Mar 3 13:37:08 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index c087bfaf2..a36a15497 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -355,13 +355,12 @@
     (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
              html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
              column-list exchange-fn)
-      (let* ((current-col (+ colnum 1))
+      (let* ((current-col (1+ colnum))
              (bgt-total 0)
-             (bgt-total-unset? #t)
              (act-total 0)
              (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
              (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
-             (income-acct? (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+             (income-acct? (eqv? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
         ;; Displays a set of budget column values
@@ -450,22 +449,27 @@
              html-table rownum #f
              bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)))
-        (while (not (null? column-list))
-          (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
-            (cond
-             ((equal? col-info 'total)
-              (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-               html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
-               (if income-acct?
-                   (- act-total bgt-total)
-                   (- bgt-total act-total))))
-             ((list? col-info)
-              (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
-               html-table rownum budget acct col-info))
-             (else
-              (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
-               html-table rownum budget acct (list col-info))))
-            (set! column-list (cdr column-list))))))
+        (let loop ((column-list column-list))
+          (cond
+           ((null? column-list)
+            #f)
+           ((eq? (car column-list) 'total)
+            (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
+             html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
+             (if income-acct?
+                 (- act-total bgt-total)
+                 (- bgt-total act-total)))
+            (loop (cdr column-list)))
+           (else
+            (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
+             html-table rownum budget acct
+             (if (list? (car column-list))
+                 (car column-list)
+                 (list (car column-list))))
+            (loop (cdr column-list)))))))
     ;; Adds header rows to the budget report.  The columns are
     ;; specified by the column-list parameter.

commit 953b01cbc87e63e6e375935d9e63b75ea59e593f
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Mar 3 00:05:54 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact gnc:html-table-add-budget-values!

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index 448336e15..c087bfaf2 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -295,10 +295,9 @@
          (show-diff? (get-val params 'show-difference))
          (show-totalcol? (get-val params 'show-totalcol))
          (rollup-budget? (get-val params 'rollup-budget))
+         (use-ranges? (get-val params 'use-ranges))
          (num-rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table))
-         (rownum 0)
          (numcolumns (gnc:html-table-num-columns html-table))
-         ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
          ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
          ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
          ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
@@ -306,11 +305,6 @@
          ;; assumption.
          (colnum (quotient numcolumns 2)))
-    (define (number-cell-tag x)
-      (if (negative? x) "number-cell-neg" "number-cell"))
-    (define (total-number-cell-tag x)
-      (if (negative? x) "total-number-cell-neg" "total-number-cell"))
     ;; Calculate the value to use for the budget of an account for a
     ;; specific set of periods.  If there is 1 period, use that
     ;; period's budget value.  Otherwise, sum the budgets for all of
@@ -611,28 +605,26 @@
                              (if show-total? '(total) '()))))))
     ;; end of defines
-    (let* ((rownum 0)
-           (use-ranges? (get-val params 'use-ranges))
-           (column-info-list (calc-periods
-                              budget
-                              (calc-user-period
-                               budget use-ranges?
-                               (get-val params 'user-start-period)
-                               (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact))
-                              (calc-user-period
-                               budget use-ranges?
-                               (get-val params 'user-end-period)
-                               (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact))
-                              (get-val params 'collapse-before)
-                              (get-val params 'collapse-after)
-                              show-totalcol?))
-           ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-           ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
-           ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
-           ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
-           ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
-           ;; assumption.
-           )
+    (let ((column-info-list (calc-periods
+                             budget
+                             (calc-user-period
+                              budget use-ranges?
+                              (get-val params 'user-start-period)
+                              (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact))
+                             (calc-user-period
+                              budget use-ranges?
+                              (get-val params 'user-end-period)
+                              (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact))
+                             (get-val params 'collapse-before)
+                             (get-val params 'collapse-after)
+                             show-totalcol?))
+          ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+          ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
+          ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
+          ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
+          ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
+          ;; assumption.
+          )
       ;;debug output for control of period list calculation
       (gnc:debug "use-ranges? =" use-ranges?)
       (gnc:debug "user-start-period =" (get-val params 'user-start-period))
@@ -642,15 +634,16 @@
       (gnc:debug "column-info-list=" column-info-list)
       ;; call gnc:html-table-add-budget-line! for each account
-      (while (< rownum num-rows)
-        (let* ((env (append (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table rownum)
-                            params))
-               (acct (get-val env 'account))
-               (exchange-fn (get-val env 'exchange-fn)))
-          (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
-           html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
-           column-info-list exchange-fn)
-          (set! rownum (+ rownum 1))))
+      (let loop ((rownum 0))
+        (when (< rownum num-rows)
+          (let* ((env (append (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table rownum)
+                              params))
+                 (acct (get-val env 'account))
+                 (exchange-fn (get-val env 'exchange-fn)))
+            (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
+             html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
+             column-info-list exchange-fn)
+            (loop (1+ rownum)))))
       ;; column headers

commit 58cc7f00a5b2da9748555bdd4cfbb2b86f9776e5
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 23:07:15 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact budget-renderer

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index b521d91d0..448336e15 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -684,116 +684,100 @@
          (show-zb-accts? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
          (use-ranges? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-use-budget-period-range))
-         (include-collapse-before? (if use-ranges?
+         (include-collapse-before? (and use-ranges?
+                                        (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                                    optname-period-collapse-before)))
+         (include-collapse-after? (and use-ranges?
                                        (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                                   optname-period-collapse-before)
-                                       #f))
-         (include-collapse-after? (if use-ranges?
-                                      (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                                  optname-period-collapse-after)
-                                      #f))
-         (row-num 0)
-         (work-done 0)
-         (work-to-do 0)
+                                                   optname-period-collapse-after)))
          (show-full-names? (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-         (doc (gnc:make-html-document)))
+         (doc (gnc:make-html-document))
+         (accounts (append accounts
+                           (filter (lambda (acc) (not (member acc accounts)))
+                                   (if show-subaccts?
+                                       (gnc:acccounts-get-all-subaccounts accounts)
+                                       '())))))
     ;; end of defines
-    ;; add subaccounts if requested
-    (if show-subaccts?
-        (let ((sub-accounts (gnc:acccounts-get-all-subaccounts accounts)))
-          (for-each
-           (lambda (sub-account)
-             (if (not (member sub-account accounts))
-                 (set! accounts (cons sub-account accounts))))
-           sub-accounts)))
      ((null? accounts)
       ;; No accounts selected.
-       doc
-       (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning reportname (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
+       doc (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning reportname (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
      ((not budget-valid?)
       ;; No budget selected.
        doc (gnc:html-make-generic-budget-warning reportname)))
-     (else (begin
-             (let* ((tree-depth (if (equal? display-depth 'all)
-                                    (accounts-get-children-depth accounts)
-                                    display-depth))
-                    (to-period-val (lambda (v)
-                                     (inexact->exact
-                                      (truncate
-                                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general v)))))
-                    (env (list
-                          (list 'start-date (gnc:budget-get-start-date budget))
-                          (list 'end-date (gnc:budget-get-end-date budget))
-                          (list 'display-tree-depth tree-depth)
-                          (list 'depth-limit-behavior
-                                (if bottom-behavior 'flatten 'summarize))
-                          (list 'zero-balance-mode
-                                (if show-zb-accts? 'show-leaf-acct 'omit-leaf-acct))
-                          (list 'report-budget budget)))
-                    (acct-table #f)
-                    (html-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-                    (params '())
-                    (paramsBudget
-                     (list
-                      (list 'show-actual
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-actual))
-                      (list 'show-budget
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-budget))
-                      (list 'show-difference
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-difference))
-                      (list 'show-totalcol
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-totalcol))
-                      (list 'rollup-budget
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-rollup-budget))
-                      (list 'use-ranges use-ranges?)
-                      (list 'collapse-before include-collapse-before?)
-                      (list 'collapse-after include-collapse-after?)
-                      (list 'user-start-period
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                        optname-budget-period-start))
-                      (list 'user-end-period
-                            (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                        optname-budget-period-end))
-                      (list 'user-start-period-exact
-                            (to-period-val optname-budget-period-start-exact))
-                      (list 'user-end-period-exact
-                            (to-period-val optname-budget-period-end-exact))))
-                    (report-name (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                             gnc:optname-reportname)))
-               (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-                doc (format #f (_ "~a: ~a")
-                            report-name (gnc-budget-get-name budget)))
-               (set! accounts (sort accounts account-full-name<?))
-               (set! acct-table
-                 (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accounts))
-               ;; We do this in two steps: First the account names...  the
-               ;; add-account-balances will actually compute and add a
-               ;; bunch of current account balances, too, but we'll
-               ;; overwrite them.
-               (set! html-table (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances
-                                 #f acct-table params))
-               ;; ... then the budget values
-               (gnc:html-table-add-budget-values!
-                html-table acct-table budget paramsBudget)
-               ;; hmmm... I expected that add-budget-values would have to
-               ;; clear out any unused columns to the right, out to the
-               ;; table width, since the add-account-balance had put stuff
-               ;; there, but it doesn't seem to matter.
-               (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc html-table)))))
+     (else
+      (let* ((tree-depth (if (eq? display-depth 'all)
+                             (accounts-get-children-depth accounts)
+                             display-depth))
+             (to-period-val (lambda (v)
+                              (inexact->exact
+                               (truncate
+                                (get-option gnc:pagename-general v)))))
+             (env (list
+                   (list 'start-date (gnc:budget-get-start-date budget))
+                   (list 'end-date (gnc:budget-get-end-date budget))
+                   (list 'display-tree-depth tree-depth)
+                   (list 'depth-limit-behavior
+                         (if bottom-behavior 'flatten 'summarize))
+                   (list 'zero-balance-mode
+                         (if show-zb-accts? 'show-leaf-acct 'omit-leaf-acct))
+                   (list 'report-budget budget)))
+             (accounts (sort accounts account-full-name<?))
+             (acct-table (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accounts))
+             (paramsBudget
+              (list
+               (list 'show-actual
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-actual))
+               (list 'show-budget
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-budget))
+               (list 'show-difference
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-difference))
+               (list 'show-totalcol
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-totalcol))
+               (list 'rollup-budget
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-rollup-budget))
+               (list 'use-ranges use-ranges?)
+               (list 'collapse-before include-collapse-before?)
+               (list 'collapse-after include-collapse-after?)
+               (list 'user-start-period
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                 optname-budget-period-start))
+               (list 'user-end-period
+                     (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                 optname-budget-period-end))
+               (list 'user-start-period-exact
+                     (to-period-val optname-budget-period-start-exact))
+               (list 'user-end-period-exact
+                     (to-period-val optname-budget-period-end-exact))))
+             (report-name (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                      gnc:optname-reportname)))
+        (gnc:html-document-set-title!
+         doc (format #f (_ "~a: ~a")
+                     report-name (gnc-budget-get-name budget)))
+        ;; We do this in two steps: First the account names...  the
+        ;; add-account-balances will actually compute and add a
+        ;; bunch of current account balances, too, but we'll
+        ;; overwrite them.
+        (let ((html-table (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances #f acct-table '())))
+          ;; ... then the budget values
+          (gnc:html-table-add-budget-values! html-table acct-table budget paramsBudget)
+          ;; hmmm... I expected that add-budget-values would have to
+          ;; clear out any unused columns to the right, out to the
+          ;; table width, since the add-account-balance had put stuff
+          ;; there, but it doesn't seem to matter.
+          (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc html-table)))))

