DB design document
David Merrill
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 23:11:15 -0500
On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 05:43:57PM -0600, Rob Browning wrote:
> Jean-David Beyer <jdbeyer@exit109.com> writes:
> At this point, as I've said, I now tend to think that we should just
> plan to handle encryption/authentication directly by having a
> server-side gnucash daemon.
I think so, too.
> > But even if one could, in confidence, pick one dbms and adopt it
> > without reservation, the discipline of building an API to separate
> > it from the rest of the application generally results in a cleaner,
> > more maintainable system.
The problem is the lack of available generic database interfaces.
Dr. David C. Merrill http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project dmerrill@lupercalia.net
Collection Editor & Coordinator http://www.linuxdoc.org
Finger me for my public key
Three from the hall beneath the tree
Is, Was, and Shall Be
Come Wyrd Sisters swoop to the ground
Loosen the web that binds us down
Join with the hands of the Weavers Three
Is, Was, and Shall Be
-- Beverly Frederick