Build trouble: missing gnome-printer-profile.h
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 22:23:56 -0600 (MDT)

I had a problem with some .h file when compiling gnome print from source.
The file existed but make install wouldn't move it.  Move'd it by hand
and all was well.

On Sep 22 20:45, Eric Hanchrow <> wrote:
> Subject: Build trouble: missing gnome-printer-profile.h
> I slavishly keep up with Helix Gnome, which may be my undoing -- I
> have Version: 0.23-helix1 of Package: libgnomeprint-dev, and it lacks
> gnome-printer-profile.h.  But alas, src/gnome/print-session.h wants
> it.  Does this mean Gnucash ought to quit using that file, or should I
> revert to a previous version of libgnomeprint-dev?
> --
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