commit 97bf596d3156736c21d14b9ab5704fc0b2025ec6
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 23:07:02 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact calc-periods

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index 398a5a42f..b521d91d0 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -595,24 +595,20 @@
     (define (calc-periods
              budget user-start user-end collapse-before? collapse-after? show-total?)
       (define (range start end)
-        (define (int-range current end step lst)
-          (if (>=  current end)
-              lst
-              (int-range (+ current step) end step (cons current lst))))
-        (reverse (int-range (if (number? start) start 0) end 1 '())))
+        (iota (- end start) start))
       (let* ((num-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget))
-             (range-start (if user-start user-start 0))
-             (range-end (if user-end (+ 1 user-end) num-periods))
+             (range-start (or user-start 0))
+             (range-end (if user-end (1+ user-end) num-periods))
              (fold-before-start 0)
              (fold-before-end (if collapse-before? range-start 0))
              (fold-after-start (if collapse-after? range-end num-periods))
              (fold-after-end num-periods))
-        (map (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (= 1 (length x))) (car x) x))
+        (map (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (null? (cdr x))) (car x) x))
              (filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x)))
                      (append (list (range fold-before-start fold-before-end))
                              (range range-start range-end)
                              (list (range fold-after-start fold-after-end))
-                             (if show-total? (list 'total) '()))))))
+                             (if show-total? '(total) '()))))))
     ;; end of defines
     (let* ((rownum 0)

commit 5108accfcd675013e409f9c0f525f09b24971949
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 23:06:06 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers!

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index a7e3fe9d4..398a5a42f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -483,68 +483,60 @@
     ;;   column-list - column info list
     (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers!
              html-table colnum budget column-list)
-      (let* ((current-col (+ colnum 1))
-             (col-list column-list)
-             (col-span 0))
-        (if show-budget? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-        (if show-actual? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-        (if show-diff? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-        (if (eqv? col-span 0) (set! col-span 1))
+      (let* ((current-col (1+ colnum))
+             (col-span (max 1 (count identity
+                                     (list show-budget? show-actual? show-diff?))))
+             (period-to-date-string (lambda (p)
+                                      (qof-print-date
+                                       (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date budget p)))))
         ;; prepend 2 empty rows
         (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
         (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
-        (while (not (= (length col-list) 0))
-          (let* ((col-info (car col-list))
-                 (tc #f)
-                 (period-to-date-string (lambda (p)
-                                          (qof-print-date
-                                           (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date
-                                            budget p)))))
-            (cond
-             ((equal? col-info 'total)
-              (gnc:html-table-set-cell! html-table 0 current-col (_ "Total")))
-             ((list? col-info)
-              (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
-               html-table 0 current-col (string-append
-                                         (period-to-date-string (car col-info))
-                                         " – "
-                                         (period-to-date-string
-                                          (car (reverse col-info))))))
-             (else
-              (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
-               html-table 0 current-col (period-to-date-string col-info))))
-            (set! tc (gnc:html-table-get-cell html-table 0 current-col))
-            (gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! tc col-span)
-            (gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! tc "centered-label-cell")
-            (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-            (set! col-list (cdr col-list))))
+        (let loop ((column-list column-list)
+                   (current-col current-col))
+          (unless (null? column-list)
+            (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
+             html-table 0 current-col
+             (cond
+              ((eq? (car column-list) 'total)
+               (_ "Total"))
+              ((list? (car column-list))
+               (string-append (period-to-date-string (car (car column-list)))
+                              " – "
+                              (period-to-date-string (last (car column-list)))))
+              (else
+               (period-to-date-string (car column-list)))))
+            (let ((tc (gnc:html-table-get-cell html-table 0 current-col)))
+              (gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! tc col-span)
+              (gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! tc "centered-label-cell"))
+            (loop (cdr column-list)
+                  (1+ current-col))))
         ;; make the column headers
-        (set! col-list column-list)
-        (set! current-col (+ colnum 1))
-        (while (not (= (length column-list) 0))
-          (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
-            (if show-budget?
-                (begin
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                   (_ "Bgt")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Budget"
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
-            (if show-actual?
-                (begin
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                   (_ "Act")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Actual"
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
-            (if show-diff?
-                (begin
-                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                   (_ "Diff")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Difference"
-                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
-            (set! column-list (cdr column-list))))))
+        (let loop ((column-list column-list)
+                   (col0 current-col))
+          (unless (null? column-list)
+            (let* ((col1 (+ col0 (if show-budget? 1 0)))
+                   (col2 (+ col1 (if show-actual? 1 0)))
+                   (col3 (+ col2 (if show-diff? 1 0))))
+              (when show-budget?
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table 1 col0 "centered-label-cell"
+                 (_ "Bgt"))) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Budget"
+              (when show-actual?
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table 1 col1 "centered-label-cell"
+                 (_ "Act"))) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Actual"
+              (when show-diff?
+                (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                 html-table 1 col2 "centered-label-cell"
+                 (_ "Diff"))) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Difference"
+              (loop (cdr column-list)
+                    col3))))))
     ;; Determines the budget period relative to current period. Budget
     ;; period is current if it start time <= current time and end time

commit 66657f466e5d5b02e4e15b87f24001c385ccf8d7
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 21:12:49 2019 +0800

