Inventory and payroll
Phillip Shelton
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:01:51 +1000
No, I don't retail any shares.
Whereas the number of items on hand is important to the accounts.
Hmmm, then maybe someone (me? Unfortunatly my home computer, the one I would
do all this on, is still at the repair shop. -And has been for the last
month- :-)) should look at the Stock, Mutual fund account or at least its
documentation if people are still having trouble useing it. And I might say
that as a user that does not yet have access to the software the docs on the
stock, Mutual fund account seem rather thin.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 9:48 AM
Cc: 'John Hasler';
Subject: Re: Inventory and payroll
Phillip Shelton wrote:
> Then maybe you can answer why you keep the _number_ of shares that you own
> in any one company. Because the _number_ of shares is an inventory problem
> not accounting.
Shares are a special simple case, and are easily included in the
accounting program. Being an intangible property which you are not
retailing (presumably :-)) removes a lot of the complexity.
On the other hand, I have 2 retail locations and a storage area, all
carrying slightly different sets of inventory, with different levels at
which they need to be restocked, and different sale prices. That is not
the sort of information you really want cluttering up your accounting
program. Stock location, discounting structures, reorder levels, etc are
irrelevant to the accounts.
Conrad Canterford (
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