gnucash stable: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Thu Mar 28 08:40:24 EDT 2024

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit dc1eb874095e0c028a1fb3fbbf13ddfb88a0c310
Merge: 4b0379f1e9 6c82a1311b
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Mar 28 20:39:03 2024 +0800

    Merge branch 'sixtp-string-converters' into stable #1892

commit 6c82a1311b85c7036d3bdc012ab938a3b443eabf
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Mar 21 00:25:09 2024 +0800

    [sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp] use string_to_guint, string_to_guint16

diff --git a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp
index f59a0afd5b..b6fc8ff1af 100644
--- a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp
+++ b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp
@@ -98,46 +98,32 @@ dom_tree_to_integer_kvp_value (xmlNodePtr node)
     return ret;
-dom_tree_to_integer (xmlNodePtr node, gint64* daint)
+template <typename T>
+static bool
+dom_tree_to_num (xmlNodePtr node, std::function<bool(const char*, T*)>string_to_num, T* num_ptr)
-    gchar* text;
-    gboolean ret;
-    text = dom_tree_to_text (node);
-    ret = string_to_gint64 (text, daint);
+    auto text = dom_tree_to_text (node);
+    auto ret = string_to_num (text, num_ptr);
     g_free (text);
     return ret;
-dom_tree_to_guint16 (xmlNodePtr node, guint16* i)
+dom_tree_to_integer (xmlNodePtr node, gint64* daint)
-    gboolean ret;
-    guint j = 0;
+    return dom_tree_to_num<gint64>(node, string_to_gint64, daint);
-    ret = dom_tree_to_guint (node, &j);
-    *i = (guint16) j;
-    return ret;
+dom_tree_to_guint16 (xmlNodePtr node, guint16* i)
+    return dom_tree_to_num<guint16>(node, string_to_guint16, i);
 dom_tree_to_guint (xmlNodePtr node, guint* i)
-    gchar* text, *endptr;
-    gboolean ret;
-    text = dom_tree_to_text (node);
-    /* In spite of the strange string_to_gint64 function, I'm just
-       going to use strtoul here until someone shows me the error of
-       my ways. -CAS */
-    *i = (guint) strtoul (text, &endptr, 0);
-    ret = (endptr != text);
-    g_free (text);
-    return ret;
+    return dom_tree_to_num<guint>(node, string_to_guint, i);

commit 249ec9f43a0780b743e2fb2f0be2955399daad11
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Mar 20 23:40:23 2024 +0800