    [budget] convert iterative functions to use srfi-1

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index e473e4355..a7e3fe9d4 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -324,13 +324,11 @@
     ;; Return value:
     ;;   Budget sum
     (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct periodlist)
-      (cond
-       ((= (length periodlist) 1)
-        (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-       (else
-        (+
-         (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))))))
+      (apply +
+             (map
+              (lambda (period)
+                (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct period))
+              periodlist)))
     ;; Calculate the value to use for the actual of an account for a
     ;; specific set of periods.  This is the sum of the actuals for
@@ -344,13 +342,10 @@
     ;; Return value:
     ;;   Budget sum
     (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct periodlist)
-      (cond
-       ((= (length periodlist) 1)
-        (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-       (else
-        (+
-         (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))))))
+      (apply + (map
+                (lambda (period)
+                  (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct period))
+                periodlist)))
     ;; Adds a line to tbe budget report.

commit 86cbebd0ac5c1d4f7170441eb5109d87182e3897
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 21:03:43 2019 +0800

    [budget] eradicate gnc-numeric methods

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index 75ffe741b..e473e4355 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
          html-table acct-table budget params)
   (let* ((get-val (lambda (alist key)
                     (let ((lst (assoc-ref alist key)))
-                      (if lst (car lst) lst))))
+                      (and lst (car lst)))))
          (show-actual? (get-val params 'show-actual))
          (show-budget? (get-val params 'show-budget))
          (show-diff? (get-val params 'show-difference))
@@ -306,12 +306,10 @@
          ;; assumption.
          (colnum (quotient numcolumns 2)))
-    (define (negative-numeric-p x)
-      (if (gnc-numeric-p x) (gnc-numeric-negative-p x) #f))
     (define (number-cell-tag x)
-      (if (negative-numeric-p x) "number-cell-neg" "number-cell"))
+      (if (negative? x) "number-cell-neg" "number-cell"))
     (define (total-number-cell-tag x)
-      (if (negative-numeric-p x) "total-number-cell-neg" "total-number-cell"))
+      (if (negative? x) "total-number-cell-neg" "total-number-cell"))
     ;; Calculate the value to use for the budget of an account for a
     ;; specific set of periods.  If there is 1 period, use that
@@ -330,10 +328,9 @@
        ((= (length periodlist) 1)
         (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-        (gnc-numeric-add
+        (+
          (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
+         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))))))
     ;; Calculate the value to use for the actual of an account for a
     ;; specific set of periods.  This is the sum of the actuals for
@@ -351,10 +348,9 @@
        ((= (length periodlist) 1)
         (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-        (gnc-numeric-add
+        (+
          (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
+         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))))))
     ;; Adds a line to tbe budget report.
@@ -371,9 +367,9 @@
              html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
              column-list exchange-fn)
       (let* ((current-col (+ colnum 1))
-             (bgt-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
+             (bgt-total 0)
              (bgt-total-unset? #t)
-             (act-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
+             (act-total 0)
              (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
              (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
              (income-acct? (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
@@ -397,7 +393,7 @@
                  (style-tag-neg (string-append style-tag "-neg")))
             (if show-budget?
-                  (set! bgt-val (if (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val) "."
+                  (set! bgt-val (if (zero? bgt-numeric-val) "."
                                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm bgt-numeric-val)))
                    html-table rownum current-col style-tag bgt-val)
@@ -407,7 +403,7 @@
                   (set! act-val (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm act-numeric-val))
                    html-table rownum current-col
-                   (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p act-numeric-val)
+                   (if (negative? act-numeric-val)
@@ -415,13 +411,13 @@
             (if show-diff?
                   (set! dif-val
-                    (if (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val)
-                             (gnc-numeric-zero-p act-numeric-val))
+                    (if (and (zero? bgt-numeric-val)
+                             (zero? act-numeric-val))
                         (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm dif-numeric-val)))
                    html-table rownum current-col
-                   (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p dif-numeric-val)
+                   (if (negative? dif-numeric-val)
@@ -446,27 +442,21 @@
                                    budget acct period-list))
                   (if reverse-balance?
-                      (gnc-numeric-neg act-numeric-abs)
+                      (- act-numeric-abs)
                  ;; difference (budget to actual)
-                  (gnc-numeric-sub
-                   bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val
-                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))))
+                  (- bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val)))
-            (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val))
+            (if (not (zero? bgt-numeric-val))
-                  (set! bgt-total (gnc-numeric-add bgt-total bgt-numeric-val
-                                                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
+                  (set! bgt-total (+ bgt-total bgt-numeric-val))
                   (set! bgt-total-unset? #f)))
-            (set! act-total (gnc-numeric-add act-total act-numeric-val
-                                             GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
+            (set! act-total (+ act-total act-numeric-val))
             (if income-acct?
                 (set! dif-numeric-val
-                  (gnc-numeric-sub
-                   act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val
-                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))))
+                  (- act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val)))
              html-table rownum #f
              bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)))
@@ -478,12 +468,8 @@
                html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
                (if income-acct?
-                   (gnc-numeric-sub
-                    act-total bgt-total
-                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))
-                   (gnc-numeric-sub
-                    bgt-total act-total
-                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER)))))
+                   (- act-total bgt-total)
+                   (- bgt-total act-total))))
              ((list? col-info)
                html-table rownum budget acct col-info))

commit 9d38d7fa8e91681b05f11dd96441da18519e4bab
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 20:58:53 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact find-period-relative-to-current

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index 80dbe2c84..75ffe741b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -580,25 +580,20 @@
     ;;   adjuster - function that is used for calculation of period relative to current
     (define (find-period-relative-to-current budget adjuster)
       (let* ((now (current-time))
-             (total-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) )
-             (last-period (- total-periods 1))
+             (total-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget))
+             (last-period (1- total-periods))
              (period-start (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date budget x)))
              (period-end (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-end-date budget x))))
         (cond ((< now (period-start 0)) 1)
               ((> now (period-end last-period)) total-periods)
-              ( else (let ((found-period
-                            (find (lambda (period)
-                                    (and (>= now (period-start period))
-                                         (<= now (period-end period))))
-                                  (iota total-periods))))
-                       (gnc:debug "current period =" found-period)
-                       (if found-period
-                           (let ((adjusted (adjuster found-period)))
-                             (cond
-                              ((< adjusted 0) 0)
-                              ((> adjusted last-period) last-period)
-                              (else adjusted)))
-                           #f))))))
+              (else (let ((found-period
+                           (find (lambda (period)
+                                   (<= (period-start period)
+                                       now
+                                       (period-end period)))
+                                 (iota total-periods))))
+                      (and found-period
+                           (max 0 (min last-period (adjuster found-period)))))))))
     ;; Maps type of user selected period to concrete period number, if
     ;; user not selected to use range false is returned
     (define (calc-user-period budget use-ranges? period-type period-exact-val)

commit cd496cbe3ccc89381d69a0cc3c81e8ee81aecf11
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 20:54:55 2019 +0800

    [budget] compact calc-user-period

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index 767184384..80dbe2c84 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -601,23 +601,15 @@
     ;; Maps type of user selected period to concrete period number, if
     ;; user not selected to use range false is returned
-    (define (calc-user-period budget
-                              use-ranges? period-type period-exact-val)
-      (if (not use-ranges?)
-          #f
-          (cond
-           ((eq? 'first period-type) 0)
-           ((eq? 'last period-type) (- (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) 1))
-           ((eq? 'manual period-type) (- period-exact-val 1))
-           ((eq? 'previous period-type)
-            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
-                                                      (- period 1))))
-           ((eq? 'current period-type)
-            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
-                                                      period)))
-           ((eq? 'next period-type)
-            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
-                                                      (+ period 1)))))))
+    (define (calc-user-period budget use-ranges? period-type period-exact-val)
+      (and use-ranges?
+           (case period-type
+            ((first)    0)
+            ((last)     (1- (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget)))
+            ((manual)   (1- period-exact-val))
+            ((previous) (find-period-relative-to-current budget 1-))
+            ((current)  (find-period-relative-to-current budget identity))
+            ((next)     (find-period-relative-to-current budget 1+)))))
     ;; Performs calculation of periods list. If list element is a list
     ;; itself, it means that elements of this sublist should be
     ;; presented as summed value.  If user required a total column

commit c8625ab5fb75d0cf28bbab1770f42cf016655e42
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 20:07:16 2019 +0800

