Reconciliation in 1.4.3, and other issues
Adrian Cox
Sat, 5 Aug 2000 08:43:05 +0100
On Fri, 04 Aug 2000 06:52:37 Dave Peticolas wrote:
> Adrian Cox writes:
> > Are there any cases in which the starting balance should not be equal to
> > the cleared balance?
> Yes, when you have transactions that have cleared the bank, but you
> haven't reconciled them yet.
This is the root of the problem. I hadn't appreciated the difference
between cleared 'c' and
reconciled 'y', probably because Quicken tries to hide the distinction
behind the user interface
for reconciliation.
> The starting balance used in the reconcile
> window is the 'Reconciled Balance', i.e., the balance of all the reconciled
> transactions, which is different from the cleared balance. So, this seems
> to be either a problem with the qif files, or with the importer.
Something in the import process is taking files which are reconciled in
Quicken, and not marking
them as reconciled in Gnucash. I suspect the QIF file doesn't make the
distinction between cleared
and reconciled. The importer may need the option to promote cleared to
> Anyway, the solution is to perform a one-time-only reconciliation where
> you enter the starting balance you expect as the ending balance, and then
> check off all the transactions which should have been reconciled. I realize
> this is going to be a pain :(
I think I may try to edit out the last four tax years using Quicken
before I give this a go.
- Adrian