Multi-user gnucash

Dave Peticolas
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:24:49 -0700

Rich Shepard writes:
>   Thanks, everyone! In the interests of time and getting billable work
> accomplished, we will just use a telnet session exporting the display to the
> local host. It works.
>   Now, for a more pertinent gnucash question:
>   Can I set the default directory so gnucash sees it on the file window?
> Specifically, we have the datafile in /home/pers-data, but whenever the file
> | open or file | save as menu items are selected, we see /home/<username>.
>   I didn't see anything in the preferences setup to define the default data
> directory. If there isn't any way of doing this, may I ask that it be added
> to the "to-do" list?

Sure, that's a good idea.

One thing that might help you now, GnuCash has a 'file history'
mechanism that shows you the last 5 open files on the File menu.
Also, if you launch GnuCash without giving it a filename, it will
open the last file you opened before.