    [budget] *reindent/untabify/delete-trailing-whitespace*

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
index b3513d149..767184384 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports budget))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
+(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
@@ -100,47 +100,41 @@
 ;;List of common helper functions, that is not bound only to options generation or report evaluation
 (define (get-option-val options pagename optname)
-    (gnc:option-value
-       (gnc:lookup-option options pagename optname)))
+  (gnc:option-value
+   (gnc:lookup-option options pagename optname)))
-(define (set-option-enabled options page opt-name enabled) 
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-          options page opt-name enabled))
+(define (set-option-enabled options page opt-name enabled)
+  (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
+   options page opt-name enabled))
 ;; options generator
 (define (budget-report-options-generator)
-  (let* ( (options (gnc:new-options)) 
-          (add-option 
-           (lambda (new-option)
-             (gnc:register-option options new-option)))
-          (period-options (list (list->vector
-                                 (list 'first
-                                       (N_ "First")
-                                       (N_ "The first period of the budget")))
-                                (list->vector
-                                 (list 'previous
-                                       (N_ "Previous")
-                                       (N_ "Budget period was before current period, according to report evaluation date")))
-                                (list->vector
-                                 (list 'current
-                                       (N_ "Current")
-                                       (N_ "Current period, according to report evaluation date")))
-                                (list->vector
-                                 (list 'next
-                                       (N_ "Next")
-                                       (N_ "Next period, according to report evaluation date")))
-                                (list->vector
-                                 (list 'last
-                                       (N_ "Last")
-                                       (N_ "Last budget period")))
-                                (list->vector
-                                 (list 'manual
-                                       (N_ "Manual period selection")
-                                       (N_ "Explicitly select period value with spinner below")))))
-          (ui-use-periods #f)
-          (ui-start-period-type 'current)
-          (ui-end-period-type 'next)
-        )
+  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
+         (add-option
+          (lambda (new-option)
+            (gnc:register-option options new-option)))
+         (period-options
+          (list (vector 'first
+                        (N_ "First")
+                        (N_ "The first period of the budget"))
+                (vector 'previous
+                        (N_ "Previous")
+                        (N_ "Budget period was before current period, according to report evaluation date"))
+                (vector 'current
+                        (N_ "Current")
+                        (N_ "Current period, according to report evaluation date"))
+                (vector 'next
+                        (N_ "Next")
+                        (N_ "Next period, according to report evaluation date"))
+                (vector 'last
+                        (N_ "Last")
+                        (N_ "Last budget period"))
+                (vector 'manual
+                        (N_ "Manual period selection")
+                        (N_ "Explicitly select period value with spinner below"))))
+         (ui-use-periods #f)
+         (ui-start-period-type 'current)
+         (ui-end-period-type 'next))
@@ -148,20 +142,9 @@
       gnc:pagename-general optname-budget
       "a" (N_ "Budget to use.")))
-    ;; date interval
-    ;;(gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-    ;; options gnc:pagename-general
-    ;; optname-from-date optname-to-date "a")
      options gnc:pagename-general optname-price-source "c" 'pricedb-nearest)
-    ;;(gnc:register-option
-    ;; options
-    ;; (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    ;;  gnc:pagename-general optname-show-rates
-    ;;  "d" (N_ "Show the exchange rates used") #f))
@@ -180,23 +163,21 @@
       ;; selectable only when we are running the report for a budget period
       ;; range.
       (lambda (value)
-          (let (
-                (enabler (lambda (target-opt enabled) 
-                      (set-option-enabled options gnc:pagename-general target-opt enabled)))
-               )
-            (for-each (lambda (target-opt) 
-                      (enabler target-opt value))
-                (list optname-budget-period-start optname-budget-period-end 
-                        optname-period-collapse-before optname-period-collapse-after)
-            )
-            (enabler optname-budget-period-start-exact 
-                     (and value 
-                          (eq? 'manual ui-start-period-type)))
-            (enabler optname-budget-period-end-exact 
-                     (and value 
-                          (eq? 'manual ui-end-period-type)))
-            (set! ui-use-periods value)
-        ))))
+        (let ((enabler (lambda (target-opt enabled)
+                         (set-option-enabled
+                          options gnc:pagename-general target-opt enabled))))
+          (for-each
+           (lambda (target-opt)
+             (enabler target-opt value))
+           (list optname-budget-period-start optname-budget-period-end
+                 optname-period-collapse-before optname-period-collapse-after))
+          (enabler optname-budget-period-start-exact
+                   (and value
+                        (eq? 'manual ui-start-period-type)))
+          (enabler optname-budget-period-end-exact
+                   (and value
+                        (eq? 'manual ui-end-period-type)))
+          (set! ui-use-periods value)))))
@@ -205,13 +186,11 @@
       (lambda (new-val)
-              (set-option-enabled options gnc:pagename-general 
-                                  optname-budget-period-start-exact 
-                                  (and ui-use-periods (eq? 'manual new-val)))
-              (set! ui-start-period-type new-val)
-              )      
-      ))
+        (set-option-enabled options gnc:pagename-general
+                            optname-budget-period-start-exact
+                            (and ui-use-periods (eq? 'manual new-val)))
+        (set! ui-start-period-type new-val))))
       gnc:pagename-general optname-budget-period-start-exact
@@ -220,7 +199,7 @@
       ;; defined globally somewhere so we could reference it here.  However, it
       ;; only appears to be defined currently in src/gnome/glade/
       1 1 60 0 1))
       gnc:pagename-general optname-budget-period-end
@@ -228,13 +207,11 @@
       (lambda (new-val)
-              (set-option-enabled options gnc:pagename-general 
-                                  optname-budget-period-end-exact 
-                                  (and ui-use-periods (eq? 'manual new-val)))
-              (set! ui-end-period-type new-val)
-              )      
-      ))
+        (set-option-enabled options gnc:pagename-general
+                            optname-budget-period-end-exact
+                            (and ui-use-periods (eq? 'manual new-val)))
+        (set! ui-end-period-type new-val))))
       gnc:pagename-general optname-budget-period-end-exact
@@ -262,7 +239,7 @@
      (lambda ()
-                          ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)
+              ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)
         (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
@@ -296,11 +273,10 @@
       gnc:pagename-display optname-show-zb-accounts
       "s5" opthelp-show-zb-accounts #t))
-      ;; Set the general page as default option tab
+    ;; Set the general page as default option tab
     (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
-    options)
-  )
+    options))
 ;; Create the html table for the budget report
@@ -322,449 +298,407 @@
          (num-rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table))
          (rownum 0)
          (numcolumns (gnc:html-table-num-columns html-table))
-     ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+         ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
          ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
          ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
          ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
-          ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
+         ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
          ;; assumption.
-         (colnum (quotient numcolumns 2))
-         )
-        (define (negative-numeric-p x)
-                (if (gnc-numeric-p x) (gnc-numeric-negative-p x) #f))
-        (define (number-cell-tag x)
-                (if (negative-numeric-p x) "number-cell-neg" "number-cell"))
-        (define (total-number-cell-tag x)
-                (if (negative-numeric-p x) "total-number-cell-neg" "total-number-cell"))
-  ;; Calculate the value to use for the budget of an account for a specific set of periods.
-  ;; If there is 1 period, use that period's budget value.  Otherwise, sum the budgets for
-  ;; all of the periods.
-  ;;
-  ;; Parameters:
-  ;;   budget - budget to use
-  ;;   acct - account
-  ;;   periodlist - list of budget periods to use
-  ;;
-  ;; Return value:
-  ;;   Budget sum
-        (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct periodlist)
-          (cond
-           ((= (length periodlist) 1) (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-           (else (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-                                  (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
-                                  GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
-           )
-          )
-  ;; Calculate the value to use for the actual of an account for a specific set of periods.
-  ;; This is the sum of the actuals for each of the periods.
-  ;;
-  ;; Parameters:
-  ;;   budget - budget to use
-  ;;   acct - account
-  ;;   periodlist - list of budget periods to use
-  ;;
-  ;; Return value:
-  ;;   Budget sum
-        (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct periodlist)
-          (cond
-           ((= (length periodlist) 1)
-            (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
-           (else
-            (gnc-numeric-add
-             (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist))
-             (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
-           )
-          )
-  ;; Adds a line to tbe budget report.
-  ;;
-  ;; Parameters:
-  ;;   html-table - html table being created
-  ;;   rownum - row number
-  ;;   colnum - starting column number
-  ;;   budget - budget to use
-  ;;   acct - account being displayed
-  ;;   rollup-budget? - rollup budget values for account children if account budget not set
-  ;;   exchange-fn - exchange function (not used)
-        (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
-                 html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget? column-list exchange-fn)
-          (let* (
-                 (current-col (+ colnum 1))
-                 (bgt-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                 (bgt-total-unset? #t)
-                 (act-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                 (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
-                 (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
-                 (income-acct? (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))
-                 )
-      ;; Displays a set of budget column values
-      ;;
-      ;; Parameters
-      ;;   html-table - html table being created
-      ;;   rownum - row number
-	  ;;   total? - is this a set of total columns
-      ;;   bgt-numeric-val - budget value, or #f if column not to be shown
-      ;;   act-numeric-val - actual value, or #f if column not to be shown
-      ;;   dif-numeric val - difference value, or #f if column not to be shown
-                (define (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-                         html-table rownum total? bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)
-                  (let* ((bgt-val #f)(act-val #f)(dif-val #f)
-                         (style-tag (if total? "total-number-cell" "number-cell"))
