date stuff in gnucash

Gary E. Bickford
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 12:21:48 -0800

I've been using the datebook on my Palm Pilot, which also works with the Gnome Calendar.  Its date system works well.  One can
set, for example, a 'weekly' event which occurs on Mon, Wed, Fri.

Which brings up the issue of integration with other parts of the Gnome desktop, GNUCash being a Gnome app and all.  Is it in
the plan to work with GnomeCal and GnomeCard, for instance have a notice that it's time to write the rent check appear in
GnomeCal, and have check addressees put in or taken from the GnomeCard address database?  Or, less integrated, have a periodic
update between the two address databases so we don't have to maintain separate datasets?  On Linux, I suppose that if both
supported LDAP it would be relatively straightforward, and could even integrate with the Netscape address book..