Proposal for modifying gnucash to use exact quantities

Phillip J Shelton
Thu, 03 Aug 2000 14:04:32 +1000


I have not had any experience in using any of the major non-free money software,
and have only used one small shareware to mimic my bank statements. So the
following is probably trivial but please bear with me, I would like some

I have been watching the to-ing and throw-ing of this discussion and am wondering
could someone point me to an augment that explains how to use a  general ledger
(which is what gnucash hopes to be? That is, a place to record the movement of
money) to record inventory i.e. the number of RHAT shares or AMP shares in my case.
or even widgets, the things you guys seem to like buying by the carload. ;-)

If you can drag yourselves away from the discussion I will thank you for your time.


PS  Robert, as this is open software you could fork if you felt strongly enough
about it.