-                         (style-tag-neg (string-append style-tag "-neg"))
-                         )
-                     (if show-budget?
-                       (begin
-                         (set! bgt-val (if (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val) "."
-                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm bgt-numeric-val)))
-                         (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                          html-table rownum current-col style-tag bgt-val)
-                         (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                       )
-                     )
-                     (if show-actual?
-                       (begin
-                         (set! act-val (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm act-numeric-val))
-                         (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                          html-table rownum current-col
-                          (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p act-numeric-val) style-tag-neg style-tag)
-                          act-val)
-                         (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                       )
-                     )
-                     (if show-diff?
-                       (begin
-                         (set! dif-val
-                           (if (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val) (gnc-numeric-zero-p act-numeric-val))
-                             "."
-                             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm dif-numeric-val)))
-                         (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                          html-table rownum current-col
-                          (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p dif-numeric-val) style-tag-neg style-tag)
-                          dif-val)
-                         (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                       )
-                     )
-                  )
-                );;end of define gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns
-      ;; Adds a set of column values to the budget report for a specific list
-      ;; of periods.
-      ;;
-      ;; Parameters:
-      ;;   html-table - html table being created
-      ;;   rownum - row number
-      ;;   budget - budget to use
-      ;;   acct - account being displayed
-      ;;   period-list - list of periods to use
-                (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
-                         html-table rownum budget acct period-list)
-                  (let* (
-                      ;; budgeted amount
-                      (bgt-numeric-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct period-list))
-                      ;; actual amount
-                      (act-numeric-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct period-list))
-                      (act-numeric-val
-                        (if reverse-balance?
-                          (gnc-numeric-neg act-numeric-abs)
-                          act-numeric-abs))
-                      ;; difference (budget to actual)
-                      (dif-numeric-val
-                        (gnc-numeric-sub
-                          bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val
-                          GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER)))
-                    )
-                    (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val))
-                      (begin
-                        (set! bgt-total (gnc-numeric-add bgt-total bgt-numeric-val GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
-                        (set! bgt-total-unset? #f))
-                    )
-                    (set! act-total (gnc-numeric-add act-total act-numeric-val GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
-                    (if income-acct?
-                      (set! dif-numeric-val
-                        (gnc-numeric-sub
-                          act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val
-                          GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))))
-                    (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
-                             html-table rownum #f
-                             bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)
-                  )
-                );;end of define gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns
-                (while (not (null? column-list))
-                 (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
-                       (cond
-                        ((equal? col-info 'total)
-                         (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns! 
-                              html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
-                              (if income-acct?
-                                 (gnc-numeric-sub
-                                    act-total bgt-total
-                                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))
-                                 (gnc-numeric-sub
-                                    bgt-total act-total
-                                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER)))
-                          ))
-                        ((list? col-info)
-                         (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns! html-table rownum budget acct col-info))
-                        (else
-                         (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns! html-table rownum budget acct (list col-info)))
-                        )
-                       (set! column-list (cdr column-list))
-                 )
-                )
-          )
-        );; end of define gnc:html-table-add-budget-line
-  ;; Adds header rows to the budget report.  The columns are specified by the
-  ;; column-list parameter.
-  ;;
-  ;; Parameters:
-  ;;   html-table - html table being created
-  ;;   colnum - starting column number
-  ;;   budget - budget to use
-  ;;   column-list - column info list
-        (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers!
-                 html-table colnum budget column-list)
-                (let* (
-                       (current-col (+ colnum 1))
-                       (col-list column-list)
-                       (col-span 0)
-                      )
-                      (if show-budget? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-                      (if show-actual? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-                      (if show-diff? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
-                      (if (eqv? col-span 0) (set! col-span 1))
-                      ;; prepend 2 empty rows
-                      (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
-                      (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
-                      (while (not (= (length col-list) 0))
-                             (let* (
-                                    (col-info (car col-list))
-                                    (tc #f)
-                                    (period-to-date-string (lambda (p) (qof-print-date (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date budget p))))
-                                   )
-                                   (cond
-                                    ((equal? col-info 'total)
-                                     (gnc:html-table-set-cell! html-table 0 current-col (_ "Total"))
-                                    )
-                                    ((list? col-info)
-                                     (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
-                                      html-table 0 current-col (string-append 
-                                                                    (period-to-date-string (car col-info)) 
-                                                                    " – " 
-                                                                    (period-to-date-string (car (reverse col-info)))
-                                                               )
-                                     )
-                                    )
-                                    (else
-                                     (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
-                                      html-table 0 current-col (period-to-date-string col-info)
-                                     )
-                                    )
-                                   )
-                                   (set! tc (gnc:html-table-get-cell html-table 0 current-col))
-                                   (gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! tc col-span)
-                                   (gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! tc "centered-label-cell")
-                                   (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                                   (set! col-list (cdr col-list))
-                              )
-                      )
-                      ;; make the column headers
-                      (set! col-list column-list)
-                      (set! current-col (+ colnum 1))
-                      (while (not (= (length column-list) 0))
-                          (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
-                                (if show-budget?
-                                  (begin
-                                    (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                                     html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                                     (_ "Bgt")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Budget"
-                                    (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                                  )
-                                )
-                                (if show-actual?
-                                  (begin 
-                                    (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                                     html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                                     (_ "Act")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Actual"
-                                    (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                                  )
-                                )
-                                (if show-diff?
-                                  (begin 
-                                    (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
-                                     html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
-                                     (_ "Diff")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Difference"
-                                    (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
-                                  )
-                                )
-                                (set! column-list (cdr column-list))
-                        )
-                      )
-                )
-        );;end of define gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers
-        ;; Determines the budget period relative to current period. Budget period is current if
-        ;; it start time <= current time and end time >= current time
-        ;; When period is found it's passed to adjuster that is responsible for final calculation of period.
-        ;; 
-        ;; If budget in future then first period of bundget is returned, if it in past, then the last period is returned
-        ;; if adjuster produced period number that is less then first period or greater than last period, the same rules apply.
+         (colnum (quotient numcolumns 2)))
+    (define (negative-numeric-p x)
+      (if (gnc-numeric-p x) (gnc-numeric-negative-p x) #f))
+    (define (number-cell-tag x)
+      (if (negative-numeric-p x) "number-cell-neg" "number-cell"))
+    (define (total-number-cell-tag x)
+      (if (negative-numeric-p x) "total-number-cell-neg" "total-number-cell"))
+    ;; Calculate the value to use for the budget of an account for a
+    ;; specific set of periods.  If there is 1 period, use that
+    ;; period's budget value.  Otherwise, sum the budgets for all of
+    ;; the periods.
+    ;;
+    ;; Parameters:
+    ;;   budget - budget to use
+    ;;   acct - account
+    ;;   periodlist - list of budget periods to use
+    ;;
+    ;; Return value:
+    ;;   Budget sum
+    (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct periodlist)
