[gnucash-de] Re: gnucash-2.x crashes on reading 1.8.x datafile
Martin Klaffenboeck
martin.klaffenboeck at gmx.at
Fre Jan 6 09:44:28 EST 2006
Am Freitag, den 06.01.2006, 15:21 +0100 schrieb Christian Stimming:
> Martin Klaffenboeck wrote:
> > When opening the old 1.8 data file, gnucash crashes.
> > (console output below)
> Ooops! This must not happen. I hope you can help us a little bit to find
> out the exact cause of your crash, because it would be quite a
> showstopper not being able to open the 1.8.x data file in gnucash-2.
> So, first
> - What happens if you start the SVN-gnucash with the option --nofile ?
> Does it start correctly?
It started correctly the first time with the druide and the druide works
fine. After that I opened my file without saving the new file. Not
when I start it, it starts correctly. (I never tried --nofile), it seems
after my start there is no file open.
> - If yes, what happens if you then open your file by "File" -> "open";
> do you now get your crash again?
Yes, the crash output was from the second start after "File" - "open"
choosing my file. When I press the 'Open' button (or however it is
called in the FileSelector.
> - If yes: Do you have many or at least one report windows open in your
> 1.8-gnucash?
I had many open. There were P&L (3 with different options), 2 Bar
charts and 3 pie charts (2 out 3 incoming), all with different options.
> - If yes, how many and which ones? The settings for those opened reports
> are saved from session to session in a file below ~/.gnucash/books/; in
> this particular case this seems to be the file
> /home/martin/.gnucash/books/%2Fhome%2Fmartin%2Fwork%2FFinanzielles%2Fgnucash%2Ffamilie-2005
> (an URL-encoded form of the absolute path name of your gnucash data file)
Ok, I'll attach this file. It seems there are no account infos in
there. ;-)
> - Can you temporarily rename that file to a different name/location?
I renamed that file and started again, now my crash output (I didn't
read it against my first output maybe it is the same?)
I hope I could help you.
BTW. Do you have a gnucash-svn ebuild for gentoo? This would help you
to get some more tester on gentoo. If you don't have one, I can create
one for you, otherwise I would like to know the location.
Console output:
Diese Version befindet sich noch in Entwicklung.
Sie kann funktionieren, muss aber nicht.
Fehler und andere Probleme werden auf gnucash-devel at gnucash.org
Fehlerberichte können auf http://bugzilla.gnome.org eingeschickt werden.
Die letzte stabile Version war GnuCash 1.8.12
Die nächste stabile Version wird sein: GnuCash 2.0
gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/home/martin/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto"
gnucash: [W] "report-menu-setup"
gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/home/martin/.gnucash/books/%2Fhome%
In current input:
1: 0* [gnc:main]
?: 1 (letrec ((handle-batch-mode-item (lambda # #)))
(gnc:startup-pass-1) ...)
In /home/martin/Projects/gnucash-bin//share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/main.scm:
595: 2* (if (null? gnc:*batch-mode-things-to-do*) (begin # #) ...)
597: 3 (begin # #)
599: 4 (let* (# #) (set! gnc:*command-line-remaining* #) (if # #
#) ...)
616: 5* [gnc:start-ui-event-loop]
In unknown file:
?: 6* [gnc:main-window-book-open-handler #<gw:wcp <gnc:Session*>
0x83ec508>] ?: 7* (letrec ((try-load #)) (let* (# # #) (if
conf-file-name #) ...))
In /home/martin/Projects/gnucash-bin//share/gnucash/scm/main-window.scm:
73: 8 (let* (# # #) (if conf-file-name #) (hash-fold # #t
80: 9 [hash-fold #<procedure #f (key val prior-result)> #t ...]
In unknown file:
?: 10* [#<procedure #f #> 0 # #t]
In /home/martin/Projects/gnucash-bin//share/gnucash/scm/main-window.scm:
81: 11* [gnc:main-window-open-report 0 #f]
In unknown file:
?: 12* [gnc:report-name #]
In /home/martin/Projects/gnucash-bin//share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
309: 13* [gnc:option-value ...
310: 14* [gnc:lookup-option #f "General" "Report name"]
In /home/martin/Projects/gnucash-bin//share/gnucash/scm/options.scm:
1459: 15 ((options (quote lookup)) section name)
1459: 16* (options (quote lookup))
In expression (options (quote lookup)):
Wrong type to apply: #f
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname : %2Fhome%2Fmartin%2FFinanzielles%2Fgnucash%2Ffamilie-2005
Dateityp : application/octet-stream
Dateigröße : 49899 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL : http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/attachments/20060106/ccabcaa2/2Fhome2Fmartin2FFinanzielles2Fgnucash2Ffamilie-2005-0001.obj