    [test-string-converters.cpp] add some string->number tests

diff --git a/libgnucash/backend/xml/test/test-string-converters.cpp b/libgnucash/backend/xml/test/test-string-converters.cpp
index c2baf05738..4dcd104d8d 100644
--- a/libgnucash/backend/xml/test/test-string-converters.cpp
+++ b/libgnucash/backend/xml/test/test-string-converters.cpp
@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@
 #include "test-engine-stuff.h"
 #include "test-file-stuff.h"
+#include "sixtp-utils.h"
 #include "sixtp-dom-parsers.h"
 #include "sixtp-dom-generators.h"
 #include "test-stuff.h"
+#include <optional>
 #define GNC_V2_STRING "gnc-v2"
 const gchar* gnc_v2_xml_version_string = GNC_V2_STRING;
@@ -79,6 +81,85 @@ test_bad_string (void)
     xmlFreeNode (test_node);
+template <class T>
+using TestcaseVec = std::vector<std::pair<const char*, std::optional<T>>>;
+template <class T>
+const TestcaseVec<T> test_cases_common = {
+    { "1"                     ,   1 },
+    { "  \t 2   \t\v\n\f\r  " ,   2 },
+    { "              0      " ,   0 },
+    { "123"                   , 123 },
+    { "123z"                  ,  {} },
+    { "a123"                  ,  {} },
+    { " 23"                   ,  23 },
+    { "\t23"                  ,  23 },
+    { "44 "                   ,  44 },
+    { "44\t"                  ,  44 },
+    { " 56   "                ,  56 },
+    { "\t56\t"                ,  56 },
+    { "1 2"                   ,  {} },
+    { "1 2 \t"                ,  {} },
+const TestcaseVec<gint64> test_cases_gint64 = {
+    { "-44"                   , -44 },
+    { "9223372036854775807"   ,  9223372036854775807 }, // maxint64
+    { "9223372036854775808"   ,  {} },                  // overflow
+    { "-9223372036854775807"  , -9223372036854775807 }, // minint64
+const TestcaseVec<guint> test_cases_guint = {
+    { "-44"                   ,  {} },                // no negative allowed
+    { "4294967295"            ,  4294967295 },        // max_uint
+    { "4294967296"            ,  {} },                // overflow
+const TestcaseVec<guint16> test_cases_guint16 = {
+    { "-44"                   ,  {} },                // no negative allowed
+    { "65535"                 ,  65535 },             // max_int16
+    { "65536"                 ,  {} },                // overflow
+const TestcaseVec<double> test_cases_double = {
+    { "-3.5"                   ,  -3.5 },
+    { ".5"                     ,   0.5 },
+    { "1e10"                   ,  1e10 },
+    { "-1e10"                  , -1e10 },
+    { "1e-10"                  ,  1e-10 },
+    { "-1e-10"                 ,  -1e-10 },
+    { "1.7976931348623158e+308", 1.7976931348623158e+308 }, // max_double
+    { "1.7976931348623159e+308", {}   },                    // overflow
+template <typename T>
+static void
+test_string_to_num (const char *func_name, const TestcaseVec<T>& test_cases,
+                    const std::function<bool(const char*,T*)> &func)
+    auto do_test = [&](std::pair<const char*, std::optional<T>> test_pair)
+    {
+        T num = 0;
+        auto [test_str, test_int] = test_pair;
+        auto rv = func (test_str, &num);
+        // Output for debugging
+        // std::cout << "test_str = [" << test_str << "], test_int = ";
+        // if (test_int)
+        //     std::cout << *test_int;
+        // else
+        //     std::cout << "{}";
+        // std::cout << ", num = [" << num << "], rv = " << rv << std::endl;
+        do_test_args (rv == test_int.has_value(), func_name,
+                      __FILE__, __LINE__, "with string %s", test_str);
+        if (rv)
+            do_test_args (num == *test_int, func_name,
+                          __FILE__, __LINE__, "with string %s", test_str);
+    };
+    std::for_each (test_cases_common<T>.begin(), test_cases_common<T>.end(), do_test);
+    std::for_each (test_cases.begin(), test_cases.end(), do_test);
 main (int argc, char** argv)
@@ -86,6 +167,13 @@ main (int argc, char** argv)
     fflush (stdout);
     test_string_converters ();
     test_bad_string ();
+#if __cpp_lib_to_chars >= 201611L
+    // because older strtod code is more liberal and parses "123z" as 123.0
+    test_string_to_num<double> ("string_to_double", test_cases_double, string_to_double);
+    test_string_to_num<gint64> ("string_to_gint64", test_cases_gint64, string_to_gint64);
+    test_string_to_num<guint16>("string_to_guint16",test_cases_guint16,string_to_guint16);
+    test_string_to_num<guint>  ("string_to_guint",  test_cases_guint,  string_to_guint);
     fflush (stdout);
     print_test_results ();
     exit (get_rv ());

commit 1f9ea6bc997e8ab35c1299340046e2d7bf0aa68b
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Mar 21 00:03:28 2024 +0800

    [sixtp-utils.cpp] std::from_chars speedup, remove string_to_gint32
    Benchmarks running tests 4E6 times:
    using sscanf
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    with std::from_chars
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.
    $ bin/test-string-converters
    Executed 92000006 tests. All tests passed.