+      (cond
+       ((= (length periodlist) 1)
+        (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
+       (else
+        (gnc-numeric-add
+         (gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value budget acct (car periodlist))
+         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
+    ;; Calculate the value to use for the actual of an account for a
+    ;; specific set of periods.  This is the sum of the actuals for
+    ;; each of the periods.
+    ;;
+    ;; Parameters:
+    ;;   budget - budget to use
+    ;;   acct - account
+    ;;   periodlist - list of budget periods to use
+    ;;
+    ;; Return value:
+    ;;   Budget sum
+    (define (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct periodlist)
+      (cond
+       ((= (length periodlist) 1)
+        (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist)))
+       (else
+        (gnc-numeric-add
+         (gnc-budget-get-account-period-actual-value budget acct (car periodlist))
+         (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value budget acct (cdr periodlist))
+    ;; Adds a line to tbe budget report.
+    ;;
+    ;; Parameters:
+    ;;   html-table - html table being created
+    ;;   rownum - row number
+    ;;   colnum - starting column number
+    ;;   budget - budget to use
+    ;;   acct - account being displayed
+    ;;   rollup-budget? - rollup budget values for account children
+    ;;                    if account budget not set
+    ;;   exchange-fn - exchange function (not used)
+    (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
+             html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
+             column-list exchange-fn)
+      (let* ((current-col (+ colnum 1))
+             (bgt-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
+             (bgt-total-unset? #t)
+             (act-total (gnc-numeric-zero))
+             (comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
+             (reverse-balance? (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
+             (income-acct? (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acct) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+        ;; Displays a set of budget column values
+        ;;
+        ;; Parameters
+        ;;   html-table - html table being created
+        ;;   rownum - row number
+        ;;   total? - is this a set of total columns
+        ;;   bgt-numeric-val - budget value, or #f if column not to be shown
+        ;;   act-numeric-val - actual value, or #f if column not to be shown
+        ;;   dif-numeric val - difference value, or #f if column not to be shown
+        (define (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
+                 html-table rownum total? bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val
+                 dif-numeric-val)
+          (let* ((bgt-val #f)
+                 (act-val #f)
+                 (dif-val #f)
+                 (style-tag (if total? "total-number-cell" "number-cell"))
+                 (style-tag-neg (string-append style-tag "-neg")))
+            (if show-budget?
+                (begin
+                  (set! bgt-val (if (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val) "."
+                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm bgt-numeric-val)))
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table rownum current-col style-tag bgt-val)
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+            (if show-actual?
+                (begin
+                  (set! act-val (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm act-numeric-val))
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table rownum current-col
+                   (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p act-numeric-val)
+                       style-tag-neg
+                       style-tag)
+                   act-val)
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+            (if show-diff?
+                (begin
+                  (set! dif-val
+                    (if (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val)
+                             (gnc-numeric-zero-p act-numeric-val))
+                        "."
+                        (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm dif-numeric-val)))
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table rownum current-col
+                   (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p dif-numeric-val)
+                       style-tag-neg
+                       style-tag)
+                   dif-val)
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))))
+        ;; Adds a set of column values to the budget report for a specific list
+        ;; of periods.
         ;; Parameters:
+        ;;   html-table - html table being created
+        ;;   rownum - row number
         ;;   budget - budget to use
-        ;;   adjuster - function that is used for calculation of period relative to current
-        (define (find-period-relative-to-current budget adjuster)
-            (let* ((now (current-time))
-                  (total-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) )
-                  (last-period (- total-periods 1))
-                  (period-start (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date budget x)))
-                  (period-end (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-end-date budget x)))
-                 )
-                (cond ((< now (period-start 0)) 1)
-                      ((> now (period-end last-period)) total-periods)
-                      ( else (let ((found-period 
-                                        (find (lambda (period)
-                                                      (and (>= now (period-start period)) 
-                                                           (<= now (period-end period))))
-                                              (iota total-periods))
-                                  ))
-                                  (gnc:debug "current period =" found-period)
-                                  (if found-period 
-                                      (let ((adjusted (adjuster found-period)))
-                                            (cond ((< adjusted 0) 0) ((> adjusted last-period) last-period) (else adjusted))
-                                      )
-                                      #f)
-                     ))
-                )
-            )
-        );;end of find-period-relative-to-current
-        ;; Maps type of user selected period to concrete period number, if user not selected to use range false is returned
-        (define (calc-user-period budget
-                  use-ranges? period-type period-exact-val )
-                (if (not use-ranges?)
-                    #f
-                    (cond
-                        ((eq? 'first period-type) 0)
-                        ((eq? 'last period-type) (- (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) 1))
-                        ((eq? 'manual period-type) (- period-exact-val 1))
-                        ((eq? 'previous period-type) 
-                            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period) (- period 1))))
-                        ((eq? 'current period-type) 
-                            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period) period )))
-                        ((eq? 'next period-type)
-                            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period) ( + period 1))))
-                    )
-                )
-        );;end of calc-user-period budget
-        ;; Performs calculation of periods list. If list element is a list itself, it means that 
-        ;; elements of this sublist should be presented as summed value.
-        ;; If user required a total column calculation a quoted total val appended to the end
-        ;; For example if function produced list ( (0 1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 (8 9) 'total) then budget report will 
-        ;; have 6 columns:
-        ;; -- first column is a sum of values for periods 0..4
-        ;; -- second .. forth columns is a values for periods 5,6,7
-        ;; -- fifth is a sum of value for periods 8, 9
-        ;; -- sixth a column with total of all columns
-        ;;
-        ;; Total is calculated only for selected periods. So if the list resulted in (3 4 'total), total column
-        ;; will contain the sum of values for periods 3,4
-        (define (calc-periods 
-                 budget user-start user-end collapse-before? collapse-after? show-total?)
-                (define (range start end)
-                  (define (int-range current end step lst)
-                        (if (>=  current end)
-                            lst
-                            (int-range (+ current step) end step (cons current lst))))
-                  (reverse (int-range (if (number? start) start 0) end 1 '()))
-                )
-                (let* ((num-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget))
-                       (range-start (if user-start user-start 0))
-                       (range-end (if user-end (+ 1 user-end) num-periods))
-                       (fold-before-start 0)
-                       (fold-before-end (if collapse-before? range-start 0))
-                       (fold-after-start (if collapse-after? range-end num-periods))
-                       (fold-after-end num-periods)
-                       )
-                      (map (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (= 1 (length x))) (car x) x))
-                           (filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x)))
-                                    (append (list (range fold-before-start fold-before-end))
-                                            (range range-start range-end)
-                                            (list (range fold-after-start fold-after-end))
-                                            (if show-total? (list 'total) '()) 
-                        )))
-                )
-        );;end of define calc-periods
-       ;; end of defines
-        (let* ((rownum 0)
-               (use-ranges? (get-val params 'use-ranges))
-               (column-info-list (calc-periods budget 
-                                               (calc-user-period budget
-                                                                  use-ranges?
-                                                                  (get-val params 'user-start-period)
-                                                                  (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact)
-                                               )
-                                               (calc-user-period budget
-                                                                  use-ranges?
-                                                                  (get-val params 'user-end-period)
-                                                                  (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact)
-                                               )
-                                               (get-val params 'collapse-before)
-                                               (get-val params 'collapse-after)
-                                               show-totalcol?
-                                 ))
-               ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-               ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
-               ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
-               ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
-               ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
-               ;; assumption.
-              )
-              ;;debug output for control of period list calculation
-              (gnc:debug "use-ranges? =" use-ranges?)
-              (gnc:debug "user-start-period =" (get-val params 'user-start-period))
-              (gnc:debug "user-start-period-exact =" (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact))
-              (gnc:debug "user-end-period =" (get-val params 'user-end-period))
-              (gnc:debug "user-end-period-exact =" (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact))
-              (gnc:debug "column-info-list=" column-info-list)
-              ;; call gnc:html-table-add-budget-line! for each account
-              (while (< rownum num-rows)
-                     (let* (
-                            (env (append (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table rownum) params))
-                            (acct (get-val env 'account))
-                            (exchange-fn (get-val env 'exchange-fn))
