Financial library
Christopher Browne
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 09:01:01 -0600
On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 12:05:03 +1100, the world broke into rejoicing as
Robert Graham Merkel <> said:
> I also agree that a shared financial library would be an excellent
> idea.
> Is there any other project that might get on board, or should we just
> get going and if we start producing something good other people can
> get involved as they see fit?
What is to be the nature of this "financial library"?
Should there not be some specs of what it is to provide as services?
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "") <>
"I can't believe my room doesn't have Ethernet! Why wasn't it wired
when the house was built?"
"The house was built in 1576."
-- Alex Kamilewicz on the Oxford breed of `conference American.'