Reconciliation in 1.4.3, and other issues

Dave Peticolas
Thu, 03 Aug 2000 22:52:37 -0700

Adrian Cox writes:
> I've just got 1.4.3 from Helixcode, and the reconciliation problem that 
> stopped
> me using 1.4.0 is still present. I've imported a large number of QIF 
> files from
> Quicken 6 SE, and all the data is in the register intact. The problem is 
> quite
> simple: the starting balance of each account in the reconcile window is 
> 0.00,
> even though the cleared balance in the register window is correct.
> This means that I can never successfully reconcile. I suggest that when
> importing the starting balance should be set equal to the cleared 
> balance.
> Are there any cases in which the starting balance should not be equal to
> the cleared balance?

Yes, when you have transactions that have cleared the bank, but you
haven't reconciled them yet. The starting balance used in the reconcile
window is the 'Reconciled Balance', i.e., the balance of all the reconciled
transactions, which is different from the cleared balance. So, this seems
to be either a problem with the qif files, or with the importer.

Anyway, the solution is to perform a one-time-only reconciliation where
you enter the starting balance you expect as the ending balance, and then
check off all the transactions which should have been reconciled. I realize
this is going to be a pain :(