-                           )
-                           (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
-                            html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget? column-info-list exchange-fn)
-                           (set! rownum (+ rownum 1)) ;; increment rownum
-                     )
-              ) ;; end of while
-              ;; column headers
-              (gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers! html-table colnum budget column-info-list)
-        )
-  )
-) ;; end of define gnc:html-table-add-budget-values
+        ;;   acct - account being displayed
+        ;;   period-list - list of periods to use
+        (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
+                 html-table rownum budget acct period-list)
+          (let* (;; budgeted amount
+                 (bgt-numeric-val (gnc:get-account-periodlist-budget-value
+                                   budget acct period-list))
+                 ;; actual amount
+                 (act-numeric-abs (gnc:get-account-periodlist-actual-value
+                                   budget acct period-list))
+                 (act-numeric-val
+                  (if reverse-balance?
+                      (gnc-numeric-neg act-numeric-abs)
+                      act-numeric-abs))
+                 ;; difference (budget to actual)
+                 (dif-numeric-val
+                  (gnc-numeric-sub
+                   bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val
+                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))))
+            (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p bgt-numeric-val))
+                (begin
+                  (set! bgt-total (gnc-numeric-add bgt-total bgt-numeric-val
+                                                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
+                  (set! bgt-total-unset? #f)))
+            (set! act-total (gnc-numeric-add act-total act-numeric-val
+                                             GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND))
+            (if income-acct?
+                (set! dif-numeric-val
+                  (gnc-numeric-sub
+                   act-numeric-val bgt-numeric-val
+                   GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))))
+            (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
+             html-table rownum #f
+             bgt-numeric-val act-numeric-val dif-numeric-val)))
+        (while (not (null? column-list))
+          (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
+            (cond
+             ((equal? col-info 'total)
+              (gnc:html-table-display-budget-columns!
+               html-table rownum #t bgt-total act-total
+               (if income-acct?
+                   (gnc-numeric-sub
+                    act-total bgt-total
+                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER))
+                   (gnc-numeric-sub
+                    bgt-total act-total
+                    GNC-DENOM-AUTO (+ GNC-DENOM-LCD GNC-RND-NEVER)))))
+             ((list? col-info)
+              (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
+               html-table rownum budget acct col-info))
+             (else
+              (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line-columns!
+               html-table rownum budget acct (list col-info))))
+            (set! column-list (cdr column-list))))))
+    ;; Adds header rows to the budget report.  The columns are
+    ;; specified by the column-list parameter.
+    ;;
+    ;; Parameters:
+    ;;   html-table - html table being created
+    ;;   colnum - starting column number
+    ;;   budget - budget to use
+    ;;   column-list - column info list
+    (define (gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers!
+             html-table colnum budget column-list)
+      (let* ((current-col (+ colnum 1))
+             (col-list column-list)
+             (col-span 0))
+        (if show-budget? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
+        (if show-actual? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
+        (if show-diff? (set! col-span (+ col-span 1)))
+        (if (eqv? col-span 0) (set! col-span 1))
+        ;; prepend 2 empty rows
+        (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
+        (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! html-table '())
+        (while (not (= (length col-list) 0))
+          (let* ((col-info (car col-list))
+                 (tc #f)
+                 (period-to-date-string (lambda (p)
+                                          (qof-print-date
+                                           (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date
+                                            budget p)))))
+            (cond
+             ((equal? col-info 'total)
+              (gnc:html-table-set-cell! html-table 0 current-col (_ "Total")))
+             ((list? col-info)
+              (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
+               html-table 0 current-col (string-append
+                                         (period-to-date-string (car col-info))
+                                         " – "
+                                         (period-to-date-string
+                                          (car (reverse col-info))))))
+             (else
+              (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
+               html-table 0 current-col (period-to-date-string col-info))))
+            (set! tc (gnc:html-table-get-cell html-table 0 current-col))
+            (gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan! tc col-span)
+            (gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag! tc "centered-label-cell")
+            (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))
+            (set! col-list (cdr col-list))))
+        ;; make the column headers
+        (set! col-list column-list)
+        (set! current-col (+ colnum 1))
+        (while (not (= (length column-list) 0))
+          (let* ((col-info (car column-list)))
+            (if show-budget?
+                (begin
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
+                   (_ "Bgt")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Budget"
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+            (if show-actual?
+                (begin
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
+                   (_ "Act")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Actual"
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+            (if show-diff?
+                (begin
+                  (gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!
+                   html-table 1 current-col "centered-label-cell"
+                   (_ "Diff")) ;; Translators: Abbreviation for "Difference"
+                  (set! current-col (+ current-col 1))))
+            (set! column-list (cdr column-list))))))
+    ;; Determines the budget period relative to current period. Budget
+    ;; period is current if it start time <= current time and end time
+    ;; >= current time When period is found it's passed to adjuster
+    ;; that is responsible for final calculation of period.
+    ;;
+    ;; If budget in future then first period of budget is returned,
+    ;; if it in past, then the last period is returned if adjuster
+    ;; produced period number that is less then first period or
+    ;; greater than last period, the same rules apply.
+    ;;
+    ;; Parameters:
+    ;;   budget - budget to use
+    ;;   adjuster - function that is used for calculation of period relative to current
+    (define (find-period-relative-to-current budget adjuster)
+      (let* ((now (current-time))
+             (total-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) )
+             (last-period (- total-periods 1))
+             (period-start (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-start-date budget x)))
+             (period-end (lambda (x) (gnc-budget-get-period-end-date budget x))))
+        (cond ((< now (period-start 0)) 1)
+              ((> now (period-end last-period)) total-periods)
+              ( else (let ((found-period
+                            (find (lambda (period)
+                                    (and (>= now (period-start period))
+                                         (<= now (period-end period))))
+                                  (iota total-periods))))
+                       (gnc:debug "current period =" found-period)
+                       (if found-period
+                           (let ((adjusted (adjuster found-period)))
+                             (cond
+                              ((< adjusted 0) 0)
+                              ((> adjusted last-period) last-period)
+                              (else adjusted)))
+                           #f))))))
+    ;; Maps type of user selected period to concrete period number, if
+    ;; user not selected to use range false is returned
+    (define (calc-user-period budget
+                              use-ranges? period-type period-exact-val)
+      (if (not use-ranges?)
+          #f
+          (cond
+           ((eq? 'first period-type) 0)
+           ((eq? 'last period-type) (- (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget) 1))
+           ((eq? 'manual period-type) (- period-exact-val 1))
+           ((eq? 'previous period-type)
+            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
+                                                      (- period 1))))
+           ((eq? 'current period-type)
+            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
+                                                      period)))
+           ((eq? 'next period-type)
+            (find-period-relative-to-current budget (lambda (period)
+                                                      (+ period 1)))))))
+    ;; Performs calculation of periods list. If list element is a list
+    ;; itself, it means that elements of this sublist should be
+    ;; presented as summed value.  If user required a total column
+    ;; calculation a quoted total val appended to the end For example
+    ;; if function produced list ( (0 1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 (8 9) 'total)
+    ;; then budget report will have 6 columns:
+    ;; -- first column is a sum of values for periods 0..4
+    ;; -- second .. forth columns is a values for periods 5,6,7
+    ;; -- fifth is a sum of value for periods 8, 9
+    ;; -- sixth a column with total of all columns
+    ;;
+    ;; Total is calculated only for selected periods. So if the list
+    ;; resulted in (3 4 'total), total column will contain the sum of
+    ;; values for periods 3,4
+    (define (calc-periods
+             budget user-start user-end collapse-before? collapse-after? show-total?)
+      (define (range start end)
+        (define (int-range current end step lst)
+          (if (>=  current end)
+              lst
+              (int-range (+ current step) end step (cons current lst))))
+        (reverse (int-range (if (number? start) start 0) end 1 '())))
+      (let* ((num-periods (gnc-budget-get-num-periods budget))
+             (range-start (if user-start user-start 0))
+             (range-end (if user-end (+ 1 user-end) num-periods))
+             (fold-before-start 0)
+             (fold-before-end (if collapse-before? range-start 0))
+             (fold-after-start (if collapse-after? range-end num-periods))
+             (fold-after-end num-periods))
+        (map (lambda (x) (if (and (list? x) (= 1 (length x))) (car x) x))
+             (filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x)))
+                     (append (list (range fold-before-start fold-before-end))
+                             (range range-start range-end)
+                             (list (range fold-after-start fold-after-end))
+                             (if show-total? (list 'total) '()))))))
+    ;; end of defines
+    (let* ((rownum 0)
+           (use-ranges? (get-val params 'use-ranges))
+           (column-info-list (calc-periods
+                              budget
+                              (calc-user-period
+                               budget use-ranges?
+                               (get-val params 'user-start-period)
+                               (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact))
+                              (calc-user-period
+                               budget use-ranges?
+                               (get-val params 'user-end-period)
+                               (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact))
+                              (get-val params 'collapse-before)
