A few questions about list and multichoice options

Richard -Gilligan- Uschold uschold@cs.ucf.edu
Thu, 02 Nov 2000 17:19:47 +0000

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I have been working on a tax related report and txf export routines.

I began using the multichoice option since I only need to select one
item at a time.  But I have over 100 items and the popup menu runs off
the bottom of the screen and many choices are not visible.  And menus
with more than a couple of dozen items are a bit clunky anyway.

The list option only allows multiple items to be selected, but I need
only one.  Also, the help strings do not pop up in the list box, as they
do for the multichoice option.

A drop down list box might be the best choice here, but I don't see that
one is available to be called from scheme.


1.  Is there a list option with single choice only?

2.  Is there a list option that displays the help strings?

3.  Could the multichoice option be fixed to keep all of the choices on
the screen?

4.  Is there or could there be a drop down list box option?

5.  Is there a way to implement callback functions in scheme for events
such as button clicks, list box selection changes, etc.?

I haven't looked at any of the c code, as I was hoping to do all of this
in scheme, but that may not be possible.


Gilligan            |                    __o           .oooO
                   /|                  _ \<,_          (   )
                  /p|\                (_)/ (_)          \ (   Oooo.
                 /  | \             ------------         \_)  (   )
                ========                                       ) /
                 ========       gilligan@mpinet.net           (_/
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   uschold@cs.ucf.edu

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I have been working on a tax related report and txf export routines.

I began using the multichoice option since I only need to select one item at a time.  But I have over 100 items and the popup menu runs off the bottom of the screen and many choices are not visible.  And menus with more than a couple of dozen items are a bit clunky anyway.

The list option only allows multiple items to be selected, but I need only one.  Also, the help strings do not pop up in the list box, as they do for the multichoice option.

A drop down list box might be the best choice here, but I don't see that one is available to be called from scheme.


1.  Is there a list option with single choice only?

2.  Is there a list option that displays the help strings?

3.  Could the multichoice option be fixed to keep all of the choices on the screen?

4.  Is there or could there be a drop down list box option?

5.  Is there a way to implement callback functions in scheme for events such as button clicks, list box selection changes, etc.?

I haven't looked at any of the c code, as I was hoping to do all of this in scheme, but that may not be possible.


Gilligan            |                    __o           .oooO
                   /|                  _ \<,_          (   )
                  /p|\                (_)/ (_)          \ (   Oooo.
                 /  | \             ------------         \_)  (   )
                ========                                       ) /
                 ========       gilligan@mpinet.net           (_/
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   uschold@cs.ucf.edu