diff --git a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.cpp b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.cpp
index b65d547357..4e3539ad3c 100644
--- a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.cpp
+++ b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
 #include "sixtp.h"
 #include "sixtp-utils.h"
+#include <charconv>
+#include <cctype>
 static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_IO;
@@ -138,6 +141,27 @@ concatenate_child_result_chars (GSList* data_from_children)
+template <typename T>
+static bool parse_chars_into_num (const char* str, T* num_ptr)
+    if (!str || !num_ptr)
+        return false;
+    while (std::isspace (*str))
+        ++str;
+    const char* end_ptr = str + std::strlen (str);
+    auto res = std::from_chars (str, end_ptr, *num_ptr);
+    if ( != std::errc{})
+        return false;
+    while (std::isspace (*res.ptr))
+        ++res.ptr;
+    return (res.ptr == end_ptr);
 /* double
@@ -145,78 +169,42 @@ concatenate_child_result_chars (GSList* data_from_children)
 string_to_double (const char* str, double* result)
-    char* endptr = 0x0;
-    g_return_val_if_fail (str, FALSE);
-    g_return_val_if_fail (result, FALSE);
-    *result = strtod (str, &endptr);
-    if (endptr == str) return (FALSE);
-    return (TRUE);
+#if __cpp_lib_to_chars >= 201611L
+    return parse_chars_into_num<double>(str, result);
+    // because from_chars in cpp < 201611L cannot parse floats
+    char* endptr = nullptr;
+    g_return_val_if_fail (str && result, false);
+    *result = std::strtod (str, &endptr);
+    return (endptr != str);
 /* gint64
-/* Maybe there should be a comment here explaining why this function
-   doesn't call g_ascii_strtoull, because it's not so obvious. -CAS */
 string_to_gint64 (const gchar* str, gint64* v)
-    /* convert a string to a gint64. only whitespace allowed before and after. */
-    long long int v_in;
-    int num_read;
-    g_return_val_if_fail (str, FALSE);
-    /* must use "<" here because %n's effects aren't well defined */
-    if (sscanf (str, " %lld%n", &v_in, &num_read) < 1)
-    {
-        return (FALSE);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Mac OS X version 10.1 and under has a silly bug where scanf
-     * returns bad values in num_read if there is a space before %n. It
-     * is fixed in the next release 10.2 afaik
-     */
-    while ((* ((gchar*)str + num_read) != '\0') &&
-           isspace (* ((unsigned char*)str + num_read)))
-        num_read++;
-    if (v)
-        *v = v_in;
-    if (!isspace_str (str + num_read, -1)) return (FALSE);
-    return (TRUE);
+    return parse_chars_into_num<gint64>(str, v);
-/* gint32
+/* guint16
-string_to_gint32 (const gchar* str, gint32* v)
+string_to_guint16 (const gchar* str, guint16* v)
-    /* convert a string to a gint32. only whitespace allowed before and after. */
-    int num_read;
-    int v_in;
-    /* must use "<" here because %n's effects aren't well defined */
-    if (sscanf (str, " %d%n", &v_in, &num_read) < 1)
-    {
-        return (FALSE);
-    }
-    while ((* ((gchar*)str + num_read) != '\0') &&
-           isspace (* ((unsigned char*)str + num_read)))
-        num_read++;
-    if (v)
-        *v = v_in;
+    return parse_chars_into_num<guint16>(str, v);
-    if (!isspace_str (str + num_read, -1)) return (FALSE);
-    return (TRUE);
+/* guint
+ */
+string_to_guint (const gchar* str, guint* v)
+    return parse_chars_into_num<guint>(str, v);
diff --git a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.h b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.h
index ef7b0f03f0..417b767b72 100644
--- a/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.h
+++ b/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.h
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ gboolean string_to_double (const char* str, double* result);
 gboolean string_to_gint64 (const gchar* str, gint64* v);
-gboolean string_to_gint32 (const gchar* str, gint32* v);
+gboolean string_to_guint16 (const gchar* str, guint16* v);
+gboolean string_to_guint (const gchar* str, guint* v);
 gboolean hex_string_to_binary (const gchar* str,  void** v, guint64* data_len);

Summary of changes:
 libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp       |  40 +++-----
 libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.cpp             | 102 +++++++++------------
 libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-utils.h               |   4 +-
 .../backend/xml/test/test-string-converters.cpp    |  88 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

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