+                              (get-val params 'collapse-after)
+                              show-totalcol?))
+           ;;(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+           ;; WARNING: we implicitly depend here on the details of
+           ;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.  Specifically, we
+           ;; assume that it makes twice as many columns as it uses for
+           ;; account labels.  For now, that seems to be a valid
+           ;; assumption.
+           )
+      ;;debug output for control of period list calculation
+      (gnc:debug "use-ranges? =" use-ranges?)
+      (gnc:debug "user-start-period =" (get-val params 'user-start-period))
+      (gnc:debug "user-start-period-exact =" (get-val params 'user-start-period-exact))
+      (gnc:debug "user-end-period =" (get-val params 'user-end-period))
+      (gnc:debug "user-end-period-exact =" (get-val params 'user-end-period-exact))
+      (gnc:debug "column-info-list=" column-info-list)
+      ;; call gnc:html-table-add-budget-line! for each account
+      (while (< rownum num-rows)
+        (let* ((env (append (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table rownum)
+                            params))
+               (acct (get-val env 'account))
+               (exchange-fn (get-val env 'exchange-fn)))
+          (gnc:html-table-add-budget-line!
+           html-table rownum colnum budget acct rollup-budget?
+           column-info-list exchange-fn)
+          (set! rownum (+ rownum 1))))
+      ;; column headers
+      (gnc:html-table-add-budget-headers!
+       html-table colnum budget column-info-list))))
 ;; budget-renderer
@@ -774,8 +708,8 @@
 (define (budget-renderer report-obj)
   (define (get-option pagename optname)
     (get-option-val (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname))
-;;     (gnc:lookup-option
-;;      (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname)))
+  ;;     (gnc:lookup-option
+  ;;      (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname)))
   (gnc:report-starting reportname)
@@ -795,20 +729,19 @@
          (use-ranges? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-use-budget-period-range))
          (include-collapse-before? (if use-ranges?
-                                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-period-collapse-before) #f))
+                                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                                   optname-period-collapse-before)
+                                       #f))
          (include-collapse-after? (if use-ranges?
-                                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-period-collapse-after) #f))
-         (row-num 0) ;; ???
+                                      (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                                  optname-period-collapse-after)
+                                      #f))
+         (row-num 0)
          (work-done 0)
          (work-to-do 0)
-         ;;(report-currency (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-         ;;                             optname-report-currency))
          (show-full-names? (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-         (doc (gnc:make-html-document))
-         ;;(table (gnc:make-html-table))
-         ;;(txt (gnc:make-html-text))
-         )
+         (doc (gnc:make-html-document)))
     ;; end of defines
@@ -816,91 +749,95 @@
     (if show-subaccts?
         (let ((sub-accounts (gnc:acccounts-get-all-subaccounts accounts)))
-            (lambda (sub-account)
-              (if (not (member sub-account accounts))
-                  (set! accounts (cons sub-account accounts))))
-            sub-accounts)))
+           (lambda (sub-account)
+             (if (not (member sub-account accounts))
+                 (set! accounts (cons sub-account accounts))))
+           sub-accounts)))
-      ((null? accounts)
-        ;; No accounts selected.
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-         doc 
-         (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning reportname (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
-      ((not budget-valid?)
-        ;; No budget selected.
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-          doc (gnc:html-make-generic-budget-warning reportname)))
-      (else (begin
-        (let* ((tree-depth (if (equal? display-depth 'all)
-                               (accounts-get-children-depth accounts)
-                               display-depth))
-               (to-period-val (lambda (v) (inexact->exact (truncate (get-option gnc:pagename-general v)))))
-               ;;(account-disp-list '())
-               (env (list 
-                     (list 'start-date (gnc:budget-get-start-date budget))
-                     (list 'end-date (gnc:budget-get-end-date budget))
-                     (list 'display-tree-depth tree-depth)
-                     (list 'depth-limit-behavior 
-                           (if bottom-behavior 'flatten 'summarize))
-                     (list 'zero-balance-mode 
-                           (if show-zb-accts? 'show-leaf-acct 'omit-leaf-acct))
-                     (list 'report-budget budget)
-                          ))
-               (acct-table #f)
-               (html-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-               (params '())
-               (paramsBudget (list
-                              (list 'show-actual
-                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-actual))
-                              (list 'show-budget
-                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-budget))
-                              (list 'show-difference
-                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-difference))
-                              (list 'show-totalcol
-                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-totalcol))
-                              (list 'rollup-budget
-                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-rollup-budget))
-                              (list 'use-ranges use-ranges?)
-                              (list 'collapse-before include-collapse-before?)
-                              (list 'collapse-after include-collapse-after?)
-                              (list 'user-start-period (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-budget-period-start))
-                              (list 'user-end-period (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-budget-period-end))
-                              (list 'user-start-period-exact (to-period-val optname-budget-period-start-exact))
-                              (list 'user-end-period-exact (to-period-val optname-budget-period-end-exact))
-                              ))
-               (report-name (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                        gnc:optname-reportname))
-               )
-          (gnc:html-document-set-title!
-           doc (format #f (_ "~a: ~a")
-                        report-name (gnc-budget-get-name budget)))
-          (set! accounts (sort accounts account-full-name<?))
-          (set! acct-table
-                (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accounts))
-          ;; We do this in two steps: First the account names...  the
-          ;; add-account-balances will actually compute and add a
-          ;; bunch of current account balances, too, but we'll
-          ;; overwrite them.
-          (set! html-table (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances
-                            #f acct-table params))
-          ;; ... then the budget values
-          (gnc:html-table-add-budget-values!
-           html-table acct-table budget paramsBudget)
-          ;; hmmm... I expected that add-budget-values would have to
-          ;; clear out any unused columns to the right, out to the
-          ;; table width, since the add-account-balance had put stuff
-          ;; there, but it doesn't seem to matter.
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc html-table))))
-      ) ;; end cond
+     ((null? accounts)
+      ;; No accounts selected.
+      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+       doc
+       (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning reportname (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
+     ((not budget-valid?)
+      ;; No budget selected.
+      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+       doc (gnc:html-make-generic-budget-warning reportname)))
+     (else (begin
+             (let* ((tree-depth (if (equal? display-depth 'all)
+                                    (accounts-get-children-depth accounts)
+                                    display-depth))
+                    (to-period-val (lambda (v)
+                                     (inexact->exact
+                                      (truncate
+                                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general v)))))
+                    (env (list
+                          (list 'start-date (gnc:budget-get-start-date budget))
+                          (list 'end-date (gnc:budget-get-end-date budget))
+                          (list 'display-tree-depth tree-depth)
+                          (list 'depth-limit-behavior
+                                (if bottom-behavior 'flatten 'summarize))
+                          (list 'zero-balance-mode
+                                (if show-zb-accts? 'show-leaf-acct 'omit-leaf-acct))
+                          (list 'report-budget budget)))
+                    (acct-table #f)
+                    (html-table (gnc:make-html-table))
+                    (params '())
+                    (paramsBudget
+                     (list
+                      (list 'show-actual
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-actual))
+                      (list 'show-budget
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-budget))
+                      (list 'show-difference
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-difference))
+                      (list 'show-totalcol
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-show-totalcol))
+                      (list 'rollup-budget
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-rollup-budget))
+                      (list 'use-ranges use-ranges?)
+                      (list 'collapse-before include-collapse-before?)
+                      (list 'collapse-after include-collapse-after?)
+                      (list 'user-start-period
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                        optname-budget-period-start))
+                      (list 'user-end-period
+                            (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                        optname-budget-period-end))
+                      (list 'user-start-period-exact
+                            (to-period-val optname-budget-period-start-exact))
+                      (list 'user-end-period-exact
+                            (to-period-val optname-budget-period-end-exact))))
+                    (report-name (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                             gnc:optname-reportname)))
+               (gnc:html-document-set-title!
+                doc (format #f (_ "~a: ~a")
+                            report-name (gnc-budget-get-name budget)))
+               (set! accounts (sort accounts account-full-name<?))
+               (set! acct-table
+                 (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accounts))
+               ;; We do this in two steps: First the account names...  the
+               ;; add-account-balances will actually compute and add a
+               ;; bunch of current account balances, too, but we'll
+               ;; overwrite them.
+               (set! html-table (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances
+                                 #f acct-table params))
+               ;; ... then the budget values
+               (gnc:html-table-add-budget-values!
+                html-table acct-table budget paramsBudget)
+               ;; hmmm... I expected that add-budget-values would have to
+               ;; clear out any unused columns to the right, out to the
+               ;; table width, since the add-account-balance had put stuff
+               ;; there, but it doesn't seem to matter.
+               (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc html-table)))))

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/budget.scm | 1068 ++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 450 insertions(+), 618 deletions(-)

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