Main window - Profits & Assets Currency
Alesh Mustar
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 13:41:54 +0200 (CEST)
The problem was in LC* and LANG, but settings all this to Slovenian, also
changes the whole GNOME env. to Slovene (buttons, etc..) what I don't want
I guess I'll wait that the "improved" panel code from 1.5.0 gets into
1.4.x. When is this planned, if at all?
Thank you for your help,
On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Herbert Thoma wrote:
> Alesh Mustar wrote:
> >
> > I'm replying to you personaly, not to the mailing list, since this might
> > not be in such big interest to others. I will post an answer to my own
> > post once I figure this out.
> >
> > I've looked at the environment variables (via set command) and there are
> > no such variables at all. Distro is Slack 7.0.
> try the command
> locale
> You should get an output like this:
> LANG=de_DE
> LC_CTYPE="de_DE"
> LC_TIME="de_DE"
> Setting LANG to sl_SI should be sufficient to display the
> right currency symbol for you. If this doesn't help, please
> ask again on the list, because I am not an expert on
> internationalization (i18n).
> Herbert.
> PS: There is a Slovenian-HOWTO which addresses Linux localization
> issues specific to Slovenian users:
> --
> Herbert Thoma
> FhG-IIS A, Studio Department
> Am Weichselgarten3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
> Phone: +49-9131-776-323
> Fax: +49-9131-776-399
> email:
> www: