Memo Field Strange behavior
Dave Peticolas
Mon, 04 Sep 2000 20:30:16 -0700
Terry writes:
> Another quirk I have noticed - duplicate a transaction and edit the memo
> field, then record the edited transaction. Close the register window and open
> the register window for the account on the "other end" of the transation just
> duplicated and edited. The memo field displays in the original unedited form.
> Same transaction. I am using "double line" style in the register window.
> Is this correct behavior? It doesn't seem reasonable to have the memo change
> one account register window and yet not change in the register window for th
> other account?
This it due to the fact that memo fields are associated with splits,
not transactions. The memo field displayed in double-line mode is that
of the split debiting the open account. When you open the 'other end'
you see the memo field of the other split.