Date format specification in QIF-Import
Dave Peticolas
Wed, 04 Oct 2000 00:18:20 -0700
Christian Stimming writes:
> Hi,
> Was there a discussion whether the date format in the QIF import should
> be chosen by the user or not? I didn't find related postings in the
> archive.
> This is the problem: The QIF import sticks to the US date format
> MM/DD/YY if the QIF contains only ambiguous dates (e.g. 10/1/00 to
> 10/12/00). This is pretty annoying as I regularly import some QIF
> "snippets" from my German online bank which uses the DD.MM.YY format.
> GnuCash offers no means to specify the interpretation of these ambiguous
> date formats. Is that by intention or did just nobody face that problem?
> But it would definitly not be sufficent to make this a global option
> somewhere in the preferences. For example, in addition to QIF snippets
> from my german online bank I have QIF snippets from my US online bank...
> so I really need a way to choose the format on each single import.
> The manual, however, still speaks of two option boxes, one for the
> radix, one the radix and one for the date format. It looks like Bill
> removed those from the UI on 5/30/00, along with a bunch of improvements
> to the qif import. I dig a little through CVS and "recovered" that
> option menu in the QIF Import dialog. If nobody vetoes, I would like to
> submit that patch.
Bill is working on a replacement for that dialog (a druid) that includes
the ability to pick the currency used in the qif.